Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all options for changing the definition of a given old theorem object based on the new (last)
        /// configuration object, which might have geometric properties related to this old object (for example,
        /// if the new object is a point and the old one is a line/circle, then it might lie on it). This includes
        /// even an option of not changing the definition at all, i.e. returning the original old object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldTheoremObject">The old theorem object for which we're looking for definition change options.</param>
        /// <param name="contextualPicture">The contextual picture that represents the configuration.</param>
        /// <returns>The enumeration of all possible definition changes, including no change.</returns>
        private static IEnumerable <TheoremObject> FindDefinitionChangeOptions(TheoremObject oldTheoremObject, ContextualPicture contextualPicture)
            // Find the new object of the configuration
            var newConfigurationObject = contextualPicture.Pictures.Configuration.LastConstructedObject;

            // Find its geometric version
            var newGeometricObject = contextualPicture.GetGeometricObject(newConfigurationObject);

            // Switch based on the type of old object
            switch (oldTheoremObject)
            // If we have a point or line segment (internally consisting of points...)
            case PointTheoremObject _:
            case LineSegmentTheoremObject _:

                // Then there is no way to find a new definition of the object,
                // i.e. we return the 'no change of definition' option
                return(new[] { oldTheoremObject });

            // If we have an object with points...
            case TheoremObjectWithPoints objectWithPoints:

                #region Find its geometric version

                // We're going to find the corresponding geometric version
                DefinableByPoints geometricObjectWithPoints = default;

                // If our object is defined explicitly
                if (objectWithPoints.DefinedByExplicitObject)
                    // Use the internal configuration object to get the definition directly
                    geometricObjectWithPoints = (DefinableByPoints)contextualPicture.GetGeometricObject(objectWithPoints.ConfigurationObject);

                // Otherwise it's defined by points
                    // Get the points corresponding to its points
                    var geometricPoints = objectWithPoints.Points
                                          // For each find the geometric point
                                          // We know they're points
                                          .Cast <PointObject>()
                                          // Enumerate

                    // Find the right object based on the type of the theorem object with points
                    geometricObjectWithPoints = (objectWithPoints switch
                        // Looking for the line that contains our points
                        // It certainly passes through the first point
                        LineTheoremObject _ => geometricPoints[0].Lines.First(line => line.ContainsAll(geometricPoints)) as DefinableByPoints,

                        // Looking for the circle that contains our points
                        // It certainly passes through the first point
                        CircleTheoremObject _ => geometricPoints[0].Circles.First(circle => circle.ContainsAll(geometricPoints)),

                        // Unhandled cases
                        _ => throw new TheoremFinderException($"Unhandled type of {nameof(TheoremObjectWithPoints)}: {objectWithPoints.GetType()}")
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SimplificationRule"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="simplifableObject">The template of an object that can be simplified.</param>
 /// <param name="simplifiedObject">The template of the simplification of <see cref="SimplifiedObject"/>.</param>
 public SimplificationRule(TheoremObject simplifableObject, TheoremObject simplifiedObject)
     SimplifableObject = simplifableObject ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(simplifableObject));
     SimplifiedObject  = simplifiedObject ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(simplifiedObject));