Example #1
File: tests.cs Project: nronne/ppnm
    public static int solverTest(double eps)
        int success = 0;

        Write("\n ===== Solver Test =====\n");
        Write("Performed by calculating the difference: Ax - b = 0. \n");

        for (int i = 2; i < 6; i++)
            matrix A    = rndMat.randomMatrix(i, i);
            vector b    = rndMat.randomVector(i);
            var    gkl  = new bidiag(A);
            vector diff = A * gkl.solver(b) - b;
            for (int m = 0; m < i; m++)
                if (Abs(diff[m]) > eps)
                    success = 1;

        if (success == 0)
            Write("Solver test PASSED!\n");
            Write("Solver test FAILED!\n");
Example #2
    public static void Main()
        matrix A = rndMat.randomMatrix(5, 3);

        Write("Example of Golub-Kahan-Lanczos bidiagonalization on tall matrix:\n");
        Write("The matrix A is written as A = UBV^T. Example for random A given as:\n");
        A.print("A =");
        var gkl = new bidiag(A);

        Write("The found matrix U and V are: \n");
        gkl.U.print("\n U = ");
        gkl.V.print("\n V = ");

        matrix B_calc = gkl.U.transpose() * A * gkl.V;

        Write("The bidiogonal matrix calculated via U and V, and directly from the method is given below: \n");
        B_calc.print("\n U^T * A * V = ");
        gkl.B.print("\n B = ");

        Write("The difference between A and the representation of A through B:\n");
        (A - gkl.U * gkl.B * gkl.V.transpose()).print("\n 0 = A - U*B*V^T =");

        Write("\n Use bidiagonalization to solve Ax=b equation for square random matrix matrix A:\n");
        A = rndMat.randomMatrix(3, 3);
        A.print("A = ");
        Write("With random vector b:\n");
        vector b = rndMat.randomVector(3);

        b.print("b =");
        gkl = new bidiag(A);
        vector x = gkl.solver(b);

        Write("Solution to equation:\n");
        x.print("x =");
        vector diff = A * x - b;

        Write("Check if solution is correct: \n");
        diff.print("0 = A*x - b =");

        Write("\n Determinant (found as product of diagonal of B) and inverse:\n");
        Write($"|Det(A)| = {gkl.determinant()}\n");
        gkl.inverse().print("A^-1 = ");
        Write("Check if inverse is correct: \n");
        (gkl.inverse() * A).print("1 = A^-1 * A = ");

        int    success = 0;
        double eps     = 1e-7;

        success  = tests.differenceTest(eps);
        success += tests.solverTest(eps);
        success += tests.inverseTest(eps);

        Write("\n ===== Tests result =====\n");
        if (success == 0)
            Write("All test PASSED! \n");
            Write("One or several test FAILED! \n");
    } //Main