public PartyMemberInFightMessage(int partyId, sbyte reason, int memberId, int memberAccountId, string memberName, int fightId, Types.MapCoordinatesExtended fightMap, short secondsBeforeFightStart)
     : base(partyId)
     this.reason = reason;
     this.memberId = memberId;
     this.memberAccountId = memberAccountId;
     this.memberName = memberName;
     this.fightId = fightId;
     this.fightMap = fightMap;
     this.secondsBeforeFightStart = secondsBeforeFightStart;
Example #2
 public PartyMemberInFightMessage(uint partyId, sbyte reason, uint memberId, int memberAccountId, string memberName, int fightId, Types.MapCoordinatesExtended fightMap, short timeBeforeFightStart)
     : base(partyId)
     this.reason               = reason;
     this.memberId             = memberId;
     this.memberAccountId      = memberAccountId;
     this.memberName           = memberName;
     this.fightId              = fightId;
     this.fightMap             = fightMap;
     this.timeBeforeFightStart = timeBeforeFightStart;
 public override void Deserialize(IReader reader)
     reason          = reader.ReadSByte();
     memberId        = reader.ReadVarUhLong();
     memberAccountId = reader.ReadInt();
     memberName      = reader.ReadUTF();
     fightId         = reader.ReadInt();
     fightMap        = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended();
     timeBeforeFightStart = reader.ReadVarShort();
Example #4
        public virtual void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
            type = reader.ReadSbyte();
            var limit = (ushort)reader.ReadUShort();

            coords = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended[limit];
            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                coords[i] = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended();
 public virtual void Deserialize(BigEndianReader reader)
     type = reader.ReadSByte();
     if (type < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on type = " + type + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : type < 0");
     var limit = reader.ReadUShort();
     coords = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended[limit];
     for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
          coords[i] = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended();
Example #6
        public virtual void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
            type = reader.ReadSByte();
            if (type < 0)
                throw new System.Exception("Forbidden value on type = " + type + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : type < 0");
            var limit = reader.ReadUShort();

            coords = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended[limit];
            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                coords[i] = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended();
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     reason = reader.ReadSByte();
     if (reason < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on reason = " + reason + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : reason < 0");
     memberId = reader.ReadInt();
     memberAccountId = reader.ReadInt();
     if (memberAccountId < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on memberAccountId = " + memberAccountId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : memberAccountId < 0");
     memberName = reader.ReadUTF();
     fightId = reader.ReadInt();
     fightMap = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended();
     secondsBeforeFightStart = reader.ReadInt();
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     reason = reader.ReadSByte();
     if (reason < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on reason = " + reason + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : reason < 0");
     memberId        = reader.ReadInt();
     memberAccountId = reader.ReadInt();
     if (memberAccountId < 0)
         throw new Exception("Forbidden value on memberAccountId = " + memberAccountId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : memberAccountId < 0");
     memberName = reader.ReadUTF();
     fightId    = reader.ReadInt();
     fightMap   = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended();
     secondsBeforeFightStart = reader.ReadInt();
 public void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     reason = reader.ReadSByte();
     if (reason < 0)
         throw new System.Exception("Forbidden value on reason = " + reason + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : reason < 0");
     memberId = reader.ReadVarUhLong();
     if (memberId < 0 || memberId > 9.007199254740992E15)
         throw new System.Exception("Forbidden value on memberId = " + memberId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : memberId < 0 || memberId > 9.007199254740992E15");
     memberAccountId = reader.ReadInt();
     if (memberAccountId < 0)
         throw new System.Exception("Forbidden value on memberAccountId = " + memberAccountId + ", it doesn't respect the following condition : memberAccountId < 0");
     memberName = reader.ReadUTF();
     fightId    = reader.ReadInt();
     fightMap   = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended();
     timeBeforeFightStart = reader.ReadVarShort();
 public override void Deserialize(IDataReader reader)
     fightMap = new Types.MapCoordinatesExtended();
 public PartyMemberInStandardFightMessage(uint partyId, sbyte reason, double memberId, int memberAccountId, string memberName, uint fightId, int timeBeforeFightStart, Types.MapCoordinatesExtended fightMap)
     : base(partyId, reason, memberId, memberAccountId, memberName, fightId, timeBeforeFightStart)
     this.fightMap = fightMap;