private void BtnSetShift_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shift shift; DateTime date = dateTimePicker.Value; decimal wage = Convert.ToDecimal(tbWage.Text); int workersNeeded = Convert.ToInt32(tbWorkersNeeded.Text); if (rbMorning.Checked) { shift = Shift.Morning; } else if (rbAfternoon.Checked) { shift = Shift.Afternoon; } else { shift = Shift.Evening; } WorkShift addedShift = new WorkShift(shift, date, wage, workersNeeded); if (!CheckIfExists(addedShift)) { this.shifts.Add(addedShift); this.UpdateListBox(); } else { MessageBox.Show("This shift is already in the list"); } }
private void AuthButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (UserComboBox.SelectedItem is User currentUser) { if (PasswordBox.Password == currentUser.Password) { WorkShift workShift = new WorkShift { UserID = currentUser.ID, Datetime = DateTime.Now }; DbHelper.GetContext().WorkShift.Add(workShift); DbHelper.GetContext().SaveChanges(); OperatorForm operatorForm = new OperatorForm(currentUser); operatorForm.Show(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Неправильные логин или пароль!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Выберите оператора!", "Внимание", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } catch { } }
public Tuple <int, string> StopShift(WorkShift shift) { using (HuboDbContext ctx = new HuboDbContext()) { try { WorkShift currentShift = ctx.WorkShiftSet.Single <WorkShift>(s => s.Id == shift.Id); if (currentShift.isActive == false) { return(Tuple.Create(-1, "Shift has already ended")); } currentShift.EndDate = shift.EndDate; currentShift.EndLocationLat = shift.EndLocationLat; currentShift.EndLocationLong = shift.EndLocationLong; currentShift.EndLocation = shift.EndLocation; currentShift.EndNote = shift.EndNote; currentShift.isActive = false; ctx.Entry(currentShift).State = EntityState.Modified; ctx.SaveChanges(); return(Tuple.Create(1, "Success")); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { return(Tuple.Create(-1, ex.Message)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Tuple.Create(-1, ex.Message)); } } }
/// <summary>Updates the work shift data for this citizen's schedule.</summary> /// <param name="workShift">The citizen's work shift.</param> /// <param name="startHour">The work shift start hour.</param> /// <param name="endHour">The work shift end hour.</param> /// <param name="worksOnWeekends">if <c>true</c>, the citizen works on weekends.</param> public void UpdateWorkShift(WorkShift workShift, float startHour, float endHour, bool worksOnWeekends) { WorkShift = workShift; WorkShiftStartHour = startHour; WorkShiftEndHour = endHour; WorksOnWeekends = worksOnWeekends; }
public Tuple <int, string> StartShift(WorkShift shift) { using (HuboDbContext ctx = new HuboDbContext()) { try { //if (!ctx.DriverSet.Any(d => d.Id == shift.DriverId)) //{ // //Driver ID does not exist // return Tuple.Create(-1, "No Driver exists with the ID = " + shift.DriverId); //} //if (!ctx.CompanySet.Any(c => c.Id == shift.CompanyId)) //{ // return Tuple.Create(-1, "No Company exists with the ID = " + shift.CompanyId); //} //if (ctx.WorkShiftSet.Any(c => c.isActive == true && shift.DriverId == c.DriverId)) //{ // return Tuple.Create(-1, "An active shift already exists"); //} shift.isActive = true; ctx.WorkShiftSet.Add(shift); ctx.SaveChanges(); return(Tuple.Create(shift.Id, "Success")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Tuple.Create(-1, ex.Message)); } } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, Lookout lookout, int s, List <PreferredCompany> pc) { Lookout look = db.Lookouts.Find(id); lookout.LastActive = System.DateTime.Now; db.Entry(look).CurrentValues.SetValues(lookout); db.SaveChanges(); // WorkShift ws = new WorkShift(); // Shift sf = new Shift(); // sf = db.Shifts.Find(s); // ws.Lookout_Id = look.Id; // ws.Shift_Id =; WorkShift ws = db.WorkShifts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Lookout_Id == id); WorkShift wst = new WorkShift(); Shift sf = new Shift(); sf = db.Shifts.Find(s); ws.Shift_Id =; db.Entry(ws).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void AddOrRemoveShift(ShiftType shiftType, bool isToggled) { var workShift = _workShiftsRepository.Get(SelectedDate, shiftType); if (isToggled) { if (workShift == null) { var newWorkShift = new WorkShift { Date = SelectedDate, ShiftType = shiftType }; var inlineCalendarEvent = WorkShiftConverter.ToCalendarInlineEvent(newWorkShift); _workShiftsRepository.Insert(newWorkShift); WorkShifts.Add(inlineCalendarEvent); _workshiftCalendar.Add(newWorkShift, inlineCalendarEvent); } } else { if (workShift != null) { var foundCalendarItem = _workshiftCalendar[workShift]; _workShiftsRepository.Delete(workShift); WorkShifts.Remove(foundCalendarItem); _workshiftCalendar.Remove(workShift); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutWorkShift(Guid id, WorkShift workShift) { if (id != workShift.ShiftId) { return(BadRequest()); } _repoWrapper.WorkShift.Update(workShift); try { await; } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!WorkShiftExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
public IHttpActionResult PutWorkShift(string id, WorkShift workShift) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != workShift.Shift) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(workShift).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!WorkShiftExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public void SaveWorkShift() { try { using (ProxyBE p = new ProxyBE()) { if (parm.WorkShiftID == Guid.Empty) { throw new Exception("请选择对应工序。"); } SaveWorkShiftArgs args = new SaveWorkShiftArgs(); WorkShift workshift = p.Client.GetWorkShift(SenderUser, parm.WorkShiftID); if (workshift == null) { workshift = new WorkShift(); workshift.WorkShiftID = parm.WorkShiftID; } workshift.WorkShiftCode = parm.WorkShiftCode; workshift.WorkShiftName = parm.WorkShiftName; workshift.WorkShiftID = parm.WorkShiftID; workshift.Started = parm.Started; workshift.Ended = parm.Ended; args.WorkShift = workshift; p.Client.SaveWorkShift(SenderUser, args); } WriteSuccess(); } catch (Exception ex) { WriteError(ex.Message, ex); } }
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WorkShift workShift = new WorkShift(); workShift.ID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString()); workShift.ShiftName = txtShiftName.Text; workShift.From = ddlFrom.SelectedValue.ToString(); workShift.To = ddlTo.SelectedValue.ToString(); HttpCookie myCookie = Request.Cookies["user"]; workShift.OperatorID = Convert.ToInt32(myCookie.Values["userid"].ToString()); string[] from = ddlFrom.SelectedValue.ToString().Split(':', '\t'); string[] to = ddlTo.SelectedValue.ToString().ToString().Split(':', '\t'); string diffhoure = (Convert.ToInt32(to[0]) - Convert.ToInt32(from[0])).ToString(); string diffminute = (Convert.ToInt32(to[1]) - Convert.ToInt32(from[1])).ToString(); workShift.Duration = diffhoure + ":" + diffminute; for (int i = 0; i < box2View.Items.Count; i++) { workShift.Emps[i] = Convert.ToInt32(box2View.Items[i].Value.ToString()); } int id = workShift.update(); if (id > 0) { Response.Redirect("~/HR/WorkShifts.aspx?alert=success"); } else { Response.Redirect("~/HR/CreateWorkShifts.aspx?id=0&&alret=notpass"); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the probability whether a citizen with specified age would go out on current time. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="citizenAge">The age of the citizen to check.</param> /// <param name="workShift">The citizen's assigned work shift (or <see cref="WorkShift.Unemployed"/>).</param> /// <param name="needsShopping"><c>true</c> when the citizen needs to buy something; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</param> /// /// <returns>A percentage value in range of 0..100 that describes the probability whether /// a citizen with specified age would go out on current time.</returns> public uint GetGoOutChance(Citizen.AgeGroup citizenAge, WorkShift workShift, bool needsShopping) { if (needsShopping) { return(shoppingChances[(int)citizenAge]); } int age = (int)citizenAge; switch (citizenAge) { case Citizen.AgeGroup.Young: case Citizen.AgeGroup.Adult: switch (workShift) { case WorkShift.Second: return(secondShiftChances[age]); case WorkShift.Night: return(nightShiftChances[age]); default: return(defaultChances[age]); } default: return(defaultChances[age]); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <int> > Put(WorkShift ws) { context.Update(ws); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(ws.Id); }
public void SaveWorkShift(Sender sender, SaveWorkShiftArgs args) { try { using (ObjectProxy op = new ObjectProxy(true)) { WorkShift obj = new WorkShift(); obj.WorkShiftID = args.WorkShift.WorkShiftID; if (op.LoadWorkShiftByWorkShiftID(obj) == 0) { args.WorkShift.Created = DateTime.Now; args.WorkShift.CreatedBy = string.Format("{0}.{1}", sender.UserCode, sender.UserName); args.WorkShift.Modified = DateTime.Now; args.WorkShift.ModifiedBy = string.Format("{0}.{1}", sender.UserCode, sender.UserName); op.InsertWorkShift(args.WorkShift); } else { args.WorkShift.Modified = DateTime.Now; args.WorkShift.ModifiedBy = string.Format("{0}.{1}", sender.UserCode, sender.UserName); op.UpdateWorkShiftByWorkShiftID(args.WorkShift); } op.CommitTransaction(); } } catch (Exception ex) { PLogger.LogError(ex); throw ex; } }
public async Task SeedAsync(DataSeedContext context) { var curCompanies = await _CompaniesRepo.GetListAsync(); var curDepartments = await _DepartmentsRepo.GetListAsync(); var curEmployees = await _EmployeesRepo.GetListAsync(); try { if (curCompanies.Any(x => x.CompanyName == "TestCorp")) { if (curDepartments.Any(x => x.Name == "Admin")) { WorkShift workShift = new WorkShift() { Title = "Morning", StartHour = 0900, EndHour = 1700, //Department = curDepartments.First(x => x.Name == "Admin"), //DepartmentId = curDepartments.First(x => x.Name == "Admin").Id, TenantId = context.TenantId }; await _WorkShiftsRepo.InsertAsync(workShift); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public IHttpActionResult PostWorkShift(WorkShift workShift) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.WorkShifts.Add(workShift); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (WorkShiftExists(workShift.Shift)) { return(Conflict()); } else { throw; } } return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = workShift.Shift }, workShift)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the probability whether a citizen with specified age would go relaxing on current time. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="citizenAge">The age of the citizen to check.</param> /// <param name="workShift">The citizen's assigned work shift (default is <see cref="WorkShift.Unemployed"/>).</param> /// <param name="isOnVacation"><c>true</c> if the citizen is on vacation.</param> /// /// <returns>A percentage value in range of 0..100 that describes the probability whether /// a citizen with specified age would go relaxing on current time.</returns> public uint GetRelaxingChance(Citizen.AgeGroup citizenAge, WorkShift workShift = WorkShift.Unemployed, bool isOnVacation = false) { if (isOnVacation) { return(defaultChances[(int)citizenAge] * 2u); } int age = (int)citizenAge; switch (citizenAge) { case Citizen.AgeGroup.Young: case Citizen.AgeGroup.Adult: switch (workShift) { case WorkShift.Second: return(secondShiftChances[age]); case WorkShift.Night: return(nightShiftChances[age]); default: return(defaultChances[age]); } default: return(defaultChances[age]); } }
public static List <uint> GetWorkersForShift(this Building building, WorkShift shift) { var allWorkers = building.GetAllWorkers(); var totalWorkers = allWorkers.Count; var weekdaySplitPercentage = 60; var weekdayCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((weekdaySplitPercentage / 100f) * totalWorkers); var weekendCount = totalWorkers - weekdayCount; if (totalWorkers > 0) { switch (shift) { case WorkShift.WeekdayDay: return(allWorkers.GetRange(0, weekdayCount)); case WorkShift.WeekendDay: if (weekendCount > 0) { return(allWorkers.GetRange(weekdayCount - 1, weekendCount)); } break; } } return(allWorkers); }
public WorkShiftView(WorkShift model) { Mapper.CreateMap <WorkShift, WorkShiftView>(); Mapper.Map <WorkShift, WorkShiftView>(model, this); this.created = model.created.ToString().Replace('T', ' '); this.updated = model.updated.ToString().Replace('T', ' '); }
public void WorkShiftsWithOnlyLockedAsDifferenceAreNotEqual() { var shift1 = new WorkShift(1, false); var shift2 = new WorkShift(1, true); var actual = shift1.Equals(shift2); Assert.AreEqual(false, actual); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { WorkShift workShift = db.WorkShifts.Find(id); db.WorkShifts.Remove(workShift); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public WorkShiftView(WorkShift model) { Mapper.CreateMap<WorkShift, WorkShiftView>(); Mapper.Map<WorkShift, WorkShiftView>(model, this); this.created = model.created.ToString().Replace('T', ' '); this.updated = model.updated.ToString().Replace('T', ' '); }
/// <summary>Updates the citizen's work shift parameters in the specified citizen's <paramref name="schedule"/>.</summary> /// <param name="schedule">The citizen's schedule to update the work shift in.</param> /// <param name="citizenAge">The age of the citizen.</param> public void UpdateWorkShift(ref CitizenSchedule schedule, Citizen.AgeGroup citizenAge) { if (schedule.WorkBuilding == 0 || citizenAge == Citizen.AgeGroup.Senior) { schedule.UpdateWorkShift(WorkShift.Unemployed, 0, 0, false); return; } ItemClass.Service buildingSevice = buildingManager.GetBuildingService(schedule.WorkBuilding); ItemClass.SubService buildingSubService = buildingManager.GetBuildingSubService(schedule.WorkBuilding); float workBegin, workEnd; WorkShift workShift = schedule.WorkShift; switch (citizenAge) { case Citizen.AgeGroup.Child: case Citizen.AgeGroup.Teen: workShift = WorkShift.First; workBegin = config.SchoolBegin; workEnd = config.SchoolEnd; break; case Citizen.AgeGroup.Young: case Citizen.AgeGroup.Adult: if (workShift == WorkShift.Unemployed) { workShift = GetWorkShift(GetBuildingWorkShiftCount(buildingSevice, buildingSubService)); } workBegin = config.WorkBegin; workEnd = config.WorkEnd; break; default: return; } switch (workShift) { case WorkShift.First when HasExtendedFirstWorkShift(buildingSevice, buildingSubService): workBegin = Math.Min(config.WakeupHour, EarliestWakeUp); break; case WorkShift.Second: workBegin = workEnd; workEnd = 0; break; case WorkShift.Night: workEnd = workBegin; workBegin = 0; break; } schedule.UpdateWorkShift(workShift, workBegin, workEnd, IsBuildingActiveOnWeekend(buildingSevice, buildingSubService)); }
public WorkShift getModel() { var model = new WorkShift(); Mapper.CreateMap<WorkShiftView, WorkShift>(); Mapper.Map<WorkShiftView, WorkShift>(this, model); return model; }
public WorkShift getModel() { var model = new WorkShift(); Mapper.CreateMap <WorkShiftView, WorkShift>(); Mapper.Map <WorkShiftView, WorkShift>(this, model); return(model); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { WorkShift workShift = db.WorkShifts.Find(id); db.WorkShifts.Remove(workShift); db.SaveChanges(); // Redirects to ShowShift with the specified ID. That way you only see the shift you are creating. return(RedirectToAction("ShowShift", "WorkShift", new { id = workShift.ShiftID })); }
// --- WorkShift Functions --- #region WorkShift Functions public async Task CreateWorkShift(WorkShift ws) { var response = await httpService.Post(ControllerURL.urlWorkShift, ws); if (!response.Success) { throw new ApplicationException(await response.GetBody()); } }
public WorkShift GetWorkShift(int workShiftId) { using (HuboDbContext ctx = new HuboDbContext()) { WorkShift currentShift = (from workShift in ctx.WorkShiftSet where workShift.Id == workShiftId select workShift).FirstOrDefault <WorkShift>(); return(currentShift); } }
public ActionResult WorkShiftDetailView(string title) { var objs = new WorkShift().GetObjectsValueFromExpression(x => x.WorkShiftTitle.Equals(title)); if (objs != null && objs.Count > 0) { return(PartialView(objs)); } return(PartialView(new List <WorkShift>())); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Description,Date,StartTime,EndTime,TotalTime,OB1,OB2,FirstSickDay,SickDayTime,VAB")] WorkShift workShift) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(workShift).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(workShift)); }
public IHttpActionResult GetWorkShift(string id) { WorkShift workShift = db.WorkShifts.Find(id); if (workShift == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(workShift)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Description,Date,StartTime,EndTime,TotalTime,OB1,OB2,FirstSickDay,SickDayTime,VAB")] WorkShift workShift) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.WorkShifts.Add(workShift); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(workShift)); }
public WorkShift createWorkShift(WorkShift model) { db.workShifts.Add(model); db.SaveChanges(); return model; }