/// <summary>
    /// Creates new XML document for columns.
    /// </summary>
    protected void CreateXML()
        string[,] changed = null;

        XmlDocument xmlDoc  = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNode     xmlRoot = xmlDoc.CreateElement("columns");


        for (int i = 0; i < ItemSelection1.RightColumListBox.Items.Count; i++)
            bool isChanged = false;

            if (SearchInSelected(Convert.ToInt32(ItemSelection1.RightColumListBox.Items[i].Value)) >= 0)
                isChanged = true;

                changed = SearchInChangedColumnsById(Convert.ToInt32(ItemSelection1.RightColumListBox.Items[i].Value));

                if (changed == null)
                    isChanged = false;

            XmlElement xmlColumn = xmlDoc.CreateElement("column");

            // Prepare attributes for "column" node
            var attributes = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "name", ItemSelection1.RightColumListBox.Items[i].Text },
                { "header", (isChanged ? changed[0, 2] : String.Empty) },
                { "type", ((isChanged) && (changed[0, 3] != null && changed[0, 3].EqualsCSafe("link", true)) ? "link" : "bound") }



        hdnSelectedColumns.Value = xmlDoc.ToFormattedXmlString(true);
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates parameters collection of parameters and values according to the values of the inner controls.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="config">Parameters collection</param>
    private string UpdateConfiguration(XmlDocument config)
        // Create proper XML structure
        config.LoadXml("<AutoResize><autoresize /><autoresize_width /><autoresize_height /><autoresize_maxsidesize /></AutoResize>");

        XmlNode nodeAutoresize       = config.SelectSingleNode("AutoResize/autoresize");
        XmlNode nodeAutoresizeWidth  = config.SelectSingleNode("AutoResize/autoresize_width");
        XmlNode nodeAutoresizeHeight = config.SelectSingleNode("AutoResize/autoresize_height");
        XmlNode nodeAutoresizeMax    = config.SelectSingleNode("AutoResize/autoresize_maxsidesize");

        // Save custom settings
        if (drpSettings.SelectedValue == "custom")
            nodeAutoresize.InnerText = "custom";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtWidth.Text.Trim()))
                nodeAutoresizeWidth.InnerText = txtWidth.Text.Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHeight.Text.Trim()))
                nodeAutoresizeHeight.InnerText = txtHeight.Text.Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMax.Text.Trim()))
                nodeAutoresizeMax.InnerText = txtMax.Text.Trim();
        // Save no resize settings
        else if (drpSettings.SelectedValue == "noresize")
            nodeAutoresize.InnerText = "noresize";

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates new XML document for columns.
    /// </summary>
    protected void CreateXML()
        string[,] mChanged = null;

        XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNode xmlRoot = xmldoc.CreateElement("columns");

        for (int i = 0; i < ItemSelection1.RightColumListBox.Items.Count; i++)
            bool mIsChanged = false;

            if (SearchInSelected(Convert.ToInt32(ItemSelection1.RightColumListBox.Items[i].Value)) >= 0)
                mIsChanged = true;

                mChanged = SearchInChangedColumnsById(Convert.ToInt32(ItemSelection1.RightColumListBox.Items[i].Value));

                if (mChanged == null)
                    mIsChanged = false;

            XmlElement xmlColumn = xmldoc.CreateElement("column");

            // Prepare attributes for "column" node
            var attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>
                { "name", ItemSelection1.RightColumListBox.Items[i].Text },
                { "header", (mIsChanged ? mChanged[0, 2] : String.Empty) },
                { "type", ((mIsChanged) && (mChanged[0, 3] != null && mChanged[0, 3].EqualsCSafe("link", true)) ? "link" : "bound") }



        hdnSelectedColumns.Value = xmldoc.ToFormattedXmlString(true);