public void CreateModuleTest()
            TicketChargeCode temp = NewChargeCode();


            //Make sure it returns a row id and that that record exists.
            Assert.IsTrue(temp.ChargeCodeId > 0, "The TicketModule insertion did not return a row id");

            Assert.IsTrue(SelectChargeCodeById(temp.ChargeCodeId) != null, "The internal selection query used to verify this test failed to return the a row.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates shiny new modules that are not referenced / altered by other methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private TicketChargeCode NewChargeCode()
            //Initialize a basic module object.
            TicketChargeCode ChargeCode = new TicketChargeCode();

            ChargeCode.ChargeCode     = "1234-1524-AAtd-568d";
            ChargeCode.Description    = "This is a dummy charge code.";
            ChargeCode.ExpirationDate = TestDate;
            ChargeCode.IsActive       = true;

        public void GetAllChargeCodeTest()
            TicketChargeCodeCollection tempChargeCodeCol = new TicketChargeCodeCollection();

            //Create a new ChargeCode, insert it into the database, and then insert it into the ChargeCode Collection.
            for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                TicketChargeCode tempCC = NewChargeCode();

            //Get all ChargeCodes...
            TicketChargeCodeCollection tempChargeCodeCol2 = HelpdeskService.GetAllChargeCode();

            foreach (TicketChargeCode temp in tempChargeCodeCol)
        public void EditModuleTest()
            TicketChargeCode temp = NewChargeCode();


            //Make sure the insertion worked smoothly.
            Assert.IsTrue(temp.Equals(SelectChargeCodeById(temp.ChargeCodeId)), "The created module and selected module do not match.  Insertion or selection might have failed");

            //Change the values...
            temp.ChargeCode     = "111-111-1111";
            temp.Description    = "New ChargeCode Description";
            temp.IsActive       = false;
            temp.ExpirationDate = DateTime.Now;

            //Peform the update.

            //Create a new instance of the module object and compare them...
            TicketChargeCode temp2 = SelectChargeCodeById(temp.ChargeCodeId);

            //Make sure they match.
            Assert.IsTrue(temp.Equals(temp2), "The updated module did not match equality with the prepared module values in the method.");
 public static void EditChargeCode(TicketChargeCode ChargeCode)
     LoadProviders(); _provider.EditChargeCode(ChargeCode);
 public static void CreateChargeCode(TicketChargeCode ChargeCode)
     LoadProviders(); _provider.CreateChargeCode(ChargeCode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates shiny new modules that are not referenced / altered by other methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private TicketChargeCode NewChargeCode()
            //Initialize a basic module object.
            TicketChargeCode ChargeCode = new TicketChargeCode();
            ChargeCode.ChargeCode = "1234-1524-AAtd-568d";
            ChargeCode.Description = "This is a dummy charge code.";
            ChargeCode.ExpirationDate = TestDate;
            ChargeCode.IsActive = true;

            return ChargeCode;
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to insert values into the database.  If successful, it will set teh appropriate row id.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Module"></param>
 private void InsertChargeCodeIntoDatabase(TicketChargeCode ChargeCode)
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to insert values into the database.  If successful, it will set teh appropriate row id.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Module"></param>
 private void InsertChargeCodeIntoDatabase(TicketChargeCode ChargeCode)
 public abstract void EditChargeCode(TicketChargeCode ChargeCode);
 public abstract void CreateChargeCode(TicketChargeCode ChargeCode);