public void createAllLetters()
        Vector3 startPos = originalCard.transform.position; // position of the first card, all cards will be offset from here

        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < letters.Length; i++)

            if (i == 0)
                letter = originalCard;
                letter = Instantiate(originalCard) as initialSounds_settingsMouse;

               // letter = AddCom

            //setLetter from the settingsMouse class, using the sprites provides and creating an id based on the i-iteration
            letter.setLetter(letters[index], i, letters[index].name);
            // allChoices[i] = letter; // add all of the letters into a list
            //print("My Curr Choices: " + theseLetters[i]);
            float posX = startPos.x + (i % gridCols) * offsetX;
            float posY = startPos.y + (int)Mathf.Floor((float)i / gridCols) * -offsetY;
            letter.transform.position = new Vector3(posX, posY, startPos.z); // create a new position based on this offset for the newly instatiated card

            // Center the remaining 4 letters positioning
            if (letters.Length - i < 5)
                posX = startPos.x + (i % gridCols) * offsetX + 4;
                posY = startPos.y + (int)Mathf.Floor((float)i / gridCols) * -offsetY;

            letter.transform.position = new Vector3(posX, posY, startPos.z); // create a new position based on this offset for the newly instatiated card

            //letterAppearance(letter, letters); // call the letterAppearance helper method to change how the letter is displayed if a user has already chosen it


 public void lettersChosen(initialSounds_settingsMouse letter)
     if (!userChoices.Contains(letter.getId()))
         isEmpty = false;
         alreadyChosen = false;
     else if (userChoices.Contains(letter.getId()))
         alreadyChosen = true;
         PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(playerPrefName + letter.getId());
         //Debug.Log("Deleted this key: " + playerPrefName + letter.getId());
         //Debug.Log("Testing if we have this " + userChoices.Contains(letter.getId()));
     else if (userChoices.Count == 0)
         isEmpty = true; // this variable will be passed into the playbutton screen, if it is set to true, do not allow the user to continue to the game screen
    public void createVowels()
        Vector3 startPos = new Vector3(-2.5f, originalCard.transform.position.y, originalCard.transform.position.z); // position of the first card, all cards will be offset from here

        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < vowelLetters.Length; i++)

            if (i == 0)
                letter = originalCard;
                letter = Instantiate(originalCard) as initialSounds_settingsMouse;

            //setLetter from the settingsMouse class, using the sprites provides and creating an id based on the i-iteration
            letter.setLetter(vowelLetters[index], i, vowelLetters[index].name);
                                    //print("My Curr Choices: " + theseLetters[i]);

            float posX = startPos.x + (i % gridCols) * offsetX;
            float posY = startPos.y + (int)Mathf.Floor((float)i / gridCols) * -offsetY;
            letter.transform.position = new Vector3(posX, posY, startPos.z); // create a new position based on this offset for the newly instatiated card

            // Center the remaining 4 letters positioning
            if (letters.Length - i < 5)
                posX = startPos.x + (i % gridCols) * offsetX + 4;
                posY = startPos.y + (int)Mathf.Floor((float)i / gridCols) * -offsetY;

            letter.transform.position = new Vector3(posX, posY, startPos.z); // create a new position based on this offset for the newly instatiated card