public void QueriesInSetsAndUpdatesOneByOne()
            Document <Entity>().With(x => x.Number);


            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                store.Insert(new DocumentTable("Entities"), NewId(), new
                    Discriminator = typeof(Entity).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                    Version       = 0,
                    Document      = configuration.Serializer.Serialize(new Entity())

            // bump the version of the configuration
            UseMigrations(new InlineMigration(1));

            var counter = new TracingDocumentStoreDecorator(store);

            new DocumentMigrationRunner().Run(counter).Wait();

            // 1+2: Entities table => 100 rows
            // 3: Entities table => 0 rows
            counter.Queries.Count(x => x.Name == "Entities").ShouldBe(3);

            // each document is being updated individually
        public void DoesNotRetrieveDocumentIfNoReprojectionOrMigrationIsNeededButUpdatesVersion()
            Document <Entity>().With(x => x.Number);
            Document <OtherEntity>().With(x => x.Number);

            // add migration for same version and one for other document
                new InlineMigration(1, new ChangeDocument <Entity>((serializer, bytes) => bytes)),
                new InlineMigration(2, new ChangeDocument <OtherEntity>((serializer, bytes) => bytes)));


            var id    = NewId();
            var table = configuration.GetDesignFor <Entity>().Table;

            store.Insert(table, id, new
                AwaitsReprojection = false,
                Discriminator      = typeof(Entity).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                Version            = 1,
                Document           = configuration.Serializer.Serialize(new Entity())

            var counter = new TracingDocumentStoreDecorator(store);

            new DocumentMigrationRunner().Run(counter).Wait();

            var row = store.Get(table, id);

        public void DoesNotRetrieveDocumentIfNoReprojectionOrMigrationIsNeededButUpdatesVersion()
            Document<Entity>().With(x => x.Number);
            Document<OtherEntity>().With(x => x.Number);

            // add migration for same version and one for other document
                new InlineMigration(1, new ChangeDocument<Entity>((serializer, bytes) => bytes)),
                new InlineMigration(2, new ChangeDocument<OtherEntity>((serializer, bytes) => bytes)));

            var id = NewId();
            var table = configuration.GetDesignFor<Entity>().Table;
            store.Insert(table, id, new
                AwaitsReprojection = false,
                Discriminator = "Entity",
                Version = 1,
                Document = configuration.Serializer.Serialize(new Entity())

            var counter = new TracingDocumentStoreDecorator(store);
            new DocumentMigrationRunner(counter).RunSynchronously();

            var row = store.Get(table, id);
        public void QueriesInSetsAndUpdatesOneByOne()
            Document<Entity>().With(x => x.Number);


            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                store.Insert(new DocumentTable("Entities"), NewId(), new
                    Discriminator = typeof(Entity).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                    Version = 0,
                    Document = configuration.Serializer.Serialize(new Entity())

            // bump the version of the configuration
            UseMigrations(new InlineMigration(1));

            var counter = new TracingDocumentStoreDecorator(store);

            new DocumentMigrationRunner().Run(counter).Wait();

            // 1+2: Entities table => 100 rows
            // 3: Entities table => 0 rows
            counter.Queries.Count(x => x.Name == "Entities").ShouldBe(3);

            // each document is being updated individually
        public void QueriesInSetsAndUpdatesOneByOne()
            Document<Entity>().With(x => x.Number);

            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                store.Insert(new DocumentTable("Entities"), NewId(), new
                    Discriminator = "Entity", 
                    Version = 0, 
                    Document = configuration.Serializer.Serialize(new Entity())

            // bump the version of the configuration
            UseMigrations(new InlineMigration(1));

            var counter = new TracingDocumentStoreDecorator(store);

            new DocumentMigrationRunner(counter).RunSynchronously();

            // 3 query for documents below version, first two return 100 rows each, last returns 0
            // each document is being updated individually