public NeuronNEAT(int nodeID, GeneNodeNEAT.GeneNodeType type, TransferFunctions.TransferFunction function) {
     id = nodeID;
     nodeType = type;
     currentValue = new float[1];
     incomingConnectionsList = new List<ConnectionNEAT>();
     activationFunction = function;
Example #2
    /// Ticks state of brain forward 1 time-step
    public void BrainMasterFunction()
        // NAIVE APPROACH:
        // run through all links and save sum values in target neurons
        foreach (var axon in axons)
            float curVal = axon.from.currentValue;

            // Find input neuron, multiply its value by the axon weight, and add that to output neuron total:
            //neurons[].inputTotal += axon.weight * neurons[axon.from].currentValue[0];
   += axon.weight * curVal;

        // Once all axons are calculated, process the neurons
        foreach (var neuron in neurons)
            // Save previous state
            neuron.previousValue = neuron.currentValue;

            if ( != NeuronType.In)
                neuron.currentValue = TransferFunctions.Evaluate(TransferFunctions.TransferFunction.RationalSigmoid, neuron.inputTotal);

            // Zero out inputSum
            neuron.inputTotal = 0f;
Example #3
    private void CalculateNodeInputs(NeuronNEAT currentNeuron)    // recursive function
        if (numNodesVisited >= 100)
            Debug.Log("CalculateNodeInputs() HIT MAX NODE COUNT!");

        visitedNodes.Add(currentNeuron);  // to avoid infinite recursion

        for (int i = 0; i < currentNeuron.incomingConnectionsList.Count; i++)
            //Debug.Log("CalculateNodeInputs! [" + + "] incoming: " + currentNeuron.incomingConnectionsList[i].fromNodeID.ToString() + " -> " + currentNeuron.incomingConnectionsList[i].toNodeID.ToString());
            //if (outputNeuronList.Contains(currentNeuron)) {
            //Debug.Log("CalculateNodeInputs! visitedNodes.Clear();");
            currentNeuron.currentValue[0] += neuronList[currentNeuron.incomingConnectionsList[i].fromNodeID].previousValue * currentNeuron.incomingConnectionsList[i].weight[0];
            if (neuronList[currentNeuron.incomingConnectionsList[i].fromNodeID].nodeType != GeneNodeNEAT.GeneNodeType.In)   // if incoming connection isn't an Input Neuron
                if (visitedNodes.Contains(neuronList[currentNeuron.incomingConnectionsList[i].fromNodeID]))
                    if (completedNodes.Contains(neuronList[currentNeuron.incomingConnectionsList[i].fromNodeID]))
                        // done
                        Debug.Log("Incoming connection has already been visited!  RECURSION?? nodeID: " + + ", fromNode: " + neuronList[currentNeuron.incomingConnectionsList[i].fromNodeID].id.ToString());
                // if it IS an input neuron:
        if (currentNeuron.nodeType == GeneNodeNEAT.GeneNodeType.Out)
            currentNeuron.currentValue[0] = TransferFunctions.Evaluate(TransferFunctions.TransferFunction.RationalSigmoid, currentNeuron.currentValue[0]);
            currentNeuron.currentValue[0] = TransferFunctions.Evaluate(TransferFunctions.TransferFunction.Linear, currentNeuron.currentValue[0]);

        //return allInputsProcessed;
 public GeneNodeNEAT(int id, GeneNodeType nodeType, TransferFunctions.TransferFunction function, int inno, int recurse, bool mirror, int channelNum) { = id;
     this.nodeType = nodeType;
     this.activationFunction = function;
     sourceAddonInno = inno;
     sourceAddonRecursionNum = recurse;
     if (mirror) {
         sourceAddonRecursionNum += 10;
     sourceAddonChannelNum = channelNum;
Example #5
    // WPP: replaced with reflection

    /*float[] GetNeuralValue(string neuronID)
     * {
     *  switch (neuronID)
     *  {
     *      case "enemyPosX": return enemyPosX;
     *      case "enemyPosY": return enemyPosY;
     *      case "enemyVelX": return enemyVelX;
     *      case "enemyVelY": return enemyVelY;
     *      case "enemyDirX": return enemyDirX;
     *      case "enemyDirY": return enemyDirY;
     *      case "enemyRelSize": return enemyRelSize;
     *      case "enemyHealth": return enemyHealth;
     *      case "enemyGrowthStage": return enemyGrowthStage;
     *      case "enemyThreatRating": return enemyThreatRating;
     *      default: return null;
     *  }
     * }*/

    public void Tick(Agent agent)
        Vector2 enemyPos =;
        Vector2 enemyDir =;
        Vector2 enemyVel =;

        if (agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent)
            enemyPos = new Vector2(agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent.bodyRigidbody.transform.localPosition.x - agent.ownPos.x, agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent.bodyRigidbody.transform.localPosition.y - agent.ownPos.y);
            enemyDir = enemyPos.normalized;
            enemyVel = new Vector2(agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent.bodyRigidbody.velocity.x, agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent.bodyRigidbody.velocity.y);

            float ownSize   = 1f; // currentBodySize.x;
            float enemySize = 1f; // nearestEnemyAgent.coreModule.currentBodySize.x;

            if (ownSize != 0f && enemySize != 0)
                float sizeRatio = enemySize / ownSize - 1f;

                if (enemySize < ownSize)
                    sizeRatio = -1f * (ownSize / enemySize - 1f);
                enemyRelSize[0] = TransferFunctions.Evaluate(TransferFunctions.TransferFunction.RationalSigmoid, sizeRatio);  // smaller creatures negative values, larger creatures positive, 0 = same size

            enemyHealth[0]      = 0f;
            enemyGrowthStage[0] = 0f;

            if (agent.coreModule != null && agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent)
                if (agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent.coreModule != null)
                    enemyHealth[0] = agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent.coreModule.hitPoints[0];

                enemyGrowthStage[0] = agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent.sizePercentage;

            //float threat = 1f;
            //if(agent.coreModule.nearestEnemyAgent.mouthRef.isPassive) {
            //    threat = 0f;
            enemyThreatRating[0] = 0f; // threat;

        enemyPosX[0] = enemyPos.x / 20f;
        enemyPosY[0] = enemyPos.y / 20f;
        enemyVelX[0] = (enemyVel.x - agent.ownVel.x) / 15f;
        enemyVelY[0] = (enemyVel.y - agent.ownVel.y) / 15f;
        enemyDirX[0] = enemyDir.x;
        enemyDirY[0] = enemyDir.y;
    public override void BrainMasterFunction(ref float[][] inputArray, ref float[][] outputArray)
        // Make sure we have enough data

        //output = new float[layerSize[layerCount - 1]];  // set output size to that of last layer (output)

        // Run the network!
        for (int l = 0; l < layerCount; l++)
            for (int j = 0; j < layerSize[l]; j++)              // for each node in the current layer l,
                float sum = 0.0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < (l == 0 ? inputSize : layerSize[l - 1]); i++)                   // for each node in the previous layer l-1,
                    sum += weight[l][i][j] * (l == 0 ? inputArray[i][0] : layerOutput[l - 1][i]);   // sum for that node is the sum of all inputs multiplied by weights from previous layer
                    //float value = weight[l][i][j] * (l == 0 ? inputArray[i][0] : layerOutput[l - 1][i]);
                    //Debug.Log("BrainANN_FF_Layers_A2A() BrainMasterFunction! inputArray[" + i.ToString() + "][0]= " + inputArray[i][0].ToString () + " weight= " + weight[l][i][j].ToString () + " value= " + value.ToString() + " sum= " + sum.ToString ());
                sum += bias[l][j];                                                            // add bias value to this node
                layerInput[l][j] = sum;                                                       // store layerInput values for this layer

                layerOutput[l][j] = TransferFunctions.Evaluate(transferFunctions[l][j], sum); // pass the sum into the transferFunction for that layer
                //Debug.Log("BrainANN_FF_Layers_A2A() BrainMasterFunction! bias= " + bias[l][j].ToString () + " weight= " + weight[l][0][j].ToString () + " sum= " + sum.ToString () + " layerOutput[][]= " + layerOutput[l][j].ToString());

        //Copy the output to the output array
        string outputString = "";

        for (int m = 0; m < layerSize[layerCount - 1]; m++)
            outputArray[m][0] = layerOutput[layerCount - 1][m];              // check for value-type pass problems
            outputString     += outputArray[m][0].ToString() + ", ";

        string inputString = "";

        for (int n = 0; n < inputSize; n++)
            inputString += inputArray[n][0].ToString() + ", ";
        //Debug.Log("BrainANN_FF_Layers_A2A() BrainMasterFunction! inputArray= " + inputString + " -- outputArray= " + outputString);
Example #7
    public void BrainMasterFunction()
        // ticks state of brain forward 1 timestep

        // NAIVE APPROACH:
        // run through all links and save sum values in target neurons
        for (int i = 0; i < axonList.Count; i++)
            // Find input neuron and multiply its value by the axon weight --- add that to output neuron total:
            neuronList[axonList[i].toID].inputTotal += axonList[i].weight * neuronList[axonList[i].fromID].currentValue[0];
        // Once all axons are calculated, process the neurons:
        for (int j = 0; j < neuronList.Count; j++)
            neuronList[j].previousValue = neuronList[j].currentValue[0]; // Save previous state
            if (neuronList[j].neuronType != NeuronGenome.NeuronType.In)
                neuronList[j].currentValue[0] = TransferFunctions.Evaluate(TransferFunctions.TransferFunction.RationalSigmoid, neuronList[j].inputTotal);
            // now zero out inputSum:
            neuronList[j].inputTotal = 0f;
 public GeneNodeNEAT(int id, GeneNodeType nodeType, TransferFunctions.TransferFunction function) { = id;
     this.nodeType = nodeType;
     this.activationFunction = function;
Example #9
    public void BrainMasterFunction(ref List <float[]> inputList, ref List <float[]> outputList)
        string inputString  = "inputList: ";
        string outputString = "outputList: ";

        for (int i = 0; i < inputList.Count; i++)
            //Debug.Log("BrainMasterFunction inputList[" + i.ToString() + "] " + inputList.Count.ToString());
            inputString += "[" + i.ToString() + "]: " + inputList[i][0].ToString() + ", ";

        // How to run the network??
        // 1) start with input nodes, calculate values one step down the tree
        // 2) start with output nodes, do a depth-first search to find all required calculations -- might run into trouble with recursion?
        // 3) start with inputs, keep going forward until all outputs are taken care of

        // 2)

        /*numNodesVisited = 0;
         * visitedNodes.Clear();
         * completedNodes.Clear();
         * // First, zero out values for all current nodes and save previous states:
         * for (int n = 0; n < neuronList.Count; n++) {
         *  neuronList[n].previousValue = neuronList[n].currentValue[0]; // save current status (which is the state of the brain in the previous timeStep
         *  neuronList[n].currentValue[0] = 0f;  // clear currentValue
         * }
         * // Fill in input node values:
         * for(int m = 0; m < inputNeuronList.Count; m++) {
         *  inputNeuronList[m].currentValue[0] = inputList[m][0];  // revisit! might be better to do a reference pointer only once when agent is built rather than every time step value-write
         *  //processedNodes.Add(inputNeuronList[m]);  // if it's an inputNode, it's ready to be used, so mark as processed
         * }
         * for(int endNode = 0; endNode < outputNeuronList.Count; endNode++) {
         *  // loop through all output nodes, if all their inputs are processed and ready to go, add weights and run transfer function, else, dive deeper into unprocessed nodes
         *  //Debug.Log("CalculateNodeInputs endNode(" + endNode.ToString() + ")");
         *  CalculateNodeInputs(outputNeuronList[endNode]);
         * }
         * for (int o = 0; o < outputList.Count; o++) {
         *  outputList[o][0] = outputNeuronList[o].currentValue[0];
         *  outputString += "[" + o.ToString() + "]: " + outputList[o][0].ToString() + ", ";
         * }*/

        //@@@@@@@@@@ One-step should support recursion
        // go through every node and calculate its value from each of its inputs' PREVIOUS values

        // populate list of nodes to process
        // First, zero out values for all current nodes and save previous states:
        for (int n = 0; n < neuronList.Count; n++)
            neuronList[n].previousValue   = neuronList[n].currentValue[0]; // save current status (which is the state of the brain in the previous timeStep
            neuronList[n].currentValue[0] = 0f;                            // clear currentValue
        // Fill in input node values:
        for (int m = 0; m < inputNeuronList.Count; m++)
            inputNeuronList[m].currentValue[0] = inputList[m][0];  // revisit! might be better to do a reference pointer only once when agent is built rather than every time step value-write
            //processedNodes.Add(inputNeuronList[m]);  // if it's an inputNode, it's ready to be used, so mark as processed
        for (int node = 0; node < neuronList.Count; node++)
            // loop through all nodes, if all their inputs are processed and ready to go, add weights and run transfer function, else, dive deeper into unprocessed nodes
            //Debug.Log("CalculateNodeInputs endNode(" + endNode.ToString() + ")");

            for (int inputs = 0; inputs < neuronList[node].incomingConnectionsList.Count; inputs++)
                neuronList[node].currentValue[0] += neuronList[neuronList[node].incomingConnectionsList[inputs].fromNodeID].previousValue * neuronList[node].incomingConnectionsList[inputs].weight[0];

            neuronList[node].currentValue[0] = TransferFunctions.Evaluate(neuronList[node].activationFunction, neuronList[node].currentValue[0]);
            // OLD BELOW:

            /*if (neuronList[node].nodeType == GeneNodeNEAT.GeneNodeType.Out) {
             *  neuronList[node].currentValue[0] = TransferFunctions.Evaluate(TransferFunctions.TransferFunction.RationalSigmoid, neuronList[node].currentValue[0]);
             * }
             * else if (neuronList[node].nodeType == GeneNodeNEAT.GeneNodeType.Hid) {
             *  neuronList[node].currentValue[0] = TransferFunctions.Evaluate(TransferFunctions.TransferFunction.RationalSigmoid, neuronList[node].currentValue[0]);
             * }*/


        for (int o = 0; o < outputList.Count; o++)
            outputList[o][0] = outputNeuronList[o].currentValue[0];
            outputString    += "[" + o.ToString() + "]: " + outputList[o][0].ToString() + ", ";

        //Debug.Log("BrainNEAT: BrainMasterFunction!" + inputString);
        //Debug.Log("BrainNEAT: BrainMasterFunction!" + outputString);