         * Helper method that removes the specified vertex and checks
         * whether the vertex has been removed along with its associated
         * edges.
        private void RemoveVertexHelper(int[] vertices, byte[,] edges, int index)
            // Sanity check
            Assert.AreEqual(vertices.Length, edges.GetLength(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(vertices.Length, edges.GetLength(1));

            IWeightedGraph <int> graph = new UndirectedWeightedGraph <int>(2);

            // Add the vertices
            foreach (var vertex in vertices)

            // Add the edges. Iterate over the lower triangular matrix
            // only as the upper triangular matrix (above the diagonal)
            // is the mirror of the lower triangular matrix.
            int row, col;

            for (row = 1; row < vertices.Length; ++row)
                for (col = 0; col < row; ++col)
                    // Sanity check
                    Assert.AreEqual(edges[row, col], edges[col, row]);

                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(edges[row, col]))
                        Assert.IsTrue(graph.AddEdge(row, col, 1.0f));

            // Remove the vertex
            Assert.AreEqual(vertices[index], graph.RemoveVertex(index));

            // Confirm that the graph size has been decremented
            Assert.AreEqual(vertices.Length - 1, graph.Size);

            // Confirm that vertex is no longer in the graph.
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, graph.GetIndexOf(vertices[index]));

            // Confirm that edges corresponding to the removed vertex have
            // also been removed from the graph
            row = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
                if (i != index)
                    // We mustn't iterate over the row that belongs to the
                    // removed vertex
                    col = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Length; ++j)
                        if (j != index)
                            // We must skip the column that correponds to the
                            // removed vertex
                            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToBoolean(edges[i, j]), graph.EdgeExists(row, col++));