Example #1
		public extern static void dRFromEulerAngles( out dMatrix3 R, dReal phi, dReal theta, dReal psi );
Example #2
		public extern static void dRSetIdentity( out dMatrix3 R );
Example #3
		public extern static void dRFromAxisAndAngle( out dMatrix3 R, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az, dReal angle );
Example #4
		public extern static int dBoxTouchesBox( dVector3 _p1, dMatrix3 R1,
			dVector3 side1, dVector3 _p2,
			dMatrix3 R2, dVector3 side2 );
Example #5
		public static extern int dBoxBox( dVector3 p1, dMatrix3 R1,
		 dVector3 side1, dVector3 p2,
		 dMatrix3 R2, dVector3 side2,
		 ref dVector3 normal, ref dReal depth, ref int return_code,
		 int maxc, ref dContactGeom[] contact, int skip );
Example #6
		public extern static void dQtoR( ref dQuaternion q, out dMatrix3 R );
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Given mass parameters for some object, adjust them to represent the object rotated by R relative to the body frame.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mass">A  dMass</param>
 /// <param name="R">A  dMatrix3</param>
 public static void dMassRotate(ref dMass mass, dMatrix3 R)
 { // for compatibility
     dMassRotate(ref mass, R.ToArray());
Example #8
		public extern static void dMassRotate( ref dMass mass, ref dMatrix3 R );
Example #9
		public extern static void dGeomSetRotation( dGeomID geom, ref dMatrix3 R );
Example #10
 public static extern void dBodyCopyRotation(dBodyID body, out dMatrix3 R);
Example #11
		public extern static void dBodySetRotation( dBodyID body, ref dMatrix3 R );
Example #12
 public static extern void dGeomCopyRotation(dGeomID geom, out dMatrix3 R);
Example #13
 public static extern void dGeomCopyOffsetRotation(dGeomID geom, ref dMatrix3 R);
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the rotation matrix of a placeable geom.
 /// This function is analogous to dBodySetRotation.
 /// If the geom is attached to a body, the body's rotation will also be changed.
 /// Calling this function on a non-placeable geom results in a runtime error in the debug build of ODE.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="geom">the geom to set</param>
 /// <param name="R">dMatrix3 containing the new rotation matrix</param>
 public static void dGeomSetRotation(dGeomID geom, dMatrix3 R)
 { // for compatibility
     dGeomSetRotation(geom, R.ToArray());
Example #15
		public extern static void dRFrom2Axes( out dMatrix3 R, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az, dReal bx, dReal by, dReal bz );
Example #16
		public extern static void dGeomSetOffsetWorldRotation( dGeomID geom, dMatrix3 R );
Example #17
		/// <summary>
		/// ODE API compatability function due to dMatrix3 marshalling errors
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="R"></param>
		/// <param name="ax"></param>
		/// <param name="ay"></param>
		/// <param name="az"></param>
		public static void dRFromZAxis( dMatrix3 R, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az )
			dRFromZAxis( R.ToArray(), ax, ay, az );
Example #18
			/// <summary>
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="_mass"></param>
			/// <param name="_c"></param>
			/// <param name="_I"></param>
			public dMass( dReal _mass, dVector3 _c, dMatrix3 _I )
				mass = _mass;
				c = _c;
				I = _I;
Example #19
		public extern static void dRtoQ( ref dMatrix3 R, out dQuaternion q );
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the rotation of the body.
 /// After setting a group of bodies, the outcome of the simulation is undefined if the new configuration
 /// is inconsistent with the joints/constraints that are present.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// For some reason the dMatrix3 does not marshall correctly, so this function
 /// maintains compatibility with the ODE api by converting the supplied dMatrix3 to
 /// and array and passing that to ODE.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="body">the body to set</param>
 /// <param name="R">A  dMatrix3 containing the new rotation matrix</param>
 public static void dBodySetRotation(dBodyID body, dMatrix3 R)
     dBodySetRotation(body, R.ToArray());