Example #1
            public map_square(control_node i_topleft, control_node i_topright, control_node i_bottomright, control_node i_bottomleft)
                topleft     = i_topleft;
                topright    = i_topright;
                bottomleft  = i_bottomleft;
                bottomright = i_bottomright;

                centretop    = topleft.right;
                centreright  = bottomright.above;
                centrebottom = bottomleft.right;
                centreleft   = bottomleft.above;

                if (topleft.active)
                    configuration += 8;
                if (topright.active)
                    configuration += 4;
                if (bottomright.active)
                    configuration += 2;
                if (bottomleft.active)
                    configuration += 1;
Example #2
            public square_grid(int[,] map, int square_size)
                int nodecountX = map.GetLength(0);
                int nodecountY = map.GetLength(1);

                float mapwidth = nodecountX * square_size;
                float mapheight = nodecountY * square_size;
                int   i, j;

                control_node[,] the_controlnodes = new control_node[nodecountX, nodecountY];
                // set the control nodes
                for (int x = 0; x < nodecountX; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < nodecountY; y++)
                        double pos_x = -(mapwidth / 2) + (x * square_size) + (square_size / 2);
                        double pos_y = -(mapheight / 2) + (y * square_size) + (square_size / 2);              // -mapheight/2 is orgin

                        the_controlnodes[x, y] = new control_node(pos_x, pos_y, map[x, y] == 1, square_size); // active only if solid

                // Re-initialize the list
                all_nodes    = new List <map_node>();
                all_triangle = new List <map_triangle>();
                border_nodes = new List <map_node>();
                border_edges = new List <map_edge>();

                the_squares = new map_square[nodecountX - 1, nodecountY - 1];
                // set the squares
                for (int x = 0; x < nodecountX - 1; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < nodecountY - 1; y++)
                        the_squares[x, y] = new map_square(the_controlnodes[x, y + 1], the_controlnodes[x + 1, y + 1], the_controlnodes[x + 1, y], the_controlnodes[x, y]);
                        triangulate_square(the_squares[x, y]);

                //List<map_node> temp_border_nodes = new List<map_node>();
                List <map_edge> temp_border_edges = new List <map_edge>();

                // Set the border edges
                for (i = 0; i < all_triangle.Count; i++)
                    bool edge1_found = false;
                    bool edge2_found = false;
                    bool edge3_found = false;

                    for (j = 0; j < all_triangle.Count; j++)
                        if (i == j)

                        // Edge 1
                        if ((all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_0 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_1) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_1 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_2) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_2 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_0) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_1 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_0) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_2 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_1) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_0 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_2))
                            edge1_found = true;

                        // Edge 2
                        if ((all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_0 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_1) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_1 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_2) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_2 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_0) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_1 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_0) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_2 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_1) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_1 == all_triangle[j].index_0 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_2))
                            edge2_found = true;

                        // Edge 3
                        if ((all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_0 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_1) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_1 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_2) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_2 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_0) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_1 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_0) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_2 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_1) ||
                            (all_triangle[i].index_2 == all_triangle[j].index_0 &&
                             all_triangle[i].index_0 == all_triangle[j].index_2))
                            edge3_found = true;

                        if (edge1_found == true && edge2_found == true && edge3_found == true)
                            break; // exit the loop if all the edges are connected to some other triangle

                    if (edge1_found == false)
                        temp_border_edges.Add(new map_edge(all_triangle[i].index_0, all_triangle[i].index_1));

                    if (edge2_found == false)
                        temp_border_edges.Add(new map_edge(all_triangle[i].index_1, all_triangle[i].index_2));

                    if (edge3_found == false)
                        temp_border_edges.Add(new map_edge(all_triangle[i].index_2, all_triangle[i].index_0));

                // Remove the colinear nodes
                //List<map_edge> temp_border_edges = new List<map_edge>();
                //foreach (map_edge ed in temp_border_edges)
                //    border_edges.Add(ed);

                //// _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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                List <map_edge> temp_border_edges_0 = new List <map_edge>(); // border edge sub list 1

                temp_border_edges_0.Add(temp_border_edges[0]);               // add the first edges
                while (temp_border_edges.Count > 0)
                    // step 1 is to find a sublist of edges with same slope
                    List <map_edge> temp_border_edges_1 = new List <map_edge>(); // border edge sub list 2
                    temp_border_edges_1.AddRange(temp_border_edges.FindAll(obj => compare_slope(temp_border_edges_0[0], obj) == true));
                    temp_border_edges_1.Remove(temp_border_edges_0[0]);          //Remove the only duplicate

                    // step 2 is to find the connected edges
                    j = 0;
                    while (temp_border_edges_1.Count > 0) // Exit if there is no edges with the same slope
                        List <map_edge> temp_border_edges_2 = new List <map_edge>();

                        for (i = j; i < temp_border_edges_0.Count; i++)
                            // find the connectivity to first list
                            temp_border_edges_2.AddRange(temp_border_edges_1.FindAll(obj => obj.is_connected_to(temp_border_edges_0[i]) == true));

                        // j is the variable to avoid checking the same edges again and again
                        j = temp_border_edges_0.Count;

                        if (temp_border_edges_2.Count == 0) // Exit if no connected edge is found

                        // add the new found edges to the list

                        // Remove from the first list  (where the slope is identical)
                        foreach (map_edge ed in temp_border_edges_2)

                    // create a temporary border node list
                    List <map_node> temp_border_nodes = new List <map_node>();
                    foreach (map_edge ed in temp_border_edges_0)
                        temp_border_edges.Remove(ed); // Remove from the master edge list
                                                      // Also add the nodes to a new list
                        if (temp_border_nodes.Exists(obj => obj.Equals(all_nodes[ed.index_0])) == false)
                        if (temp_border_nodes.Exists(obj => obj.Equals(all_nodes[ed.index_1])) == false)

                    // sort the border nodes
                    temp_border_nodes = temp_border_nodes.OrderBy(obj => obj.x).ThenBy(obj => obj.y).ToList(); // first by x and then by y

                    // now the first and last nodes are the final result (intermediate nodes are not required)
                    if (border_nodes.Exists(obj => obj.Equals(temp_border_nodes[0])) == false)
                    if (border_nodes.Exists(obj => obj.Equals(temp_border_nodes[temp_border_nodes.Count - 1])) == false)
                        border_nodes.Add(temp_border_nodes[temp_border_nodes.Count - 1]);

                    border_edges.Add(new map_edge(temp_border_nodes[0].vertex_index, temp_border_nodes[temp_border_nodes.Count - 1].vertex_index));

                    if (temp_border_edges.Count > 0)
                        // renew the border edge sub list 1
                        temp_border_edges_0 = new List <map_edge>();   // border edge sub list 1
                        temp_border_edges_0.Add(temp_border_edges[0]); // add the first edges
                //// _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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