internal override void processCollision( btCollisionObjectWrapper body0Wrap
			, ref btTransform body0Transform
			, btCollisionObjectWrapper body1Wrap
			, ref btTransform body1Transform
			, btDispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, btManifoldResult resultOut )

			btCollisionObjectWrapper col0ObjWrap = body0Wrap;
			btCollisionObjectWrapper col1ObjWrap = body1Wrap;

			Debug.Assert( col0ObjWrap.getCollisionShape().isCompound() );
			Debug.Assert( col1ObjWrap.getCollisionShape().isCompound() );
			btCompoundShape compoundShape0 = (btCompoundShape)( col0ObjWrap.getCollisionShape() );
			btCompoundShape compoundShape1 = (btCompoundShape)( col1ObjWrap.getCollisionShape() );

			btDbvt tree0 = compoundShape0.getDynamicAabbTree();
			btDbvt tree1 = compoundShape1.getDynamicAabbTree();
			if( tree0 == null || tree1 == null )
				base.processCollision( body0Wrap, ref body0Transform, body1Wrap, ref body1Transform, dispatchInfo, resultOut );
			///btCompoundShape might have changed:
			////make sure the internal child collision algorithm caches are still valid
			if( ( compoundShape0.getUpdateRevision() != m_compoundShapeRevision0 ) || ( compoundShape1.getUpdateRevision() != m_compoundShapeRevision1 ) )
				///clear all
				m_compoundShapeRevision0 = compoundShape0.getUpdateRevision();
				m_compoundShapeRevision1 = compoundShape1.getUpdateRevision();


			///we need to refresh all contact manifolds
			///note that we should actually recursively traverse all children, btCompoundShape can nested more then 1 level deep
			///so we should add a 'refreshManifolds' in the btCollisionAlgorithm
				int i;
				btManifoldArray manifoldArray = new btManifoldArray();
				btSimplePairArray pairs = m_childCollisionAlgorithmCache.getOverlappingPairArray();
				for( i = 0; i < pairs.Count; i++ )
					if( pairs[i].m_userPointer != null )
						btCollisionAlgorithm algo = (btCollisionAlgorithm)pairs[i].m_userPointer;
						algo.getAllContactManifolds( manifoldArray );
						for( int m = 0; m < manifoldArray.Count; m++ )
							if( manifoldArray[m].m_cachedPoints != 0 )
								resultOut.setPersistentManifold( manifoldArray[m] );
								resultOut.setPersistentManifold( null );
						manifoldArray.Count =( 0 );

			btCompoundCompoundLeafCallback callback = new btCompoundCompoundLeafCallback
				( col0ObjWrap, col1ObjWrap,this.m_dispatcher, dispatchInfo, resultOut, this.m_childCollisionAlgorithmCache, m_sharedManifold);

			btTransform xform; body0Transform.inverseTimes( ref body1Transform, out xform );
			MycollideTT( tree0.m_root, tree1.m_root, ref xform, callback );

			//Console.WriteLine("#compound-compound child/leaf overlap =%d                      \r",callback.m_numOverlapPairs);

			//remove non-overlapping child pairs

				Debug.Assert( m_removePairs.Count == 0 );

				//iterate over all children, perform an AABB check inside ProcessChildShape
				btSimplePairArray pairs = m_childCollisionAlgorithmCache.getOverlappingPairArray();

				int i;
				//btManifoldArray manifoldArray;

				btVector3 aabbMin0, aabbMax0, aabbMin1, aabbMax1;

				for( i = 0; i < pairs.Count; i++ )
					if( pairs[i].m_userPointer != null )
						btCollisionAlgorithm algo = (btCollisionAlgorithm)pairs[i].m_userPointer;

							btCollisionShape childShape0 = null;

							btTransform newChildWorldTrans0;
							//btTransform orgInterpolationTrans0;
							childShape0 = compoundShape0.getChildShape( pairs[i].m_indexA );
							//orgInterpolationTrans0 = col0ObjWrap.m_worldTransform;
							btTransform childTrans0 = compoundShape0.getChildTransform( pairs[i].m_indexA );
							body0Transform.Apply( ref childTrans0, out newChildWorldTrans0 );
							childShape0.getAabb( ref newChildWorldTrans0, out aabbMin0, out aabbMax0 );

							btCollisionShape childShape1 = null;
							btTransform newChildWorldTrans1;

							childShape1 = compoundShape1.getChildShape( pairs[i].m_indexB );
							btTransform childTrans1 = compoundShape1.getChildTransform( pairs[i].m_indexB );
							body1Transform.Apply( ref childTrans1, out newChildWorldTrans1 );
							childShape1.getAabb( ref newChildWorldTrans1, out aabbMin1, out aabbMax1 );

						if( !btAabbUtil.TestAabbAgainstAabb2( ref aabbMin0, ref aabbMax0, ref aabbMin1, ref aabbMax1 ) )
							m_dispatcher.freeCollisionAlgorithm( algo );
							m_removePairs.Add( new btSimplePair( pairs[i].m_indexA, pairs[i].m_indexB ) );
				for( i = 0; i < m_removePairs.Count; i++ )
					m_childCollisionAlgorithmCache.removeOverlappingPair( m_removePairs[i].m_indexA, m_removePairs[i].m_indexB );

		static void MycollideTT( btDbvt.btDbvtNode root0,
										  btDbvt.btDbvtNode root1,
										  ref btTransform xform,
										  btCompoundCompoundLeafCallback callback )

			if( root0 != null && root1 != null )
				int depth = 1;
				int treshold = btDbvt.DOUBLE_STACKSIZE - 4;
				btList<btDbvt.sStkNN> stkStack = new btList<btDbvt.sStkNN>( btDbvt.DOUBLE_STACKSIZE );
				stkStack[0].Initialize( root0, root1 );
					btDbvt.sStkNN p = stkStack[--depth];
					if( MyIntersect( p.a.volume, p.b.volume, ref xform ) )
						if( depth > treshold )
							stkStack.Capacity = ( stkStack.Count * 2 );
							treshold = stkStack.Count - 4;
						if( p.a.IsInternal() )
							if( p.b.IsInternal() )
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children0, p.b._children0 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children1, p.b._children0 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children0, p.b._children1 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children1, p.b._children1 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children0, p.b );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a._children1, p.b );
							if( p.b.IsInternal() )
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a, p.b._children0 );
								stkStack[depth++].Initialize( p.a, p.b._children1 );
								callback.Process( p.a, p.b );
				} while( depth != 0 );