Example #1
        //protected coords NearestEnergy(GameState gs, RobotState myself)
        //    int dist = 999999999;
        //    coords cd = new coords();
        //    foreach (Point p in gs.points)
        //    {
        //        if ((p.type == PointType.Energy) && (getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, p.X, p.Y) < dist) && (p.X != rs.Y) && (p.Y != rs.X) && (rs.isAlive == true) && (rs.id != myself.id) && (friends.Contains(rs.name)))
        //        {
        //            cd.X = p.X;
        //            cd.Y = p.Y;
        //            dist = getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, p.X, p.Y);
        //        }

        //    }
        //    return cd;

        protected coords getFurtherEnergy(List <string> friends, GameState gs, RobotState myself)
            int    dist = 0;
            coords cd   = new coords();

            foreach (Point p in gs.points)
                foreach (RobotState rs in gs.robots)
                    if ((p.X == rs.Y) && (p.Y == rs.X) && (friends.Contains(rs.name)))
                        cd.X = p.X;
                        cd.Y = p.Y;
                        dist = getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, p.X, p.Y);
                        if ((p.type == PointType.Energy) && (getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, p.X, p.Y) > dist) && (p.X != rs.Y) && (p.Y != rs.X) && (rs.isAlive == true) && (rs.id != myself.id))
                            cd.X = p.X;
                            cd.Y = p.Y;
                            dist = getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, p.X, p.Y);

Example #2
    IEnumerator move_sprite()
        int total_frame = 29;
        int frame       = 0;

        while (true)
            coords locate = pos[frame] as coords;

            Vector2 size   = new Vector2(locate.x, locate.y);
            Vector2 offset = new Vector2(locate.offsetX, locate.offsetY);

            _obj.renderer.material.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", size);
            _obj.renderer.material.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", offset);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.02F));

            if (frame < total_frame)
                frame = 0;
Example #3
        protected coords getNearestHealth(List <string> friends, GameState gs, RobotState myself)
            int    dist = 999999999;
            coords cd   = new coords();

            foreach (Point p in gs.points)
                foreach (RobotState rs in gs.robots)
                    if ((p.X == rs.Y) && (p.Y == rs.X) && (friends.Contains(rs.name)))
                        cd.X = p.X;
                        cd.Y = p.Y;
                        dist = getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, p.X, p.Y);
                        if ((p.type == PointType.Health) && (getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, p.X, p.Y) < dist) && (p.X != rs.Y) && (p.Y != rs.X) && (rs.isAlive == true) && (rs.id != myself.id))
                            cd.X = p.X;
                            cd.Y = p.Y;
                            dist = getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, p.X, p.Y);
            //if (dist == 999999999)
            //    cd = NearestEnergy(gs, myself);

Example #4
File: CubeGen.cs Project: JvJ/CotWM
 public Vector3 PositionFromIdx(coords tileIndex)
     return new Vector3
         ( BottomLeft.x + cubeSize * (tileIndex.X + 0.5f),
             BottomLeft.y + cubeSize * (tileIndex.X + 0.5f),
Example #5
    // calcula las coordenadas de las casillas adyacentes de una concreta
    // tiene en cuenta no salirse del margen del mapa
    private List <coords> calcAdyacentes(int posX, int posZ, box[,] table)
        dir up    = new dir(0, 1);
        dir down  = new dir(0, -1);
        dir left  = new dir(-1, 0);
        dir right = new dir(1, 0);

        dir[] directions = new dir[4];
        directions[0] = up;
        directions[1] = down;
        directions[2] = left;
        directions[3] = right;

        List <coords> adyacentes = new List <coords>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            coords aux;
            int    nX = posX + directions[i].x_;
            int    nZ = posZ + directions[i].z_;

            if (nX >= 0 && nZ >= 0 && nX < table.GetLength(0) && nZ < table.GetLength(1))
                aux = new coords(nX, nZ);

Example #6
        //method that check is the number you entered is correct or not
        //and handles the cases
        public static void CheckCorrect_Replace(int[,] grid, char input, Button btn, Button[,] array_btn)
            int    number = input - '0'; //converting the char input into a working number
            bool   correct, modifiability;
            coords coordinates = new coords();

            coordinates   = GetCoordinates(btn, array_btn);
            correct       = Checking(coordinates, input.ToString(), array_btn);
            modifiability = ModifiabilityCheck(coordinates, grid);

            if (correct && modifiability)
                array_btn[coordinates.i, coordinates.j].Text = input.ToString();
                grid[coordinates.i, coordinates.j]           = number;

            if (modifiability == false)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a valid area ");
                if (!correct)
                    MessageBox.Show("Number you entered is not correct, try again");
Example #7
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        rb2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();

        TextAsset coord_data = Resources.Load <TextAsset>("144718_1");

        string[] data = coord_data.text.Split(new char[] { '\n' });

        //string[] start_pos = data[1].Split(new char[] { ',' });

        //coords start_coord = new coords();

        //float.TryParse(start_pos[0], out start_coord.x);
        //float.TryParse(start_pos[1], out start_coord.y);

        for (int i = 1; i < data.Length - 1; i++)
            string[] row = data[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });

            coords a = new coords();

            float.TryParse(row[0], out a.x);
            float.TryParse(row[1], out a.y);

Example #8
        /*движение к ближайшей точке*/
        public coords MoveTo(RobotState self, RoundConfig config, coords coords)
            /*максимальная дальность перемещения*/
            int maxdistance = 10 * config.max_speed * self.speed / config.max_health * self.energy / config.max_energy;

            coords NewMoveToPoint = new coords();
            coords finalcoords    = new coords();
            coords testcoords     = new coords();
            int    dx             = coords.x - self.X;
            int    dy             = coords.y - self.Y;
            bool   sw             = false;
            coords sign_cd        = new coords();

            sign_cd.x = Sign(dx);
            sign_cd.y = Sign(dy);

            finalcoords.x = 0;
            finalcoords.y = 0;
            if (TakeDistance(self.X, self.Y, coords.x, coords.y) < maxdistance)
                finalcoords.x = dx;
                finalcoords.y = dy;
                testcoords.x = 0;
                testcoords.y = 0;

                while (pifagor(testcoords.x, testcoords.y) <= maxdistance)
                    if (sw)
                        testcoords.x += sign_cd.x;
                        if (pifagor(testcoords.x, testcoords.y) > maxdistance)
                            finalcoords.x += sign_cd.x;
                        testcoords.y += sign_cd.y;
                        if (pifagor(testcoords.x, testcoords.y) > maxdistance)
                            finalcoords.y += sign_cd.y;
                    sw = !sw;
Example #9
 //method that checks if the number is modifiable or not(if it
 //was already in the matrix before this)
 public static bool ModifiabilityCheck(coords coordinates, int [,] matrix)
     if (matrix[coordinates.i, coordinates.j] != 0)
Example #10
        public static void BackSpaceDel(int[,] matrix, Button btn, Button[,] arr_btn)
            coords coordinates = new coords();

            coordinates = GetCoordinates(btn, arr_btn);
            matrix[coordinates.i, coordinates.j] = 0;
            btn.Text = "";
Example #11
        public coords MoveTo(RobotState self, RoundConfig config, coords coords)
            int maxdistance = 10 * config.max_speed * self.speed / config.max_health * self.energy / config.max_energy;

            coords Move          = new coords();
            coords finalPosition = new coords();
            coords tryPosition   = new coords();
            int    DX            = coords.x - self.X;
            int    DY            = coords.y - self.Y;
            bool   sw            = false;
            coords sign_cd       = new coords();

            sign_cd.x = Sign(DX);
            sign_cd.y = Sign(DY);

            finalPosition.x = 0;
            finalPosition.y = 0;
            if (TakeDistance(self.X, self.Y, coords.x, coords.y) < maxdistance)
                finalPosition.x = DX;
                finalPosition.y = DY;
                tryPosition.x = 0;
                tryPosition.y = 0;

                while (Pifagor(tryPosition.x, tryPosition.y) <= maxdistance)
                    if (sw)
                        tryPosition.x += sign_cd.x;
                        if (Pifagor(tryPosition.x, tryPosition.y) > maxdistance)
                            finalPosition.x += sign_cd.x;
                        tryPosition.y += sign_cd.y;
                        if (Pifagor(tryPosition.x, tryPosition.y) > maxdistance)
                            finalPosition.y += sign_cd.y;
                    sw = !sw;
Example #12
        void Add(List <coords> Coords, int x, int y)
            coords add = new coords((ushort)x, (ushort)y);

            if (!Coords.Contains(add))
Example #13
    void UpdateChunk(object c)
        coords c2 = (coords)c;
        int    i  = c2.i;
        int    j  = c2.j;
        int    k  = c2.k;

Example #14
 bool Contains(List <coords> Coords, coords Check)
     foreach (coords Coord in Coords)
         if (Coord.X == Check.X && Check.Y == Coord.Y)
Example #15
        public static bool Checking(coords coordinates, string text, Button[,] array_btn)
            bool row = true, collumn = true, square = true;

            //checking row
            for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++)
                if (coordinates.j != k)
                    if (array_btn[coordinates.i, k].Text == text)
                        row = false;

            //checking collumn
            for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++)
                if (coordinates.i != k)
                    if (array_btn[k, coordinates.j].Text == text)
                        collumn = false;

            //checking square
            //getting the position of the square
            int ii = (coordinates.i / 3) * 3;
            int jj = (coordinates.j / 3) * 3;

            for (int p = ii; p < ii + 3; p++)
                for (int q = jj; q < jj + 3; q++)
                    if (coordinates.i != p && coordinates.j != q)
                        if (array_btn[p, q].Text == text)
                            square = false;
            return(square & collumn & row);
Example #16
        public void HealGluth(ref WS_Creatures.CreatureObject NPC_Gluth, ref WS_Creatures.CreatureObject Zombie_Chow)
            var Waypoint1 = new coords
                X           = 3304.919922d,
                Y           = 3139.149902d,
                Z           = 296.890015d,
                Orientation = 1.33d

            aiCreature.MoveTo((float)Waypoint1.X, (float)Waypoint1.Y, (float)Waypoint1.Z, (float)Waypoint1.Orientation);
            if (Conversions.ToBoolean(aiCreature.MoveTo((float)Waypoint1.X, (float)Waypoint1.Y, (float)Waypoint1.Z, (float)Waypoint1.Orientation, true)))
                WS_Base.BaseUnit argAttacker = null;
                aiCreature.Heal(50000, Attacker: argAttacker);
Example #17
        //method that receives a button and returns its coordinates
        //within the given matrix
        public static coords GetCoordinates(Button btn, Button[,] btn_array)
            coords coordinates = new coords();

            for (coordinates.i = 0; coordinates.i < 9; coordinates.i++)
                for (coordinates.j = 0; coordinates.j < 9; coordinates.j++)
                    if (btn_array[coordinates.i, coordinates.j] == btn)

            //impossible case
            //MessageBox.Show(coordinates.i.ToString(), coordinates.j.ToString());
Example #18
        protected int getWeakestTarget(List <int> NT, RoundConfig config, GameState gs, RobotState myself)
            int    t  = -1;
            coords cd = new coords();

            int min_def = 999999999;

            foreach (int r in NT)
                if ((myself.attack * myself.energy > gs.robots[r].defence * gs.robots[r].energy) && (gs.robots[r].defence * gs.robots[r].energy < min_def))
                    t       = r;
                    min_def = gs.robots[r].defence * gs.robots[r].energy;

    static void Main()
        var input = "";

        List <coords> listofCords      = new List <coords>();
        int           appleTreesOnLand = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            input = Console.ReadLine();
            string[] tokens = input.Split(' ');
            int      X      = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[0]);
            int      Y      = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]);

            coords xy = new coords(X, Y);

        int   appleTrees = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        float areaOfLand = areaOfTriangle(listofCords[0].x, listofCords[0].y, listofCords[1].x, listofCords[1].y, listofCords[2].x, listofCords[2].y);

        for (int i = 0; i < appleTrees; i++)
            input = Console.ReadLine();
            string[] tokens = input.Split(' ');
            int      px     = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[0]);
            int      py     = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]);

            float p1 = areaOfTriangle(listofCords[0].x, listofCords[0].y, listofCords[1].x, listofCords[1].y, px, py);
            float p2 = areaOfTriangle(listofCords[0].x, listofCords[0].y, listofCords[2].x, listofCords[2].y, px, py);
            float p3 = areaOfTriangle(listofCords[2].x, listofCords[2].y, listofCords[1].x, listofCords[1].y, px, py);
            if (areaOfLand == p1 + p2 + p3)

        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:0.0}", areaOfLand));
Example #20
        protected coords getNearestRobot(List <int> RT, RoundConfig config, GameState gs, RobotState myself)
            coords cd      = new coords();
            int    dist    = 9999999;
            int    id      = -1;
            int    min_def = 999999999;

            foreach (RobotState r in gs.robots)
                if (!RT.Contains(r.id))
                    if ((getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, r.X, r.Y) < dist) && (r.isAlive == true) && (r.id != myself.id) && (myself.attack * myself.energy > r.defence * r.energy) && (r.defence * r.energy < min_def))
                        cd.X    = r.X;
                        cd.Y    = r.Y;
                        dist    = getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, r.X, r.Y);
                        min_def = r.defence * r.energy;

 void Add(List<coords> Coords, int x, int y)
     coords add = new coords((ushort)x, (ushort)y);
     if (!Coords.Contains(add))
 bool Contains(List<coords> Coords, coords Check)
     foreach (coords Coord in Coords)
         if (Coord.X == Check.X && Check.Y == Coord.Y)
             return true;
     return false;
Example #23
File: Maze.cs Project: JvJ/CotWM
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seed">
 /// A <see cref="System.Int32"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A <see cref="Room"/>
 /// </returns>
 public static Maze GrowingTree(int width, int height, int branchRate, bool nDiag, int seed, out coords StartLocation, out coords EndLocation)
     return GrowingTree(width, height, branchRate, nDiag, new System.Random(seed), out StartLocation, out EndLocation);
Example #24
File: Maze.cs Project: JvJ/CotWM
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on the Growing Tree algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="branchRate">
        /// Zero is unbiased, positive will make branches more frequent, negative will cause long passages.
        /// This controls the position in the list chosen: positive makes the start of the list more likely.
        /// Negative makes the end of the list more likely.
        /// Large negative values make the original point obvious.
        /// Try values between -10 and 10.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="rand">
        /// A <see cref="System.Random"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="Room"/>
        /// </returns>
        public static Maze GrowingTree(int width, int height, int branchRate, bool nDiag, System.Random rand, out coords StartLocation, out coords EndLocation)
            // The return value
            Maze ret = new Maze(width, height);

            // Initialize the grid to contain UU tiles
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++){
                    ret[x,y] = MazeTileType.UU;

            // List of coordinates of unexposed but undetermined cells
            var frontier = new List<coords>();

            // Functions

            #region Carve

            // This one makes the cell at (x,y) a space
            Action<int, int> carve
                = (int x, int y ) =>
                var extra = new List<coords>();

                ret[x,y] = MazeTileType.SPACE;

                if (x > 0){
                    if (ret[x-1,y] == MazeTileType.UU){
                        ret[x-1,y] = MazeTileType.XU;
                        extra.Add(new coords(x-1,y));
                if (x < width-1){
                    if (ret[x+1,y] == MazeTileType.UU){
                        ret[x+1,y] = MazeTileType.XU;
                        extra.Add(new coords(x+1,y));
                if (y > 0){
                    if (ret[x,y-1] == MazeTileType.UU){
                        ret[x,y-1] = MazeTileType.XU;
                        extra.Add(new coords(x,y-1));
                if (y < height - 1){
                    if (ret[x,y+1] == MazeTileType.UU){
                        ret[x,y+1] = MazeTileType.XU;
                        extra.Add(new coords(x,y+1));

                // Add the shuffled list to the frontier
                frontier.AddRange(Misc.ShuffleList<coords>(extra, rand));


            #region Harden
            Action<int,int> harden =
                (int x, int y)=>
                ret[x,y] = MazeTileType.WALL;


            #region Check
            // Test cell at (x,y) : can this become a space?
            // True indicates it should become a space, false indicates
            // it should become a wall
            Func<int, int, bool, bool> check =
                (int x, int y, bool nodiagonals) =>
                int edgeState = 0;

                if (x > 0){
                    if (ret[x-1, y] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                        edgeState += 1;
                if (x < width - 1){
                    if (ret[x+1, y] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                        edgeState += 2;
                if (y > 0){
                    if (ret[x, y-1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                        edgeState += 4;
                if (y < height - 1){
                    if (ret[x,y+1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                        edgeState += 8;

                // If this would make a diagonal connection, forbid it
                if (nodiagonals){
                    if (edgeState == 1){
                        if (x < width-1){
                            if (y > 0){
                                if (ret[x+1,y-1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                    return false;
                            if (y < height-1){
                                if (ret[x+1,y+1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                    return false;
                        return true;
                    if (edgeState == 2){
                        if (x > 0){
                            if (y > 0){
                                if (ret[x-1, y-1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                    return false;
                            if (y < height-1){
                                if (ret[x-1,y+1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                    return false;
                        return true;
                    if (edgeState == 4){
                        if (y < height-1){
                            if (x > 0){
                                if (ret[x-1,y+1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                    return false;
                            if (x < width-1){
                                if (ret[x+1,y+1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                    return false;
                        return true;
                    if (edgeState == 8){
                        if (y > 0){
                            if (x > 0){
                                if (ret[x-1, y-1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                    return false;
                            if (x < width-1){
                                if (ret[x+1,y-1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                    return false;
                        return true;

                    return false;
                    if (edgeState == 1 || edgeState == 2 || edgeState == 4 || edgeState == 8){
                        return true;
                    return false;



            // Now that the function definitions are over, the algorithm starts

            // Choose an original point at random and carve it out
            int xChoice = rand.Next(0, width);
            int yChoice = rand.Next(0, height);
            coords tempEnd;
            StartLocation = tempEnd = new coords(xChoice, yChoice);
            carve(xChoice, yChoice);

            while (frontier.Count > 0){
                // Select a random edge
                double pos = rand.NextDouble();
                pos = Math.Pow(pos, Math.Exp(-branchRate));

                int rIdx = (int)(pos * frontier.Count);
                coords choice = frontier[rIdx];

                if (check(choice.X, choice.Y, nDiag)){
                    carve(choice.X, choice.Y);
                    tempEnd = choice;
                    harden(choice.X, choice.Y);


            // Set unexposed cells to be walls
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++){
                    if (ret[x,y] == MazeTileType.UU){
                        ret[x,y] = MazeTileType.WALL;

            EndLocation = tempEnd;

            return ret;
Example #25
        public static void DDALineEx(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, ref List <coords> vctPoint)
            if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1)
            int    dx     = x1 - x0;
            int    dy     = y1 - y0;
            int    abs_dx = Math.Abs(dx);
            int    abs_dy = Math.Abs(dy);
            coords point  = new coords();

            if (abs_dx > abs_dy)
                int _0_5        = abs_dx * (dy > 0 ? 1 : -1);
                int numerator   = dy * 2;
                int denominator = abs_dx * 2;
                if (dx > 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= abs_dx; i++)
                        point   = new coords();
                        point.X = x0 + i;
                        point.Y = y0 + ((numerator * i + _0_5) / denominator);
                else if (dx < 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= abs_dx; i++)
                        point   = new coords();
                        point.X = x0 - i;
                        point.Y = y0 + ((numerator * i + _0_5) / denominator);
                int _0_5        = abs_dy * (dx > 0 ? 1 : -1);
                int numerator   = dx * 2;
                int denominator = abs_dy * 2;
                if (dy > 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= abs_dy; i++)
                        point   = new coords();
                        point.Y = y0 + i;
                        point.X = x0 + ((numerator * i + _0_5) / denominator);
                else if (dy < 0)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= abs_dy; i++)
                        point   = new coords();
                        point.Y = y0 - i;
                        point.X = x0 + ((numerator * i + _0_5) / denominator);
Example #26
File: Room.cs Project: JvJ/CotWM
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m">
        /// A <see cref="Maze"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="rand">
        /// A <see cref="System.Random"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="Room"/>
        /// </returns>
        public static Room ChambersFromMaze(Maze m, ChamberMap cm, System.Random rand, coords StartPosition, coords EndPosition)
            // LEFTOFF: Here!
            Room ret = new Room(m.Width * Chambers.CHAMBER_WIDTH, m.Height  * Chambers.CHAMBER_HEIGHT);

            for (int x = 0; x < m.Width; x++){
                for (int y = 0; y < m.Height; y++){

                    // Select a random chamber type
                    ChamberType ct;

                    if (new coords(x,y) == EndPosition){
                        ct = ChamberType.TYPE_BOSS;
                        ct = (ChamberType)(rand.Next() % (int)ChamberType.NumElements);
                        if (ct == ChamberType.TYPE_BOSS){
                            ct = ChamberType.TYPE_5;

                    cm[x,y] = ct;

                    Room r = Chambers.Rooms(ct).Clone() as Room;

                    case MazeTileType.SPACE:

                        // Handle the door carving
                        // Left and Right
                        if (x > 0){
                            if (m[x-1,y] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                Chambers.LeftDoor(r, TileType.SNOW);
                        if (x < m.Width-1){
                            if (m[x+1,y] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                Chambers.RightDoor(r, TileType.SNOW);
                        // Bottom and Top
                        if (y > 0){
                            if (m[x,y-1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                Chambers.BottomDoor(r, TileType.SNOW);
                        if (y < m.Height-1){
                            if (m[x,y+1] == MazeTileType.SPACE){
                                Chambers.TopDoor(r, TileType.SNOW);

                        ret.CopyRoom(r, x * Chambers.CHAMBER_WIDTH, y * Chambers.CHAMBER_HEIGHT);


            return ret;
Example #27
        public RobotAction Tick(int robotId, RoundConfig config, GameState state)
            coords cd        = new coords();
            coords target_cd = new coords();

            RobotState  self   = state.robots[robotId];
            RobotAction action = new RobotAction();

            List <string> friendRobots = new List <string>()
                "Ryzhov", "Haritonov", "Nikandrov", "Dmitrakov", "Sinyavsky", "Frolov", "Orlov", "Kamshilov"

            int        hp    = self.attack + self.defence + self.speed;
            bool       check = true;
            List <int> NT    = new List <int>();
            List <int> RT    = new List <int>();

            if (round == 4)
                PumpDefence(ref action, self);
                target_cd       = getNearestEnergy(friendRobots, state, self);
                cd              = MotionTo(config, self, target_cd);
                action.targetId = -1;
                action.dX       = cd.X;
                action.dY       = cd.Y;

            if (step >= config.steps - 20)
                target_cd       = getNearestEnergy(friendRobots, state, self);
                cd              = MotionTo(config, self, target_cd);
                action.targetId = -1;
                PumpDefence(ref action, self);
                if (step == config.steps - 1)
                    step   = 0;
                    move   = true;
                    done   = false;
                    ooouch = false;
                if (getAliveRobots(friendRobots, state) == 0)
                    target_cd = getNearestEnergy(friendRobots, state, self);

                    cd = MotionTo(config, self, target_cd);
                    action.targetId = -1;
                    if ((self.energy >= 0.85 * config.max_energy) && (hp >= config.max_health) && (move == true))
                        //PumpAttack(ref action, self);
                        if (check)
                            PumpAttack(ref action, self);
                            if ((self.attack - self.defence >= 20) && (self.attack - self.defence <= 30))
                                check = false;

                        NT = getNearestTargets(friendRobots, config, state, self);
                        if (NT.Count == 0)
                            RT        = getRadiusTargets(friendRobots, config, state, self);
                            target_cd = getNearestRobot(RT, config, state, self);

                            cd = MotionTo(config, self, target_cd);
                            action.targetId = -1;
                            action.targetId = getWeakestTarget(NT, config, state, self);
                        if ((hp < 100) && (ooouch == false))
                            ooouch          = true;
                            target_cd_extra = getFurtherEnergy(friendRobots, state, self);

                        move = false;
                        if ((self.energy <= 999) && (done == false))
                            if (ooouch)
                                cd        = MotionTo(config, self, target_cd_extra);
                                action.dX = cd.X;
                                action.dY = cd.Y;
                                target_cd = getNearestEnergy(friendRobots, state, self);
                                cd        = MotionTo(config, self, target_cd);

                                action.targetId = getWeakestTarget(getNearestTargets(friendRobots, config, state, self), config, state, self);

                            if (self.energy >= 999)
                                done = true;
                            done = true;

                        if ((hp < 100) && (done == true))
                            PumpDefence(ref action, self);
                            target_cd       = getNearestHealth(friendRobots, state, self);
                            cd              = MotionTo(config, self, target_cd);
                            action.targetId = -1;
                            if (hp >= 100)
                                done = false;
                            done = false;

                        if ((self.energy >= 999) && (hp >= 100))
                            move   = true;
                            check  = true;
                            ooouch = false;

            action.dX = cd.X;
            action.dY = cd.Y;
Example #28
        protected coords MotionTo(RoundConfig config, RobotState myself, coords cd)
            coords res_cd = new coords();
            coords try_cd = new coords();

            int max_distance = 10 * config.max_speed * myself.speed / config.max_health * myself.energy / config.max_energy;

            int dx = cd.X - myself.X;

            int dy = cd.Y - myself.Y;

            coords sign_cd = new coords();

            sign_cd.X = Sign(dx);
            sign_cd.Y = Sign(dy);

            res_cd.X = 0;
            res_cd.Y = 0;
            if (getDistance(myself.X, myself.Y, cd.X, cd.Y) < max_distance)
                res_cd.X = dx;
                res_cd.Y = dy;
                try_cd.X = 0;
                try_cd.Y = 0;

                if (dx == 0)
                    res_cd.X = 0;
                    res_cd.Y = sign_cd.Y * max_distance;

                if (dy == 0)
                    res_cd.X = sign_cd.X * max_distance;
                    res_cd.Y = 0;

                bool sw = false;
                while (Pifagor(try_cd.X, try_cd.Y) <= max_distance)
                    if (sw)
                        try_cd.X += sign_cd.X;
                        if (Pifagor(try_cd.X, try_cd.Y) > max_distance)
                            res_cd.X += sign_cd.X;
                        try_cd.Y += sign_cd.Y;
                        if (Pifagor(try_cd.X, try_cd.Y) > max_distance)
                            res_cd.Y += sign_cd.Y;
                    sw = !sw;
Example #29
File: CubeGen.cs Project: JvJ/CotWM
 public Rect rectFromCoords(coords c)
     return new Rect( Chambers.CHAMBER_WIDTH * cubeSize * c.X + BottomLeft.x, Chambers.CHAMBER_HEIGHT * cubeSize * c.Y + BottomLeft.y,
         Chambers.CHAMBER_WIDTH * cubeSize, Chambers.CHAMBER_HEIGHT * cubeSize);
Example #30
        public RobotAction Tick(int robotId, RoundConfig config, GameState state)
            int         MinDistance = 999999;
            coords      PointCoords = new coords();
            RobotState  self        = state.robots[robotId];
            RobotAction action      = new RobotAction();

            // расстояние до енергии
            foreach (Point P in state.points)
                int a = TakeDistance(self.X, self.Y, P.X, P.Y);
                if (P.type == PointType.Energy && (a < MinDistance))
                    MinDistance   = a;
                    PointCoords.x = P.X;
                    PointCoords.y = P.Y;
            coords destination = new coords();

            destination = MoveTo(self, config, PointCoords);

            // расстояние до жизней
            foreach (Point P in state.points)
                int a = TakeDistance(self.X, self.Y, P.X, P.Y);
                if (P.type == PointType.Health && (a < MinDistance))
                    MinDistance   = a;
                    PointCoords.x = P.X;
                    PointCoords.y = P.Y;
            coords destination2 = new coords();

            destination2 = MoveTo(self, config, PointCoords);

            action.dX = destination.x;
            action.dY = destination.y;

            int  maxdefdistance = 10 * config.max_radius * self.speed / config.max_health * self.energy / config.max_energy;
            bool attacked       = false; //under_attack
            int  enemy_id       = -1;

            for (int id = 0; id < state.robots.Count; id++)
                RobotState rstates = state.robots[id];
                if (rstates.name != self.name)
                    int enemy_distance_attack = 10 * config.max_radius * rstates.speed / config.max_health * rstates.energy / config.max_energy;
                    int distance = TakeDistance(self.X, self.Y, rstates.X, rstates.Y);
                    if (distance <= enemy_distance_attack && distance <= maxdefdistance)
                        attacked        = true;
                        enemy_id        = id;
                        action.targetId = enemy_id;

            if ((self.attack + self.defence + self.speed) < 0.4 * config.max_health)
                action.dX = destination2.x;
                action.dY = destination2.y;
            else if (self.energy < 0.4 * config.max_energy)
                action.dX = destination.x;
                action.dY = destination.y;

Example #31
File: CubeGen.cs Project: JvJ/CotWM
    public Vector3 PositionFromIdx(coords subRoomIndex, coords tileIndex)
        Vector2 offset = new Vector2(
            BottomLeft.x + subRoomIndex.X * Chambers.CHAMBER_WIDTH * cubeSize,
            BottomLeft.y + subRoomIndex.Y * Chambers.CHAMBER_HEIGHT * cubeSize);

        return new Vector3(
            offset.x + cubeSize * (tileIndex.X + 0.5f),
            offset.y + cubeSize * (tileIndex.Y + 0.5f),
Example #32
 public static void DDALineEx(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, ref List<coords> vctPoint)
     if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1)
     int dx = x1 - x0;
     int dy = y1 - y0;
     int abs_dx = Math.Abs(dx);
     int abs_dy = Math.Abs(dy);
     coords point = new coords();
     if (abs_dx > abs_dy)
         int _0_5 = abs_dx * (dy > 0 ? 1 : -1);
         int numerator = dy * 2;
         int denominator = abs_dx * 2;
         if (dx > 0)
             for (int i = 1; i <= abs_dx; i++)
                 point = new coords();
                 point.X = x0 + i;
                 point.Y = y0 + ((numerator * i + _0_5) / denominator);
         else if (dx < 0)
             for (int i = 1; i <= abs_dx; i++)
                 point = new coords();
                 point.X = x0 - i;
                 point.Y = y0 + ((numerator * i + _0_5) / denominator);
         int _0_5 = abs_dy * (dx > 0 ? 1 : -1);
         int numerator = dx * 2;
         int denominator = abs_dy * 2;
         if (dy > 0)
             for (int i = 1; i <= abs_dy; i++)
                 point = new coords();
                 point.Y = y0 + i;
                 point.X = x0 + ((numerator * i + _0_5) / denominator);
         else if (dy < 0)
             for (int i = 1; i <= abs_dy; i++)
                 point = new coords();
                 point.Y = y0 - i;
                 point.X = x0 + ((numerator * i + _0_5) / denominator);
Example #33
File: CubeGen.cs Project: JvJ/CotWM
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // :o How selfish!!!
        Singleton = this;

        TextAsset t = Resources.Load(textFile) as TextAsset;

        //Room r = Room.FromString(t.text);



        //Room r = Room.ChambersGen0(width, height, numRooms);

        coords start = new coords();
        coords end = new coords();

        Maze m = Maze.GrowingTree(width, height, branchRate, noDiagonals, out start, out end);

        gameChambers = new ChamberMap(m.Width, m.Height);

        gameMaze = m;

        Room r = Room.ChambersFromMaze(m, gameChambers, new System.Random(), start, end);

        gameMap = r;

        MakeRoom(r, new System.Random());

        if (roomControls[start.X, start.Y].PlayerStart != null){
            player.transform.position = roomControls[start.X, start.Y].PlayerStart.transform.position;
            player.transform.position = new Vector3(
                                                BottomLeft.x + ((start.X + 0.5f) * Chambers.CHAMBER_WIDTH * cubeSize),
                                                BottomLeft.y + ((start.Y + 0.5f) * Chambers.CHAMBER_HEIGHT * cubeSize),
        if (firstEnemy != null){
            firstEnemy.transform.position = new Vector3(
                                                    BottomLeft.x + ((start.X + 0.5f) * Chambers.CHAMBER_WIDTH * cubeSize),
                                                    BottomLeft.y + ((start.Y + 0.2f) * Chambers.CHAMBER_HEIGHT * cubeSize),

        // OK SO!
        // Before the game starts, turn off all rooms
        for (int x = 0; x < roomControls.GetLength(0); x++){
            for (int y = 0; y < roomControls.GetLength(1); y++){
                if (roomControls[x,y] != null){

        // Temporary!
        // Output the maze and the room to files

        /*System.IO.File.WriteAllText("mazeText.txt", m.ToString());
        System.IO.File.WriteAllText("levelText.txt", r.ToString());*/
Example #34
File: CubeGen.cs Project: JvJ/CotWM
 public intRect SubRoomRect(coords position)
     return new intRect(position.X * Chambers.CHAMBER_WIDTH, position.Y * Chambers.CHAMBER_HEIGHT,
         Chambers.CHAMBER_WIDTH, Chambers.CHAMBER_HEIGHT);
Example #35
File: CubeGen.cs Project: JvJ/CotWM
 public Room SubRoom(coords position)
     return gameMap.Slice(SubRoomRect(position));