Example #1
    // Play the clip from the beginning
    public void Play(Uni2DAnimationClip a_rAnimationClip)
        // Get the clip
        m_rCurrentClip = a_rAnimationClip;

        // Reset

        // Time
        m_fAnimationTime     = 0.0f;
        m_iCurrentFrameIndex = 0;

        // Play mode
        m_eWrapMode  = Uni2DAnimationClip.WrapMode.Loop;
        m_fFrameRate = Uni2DAnimationClip.defaultFrameRate;
        if (m_rCurrentClip != null)
            m_eWrapMode  = m_rCurrentClip.wrapMode;
            m_fFrameRate = m_rCurrentClip.frameRate;

        // Play
        m_bEnabled = true;
        m_bPaused  = false;
        m_bActived = true;

        //RaiseAnimationActiveEvent( );

        // On New Frame
Example #2
    // On anim length change
    private void OnWrapModeChange(Uni2DAnimationClip.WrapMode a_eWrapModePrevious, float a_fFrameShowTimeElapsed)
        if (a_eWrapModePrevious == Uni2DAnimationClip.WrapMode.PingPong ||
            m_eWrapMode == Uni2DAnimationClip.WrapMode.PingPong)
            if (a_eWrapModePrevious == Uni2DAnimationClip.WrapMode.PingPong)
                m_iCurrentFrameIndex = (int)Mathf.PingPong(m_iCurrentFrameIndex, FrameCount - 1);

            // Compute the time the image has been show until then
            m_fAnimationTime = ComputeAnimationTimeFromFrame() + a_fFrameShowTimeElapsed;
Example #3
	// Play the clip from the beginning
	public void Play( Uni2DAnimationClip a_rAnimationClip )
		// Get the clip
		m_rCurrentClip = a_rAnimationClip;
		// Reset
		// Time
		m_fAnimationTime = 0.0f;
		m_iCurrentFrameIndex = 0;
		// Play mode
		m_eWrapMode  = Uni2DAnimationClip.WrapMode.Loop;
		m_fFrameRate = Uni2DAnimationClip.defaultFrameRate;
		if(m_rCurrentClip != null)
			m_eWrapMode  = m_rCurrentClip.wrapMode;
			m_fFrameRate = m_rCurrentClip.frameRate;
		// Play
		m_bEnabled = true;
		m_bPaused  = false;
		m_bActived = true;
		//RaiseAnimationActiveEvent( );
		// On New Frame