Example #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebJsonResponse ret = null;

                Int64  enterpriseID = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;
                Int64  entityId     = 0;
                String err          = "";

                String password  = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["password"]);
                String password2 = Request["password2"];
                if ((password == null) || (password == ""))
                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password"), 3000, true);
                else if ((password2 == null) || (password2 == ""))
                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_confirm"), 3000, true);
                else if (password != password2)
                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_not_equal"), 3000, true);
                    Int64 enterpriseId = 0;
                    if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData) && (((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id != null))
                        enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

                    String code = "";
                    if (Session["entityId"] != null)
                        entityId = (Int64)Session["entityId"];

                    if (Session["userCode"] != null)
                        code = Session["userCode"].ToString();

                    if ((entityId > 0) && (code != ""))
                        using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                            UserPasswordStrength       usrCheck = new UserPasswordStrength(db.Connection, entityId);
                            UserPasswordStrengthResult check    = usrCheck.CheckPassword(password);
                            if (check.HasError)
                                if (check.NameError)
                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_name_part"), 3000, true);
                                    String txt = "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("number_char") + ": " + (!check.LengthError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                    txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("uppercase") + ":  " + (!check.UpperCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                    txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("lowercase") + ": " + (!check.LowerCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                    txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("numbers") + ": " + (!check.DigitError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                    txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("symbols") + ":  " + (!check.SymbolError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail"));

                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_complexity") + ": <br />" + txt, 5000, true);
                                DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + entityId + " and recovery_code = '" + code + "'");
                                if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0))
                                    using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId))
                                        using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password)))
                                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = '******', recovery_code = null, last_login = getdate(), change_password = getdate(),  must_change_password = 0 where id = " + entityId, CommandType.Text, null);

                                    db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, entityId, 0, "Password changed through recovery code", "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} ");

                                    //Cria o pacote com os dados atualizados deste usuário
                                    //Este processo vija agiliar a aplicação das informações pelos plugins
                                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into deploy_now (entity_id) values(" + entityId + ")", CommandType.Text, null);

                                    String html = "";
                                    html += "<div class=\"login_form\">";
                                    html += "<ul>";
                                    html += "    <li class=\"title\">";
                                    html += "        <strong>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_sucessfully") + "</strong>";
                                    html += "    </li>";
                                    html += "    <li>";
                                    html += "        <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_text") + "</p>";
                                    html += "    </li>";
                                    html += "    <li>";
                                    html += "        <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("return_default") + "</a></span>";
                                    html += "    </li>";
                                    html += "</ul>     ";
                                    html += "</div>";

                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("#recover_container", html);
                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_code"), 3000, true);
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_session"), 3000, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            if (ret != null)
                ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON()));
Example #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String html  = "";
            String error = "";

            LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this);

            if (login == null)
                Response.Redirect(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath + "login2/", false);
                html += "<form id=\"serviceLogin\" name=\"serviceLogin\" method=\"post\" action=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "login2/changepassword/\"><div class=\"login_form\">";

                if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                        String password  = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["password"]);
                        String password2 = Request["password2"];
                        if ((password == null) || (password == ""))
                            error = MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password");
                        else if ((password2 == null) || (password2 == ""))
                            error = MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_confirm");
                        else if (password != password2)
                            error = MessageResource.GetMessage("password_not_equal");
                            Int64 enterpriseId = 0;
                            if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData) && (((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id != null))
                                enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

                            using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                                UserPasswordStrength       usrCheck = new UserPasswordStrength(db.Connection, login.Id);
                                UserPasswordStrengthResult check    = usrCheck.CheckPassword(password);
                                if (check.HasError)
                                    if (check.NameError)
                                        error = MessageResource.GetMessage("password_name_part");
                                        String txt = "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("number_char") + ": " + (!check.LengthError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("uppercase") + ":  " + (!check.UpperCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("lowercase") + ": " + (!check.LowerCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("numbers") + ": " + (!check.DigitError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("symbols") + ":  " + (!check.SymbolError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail"));

                                        error = MessageResource.GetMessage("password_complexity") + ": <br />" + txt;
                                    DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + login.Id);
                                    if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0))
                                        //Verifica a senha atual
                                        using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId))
                                            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(c.Rows[0]["password"].ToString())))
                                                using (SqlConnection conn1 = IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection())
                                                    using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk1 = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(conn1, enterpriseId))
                                                        using (CryptApi cApi1 = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password)))
                                                            DbParameterCollection pPar = new DbParameterCollection();
                                                            String b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi1.ToBytes());
                                                            pPar.Add("@password", typeof(String), b64.Length).Value = b64;

                                                            db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = @password, change_password = getdate() , recovery_code = null, must_change_password = 0 where id = " + login.Id, CommandType.Text, pPar);

                                                db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, login.Id, 0, "Password changed through logged user", "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} ");

                                                //Cria o pacote com os dados atualizados deste usuário
                                                //Este processo visa agiliar a aplicação das informações pelos plugins
                                                db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into deploy_now (entity_id) values(" + login.Id + ")", CommandType.Text, null);

                                                //Mata a sessão

                                                Response.Redirect(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath + "login2/passwordchanged/", false);
                                        error = MessageResource.GetMessage("internal_error");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        error = MessageResource.GetMessage("internal_error") + ": " + ex.Message;

                html += "    <ul>";
                html += "        <li>";
                html += "            <p style=\"width:270px;padding:0 0 20px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_expired_text") + "</p>";
                html += "        </li>";
                html += "    <li>";
                html += "        <span class=\"inputWrap\">";
                html += "			<input type=\"password\" id=\"password\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password\" value=\"\" style=\"\"  placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "\" onkeyup=\"cas.passwordStrength('#password');\" onfocus=\"$('#password').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password').removeClass('focus');\" />";
                html += "			<span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password').focus();\"></span>";
                html += "        </span>";
                html += "    </li>";
                html += "    <li>";
                html += "        <span class=\"inputWrap\">";
                html += "			<input type=\"password\" id=\"password2\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password2\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "\" onfocus=\"$('#password2').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password2').removeClass('focus');\" />";
                html += "			<span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password2').focus();\"></span>";
                html += "        </span>";
                html += "    </li>";
                html += "    <li>";
                html += "        <div id=\"passwordStrength\"><span>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_strength") + ": " + MessageResource.GetMessage("unknow") + "</span><div class=\"bar\"></div></div>";
                html += "    </li>";

                if (error != "")
                    html += "        <li><div class=\"error-box\">" + error + "</div>";

                html += "        <li>";
                html += "           <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "logout/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> </span>";
                html += "           <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("change_password") + "</button>";
                html += "        </li>";
                html += "    </ul>";

                html += "</div></form>";

                holderContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(html));
Example #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebJsonResponse ret = null;

            LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this);

            String err = "";

            if (!EnterpriseIdentify.Identify(this, false, out err)) //Se houver falha na identificação da empresa finaliza a resposta
                ret = new WebJsonResponse("", err, 3000, true);
            else if (login == null)
                ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("expired_session"), 3000, true, "/login/");
                    Int64 enterpriseId = 0;
                    if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData) && (((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id != null))
                        enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;

                    String currentPassword = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["current_password"]);
                    String password        = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["password"]);
                    String password2       = Request["password2"];
                    if ((currentPassword == null) || (currentPassword == ""))
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_current"), 3000, true);
                    else if ((password == null) || (password == ""))
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password"), 3000, true);
                    else if ((password2 == null) || (password2 == ""))
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_confirm"), 3000, true);
                    else if (password != password2)
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_not_equal"), 3000, true);
                        using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                                UserPasswordStrength       usrCheck = new UserPasswordStrength(db.Connection, login.Id);
                                UserPasswordStrengthResult check    = usrCheck.CheckPassword(password);
                                if (check.HasError)
                                    if (check.NameError)
                                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_name_part"), 3000, true);
                                        String txt = "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("number_char") + ": " + (!check.LengthError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("uppercase") + ":  " + (!check.UpperCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("lowercase") + ": " + (!check.LowerCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("numbers") + ": " + (!check.DigitError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />";
                                        txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("symbols") + ":  " + (!check.SymbolError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail"));

                                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_complexity") + ": <br />" + txt, 5000, true);
                                    DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + login.Id);
                                    if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0))
                                        //Verifica a senha atual
                                        using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId))
                                            using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(c.Rows[0]["password"].ToString())))
                                                if (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData) != currentPassword)
                                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("current_password_invalid"), 3000, true);
                                                    using (SqlConnection conn1 = IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection())
                                                        using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk1 = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(conn1, enterpriseId))
                                                            using (CryptApi cApi1 = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password)))
                                                                DbParameterCollection pPar = new DbParameterCollection();;
                                                                String b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi1.ToBytes());
                                                                pPar.Add("@password", typeof(String), b64.Length).Value = b64;

                                                                db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = @password, change_password = getdate() , recovery_code = null, must_change_password = 0 where id = " + login.Id, CommandType.Text, pPar);

                                                    db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, login.Id, 0, "Password changed through autoservice logged user", "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} ");

                                                    //Cria o pacote com os dados atualizados deste usuário
                                                    //Este processo visa agiliar a aplicação das informações pelos plugins
                                                    db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into deploy_now (entity_id) values(" + login.Id + ")", CommandType.Text, null);

                                                     * IAMDeploy deploy = null;
                                                     * using (ServerDBConfig conf = new ServerDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection()))
                                                     *  deploy = new IAMDeploy("WebServer", DB.GetConnectionString(), conf.GetItem("outboundFiles"));
                                                     * if (deploy != null)
                                                     *  deploy.DeployOne(login.Id);*/

                                                    String html = "";
                                                    html += "<div class=\"no-tabs pb10\">";
                                                    html += "   <div class=\"form-group\">";
                                                    html += "       <h1>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_sucessfully") + "</h1> ";
                                                    html += "   </div>";
                                                    html += "   <div class=\"form-group\"><span class=\"text-message\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_text") + "</span></div>";
                                                    html += "</div>";

                                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("#pwdForm", html);
                                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", "Internal error", 3000, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

            if (ret != null)
                ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON()));