private Query GetType2() { string statementType2 = "INSERT INTO output2 (Type, Time, Emit, QID, Bal, RTime) VALUES('2', $0$, $5$, $2$, $3$, $4$)"; UnaryOp.Relation relType2 = new UnaryOp.Relation(Type2Relation); UnaryOp.Map convType2 = new UnaryOp.Map(Type2MapConvert); int[] keepType2 = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; return new OpDBAccess(LINEARDATABASE, null, statementType2, new OpProject(convType2, keepType2, new OpRelation(relType2, accountBalances, new OpServerRaw(9449)))); }
private List<Query> GetType3() { List<Query> type3q = new List<Query>(); string statementType3 = "INSERT INTO output3 (Type, Time, Emit, QID, Bal) VALUES('3', $0$, $6$, $3$, $5$)"; string queryType3 = "SELECT Toll FROM tollhistory WHERE VID = $1$ AND Xway = $2$ AND Day = $4$"; UnaryOp.Map mapConv = new UnaryOp.Map(Type3MapConvert); int[] keepType3 = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; UnaryOp.Relation relType3 = new UnaryOp.Relation(Type3Relation); OpMultiplexer omxType3 = new OpMultiplexer(new OpServerRaw(9450)); type3q.Add(omxType3); OpDBAccess dbtype3 = new OpDBAccess(LINEARDATABASE, null, statementType3, new OpProject(mapConv, keepType3, new OpUnion( new OpDBAccess(LINEARDATABASE, queryType3, null, new OpSelect("$1.5 > I0", omxType3.GetQuery())), new OpRelation(relType3, accountBalances, new OpSelect("$1.5 = I0", omxType3.GetQuery()))))); type3q.Add(dbtype3); return type3q; }
private List<Query> GetType0() { List<Query> qOut = new List<Query>(); int[] npAttrs = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; //null project attributes UnaryOp.Map FeedPreProcess = new UnaryOp.Map(PreProcess); OpMultiplexer Feeder = new OpMultiplexer( new OpProject(FeedPreProcess, npAttrs, new OpServerRaw(9448))); qOut.Add(Feeder); //////regions are of the form: name (# of Queries returned) - Source [-> new Source]\\\\\\ #region SegStats (2) - Feeder UnaryOp.Relation ssLAVRelation = new UnaryOp.Relation(SStatsLAVInsertion); int[] ssAvg = { 3, 5, 6, 8 }; int[] ssAvgMain = { 8 }; OpRelation sStatsLAV = new OpRelation(ssLAVRelation, segStats, new OpGroupByAvg(ssAvg, ssAvgMain, 2, 8, new OpBucket(5 * 60, 60, 0, -1, Feeder.GetQuery())));//<Time, VID, Spd, Xway, Lane, Dir, Seg, Pos> qOut.Add(sStatsLAV); UnaryOp.Map isDuplicate = new UnaryOp.Map(IsDupCheckVID); UnaryOp.Relation ssCountRelation = new UnaryOp.Relation(SStatsCountInsertion); int[] ssCount = { 3, 5, 6, 8 }; int[] ssCountMain = { 8 }; //int[] ssCountProject = { 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 }; //<VID, Xway, Dir, Seg, WID(List)> OpRelation sStatsCount = new OpRelation(ssCountRelation, segStats, new OpGroupByCount(ssCount, ssCountMain, 8, new OpSelect("$1.10 = I0", //<Time, VID, Spd, Xway, Lane, Dir, Seg, Pos, WID(List), ?isDup> new OpProject(isDuplicate, npAttrs, new OpBucket(60, 60, 0, -1, Feeder.GetQuery())))));//<Time, VID, Spd, Xway, Lane, Dir, Seg, Pos> qOut.Add(sStatsCount); #endregion #region Accident Detection (1) - Feeder int[] adGroupBy = { 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8}; //VID, Xway, Dir, Seg, Pos, WID int[] adGroupByMain = { 8 }; UnaryOp.Relation adRelation = new UnaryOp.Relation(AccidentDetection); OpRelation aDetection = new OpRelation(adRelation, accidents, new OpSelect("$1.7 > U1", new OpGroupByCount(adGroupBy, adGroupByMain, 8, new OpBucket(4 * 30, 30, 0, -1, Feeder.GetQuery())))); //<Time, VID, Spd, Xway, Lane, Dir, Seg, Pos> qOut.Add(aDetection); #endregion #region New Segment Stream (1) - Feeder -> NSS UnaryOp.Map nssMap = new UnaryOp.Map(NSSCheckSeg); OpMultiplexer NSSFeeder = new OpMultiplexer( new OpSelect("$1.7 = I1", new OpProject(nssMap, npAttrs, Feeder.GetQuery()))); qOut.Add(NSSFeeder); #endregion #region Toll Charging (1) - NSS string Tollstatement = "INSERT INTO output0 (Type, VID, Time, Emit, Speed, Toll) VALUES('0', $1$, $0$, $9$, $8$, $7$)"; UnaryOp.Relation chargeTollRelation = new UnaryOp.Relation(ChargeToll); UnaryOp.Relation findTollRelation = new UnaryOp.Relation(FindToll); UnaryOp.Map convertTollTimeStamp = new UnaryOp.Map(ConvertTimeStamp); OpDBAccess chargeTolls = new OpDBAccess(LINEARDATABASE, null, Tollstatement, //<Time, VID, Xway, Lane, Dir, Seg, Emit, ?isNSS, Toll, LAV> new OpProject(convertTollTimeStamp, npAttrs, new OpRelation(chargeTollRelation, accountBalances, new OpSelect("$1.8 != I0", //it has a toll new OpRelation(findTollRelation, tollQuotes, new OpSelect("$1.4 > I0", //not entering the expressway NSSFeeder.GetQuery())))))); qOut.Add(chargeTolls); #endregion #region Accident in Range Section (1) - NSS UnaryOp.Relation arsRelation = new UnaryOp.Relation(AccidentInRange); UnaryOp.Relation tqAttachStatsRelation = new UnaryOp.Relation(AttachStats); UnaryOp.Relation tqQuoteTollsRelation = new UnaryOp.Relation(QuoteTolls); OpRelation quoteTolls = new OpRelation(tqQuoteTollsRelation, tollQuotes, new OpRelation(tqAttachStatsRelation, segStats, new OpRelation(arsRelation, accidents, //<Time, VID, Xway, Lane, Dir, Seg, ?isNSS, ?isAIR> NSSFeeder.GetQuery()))); UnaryOp.Map accConvertTimeStamp = new UnaryOp.Map(ConvertTimeStamp); //<Time, VID, Xway, Lane, Dir, Seg, ?isNSS, ?isAIR, LAV, Count, Emit> string Accidentstatement = "INSERT INTO output1 (Type, Time, Emit, Seg) VALUES('1', $0$, $10$, $7$)"; OpDBAccess accidentNotification = new OpDBAccess(LINEARDATABASE, null, Accidentstatement, new OpProject(accConvertTimeStamp, npAttrs, new OpSelect("$1.8 >= I0", //there is an accident in range quoteTolls))); qOut.Add(accidentNotification); #endregion return qOut; }