Example #1
 public static void ThrowIfNaN(this Vector2 vector, string exceptionString)
     if (vector.IsNaN())
         throw new ArithmeticException(exceptionString);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the dimension offset from a point along the dimension line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">Point along the dimension line.</param>
        public void SetDimensionLinePosition(Vector2 point)
            Vector2 dirRef1 = this.endFirstLine - this.startFirstLine;
            Vector2 dirRef2 = this.endSecondLine - this.startSecondLine;
            Vector2 center  = MathHelper.FindIntersection(this.startFirstLine, dirRef1, this.startSecondLine, dirRef2);

            if (Vector2.IsNaN(center))
                throw new ArgumentException("The two lines that define the dimension are parallel.");
            Vector2 dirOffset = point - center;

            this.offset = Vector2.Distance(center, point);
            double cross = Vector2.CrossProduct(dirRef1, dirRef2);

            if (cross < 0)
                Vector2 tmp = this.startFirstLine;
                this.startFirstLine = this.endFirstLine;
                this.endFirstLine   = tmp;

                tmp = this.startSecondLine;
                this.startSecondLine = this.endSecondLine;
                this.endSecondLine   = tmp;

            double crossStart = Vector2.CrossProduct(dirRef1, dirOffset);
            double crossEnd   = Vector2.CrossProduct(dirRef2, dirOffset);

            if (crossStart >= 0 && crossEnd < 0)
            if (crossStart >= 0 && crossEnd >= 0)
                Vector2 tmp = this.startFirstLine;
                this.startFirstLine = this.endFirstLine;
                this.endFirstLine   = tmp;
            if (crossStart < 0 && crossEnd >= 0)
                Vector2 tmp = this.startFirstLine;
                this.startFirstLine = this.endFirstLine;
                this.endFirstLine   = tmp;

                tmp = this.startSecondLine;
                this.startSecondLine = this.endSecondLine;
                this.endSecondLine   = tmp;
            if (crossStart < 0 && crossEnd < 0)
                Vector2 tmp = this.startSecondLine;
                this.startSecondLine = this.endSecondLine;
                this.endSecondLine   = tmp;
        public void Vector2_IsNaN_Test()
            var a = new Vector2(float.NaN, 10);
            var b = new Vector2(10, float.NaN);
            var c = new Vector2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
            var d = new Vector2(10, 10);

        public void Vector2_IsNaN_Test()
            var a = new Vector2(float.NaN, 10);
            var b = new Vector2(10, float.NaN);
            var c = new Vector2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
            var d = new Vector2(10, 10);

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the dimension reference points.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CalculteReferencePoints()
            DimensionStyleOverride styleOverride;

            double  measure = this.Measurement * MathHelper.DegToRad;
            Vector2 center  = this.CenterPoint;

            if (Vector2.IsNaN(center))
                throw new ArgumentException("The two lines that define the dimension are parallel.");

            double  startAngle = Vector2.Angle(center, this.endFirstLine);
            double  midRot     = startAngle + measure * 0.5;
            Vector2 midDim     = Vector2.Polar(center, this.offset, midRot);

            this.defPoint           = this.endSecondLine;
            this.arcDefinitionPoint = midDim;

            if (this.TextPositionManuallySet)
                DimensionStyleFitTextMove moveText = this.Style.FitTextMove;
                if (this.StyleOverrides.TryGetValue(DimensionStyleOverrideType.FitTextMove, out styleOverride))
                    moveText = (DimensionStyleFitTextMove)styleOverride.Value;

                if (moveText == DimensionStyleFitTextMove.BesideDimLine)
                    this.SetDimensionLinePosition(this.textRefPoint, false);
                double textGap = this.Style.TextOffset;
                if (this.StyleOverrides.TryGetValue(DimensionStyleOverrideType.TextOffset, out styleOverride))
                    textGap = (double)styleOverride.Value;
                double scale = this.Style.DimScaleOverall;
                if (this.StyleOverrides.TryGetValue(DimensionStyleOverrideType.DimScaleOverall, out styleOverride))
                    scale = (double)styleOverride.Value;

                double gap = textGap * scale;
                this.textRefPoint = midDim + gap * Vector2.Normalize(midDim - center);
Example #6
        protected override void Manipulate()
            Vector3 center = (FirstGrabbingHand.transform.position + SecondGrabbingHand.transform.position) / 2f;
            Vector3 offset = TargetTransform.position - center;

            float currentDistance = Vector3.Distance(FirstGrabbingHand.transform.position,
            float multiplier = currentDistance / _priorDistance;
            multiplier = Mathf.Clamp(multiplier, .5f, 1.5f);
            if (_exponentialScaling)
                multiplier = Mathf.Pow(multiplier, _gammaScalePower);

            RectTransform rectTransform = TargetTransform as RectTransform;
            if (rectTransform != null && _scaleSizeDelta)
                Vector2 newSize = rectTransform.sizeDelta * multiplier;
                if (newSize.IsNaN())
                if (newSize.x < _maxSize.x && newSize.y < _maxSize.y && newSize.x > _minSize.x && newSize.y > _minSize.y)
                    rectTransform.sizeDelta = newSize;
                    Move(center + (offset * multiplier));
                Vector3 newScale = TargetTransform.localScale * multiplier;
                if (newScale.IsNaN())
                if (newScale.x < _maxSize.x && newScale.y < _maxSize.y && newScale.x > _minSize.x && newScale.y > _minSize.y)
                    TargetTransform.localScale = newScale;
                    Move(center + (offset * multiplier));

            _priorDistance = currentDistance;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Clamps the camera to a specified range. If the ClampToMap field is set, the range will be dimensions of the active map.
        /// Otherwise, it will use the Vector2 CameraClampRange. If CameraClampRange is not set, it will be unbounded.
        /// </summary>
        public Vector2 CameraClamp(Vector2 position)
            // If the clamp variables aren't set, literally have the clamp value be unbounded.
            var cameraMax = new Vector2(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue);

            if (_clampToMap)
                cameraMax = new Vector2(scene.Map.Width - (_viewportWidth / Zoom / 2), scene.Map.Height - (_viewportHeight / Zoom / 2));
            if (!_clampToMap && !_clampRange.IsNaN())
                cameraMax = new Vector2(_clampRange.X / Zoom / 2, _clampRange.Y / Zoom / 2);
                                 new Vector2(_viewportWidth / Zoom / 2, _viewportHeight / Zoom / 2),
Example #8
    public override Vector3 PickPosition(bool local = false)
        // Get the appropriate bounding rect values, local or not
        Bounds bounds = collider2D.bounds;

        if (local)
            bounds.min = transform.InverseTransformPoint(bounds.min);
            bounds.max = transform.InverseTransformPoint(bounds.max);
        Vector2 pos = MathUtils.NaNVector2;

        // Pick a position in the bounding rect, check if it's in the area
        // If it's not, keep trying until it is
        while (pos.IsNaN())
            Vector2 posAttempt = new Vector2(Random.Range(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.x), Random.Range(bounds.min.y, bounds.max.y));
            if (IsInArea(posAttempt, local))
                pos = posAttempt;
Example #9
        private void SetDimensionLinePosition(Vector2 point, bool updateRefs)
            Vector2 center = this.CenterPoint;

            if (Vector2.IsNaN(center))
                throw new ArgumentException("The two lines that define the dimension are parallel.");

            if (updateRefs)
                double cross = Vector2.CrossProduct(this.EndFirstLine - this.StartFirstLine, this.EndSecondLine - this.StartSecondLine);
                if (cross < 0)
                    Vector2 temp1 = this.startFirstLine;
                    Vector2 temp2 = this.endFirstLine;

                    this.startFirstLine = this.startSecondLine;
                    this.endFirstLine   = this.endSecondLine;

                    this.startSecondLine = temp1;
                    this.endSecondLine   = temp2;

                Vector2 ref1Start = this.StartFirstLine;
                Vector2 ref1End   = this.EndFirstLine;
                Vector2 ref2Start = this.StartSecondLine;
                Vector2 ref2End   = this.EndSecondLine;
                Vector2 dirRef1   = ref1End - ref1Start;
                Vector2 dirRef2   = ref2End - ref2Start;

                Vector2 dirOffset  = point - center;
                double  crossStart = Vector2.CrossProduct(dirRef1, dirOffset);
                double  crossEnd   = Vector2.CrossProduct(dirRef2, dirOffset);

                if (crossStart >= 0 && crossEnd >= 0)
                    this.StartFirstLine  = ref2Start;
                    this.EndFirstLine    = ref2End;
                    this.StartSecondLine = ref1End;
                    this.EndSecondLine   = ref1Start;
                else if (crossStart < 0 && crossEnd >= 0)
                    this.StartFirstLine  = ref1End;
                    this.EndFirstLine    = ref1Start;
                    this.StartSecondLine = ref2End;
                    this.EndSecondLine   = ref2Start;
                else if (crossStart < 0 && crossEnd < 0)
                    this.StartFirstLine  = ref2End;
                    this.EndFirstLine    = ref2Start;
                    this.StartSecondLine = ref1Start;
                    this.EndSecondLine   = ref1End;

            this.offset   = Vector2.Distance(center, point);
            this.defPoint = this.endSecondLine;

            double  measure    = this.Measurement * MathHelper.DegToRad;
            double  startAngle = Vector2.Angle(center, this.endFirstLine);
            double  midRot     = startAngle + measure * 0.5;
            Vector2 midDim     = Vector2.Polar(center, this.offset, midRot);

            this.arcDefinitionPoint = midDim;

            if (!this.TextPositionManuallySet)
                DimensionStyleOverride styleOverride;
                double textGap = this.Style.TextOffset;
                if (this.StyleOverrides.TryGetValue(DimensionStyleOverrideType.TextOffset, out styleOverride))
                    textGap = (double)styleOverride.Value;
                double scale = this.Style.DimScaleOverall;
                if (this.StyleOverrides.TryGetValue(DimensionStyleOverrideType.DimScaleOverall, out styleOverride))
                    scale = (double)styleOverride.Value;

                double gap = textGap * scale;
                this.textRefPoint = midDim + gap * Vector2.Normalize(midDim - center);
Example #10
 public virtual bool Intersects(Line2D line) {
     Vector2 point = IntersectionPoint(line);
     return !point.IsNaN() && !point.IsInfinity();
Example #11
 public virtual bool Intersects(Segment2D segment) {
     Vector2 point = IntersectionPoint(segment);
     return !point.IsNaN() && !point.IsInfinity() && Contains(point) && segment.Contains(point);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves, scales, and/or rotates the current entity given a 3x3 transformation matrix and a translation vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transformation">Transformation matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="translation">Translation vector.</param>
        /// <remarks>Matrix3 adopts the convention of using column vectors to represent a transformation matrix.</remarks>
        public override void TransformBy(Matrix3 transformation, Vector3 translation)
            // NOTE: this is a generic implementation of the ellipse transformation,
            // for non rotated ellipses and/or uniform scaling the code can be simplified

            // rectangle that circumscribe the ellipse
            double semiMajorAxis = this.MajorAxis * 0.5;
            double semiMinorAxis = this.MinorAxis * 0.5;

            Vector2        p1        = new Vector2(-semiMajorAxis, semiMinorAxis);
            Vector2        p2        = new Vector2(semiMajorAxis, semiMinorAxis);
            Vector2        p3        = new Vector2(-semiMajorAxis, -semiMinorAxis);
            Vector2        p4        = new Vector2(semiMajorAxis, -semiMinorAxis);
            List <Vector2> ocsPoints = MathHelper.Transform(new[] { p1, p2, p3, p4 }, this.Rotation * MathHelper.DegToRad, CoordinateSystem.Object, CoordinateSystem.World);

            Vector3        p1Prime   = new Vector3(ocsPoints[0].X, ocsPoints[0].Y, 0.0);
            Vector3        p2Prime   = new Vector3(ocsPoints[1].X, ocsPoints[1].Y, 0.0);
            Vector3        p3Prime   = new Vector3(ocsPoints[2].X, ocsPoints[2].Y, 0.0);
            Vector3        p4Prime   = new Vector3(ocsPoints[3].X, ocsPoints[3].Y, 0.0);
            List <Vector3> wcsPoints = MathHelper.Transform(new[] { p1Prime, p2Prime, p3Prime, p4Prime }, this.Normal, CoordinateSystem.Object, CoordinateSystem.World);

            for (int i = 0; i < wcsPoints.Count; i++)
                wcsPoints[i] += this.Center;

                wcsPoints[i]  = transformation * wcsPoints[i];
                wcsPoints[i] += translation;

            Vector3 newNormal = transformation * this.Normal;

            if (Vector3.Equals(Vector3.Zero, newNormal))
                newNormal = this.Normal;

            List <Vector3> rectPoints = MathHelper.Transform(wcsPoints, newNormal, CoordinateSystem.World, CoordinateSystem.Object);

            // corners of the transformed rectangle that circumscribe the new ellipse
            Vector2 pointA = new Vector2(rectPoints[0].X, rectPoints[0].Y);
            Vector2 pointB = new Vector2(rectPoints[1].X, rectPoints[1].Y);
            Vector2 pointC = new Vector2(rectPoints[2].X, rectPoints[2].Y);
            Vector2 pointD = new Vector2(rectPoints[3].X, rectPoints[3].Y);

            // the new ellipse is tangent at the mid points
            Vector2 pointM = Vector2.MidPoint(pointA, pointB);
            Vector2 pointN = Vector2.MidPoint(pointC, pointD);
            Vector2 pointH = Vector2.MidPoint(pointA, pointC);
            Vector2 pointK = Vector2.MidPoint(pointB, pointD);

            // we need to find a fifth point
            Vector2 origin = Vector2.MidPoint(pointH, pointK);
            Vector2 pointX = Vector2.MidPoint(pointH, origin); // a point along the OH segment

            // intersection line AC and line parallel to BC through pointX
            Vector2 pointY = MathHelper.FindIntersection(pointA, pointC - pointA, pointX, pointC - pointB);

            if (Vector2.IsNaN(pointY))
                Debug.Assert(false, "The transformation cannot be applied.");

            // find the fifth point in the ellipse
            Vector2 pointZ = MathHelper.FindIntersection(pointM, pointX - pointM, pointN, pointY - pointN);

            if (Vector2.IsNaN(pointZ))
                Debug.Assert(false, "The transformation cannot be applied.");

            Vector3 oldNormal   = this.Normal;
            double  oldRotation = this.Rotation * MathHelper.DegToRad;

            if (ConicThroughFivePoints.EllipseProperties(pointM, pointN, pointH, pointK, pointZ, out Vector2 _, out double newSemiMajorAxis, out double newSemiMinorAxis, out double newRotation))
                double axis1 = 2 * newSemiMajorAxis;
                axis1 = MathHelper.IsZero(axis1) ? MathHelper.Epsilon : axis1;
                double axis2 = 2 * newSemiMinorAxis;
                axis2 = MathHelper.IsZero(axis2) ? MathHelper.Epsilon : axis2;

                this.Center    = transformation * this.Center + translation;
                this.MajorAxis = axis1;
                this.MinorAxis = axis2;
                this.Rotation  = newRotation * MathHelper.RadToDeg;
                this.Normal    = newNormal;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves, scales, and/or rotates the current entity given a 3x3 transformation matrix and a translation vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transformation">Transformation matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="translation">Translation vector.</param>
        /// <remarks>Matrix3 adopts the convention of using column vectors to represent a transformation matrix.</remarks>
        public override void TransformBy(Matrix3 transformation, Vector3 translation)
            // NOTE: this is a generic implementation of the ellipse transformation,
            // for non rotated ellipses and/or uniform scaling the code can be simplified

            // rectangle that circumscribe the ellipse
            double semiMajorAxis = this.MajorAxis * 0.5;
            double semiMinorAxis = this.MinorAxis * 0.5;

            Vector2        p1        = new Vector2(-semiMajorAxis, semiMinorAxis);
            Vector2        p2        = new Vector2(semiMajorAxis, semiMinorAxis);
            Vector2        p3        = new Vector2(-semiMajorAxis, -semiMinorAxis);
            Vector2        p4        = new Vector2(semiMajorAxis, -semiMinorAxis);
            List <Vector2> ocsPoints = MathHelper.Transform(new[] { p1, p2, p3, p4 }, this.Rotation * MathHelper.DegToRad, CoordinateSystem.Object, CoordinateSystem.World);

            Vector3        p1Prime   = new Vector3(ocsPoints[0].X, ocsPoints[0].Y, 0.0);
            Vector3        p2Prime   = new Vector3(ocsPoints[1].X, ocsPoints[1].Y, 0.0);
            Vector3        p3Prime   = new Vector3(ocsPoints[2].X, ocsPoints[2].Y, 0.0);
            Vector3        p4Prime   = new Vector3(ocsPoints[3].X, ocsPoints[3].Y, 0.0);
            List <Vector3> wcsPoints = MathHelper.Transform(new[] { p1Prime, p2Prime, p3Prime, p4Prime }, this.Normal, CoordinateSystem.Object, CoordinateSystem.World);

            for (int i = 0; i < wcsPoints.Count; i++)
                wcsPoints[i] += this.Center;

                wcsPoints[i]  = transformation * wcsPoints[i];
                wcsPoints[i] += translation;

            Vector3 newNormal = transformation * this.Normal;

            if (Vector3.Equals(Vector3.Zero, newNormal))
                newNormal = this.Normal;

            List <Vector3> rectPoints = MathHelper.Transform(wcsPoints, newNormal, CoordinateSystem.World, CoordinateSystem.Object);

            // corners of the transformed rectangle that circumscribe the new ellipse
            Vector2 pointA = new Vector2(rectPoints[0].X, rectPoints[0].Y);
            Vector2 pointB = new Vector2(rectPoints[1].X, rectPoints[1].Y);
            Vector2 pointC = new Vector2(rectPoints[2].X, rectPoints[2].Y);
            Vector2 pointD = new Vector2(rectPoints[3].X, rectPoints[3].Y);

            // the new ellipse is tangent at the mid points
            Vector2 pointM = Vector2.MidPoint(pointA, pointB);
            Vector2 pointN = Vector2.MidPoint(pointC, pointD);
            Vector2 pointH = Vector2.MidPoint(pointA, pointC);
            Vector2 pointK = Vector2.MidPoint(pointB, pointD);

            // we need to find a fifth point
            Vector2 origin = Vector2.MidPoint(pointH, pointK);
            Vector2 pointX = Vector2.MidPoint(pointH, origin); // a point along the OH segment

            // intersection line AC and line parallel to BC through pointX
            Vector2 pointY = MathHelper.FindIntersection(pointA, pointC - pointA, pointX, pointC - pointB);

            if (Vector2.IsNaN(pointY))
                Debug.Assert(false, "The transformation cannot be applied.");

            // find the fifth point in the ellipse
            Vector2 pointZ = MathHelper.FindIntersection(pointM, pointX - pointM, pointN, pointY - pointN);

            if (Vector2.IsNaN(pointZ))
                Debug.Assert(false, "The transformation cannot be applied.");

            Vector3 oldNormal   = this.Normal;
            double  oldRotation = this.Rotation;

            Vector2 newCenter;
            double  newSemiMajorAxis;
            double  newSemiMinorAxis;
            double  newRotation;

            if (ConicThroughFivePoints.EllipseProperties(pointM, pointN, pointH, pointK, pointZ, out newCenter, out newSemiMajorAxis, out newSemiMinorAxis, out newRotation))
                double axis1 = 2 * newSemiMajorAxis;
                axis1 = MathHelper.IsZero(axis1) ? MathHelper.Epsilon : axis1;
                double axis2 = 2 * newSemiMinorAxis;
                axis2 = MathHelper.IsZero(axis2) ? MathHelper.Epsilon : axis2;

                this.Center    = transformation * this.Center + translation;
                this.MajorAxis = axis1;
                this.MinorAxis = axis2;
                this.Rotation  = newRotation * MathHelper.RadToDeg;
                this.Normal    = newNormal;
                Debug.Assert(false, "The transformation cannot be applied.");

            if (this.IsFullEllipse)

            //if not full ellipse calculate start and end angles
            Vector2 start = this.PolarCoordinateRelativeToCenter(this.StartAngle);
            Vector2 end   = this.PolarCoordinateRelativeToCenter(this.EndAngle);

            if (!MathHelper.IsZero(oldRotation))
                double beta    = oldRotation * MathHelper.DegToRad;
                double sinBeta = Math.Sin(beta);
                double cosBeta = Math.Cos(beta);

                start = new Vector2(start.X * cosBeta - start.Y * sinBeta, start.X * sinBeta + start.Y * cosBeta);
                end   = new Vector2(end.X * cosBeta - end.Y * sinBeta, end.X * sinBeta + end.Y * cosBeta);

            Vector3 pStart = new Vector3(start.X, start.Y, 0.0);
            Vector3 pEnd   = new Vector3(end.X, end.Y, 0.0);

            List <Vector3> wcsAnglePoints = MathHelper.Transform(new[] { pStart, pEnd }, oldNormal, CoordinateSystem.Object, CoordinateSystem.World);

            for (int i = 0; i < wcsAnglePoints.Count; i++)
                wcsPoints[i] += this.Center;

                wcsAnglePoints[i] = transformation * wcsAnglePoints[i];
                wcsPoints[i]     += translation;

            List <Vector3> ocsAnglePoints = MathHelper.Transform(wcsAnglePoints, newNormal, CoordinateSystem.World, CoordinateSystem.Object);

            Vector2 newStart = new Vector2(ocsAnglePoints[0].X, ocsAnglePoints[0].Y);
            Vector2 newEnd   = new Vector2(ocsAnglePoints[1].X, ocsAnglePoints[1].Y);

            double invert = Math.Sign(transformation.M11 * transformation.M22 * transformation.M33) < 0 ? 180.0 : 0.0;

            this.StartAngle = invert + Vector2.Angle(newStart) * MathHelper.RadToDeg - this.Rotation;
            this.EndAngle   = invert + Vector2.Angle(newEnd) * MathHelper.RadToDeg - this.Rotation;
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 ///   Returns the distance to move a given rectangle in order to properly
 ///   resolve a collision.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="intersect">
 ///   The intersection depth for the other rectangle.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///   A value that can be applied to the position of the rectangle to
 ///   move it the minimum distance such that it won't be intersecting
 ///   this one.
 /// </returns>
 public Vector2 GetCollisionResolution(Vector2 intersect)
     if (intersect.IsNaN())
         return new Vector2(float.NaN, float.NaN);
     else if (Math.Abs(intersect.X) < Math.Abs(intersect.Y))
         return new Vector2(intersect.X, 0f);
         return new Vector2(0f, intersect.Y);
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Check to see if the current Vector is usable
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vector">The vector being checked</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if the none of the axis of this vector are NaN or infinite</returns>
 public static bool IsUsable(this Vector2 vector)
     return(!vector.IsNaN() && !vector.IsInfinite());