public ActionResult CapNhat(ToChucDetailViewModel model, int id)
            ToChuc tochuc = _tochucRepository.GetToChucByID(id);

                tochuc.MaLoaiHinhToChuc = model.MaLoaiHinhToChuc;
                tochuc.TruSoChinh = model.toChuc.TruSoChinh;
                tochuc.TongSoCanBo = model.toChuc.TongSoCanBo;
                tochuc.SoTaiKhoan = model.toChuc.SoTaiKhoan;
                tochuc.GiayPhepKinhDoanh = model.toChuc.GiayPhepKinhDoanh;
                tochuc.NguoiDaiDien = model.toChuc.NguoiDaiDien;
                tochuc.DienThoai = model.toChuc.DienThoai;
                tochuc.Email = model.toChuc.Email;
                tochuc.Fax = model.toChuc.Fax;
                tochuc.HangDoanhNghiep = model.toChuc.HangDoanhNghiep;
                tochuc.VonPhapDinh = model.toChuc.VonPhapDinh;
                tochuc.VonLuuDong = model.toChuc.VonLuuDong;
                return RedirectToAction("ChiTiet", new { id = tochuc.MaToChuc });
                MessageHelper.CreateMessage(MessageType.Error, "error", new List<string> {"Lỗi: cập nhật thông tin tổ chức không thành công, vui lòng kiểm tra lại thông tin"},HttpContext.Response);
                return View(model);
        public ActionResult CapNhat(int id)
            var EditedToChuc = _tochucRepository.GetToChucByID(id);
            var LoaiHinhToChucList = _loaihinhtochucRepository.GetLoaiHinhToChucs().ToList();

            var viewmodel = new ToChucDetailViewModel
                toChuc = EditedToChuc,
                loaiHinh = LoaiHinhToChucList
            viewmodel.toChuc.TongSoCanBo = EditedToChuc.TongSoCanBo.GetValueOrDefault(0);
            viewmodel.toChuc.VonLuuDong = EditedToChuc.VonLuuDong.GetValueOrDefault(0);
            viewmodel.toChuc.VonPhapDinh = EditedToChuc.VonPhapDinh.GetValueOrDefault(0);
            return View(viewmodel);
        public ActionResult TaoMoi(ToChucDetailViewModel model, int save)
            TaiKhoan tk = ((EnhancedPrincipal)HttpContext.User).Data;
            int msg = 0;

            if (save == 1)
                //using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
               // {
                        ThongTinChung ttc = new ThongTinChung();
                        //using (TransactionScope s1 = new TransactionScope())
                            ttc.TenToChuc = model.TenToChuc;
                            ttc.GiayPhepKinhDoanh = model.GiayPhepKinhDoanh;
                            ttc.HangDoanhNghiep = model.HangDoanhNghiep;
                            ttc.VonLuuDong = model.VonLuuDong;
                            ttc.VonPhapDinh = model.VonPhapDinh;
                            ttc.SoTaiKhoan = model.SoTaiKhoan;
                            ttc.TongSoCanBo = model.TongSoCanBo;
                            ttc.MaLoaiHinhToChuc = model.MaLoaiHinhToChuc;
                            ttc.TruSoChinh = model.TruSoChinh;
                            ttc.NguoiDaiDien = model.NguoiDaiDien;
                            ttc.DienThoai = model.DienThoai;
                            ttc.Email = model.Email;
                            ttc.Fax = model.Fax;

                            // Luu vao to chuc neu chua co hoac update
                            //ToChuc t = _tochucRespository.GetToChucByID(model.MaToChuc);
                            ToChuc tc = _tochucRespository.GetToChucByTaiKhoan(tk.MaTaiKhoan);
                            if (tc == null)
                                ToChuc tc1 = new ToChuc();
                                tc1.TenToChuc = model.TenToChuc;
                                tc1.GiayPhepKinhDoanh = model.GiayPhepKinhDoanh;
                                tc1.HangDoanhNghiep = model.HangDoanhNghiep;
                                tc1.VonLuuDong = model.VonLuuDong;
                                tc1.VonPhapDinh = model.VonPhapDinh;
                                tc1.SoTaiKhoan = model.SoTaiKhoan;
                                tc1.TongSoCanBo = model.TongSoCanBo;
                                tc1.MaLoaiHinhToChuc = model.MaLoaiHinhToChuc;
                                tc1.TruSoChinh = model.TruSoChinh;
                                tc1.NguoiDaiDien = model.NguoiDaiDien;
                                tc1.DienThoai = model.DienThoai;
                                tc1.Email = model.Email;
                                tc1.Fax = model.Fax;
                                tc1.MaTaiKhoan = tk.MaTaiKhoan;
                                ToChuc t = tc;
                                t.TenToChuc = model.TenToChuc;
                                t.GiayPhepKinhDoanh = model.GiayPhepKinhDoanh;
                                t.HangDoanhNghiep = model.HangDoanhNghiep;
                                t.VonLuuDong = model.VonLuuDong;
                                t.VonPhapDinh = model.VonPhapDinh;
                                t.SoTaiKhoan = model.SoTaiKhoan;
                                t.TongSoCanBo = model.TongSoCanBo;
                                t.MaLoaiHinhToChuc = model.MaLoaiHinhToChuc;
                                t.TruSoChinh = model.TruSoChinh;
                                t.NguoiDaiDien = model.NguoiDaiDien;
                                t.DienThoai = model.DienThoai;
                                t.Email = model.Email;
                                t.Fax = model.Fax;
                        // xoa nhung nangluckekhai co MaToChuc va them vao nangluckekhai co MaToChuc moi
                        // them những nangluckekhai co MaThongTinChung

                        //List<ToChuc> tcs1 = tk.ToChucs.ToList();
                        //ToChuc tochuc = tcs1[0];
                        ToChuc tochuc = _tochucRespository.GetToChucByTaiKhoan(tk.MaTaiKhoan);
                        List<NangLucKeKhai> listNangLucCu = _nanglucRespository.GetNangLucByTCID(tochuc.MaToChuc);
                        foreach (var nlCu in listNangLucCu)
                        IEnumerable<NangLucVM> listNangLuc = model.NangLucRow;
                        if (listNangLuc != null)
                            foreach (var i in listNangLuc)
                                NangLucKeKhai nl = new NangLucKeKhai();
                                nl.MaToChuc = tochuc.MaToChuc;
                                nl.NganhNghe = i.NganhNghe;
                                nl.SoTrenDaiHoc = i.Daihoc.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                nl.SoTrungCap = i.TrungCap.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                nl.SoCongNhanKyThuat = i.CongNhan.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                nl.LoaiKhac = i.LoaiKhac.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                NangLucKeKhai nl1 = new NangLucKeKhai();
                                nl1.MaThongTinChung = ttc.MaThongTinChung;
                                nl1.NganhNghe = i.NganhNghe;
                                nl1.SoTrenDaiHoc = i.Daihoc.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                nl1.SoTrungCap = i.TrungCap.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                nl1.SoCongNhanKyThuat = i.CongNhan.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                nl1.LoaiKhac = i.LoaiKhac.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                        // xoa nhung ThietBi co MaToChuc va them vao ThietBi co MaToChuc moi
                        // them những ThietBi co MaThongTinChung
                        List<ThietBi> listThietBiCu = _thietbiRespository.GetThietBiByTCID(tochuc.MaToChuc);
                        foreach (var tbCu in listThietBiCu)
                        IEnumerable<ThietBiVM> listThietBi = model.ThietBiRow;
                        if (listThietBi != null)
                            foreach (var i in listThietBi)
                                ThietBi tb = new ThietBi();
                                tb.MaToChuc = tochuc.MaToChuc;
                                tb.TenThietBi_CongNghe = i.TenThietBi_CongNghe;
                                tb.SoLuong = i.SoLuong.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                tb.TinhTrang = i.TinhTrang;
                                tb.GhiChu = i.GhiChu;
                                ThietBi tb1 = new ThietBi();
                                tb1.MaThongTinChung = ttc.MaThongTinChung;
                                tb1.TenThietBi_CongNghe = i.TenThietBi_CongNghe;
                                tb1.SoLuong = i.SoLuong.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                tb1.TinhTrang = i.TinhTrang;
                                tb1.GhiChu = i.GhiChu;

                        // xoa nhung ThietBi co MaToChuc va them vao ThietBi co MaToChuc moi
                        // them những ThietBi co MaThongTinChung

                        List<NhanLuc> listNhanLucCu = _nhanlucRespository.GetNhanLucByTCID(tochuc.MaToChuc);
                        foreach (var nlCu in listNhanLucCu)
                        IEnumerable<NhanLucVM> listNhanLuc = model.NhanLucRow;
                        if (listNhanLuc != null)
                            foreach (var i in listNhanLuc)
                                NhanLuc nl = new NhanLuc();
                                nl.MaToChuc = tochuc.MaToChuc;
                                nl.HoTen = i.HoTen;
                                nl.ChucVu = i.ChucVu;
                                nl.TrinhDoHocVan = i.TrinhDoHocVan;
                                nl.ThamNien = i.ThamNien;
                                NhanLuc nl1 = new NhanLuc();
                                nl1.MaThongTinChung = ttc.MaThongTinChung;
                                nl1.HoTen = i.HoTen;
                                nl1.ChucVu = i.ChucVu;
                                nl1.TrinhDoHocVan = i.TrinhDoHocVan;
                                nl1.ThamNien = i.ThamNien;

                        HoSoGiayPhep hs = new HoSoGiayPhep();
                        hs.MaToChuc = tochuc.MaToChuc;
                        hs.MaThongTinChung = ttc.MaThongTinChung;
                        hs.NgayXinPhep = DateTime.Today;
                        hs.TinhTrang = 1;
                        hs.LoaiGiayPhep = 1;
                        hs.CamKet = model.Camket;
                        hs.LyDo = model.LyDo;
                        if (Request.Files["tepdinhkem"] != null) // If uploaded synchronously
                            var tep_guid = _fileStore.SaveUploadedFile(Request.Files["tepdinhkem"]);
                            var tep_filename = Request.Files["tepdinhkem"].FileName;
                            hs.TepDinhKem = tep_guid.ToString();
                            hs.TepDinhKem = Request["tepdinhkem_guid"].ToString();


                        ///add dang ky hoat dong
                        IList<int> listDK = model.DSHoatDongSelecteds;
                        if (listDK != null)
                            foreach (var i in listDK)
                                DangKyHoatDong dk = new DangKyHoatDong();
                                dk.MaHoSo = hs.MaHoSo;
                                dk.MaHoatDong = i;
                                dk.LanBoSung = 0;
                        msg = 20;
                       // scope.Complete();
                    //msg = 20;
                   // }
                        MessageHelper.CreateMessage(MessageType.Error, "", new List<string> { "Gửi hồ sơ không thành công" }, HttpContext.Response);
                        model.loaiHinh = _loaihinhtochucRepository.GetLoaiHinhToChucs().ToList();
                        return View(model);
                        //msg = 21;
                    //using (TransactionScope s2 = new TransactionScope())
                   // {
                        List<ToChuc> tcs = tk.ToChucs.ToList();
                        if (tcs.Count == 0)
                            ToChuc tc = new ToChuc();
                            tc.TenToChuc = model.TenToChuc;
                            tc.GiayPhepKinhDoanh = model.GiayPhepKinhDoanh;
                            tc.HangDoanhNghiep = model.HangDoanhNghiep;
                            tc.VonLuuDong = model.VonLuuDong;
                            tc.VonPhapDinh = model.VonPhapDinh;
                            tc.SoTaiKhoan = model.SoTaiKhoan;
                            tc.TongSoCanBo = model.TongSoCanBo;
                            tc.MaLoaiHinhToChuc = model.MaLoaiHinhToChuc;
                            tc.TruSoChinh = model.TruSoChinh;
                            tc.NguoiDaiDien = model.NguoiDaiDien;
                            tc.DienThoai = model.DienThoai;
                            tc.Email = model.Email;
                            tc.Fax = model.Fax;
                            tc.MaTaiKhoan = tk.MaTaiKhoan;
                            ToChuc tc = tcs[0];
                            tc.TenToChuc = model.TenToChuc;
                            tc.GiayPhepKinhDoanh = model.GiayPhepKinhDoanh;
                            tc.HangDoanhNghiep = model.HangDoanhNghiep;
                            tc.VonLuuDong = model.VonLuuDong;
                            tc.VonPhapDinh = model.VonPhapDinh;
                            tc.SoTaiKhoan = model.SoTaiKhoan;
                            tc.TongSoCanBo = model.TongSoCanBo;
                            tc.MaLoaiHinhToChuc = model.MaLoaiHinhToChuc;
                            tc.TruSoChinh = model.TruSoChinh;
                            tc.NguoiDaiDien = model.NguoiDaiDien;
                            tc.DienThoai = model.DienThoai;
                            tc.Email = model.Email;
                            tc.Fax = model.Fax;

                        ToChuc tochuc = _tochucRespository.GetToChucByTaiKhoan(tk.MaTaiKhoan);
                        List<NhanLuc> listNhanLucCu = _nhanlucRespository.GetNhanLucByTCID(tochuc.MaToChuc);
                        foreach (var nlCu in listNhanLucCu)
                        IEnumerable<NhanLucVM> listNhanLuc = model.NhanLucRow;
                        if (listNhanLuc != null)
                            foreach (var i in listNhanLuc)
                                NhanLuc nl = new NhanLuc();
                                nl.MaToChuc = tochuc.MaToChuc;
                                nl.HoTen = i.HoTen;
                                nl.ChucVu = i.ChucVu;
                                nl.TrinhDoHocVan = i.TrinhDoHocVan;
                                nl.ThamNien = i.ThamNien;

                        List<NangLucKeKhai> listNangLucCu = _nanglucRespository.GetNangLucByTCID(tochuc.MaToChuc);
                        foreach (var nlCu in listNangLucCu)
                        IEnumerable<NangLucVM> listNangLuc = model.NangLucRow;
                        if (listNangLuc != null)
                            foreach (var i in listNangLuc)
                                NangLucKeKhai nl = new NangLucKeKhai();
                                nl.MaToChuc = tochuc.MaToChuc;
                                nl.NganhNghe = i.NganhNghe;
                                nl.SoTrenDaiHoc = i.Daihoc.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                nl.SoTrungCap = i.TrungCap.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                nl.SoCongNhanKyThuat = i.CongNhan.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                nl.LoaiKhac = i.LoaiKhac.GetValueOrDefault(0);

                        List<ThietBi> listThietBiCu = _thietbiRespository.GetThietBiByTCID(tochuc.MaToChuc);
                        foreach (var tbCu in listThietBiCu)
                        IEnumerable<ThietBiVM> listThietBi = model.ThietBiRow;
                        if (listThietBi != null)
                            foreach (var i in listThietBi)
                                ThietBi tb = new ThietBi();
                                tb.MaToChuc = tochuc.MaToChuc;
                                tb.TenThietBi_CongNghe = i.TenThietBi_CongNghe;
                                tb.SoLuong = i.SoLuong.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                                tb.TinhTrang = i.TinhTrang;
                                tb.GhiChu = i.GhiChu;
                       // s2.Complete();
                        msg = 22;
                    MessageHelper.CreateMessage(MessageType.Error, "", new List<string> { "Lỗi khi lưu hồ sơ đăng ký" }, HttpContext.Response);
                    model.loaiHinh = _loaihinhtochucRepository.GetLoaiHinhToChucs().ToList();
                    return View(model);
            return RedirectToAction("ThongBao", new { iMsg = msg });
        public ActionResult TaoMoi()
            TaiKhoan tk = ((EnhancedPrincipal)HttpContext.User).Data;
            List<ToChuc> tcs = tk.ToChucs.ToList();
            ToChucDetailViewModel model = new ToChucDetailViewModel();

            // Khi chua co to chuc nao duoc luu
            if (tcs.Count == 0)
                model.NangLucs = new List<NangLucVM> { };
                model.NhanLucs = new List<NhanLucVM> { };
                model.ThietBis = new List<ThietBiVM> { };
                model.DSHoatDongSelecteds = new int[] { };
                model.DSHoatDongs = new List<HoatDong> { new HoatDong { MaHoatDong = 1, TenHoatDong = "sdf" }, new HoatDong { MaHoatDong = 2, TenHoatDong = "gfg" } };
            // Da co thong tin to chuc cua tai khoan do
                ToChuc tc = tcs[0];
                //kiểm tra được phép đăng ký mới hay không
                int check = _hsgpRepository.Check(tc.MaToChuc);
                if (check == 1 || check == 4 || check == 5 || check == 6 || check == 8 || check == 9 || check == 11)
                    ViewData["mataikhoan"] = tk.MaTaiKhoan;
                    return RedirectToAction("thongbao", new { iMsg = check });

                model.NangLucs = new List<NangLucVM> { };
                List<NangLucKeKhai> listNangLuc = new List<NangLucKeKhai>();
                listNangLuc = _nanglucRespository.GetNangLucByTCID(tc.MaToChuc);
                if (listNangLuc != null)
                    foreach (var nl in listNangLuc)
                        NangLucVM nangluc = new NangLucVM();
                        nangluc.NganhNghe = nl.NganhNghe;
                        nangluc.Daihoc = nl.SoTrenDaiHoc.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                        nangluc.TrungCap = nl.SoTrungCap.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                        nangluc.CongNhan = nl.SoCongNhanKyThuat.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                        nangluc.LoaiKhac = nl.LoaiKhac.GetValueOrDefault(0);

                model.NhanLucs = new List<NhanLucVM> { };
                List<NhanLuc> listNhanLuc = new List<NhanLuc>();
                listNhanLuc = _nhanlucRespository.GetNhanLucByTCID(tc.MaToChuc);
                if (listNhanLuc != null)
                    foreach (var nl in listNhanLuc)
                        NhanLucVM nhanluc = new NhanLucVM();
                        nhanluc.HoTen = nl.HoTen;
                        nhanluc.ChucVu = nl.ChucVu;
                        nhanluc.TrinhDoHocVan = nl.TrinhDoHocVan;
                        nhanluc.ThamNien = nl.ThamNien;

                model.ThietBis = new List<ThietBiVM> { };
                List<ThietBi> listThietBi = new List<ThietBi>();
                listThietBi = _thietbiRespository.GetThietBiByTCID(tc.MaToChuc);
                if (listThietBi != null)
                    foreach (var tb in listThietBi)
                        ThietBiVM thietbi = new ThietBiVM();
                        thietbi.TenThietBi_CongNghe = tb.TenThietBi_CongNghe;
                        thietbi.SoLuong = tb.SoLuong.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                        thietbi.GhiChu = tb.GhiChu;
                        thietbi.TinhTrang = tb.TinhTrang;

                model.DSHoatDongSelecteds = new int[] { };
                model.DSHoatDongs = new List<HoatDong> { new HoatDong { MaHoatDong = 1, TenHoatDong = "sdf" }, new HoatDong { MaHoatDong = 2, TenHoatDong = "gfg" } };

                model.TenToChuc = tc.TenToChuc;
                model.MaToChuc = tc.MaToChuc;
                model.DienThoai = tc.DienThoai;
                model.Email = tc.Email;
                model.Fax = tc.Fax;
                model.GiayPhepKinhDoanh = tc.GiayPhepKinhDoanh;
                model.HangDoanhNghiep = tc.HangDoanhNghiep;
                model.MaLoaiHinhToChuc = (int)tc.MaLoaiHinhToChuc;
                model.NguoiDaiDien = tc.NguoiDaiDien;
                model.SoTaiKhoan = tc.SoTaiKhoan;
                model.TongSoCanBo = tc.TongSoCanBo.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                model.TruSoChinh = tc.TruSoChinh;
                model.VonLuuDong = tc.VonLuuDong.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                model.VonPhapDinh = tc.VonPhapDinh.GetValueOrDefault(0);

            model.loaiHinh = _loaihinhtochucRepository.GetLoaiHinhToChucs().ToList();

            model.Camket = "Tôi xin chịu trách nhiệm về toàn bộ nội dung bản đăng ký này.";
            model.LyDo = "Xin đăng ký giấy phép mới.";

            // Mã nhũng hoạt động khi được chọn từ danh sách hoạt động
            // Ban đầu thì không có phần tử nào
            model.DSHoatDongs = _hoatdongRespository.GetHoatDongs().ToList();
            return View(model);
 public ActionResult TaoMoi(ToChucDetailViewModel model)
         if (this.CurrentUser.ToChucs.Count == 0)
             TaiKhoan tk = this.CurrentUser;
             ToChuc tc = new ToChuc();
             tc.TenToChuc = model.TenToChuc;
             tc.DienThoai = model.DienThoai;
             tc.Email = model.Email;
             tc.Fax = model.Fax;
             tc.GiayPhepKinhDoanh = model.GiayPhepKinhDoanh;
             tc.MaLoaiHinhToChuc = model.MaLoaiHinhToChuc;
             tc.NguoiDaiDien = model.NguoiDaiDien;
             tc.SoTaiKhoan = model.SoTaiKhoan;
             tc.TongSoCanBo = model.TongSoCanBo;
             tc.MaTaiKhoan = tk.MaTaiKhoan;
             tc.TruSoChinh = model.TruSoChinh;
             tc.HangDoanhNghiep = model.HangDoanhNghiep;
             tc.VonPhapDinh = model.VonPhapDinh;
             tc.VonLuuDong = model.VonLuuDong;
         return RedirectToAction("Index", "TrangChu");
     catch (Exception)
         MessageHelper.CreateMessage(MessageType.Error, "", new List<string> { "error when create new" }, HttpContext.Response);
     return View(model);
 public ActionResult TaoMoi()
     if (this.CurrentUser.ToChucs.Count == 0)
         ToChucDetailViewModel model = new ToChucDetailViewModel();
         model.loaiHinh = _loaihinhtochucRepository.GetLoaiHinhToChucs().ToList();
         return View(model);
     return RedirectToAction("Index", "ToChuc");
        public ActionResult ChiTiet(int id)
            TaiKhoan tk = ((EnhancedPrincipal)HttpContext.User).Data;
            if (tk.NhomNguoiDung != null && tk.NhomNguoiDung == 2)
                return RedirectToAction("thongbao",new {iMsg = 1 });

            ToChuc tochuc = _tochucRepository.GetToChucByID(id);

            if (tochuc == null)
                return new FileNotFoundResult { Message = "Không có tổ chức trên" };

            var modelview = new ToChucDetailViewModel { toChuc = tochuc };

            return View(modelview);