Example #1
    //sets all the points to points of a Vector3 array, as well as capping the ends.
    public void SetPoints(Vector3[] points, float radius, Color col)
        if (points.Length < 2)
        vertices = new TubeVertex[points.Length + 2];

        Vector3 v0offset = (points[0] - points[1]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(v0offset + points[0], 0.0f, col);
        Vector3 v1offset = (points[points.Length - 1] - points[points.Length - 2]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[vertices.Length - 1] = new TubeVertex(v1offset + points[points.Length - 1], 0.0f, col);

        for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)
            vertices[p + 1] = new TubeVertex(points[p], radius, col);

         * Debug.Log("vertices.Length = " + vertices.Length);
         * for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
         * {
         *  Debug.Log( i + " " + vertices[i].point);
         * }
    public void Respline()
        int ptCount = (int)(spline.EstimateLength() * pointDensity);

        vertices = new TubeVertex[ptCount + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i <= ptCount; i++)
            float   t    = (float)i / (float)ptCount;
            Vector3 pos  = spline.GetPoint(t);
            float   fade = Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Distance(pos, spline.GetPoint(0)) / endFadeLength); // fade tube at beginning
            fade       *= Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Distance(pos, spline.GetPoint(1)) / endFadeLength);  // and at end
            vertices[i] = new TubeVertex(transform.InverseTransformPoint(pos), 1f, Color.Lerp(Color.clear, Color.white, fade));
Example #3
        ///sets all the points to points of a Vector3 array, as well as capping the ends.
        public void SetPoints(Vector3[] pointsIn, float radius, Color col)
            if (pointsIn.Length < 2) return;
            Vector3[] points = InvTransformPoints(pointsIn, transform);
            vertices = new TubeVertex[points.Length + 2];

            Vector3 v0offset = (points[0] - points[1]) * 0.01f;
            vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(v0offset + points[0], 0.0f, col);
            Vector3 v1offset = (points[points.Length - 1] - points[points.Length - 2]) * 0.01f;
            vertices[vertices.Length - 1] = new TubeVertex(v1offset + points[points.Length - 1], 0.0f, col);

            for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)
                vertices[p + 1] = new TubeVertex(points[p], radius, col);
Example #4
    //sets all the points to points of a Vector3 array, as well as capping the ends.
    public void SetPoints(Vector3[] points, Color col)
        if (points.Length < 2)
        vertices = new TubeVertex[points.Length + 2];

        Vector3 v0offset = (points[0] - points[1]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(v0offset + points[0], 0.0f, col);
        Vector3 v1offset = (points[points.Length - 1] - points[points.Length - 2]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[vertices.Length - 1] = new TubeVertex(v1offset + points[points.Length - 1], 0.0f, col);

        for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)
            vertices[p + 1] = new TubeVertex(points[p], tubeWidth.Evaluate((float)p / points.Length), col);
    public void SetBinePoints(Vector3[] points, float[] radius, Color col)
        if (points.Length < 2)
        vertices = new TubeVertex[points.Length + 2];

        Vector3 v0offset = (points[0] - points[1]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(v0offset + points[0], 0.0f, col);
        Vector3 v1offset = (points[points.Length - 1] - points[points.Length - 2]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[vertices.Length - 1] = new TubeVertex(v1offset + points[points.Length - 1], 0.0f, col);

        for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)
            vertices[p + 1] = new TubeVertex(points[p], radius[p], col);
Example #6
    public void SetPoints(List <Vector3> points, float radius, Color col)
        if (points.Count < 2)
        vertices = new TubeVertex[points.Count + 2];

        Vector3 v0offset = (points[0] - points[1]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(v0offset + points[0], 0.0f, col);
        Vector3 v1offset = (points[points.Count - 1] - points[points.Count - 2]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[vertices.Length - 1] = new TubeVertex(v1offset + points[points.Count - 1], 0.0f, col);

        for (int p = 0; p < points.Count; p++)
            vertices[p + 1] = new TubeVertex(points[p], radius, col);
Example #7
    //sets all the points to points of a Vector3 array, as well as capping the ends.
    public void SetPoints(Vector3[] points, float radius, Color col)
        if (points.Length < 2)
            //  GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.Clear();
        vertices = new TubeVertex[points.Length + 2];

        Vector3 v0offset = (points[0] - points[1]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(v0offset + points[0], 0.0f, col);
        Vector3 v1offset = (points[points.Length - 1] - points[points.Length - 2]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[vertices.Length - 1] = new TubeVertex(v1offset + points[points.Length - 1], 0.0f, col);

        for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)
            vertices[p + 1] = new TubeVertex(points[p], radius, col);
Example #8
    //sets all the points to points of a Vector3 array, as well as capping the ends.
    public void SetPoints(Vector3[] points, float radius, Color col)
        if (points.Length < 2)
        vertices = new TubeVertex[points.Length + 2];

        // создаем нулевую точку смещением от points[0] в направлении "наружу"
        Vector3 v0offset = (points[0] - points[1]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(v0offset + points[0], 0.0f, col);
        // создаем последнюю точку смещением от points[Length - 1] в направлении "наружу"
        Vector3 v1offset = (points[points.Length - 1] - points[points.Length - 2]) * 0.01f;

        vertices[vertices.Length - 1] = new TubeVertex(v1offset + points[points.Length - 1], 0.0f, col);
        // остальные точки - это координаты шаров, их просто копируем
        for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)
            vertices[p + 1] = new TubeVertex(points[p], radius, col);
Example #9
    public void SetPoints(Vector3[] points, float radius, Color color1, Color color2, int sum, int prev)
        if (points.Length < 2)
        vertices = new TubeVertex[points.Length + 2];

        Vector3 v0offset = (points [0] - points [1]) * 0.01f;

        vertices [0] = new TubeVertex(v0offset + points [0], 0.0f, color1);
        Vector3 v1offset = (points [points.Length - 1] - points [points.Length - 2]) * 0.01f;

        vertices [vertices.Length - 1] = new TubeVertex(v1offset + points [points.Length - 1], 0.0f, color1);

        for (int p = 0; p < points.Length; p++)
            float f = (float)p;
            vertices [p + 1] = new TubeVertex(points [p], radius, Color.Lerp(color1, color2, (f + prev) / sum));

Example #10
    public static void GenerateMesh(List <TubeVertex> vertices, int dataIndex, bool Flat, bool Web, BrushType brushType, Vector2 ExtendsMultiplier,
                                    List <Vector3> meshVertices, List <Vector4> meshTangents,
                                    List <Vector3> meshNormals, List <Vector2> uvs, List <Color> colors, ref int[] indices, ref float length)
        int additionalVertices = brushType == BrushType.Sphere ? 8 : 2;
        int actualVertexCount  = vertices.Count + additionalVertices;

        List <int> tris = new List <int>();

        float currentTotalLength = 0;

        Action <int, TubeVertex, TubeVertex, TubeVertex> addPointFunc = (int i, TubeVertex v, TubeVertex prev, TubeVertex next) =>
            var prevPoint = prev.point;
            var nextPoint = next.point;

            float dist = Vector3.Distance(prevPoint, v.point);
            currentTotalLength += dist;

            if (float.IsNaN(v.point.x) || float.IsNaN(v.point.z) || float.IsNaN(v.point.z))

            meshVertices[i] = v.point;
            if (Flat)
                meshNormals[i] = v.orientation * Vector3.up * Mathf.Clamp(ExtendsMultiplier.y * v.extends.y, 0, .005f);
                meshNormals[i] = v.orientation * Vector3.up * ExtendsMultiplier.y * v.extends.y;
            // Tangents for hermite interpolation
            Vector3 dir = 0.5f * (nextPoint - prevPoint);
            // Width of the line
            meshTangents[i] = new Vector4(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, v.extends.x * ExtendsMultiplier.x);

            uvs[i]    = new Vector2(dataIndex, currentTotalLength);
            colors[i] = v.color;

            if (i < actualVertexCount - 1)
                tris.Add(i + 1);

            if (Web && i < actualVertexCount - 7)
                tris.Add(i + 7);

        if (brushType == BrushType.Sphere)
            TubeVertex firstAddVert = vertices[0];
            var        startPoint   = vertices[0].point;
            firstAddVert.point -= firstAddVert.orientation * Vector3.forward * firstAddVert.extends.x * 0.5f;
            var endPoint = firstAddVert.point;

            Vector2 smallExtends = brushType == BrushType.Sphere ? firstAddVert.extends * 0.001f : firstAddVert.extends;
            var     prevExtends  = firstAddVert.extends;

            Func <float, float> t      = (float v) => v;
            Func <float, float> height = (float v) => Mathf.Sqrt(1.0f - (1.0f - v) * (1.0f - v));

                firstAddVert.extends = firstAddVert.extends * 0.001f;

                var   lastVert = firstAddVert;
                float interp   = ((float)1.0f) / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1);

                firstAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(smallExtends, prevExtends, height(t(interp)));
                firstAddVert.point   = Vector3.Lerp(endPoint, startPoint, t(interp));
                var thisVert = firstAddVert;

                addPointFunc(0, lastVert, lastVert, thisVert);

                interp = ((float)2.0f) / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1);
                firstAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(smallExtends, prevExtends, height(t(interp)));
                firstAddVert.point   = Vector3.Lerp(endPoint, startPoint, t(interp));

                var nextVert = firstAddVert;

                for (int i = 1; i <= additionalVertices / 2; i++)
                    addPointFunc(i, thisVert, lastVert, nextVert);
                    lastVert = thisVert;
                    thisVert = nextVert;

                    interp           = ((float)i + 2) / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1);
                    nextVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(smallExtends, prevExtends, height(t(interp)));
                    nextVert.point   = Vector3.Lerp(endPoint, startPoint, t(interp));

                firstAddVert = lastVert;

            TubeVertex lastAddVert = vertices[vertices.Count - 1];
            startPoint         = lastAddVert.point;
            lastAddVert.point += lastAddVert.orientation * Vector3.forward * lastAddVert.extends.x * 0.5f;
            endPoint           = lastAddVert.point;
            prevExtends        = lastAddVert.extends;

            smallExtends = brushType == BrushType.Sphere ? lastAddVert.extends * 0.001f : lastAddVert.extends;

            lastAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(prevExtends, smallExtends, 1.0f / (0.5f * additionalVertices));
            lastAddVert.point   = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, 1.0f / (0.5f * additionalVertices));

            int firstIndex = additionalVertices / 2;
            for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Count - 1; i++)
                addPointFunc(firstIndex + i, vertices[i], i == 1 ? firstAddVert : vertices[i - 1], i == vertices.Count - 2 ? lastAddVert : vertices[i + 1]);

                float interp = 0.0f / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1);

                var lastVert = vertices[vertices.Count - 2];
                lastAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(prevExtends, smallExtends, 1.0f - height(1.0f - t(interp)));
                lastAddVert.point   = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, t(interp));

                var thisVert = lastAddVert;

                interp = 1.0f / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1);
                lastAddVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(prevExtends, smallExtends, 1.0f - height(1.0f - t(interp)));
                lastAddVert.point   = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, t(interp));
                var nextVert = lastAddVert;

                for (int i = actualVertexCount - additionalVertices / 2 - 1; i < actualVertexCount - 1; i++)
                    addPointFunc(i, thisVert, lastVert, nextVert);
                    interp           = 1.0f - ((float)actualVertexCount - i - 3) / (0.5f * additionalVertices + 1);
                    lastVert         = thisVert;
                    thisVert         = nextVert;
                    nextVert.extends = Vector2.Lerp(prevExtends, smallExtends, 1.0f - height(1.0f - t(interp)));
                    nextVert.point   = Vector3.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, t(interp));

                lastAddVert.extends = vertices[vertices.Count - 1].extends * 0.001f;
                lastAddVert.point   = endPoint;
                addPointFunc(actualVertexCount - 1, lastAddVert, lastVert, lastAddVert);
            var firstPoint = vertices[0];
            firstPoint.point -= firstPoint.orientation * Vector3.forward * firstPoint.extends.x * 0.5f;

            var nextPoint = firstPoint;
            firstPoint.extends *= 0.00001f;

            addPointFunc(0, firstPoint, firstPoint, nextPoint);

            addPointFunc(1, nextPoint, firstPoint, vertices[1]);

            var lastPoint = vertices[vertices.Count - 1];
            lastPoint.point += lastPoint.orientation * Vector3.forward * lastPoint.extends.x * 0.5f;

            var closingPoint = lastPoint;
            closingPoint.extends *= 0.00001f;

            var lastAddedPoint = nextPoint;

            for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Count - 1; i++)
                addPointFunc(i + 1, vertices[i], lastAddedPoint, i == vertices.Count - 2 ? lastPoint : vertices[i + 1]);
                lastAddedPoint = vertices[i];

            addPointFunc(vertices.Count, lastPoint, lastAddedPoint, closingPoint);
            addPointFunc(vertices.Count + 1, closingPoint, lastPoint, closingPoint);

        indices = tris.ToArray();
        length  = currentTotalLength;
Example #11
 void  Reset()
     vertices    = new TubeVertex[2];
     vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(Vector3.zero, 1.0f, Color.white);
     vertices[1] = new TubeVertex(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), 1.0f, Color.white);
Example #12
 public void Reset()
     vertices    = new TubeVertex[2];
     vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(Vector3.zero, 1.0f, Color.white);
     vertices[1] = new TubeVertex(Vector3.right, 1.0f, Color.white);
Example #13
    public static Mesh CreateTube(Vector3[] positions, int crossSegments, Color color, float radius)
        TubeVertex[] vertices = new TubeVertex[positions.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
            TubeVertex v = new TubeVertex(positions[i], radius, color);
            vertices[i] = v;

        Vector3[] crossPoints = new Vector3[crossSegments];
        float     theta       = 2.0f * Mathf.PI / crossSegments;

        for (int c = 0; c < crossSegments; c++)
            crossPoints[c] = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(theta * c), Mathf.Sin(theta * c), 0);

        Vector3[]  meshVertices  = new Vector3[vertices.Length * crossSegments];
        Vector2[]  uvs           = new Vector2[vertices.Length * crossSegments];
        Color[]    colors        = new Color[vertices.Length * crossSegments];
        int[]      tris          = new int[vertices.Length * crossSegments * 6];
        int[]      lastVertices  = new int[crossSegments];
        int[]      theseVertices = new int[crossSegments];
        Quaternion rotation      = Quaternion.identity;

        for (int p = 0; p < vertices.Length; p++)
            if (p < vertices.Length - 1)
                rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, vertices[p + 1].point - vertices[p].point);

            for (int c = 0; c < crossSegments; c++)
                int vertexIndex = p * crossSegments + c;
                meshVertices[vertexIndex] = vertices[p].point + rotation * crossPoints[c] * vertices[p].radius;
                uvs[vertexIndex]          = new Vector2((0.0f + c) / crossSegments, (0.0f + p) / vertices.Length);
                colors[vertexIndex]       = vertices[p].color;

                //				print(c+" - vertex index "+(p*crossSegments+c) + " is " + meshVertices[p*crossSegments+c]);
                lastVertices[c]  = theseVertices[c];
                theseVertices[c] = p * crossSegments + c;
            //make triangles
            if (p > 0)
                for (int c = 0; c < crossSegments; c++)
                    int start = (p * crossSegments + c) * 6;
                    tris[start]     = lastVertices[c];
                    tris[start + 1] = lastVertices[(c + 1) % crossSegments];
                    tris[start + 2] = theseVertices[c];
                    tris[start + 3] = tris[start + 2];
                    tris[start + 4] = tris[start + 1];
                    tris[start + 5] = theseVertices[(c + 1) % crossSegments];
                    //					print("Triangle: indexes("+tris[start]+", "+tris[start+1]+", "+tris[start+2]+"), ("+tris[start+3]+", "+tris[start+4]+", "+tris[start+5]+")");

        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

        mesh.vertices  = meshVertices;
        mesh.triangles = tris;
        mesh.uv = uvs;

	public void Reset()
		vertices = new TubeVertex[2];
		vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(Vector3.zero, 1.0f, Color.white);
		vertices[1] = new TubeVertex(Vector3.right, 1.0f, Color.white);
	//sets all the points to points of a Vector3 array, as well as capping the ends.
	public void SetPoints(Vector3[] points, float radius, Color col)
		if (points.Length < 2) return;
		vertices = new TubeVertex[points.Length+2];

		Vector3 v0offset = (points[0]-points[1])*0.01f;
		vertices[0] = new TubeVertex(v0offset+points[0], 0.0f, col);
		Vector3 v1offset = (points[points.Length-1] - points[points.Length-2])*0.01f;
		vertices[vertices.Length-1] = new TubeVertex(v1offset+points[points.Length-1], 0.0f, col);

		for (int p=0;p<points.Length;p++) 
			vertices[p+1] = new TubeVertex(points[p], radius, col);
Example #16
    void LateUpdate()
        transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = vertices.Count <= 2 ? false : true;

        if (emit && emitTime != 0)
            emitTime -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (emitTime == 0)
                emitTime = -1;
            if (emitTime < 0)
                emit = false;

        // destroy if autodestruct.
        if (!emit && vertices.Count == 0 && autoDestruct)

        if (emit)
            TubeVertex p = new TubeVertex();
            p.point       = target.position + target.TransformDirection(offset);
            p.timeCreated = Time.time;

        ArrayList remove = new ArrayList();
        int       i      = 0;

        foreach (TubeVertex p in vertices)
            // cull old points first
            if (Time.time - p.timeCreated > lifeTime)

        foreach (TubeVertex p in remove)

        if (vertices.Count > 1)
            //draw tube
            for (int k = 0; k < vertices.Count; k++)
                vertices[k].radius = radius.Evaluate((float)((float)(vertices.Count - 1 - k) / (float)(vertices.Count - 1)));

            if (crossSegments != lastCrossSegments)
                crossPoints = new Vector3[crossSegments];
                float theta = 2.0f * Mathf.PI / crossSegments;
                for (int c = 0; c < crossSegments; c++)
                    crossPoints[c] = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(theta * c), Mathf.Sin(theta * c), 0);
                lastCrossSegments = crossSegments;

            Vector3[]  meshVertices  = new Vector3[vertices.Count * crossSegments];
            Vector2[]  uvs           = new Vector2[vertices.Count * crossSegments];
            Color[]    colors        = new Color[vertices.Count * crossSegments];
            int[]      tris          = new int[vertices.Count * crossSegments * 6];
            int[]      lastVertices  = new int[crossSegments];
            int[]      theseVertices = new int[crossSegments];
            Quaternion rotation      = Quaternion.identity;

            for (int p = 0; p < vertices.Count; p++)
                if (p < vertices.Count - 1)
                    rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, vertices[p + 1].point - vertices[p].point);

                for (int c = 0; c < crossSegments; c++)
                    int vertexIndex = p * crossSegments + c;
                    meshVertices[vertexIndex] = vertices[p].point + rotation * crossPoints[c] * vertices[p].radius;
                    uvs[vertexIndex]          = new Vector2((0f + c) / crossSegments, (1f + p) / vertices.Count);

                    float overlifetime = (float)((float)(vertices.Count - 1 - p) / (float)(vertices.Count - 1));

                    Color color = colorOverLifeTime.Evaluate(overlifetime) * fadeBias;
                    colors[vertexIndex] = color;                    //vertices[p].color;

                    lastVertices[c]  = theseVertices[c];
                    theseVertices[c] = p * crossSegments + c;

                //make triangles
                if (p > 0)
                    for (int c = 0; c < crossSegments; c++)
                        int start = (p * crossSegments + c) * 6;
                        tris[start]     = lastVertices[c];
                        tris[start + 1] = lastVertices[(c + 1) % crossSegments];
                        tris[start + 2] = theseVertices[c];
                        tris[start + 3] = tris[start + 2];
                        tris[start + 4] = tris[start + 1];
                        tris[start + 5] = theseVertices[(c + 1) % crossSegments];

            Mesh mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;
            if (!mesh)
                mesh = new Mesh();
            mesh.vertices  = meshVertices;
            mesh.triangles = tris;
            mesh.colors    = colors;

            mesh.uv = uvs;