Example #1
    private static void LoadLevel(ref string levelNamePath, out StringReader stringReader)
        //Read the level text file
        string textFileContent = TextFileReader.ReadTextFile(levelNamePath);

        stringReader = new StringReader(textFileContent);
Example #2
        public void ReadsTextFromFile()
            string fileName = TestContext.CurrentDirectory + @"\testtext.txt";

            string[] text = new TextFileReader().ReadTokens(fileName);
            Assert.That(text, Is.EqualTo(new string[] { "test", "text" }));
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Out.Write("Please enter search string: ");

            // Wait for input
            String line = Console.In.ReadLine();

            if (line.Equals(""))
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Please enter a search string...");

            // File to match in

            string filename = "testFile.txt";

            // Read the file and place it in string
            string s = TextFileReader.ReadFile(filename);

            // Get a search term (or terms)
            string matchLine = getInputString(line);

            // Collect all matches in the string
            RegMatch[] allMatches = FindAllMatches(matchLine, s);

            printOutMatches(allMatches, s);
Example #4
        public void Find_Lines_From_File_By_Regexp()
            var testEntities = new List <TestEntity>()
                new TestEntity("ERROR", 1234, new Guid("aeda1ea5-b49d-48cc-88d8-42e3970b2ea8")),
                new TestEntity("ERROR", 43, Guid.NewGuid()),
                new TestEntity("WARNING", 1212, Guid.NewGuid()),
                new TestEntity("ERROR", 54321, new Guid("dfa2259a-921c-4372-a4cc-5922bbdc51de"))

            string filePath = "D:\\Logs\\RegexpSearcherTest.txt";

            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            testEntities.ForEach(e => stringBuilder.AppendLine($"{e.Data} in line {e.Line}, with id {e.Id}"));
            File.WriteAllText(filePath, stringBuilder.ToString());

            string regexpFull    = "ERROR.*";
            string regexpDetails = @".*in line.*(\d{4,5}).* with id (.{36})";

            var lines = RegexpSearcher.Find(RegexpSearcher.Find(TextFileReader.ReadLines(filePath), regexpFull, (line, match) => line), regexpDetails, (s, match) =>
                var line = Int32.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                var id   = Guid.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value);
                return(new TestEntity(s, line, id));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, lines.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(lines[0].Line, 1234);
            Assert.AreEqual(lines[0].Id, new Guid("aeda1ea5-b49d-48cc-88d8-42e3970b2ea8"));
            Assert.AreEqual(lines[1].Line, 4321);
            Assert.AreEqual(lines[1].Id, new Guid("dfa2259a-921c-4372-a4cc-5922bbdc51de"));
    //==================================================== private ====================================================
    private void Read_Text(string fileName)
        TextFileReader text = new TextFileReader();

        textWords = text.textWords;
Example #6
        public void A_User_Should_be_Able_to_Read_A_TextFile(string fileName)
            var    textFileReader = new TextFileReader(filePath, fileName);
            string contentFile    = textFileReader.Read();

            Assert.Equal("This is the file content", contentFile);
Example #7
        public void A_User_Should_be_Able_to_Read_An_Encrypted_TextFile_InjectingService()
            string fileName = "EncryptedContent.txt";

            //Mock DecryptService Service
            var mockDecryptService = new Mock <IDecryptDataService>();

            .Setup(mock => mock.DecryptData(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns((string param) =>
                StringBuilder stringBuilder =
                    new StringBuilder(param);

                char[] array = stringBuilder.ToString().ToCharArray();

                return(new string(array));

            var    textFileReader = new TextFileReader(filePath, fileName, mockDecryptService.Object);
            string contentFile    = textFileReader.Read();

            Assert.Equal("This is the file content", contentFile);
Example #8
        public void TryReadRecord_MultipleRecordsWithOneHeaderRow_RecordsAreRead()
            var records = new string[]

            File.WriteAllLines(this.FilePath, records);

            using (var fileReader = new TextFileReader(this.FilePath))
                fileReader.HeaderRowCount = 1;


                var couldReadRecord1 = fileReader.TryReadRecord(out var record1, out var failures1);
                var couldReadRecord2 = fileReader.TryReadRecord(out var record2, out var failures2);
                var couldReadRecord3 = fileReader.TryReadRecord(out var record3, out var failures3);

                Assert.AreEqual(records[1], record1);
                Assert.AreEqual(records[2], record2);
Example #9
 bool LoadFile(FilePath filePath)
     if (filePath == null)
         _filePath     = filePath;
         _fileSize     = filePath.FileInfo.Length;
         _readOnly     = filePath.FileInfo.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.ReadOnly) || filePath.FileInfo.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.System);
         _fileEncoding = filePath.GetEncoding(Encoding.Default);
         var(lines, platform, eolSeparator) = TextFileReader.ReadAllLines(filePath.FullName);
         _text         = lines.ToList();
         _eolSeparator = eolSeparator;
         _linesSplits  = new List <List <StringSegment> >(_text.Count);
         for (int i = 0; i < _text.Count; i++)
         _fileEOL = platform;
     catch (Exception ex)
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Read data from file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">File for reading.</param>
        /// <returns>Readed items, checkSum and filename.</returns>
        public List <Pair <string> > ReadData(TextFileReader reader)
            char[] separators = new char[] { '|', };
            List <Pair <string> > itemList = reader.ReadSplittedLines(separators);

Example #11
        public void TestFindAllMatches()
            string filename = "onlytext.txt";

            string s = TextFileReader.ReadFile(filename);

            RegMatch[] matches = Program.FindAllMatches("man", s);

            // This is man on the pos 5
            Assert.AreEqual(matches[1].pos, 5);
            Assert.AreEqual(matches.length, 1);

            foreach (RegMatch match in matches)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(match.color, ConsoleColor.Blue);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(match.color, ConsoleColor.Red);

            string filename2 = "textWithoutLinks.txt";

            string s2 = TextFileReader.ReadFile(filename);

            RegMatch[] matches2 = Program.FindAllMatches("", s2);

            // This is the first occuring link
            Assert.AreEqual(matches2[0].pos, 50);
            Assert.AreEqual(matches2.length, 2);

            foreach (RegMatch match in matches2)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(match.color, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(match.color, ConsoleColor.Red);

            string filename3 = "textWithoutDates.txt";

            string s3 = TextFileReader.ReadFile(filename);

            RegMatch[] matches3 = Program.FindAllMatches("", s3);

            // This is the first occuring date
            Assert.AreEqual(matches3[0].pos, 50);
            Assert.AreEqual(matches3.length, 2);

            foreach (RegMatch match in matches3)
                Assert.AreNotEqual(match.color, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(match.color, ConsoleColor.Blue);

            string filename4 = "textWithoutDates.txt";

            string s4 = TextFileReader.ReadFile(filename);

            RegMatch[] matches4 = Program.FindAllMatches("man", s4);

            Assert.AreEqual(matches4.length, 10);             // ish
Example #12
        public void FileThatHasBeenReadShouldReturnSameValue()
            var reader  = new TextFileReader(_pathValidations, _fileSystem);
            var content = reader.ReadContent(_expFullNamePath);

            Assert.Equal(_expectedContent, content);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a project using the inputted strings as sources.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sources">Classes in the form of strings</param>
        /// <param name="language">The language the source code is in</param>
        /// <returns>A Project created out of the Documents created from the source strings</returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, Document> CreateCompilationAndReturnDocuments(IEnumerable <string> filePaths, string language = LanguageNames.CSharp)
            string fileNamePrefix = DefaultFilePathPrefix;
            string fileExt        = language == LanguageNames.CSharp ? CSharpDefaultFileExt : VisualBasicDefaultExt;

            var projectId = ProjectId.CreateNewId(debugName: TestProjectName);

            var solution = new AdhocWorkspace()
                           .AddProject(projectId, TestProjectName, TestProjectName, language)
                           .AddMetadataReference(projectId, CorlibReference)
                           .AddMetadataReference(projectId, SystemCoreReference)
                           .AddMetadataReference(projectId, CSharpSymbolsReference)
                           .AddMetadataReference(projectId, CodeAnalysisReference);

            var documents = new Dictionary <string, Document>();
            int count     = 0;

            foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
                var newFileName = fileNamePrefix + count + "." + fileExt;
                var documentId  = DocumentId.CreateNewId(projectId, debugName: newFileName);
                var source      = TextFileReader.ReadFile(filePath);
                solution = solution.AddDocument(documentId, newFileName, SourceText.From(source));
                documents.Add(filePath, solution.GetDocument(documentId));
        public void SplitBills_ShouldReturnListOfTripsThatContainsExpensesOwnedPerPerson()
            string filePath = Path.GetFullPath("Resources/testfile.txt");

            decimal[] expected = new decimal[] { -1.99m, -8.01m, 10.01m, 0.98m, -0.98m };

            IFileReader         fileReader = new TextFileReader();
            IFileWriter         fileWriter = new TextFileWriter();
            IExpensesCalculator calculator = new ExpensesCalculator();

            SplitBillsService service = new SplitBillsService(fileReader, fileWriter, calculator);
            bool isSuccess            = service.SplitBills(filePath);


            int i = 0;

            foreach (var trip in service.Trips)
                foreach (var participant in trip.Participants)
                    Assert.Equal(expected[i++], participant.ExpensesShouldBePaid);
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a file containing the sha1 hash code of the file given. The file is named <paramref name="filePath"/>.sha1
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param>
        public void WriteSha1HashFile(string filePath)
            ITextReader reader = new TextFileReader(filePath);
            ITextWriter writer = new TextFileWriter(GetSha1FilePath(filePath));

            this.hashService.WriteHash(reader, writer);
Example #16
        public void ReadSimpleTextTest()
            TextFileReader reader  = new TextFileReader("test1.txt");
            var            content = reader.Read();

            Assert.AreEqual(content, "hello");
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Read items from a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Full path to the file.</param>
        /// <returns>Number of items read.</returns>
        public int ReadFile(string path, CheckSumType currentSumType)
            TextFileReader reader  = new TextFileReader(path);
            IFile          sumFile = InitSumFile(currentSumType);

            List <Pair <string> > itemList = sumFile.ReadData(reader);

            int items = 0;

            foreach (Pair <string> item in itemList)
                // TODO: must validity-check values!
                string   filename = item.Item2;
                FileInfo fi       = new FileInfo(filename);

                // Check if fhe file is found and accessible
                    if (fi.Exists)
                        string fullpath = Path.Combine(fi.DirectoryName, fi.Name);

                        _list.AddFile(fullpath, item.Item1);
Example #18
        private void ReadFile(string path)
            TextFileReader tr     = new TextFileReader();
            var            lines  = tr.Parse(path);
            Parser         parser = new Parser();

            parser.Parse(lines, out _nodes, out _connections);
Example #19
        public void ReadEncodedTest()
            ReverseEncryption encryptionStrategy = new ReverseEncryption();
            TextFileReader    reader             = new TextFileReader("encryptedText.txt", encryptionStrategy);
            string            decodedText        = reader.ReadEncoded();

            Assert.AreEqual(decodedText, "hello");
Example #20
        public void TestReadFile()
            TextFileReader tfr = new TextFileReader("input2.txt");

            string buf = tfr.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(31, buf.Length);
        public void WriteReadFile()
            TextFileWriter writer = new TextFileWriter(path);

            TextFileReader reader = new TextFileReader(path);
            Assert.AreEqual(content, reader.GetString());
        public void ReadContent_WhenFileExists()
            var reader = new TextFileReader();
            var path   = "TestFiles/TextFile.txt";

            string content = reader.ReadContent(path);

Example #23
        public void TestReadInvalidPath(string fileName)
            string fullPath = string.Concat(Path.GetDirectoryName(ResourceAssembly.Location), "\\", fileName);

            //Test the file reading Library
            TextFileReader textFileReader = new TextFileReader();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => textFileReader.ReadTextFile(fullPath), "The requested path is not a file");
Example #24
        public void Error_WrongConstructor_Read_An_Encrypted_TextFile()
            string fileName = "EncryptedContent.txt";

            var    textFileReader = new TextFileReader(filePath, fileName);
            string contentFile    = textFileReader.Read();

            Assert.NotEqual("This is the file content", contentFile);
Example #25
        public void TestReadNotSupported(string fileName)
            string fullPath = string.Concat(Path.GetDirectoryName(ResourceAssembly.Location), "\\", fileName);

            //Test the file reading Library
            TextFileReader textFileReader = new TextFileReader();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => textFileReader.ReadTextFile(fullPath), "Specified type is not supported");
Example #26
        public void TestReadNotExist(string fileName)
            string fullPath = string.Concat(Path.GetDirectoryName(ResourceAssembly.Location), "\\", fileName);

            //Test the file reading Library
            TextFileReader textFileReader = new TextFileReader();

            Assert.Throws <FileNotFoundException>(() => textFileReader.ReadTextFile(fullPath), string.Format("Text File {0} does not exist", fullPath));
Example #27
        public void ReadFileAndCheckRowCount()
            TextFileReader reader = new TextFileReader(TestFolder + "TestFile1.md5");

            MD5File sumFile = new MD5File();
            List <Pair <string> > itemList = sumFile.ReadData(reader);

            Assert.AreEqual(itemList.Count, _testFile1RowCount);
Example #28
        public void ReadFromFile()
            TextFileReader textFileReader = new TextFileReader();

            string[] data = textFileReader.FetchStringArrayByLocation(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"..\..\..\Data\UserData.txt");

            CurrentSavings = float.Parse(data[0]);
            MonthlySalary  = float.Parse(data[1]);
Example #29
        public static void InitializeComponents(string[] args)
            TextFileReader.processID = args[0];
            Logger.processID         = args[0];
            ConnectionThreader c = new ConnectionThreader(int.Parse(TextFileReader.processID), TextFileReader.dict);

        public void ReturnsEmptyConstructor_When_MethodBodyIsNull(string filePath, string className, string expected)
            var source          = TextFileReader.ReadFile(filePath);
            var syntaxGenerator = new SyntaxGeneratorProvider().GetSyntaxGenerator(source);

            var actual = _target.Constructor(className, null, syntaxGenerator);

            Assert.Equal(expected.RemoveWhitespace(), actual.GetText().ToString());
Example #31
        public void A_User_Should_be_Able_to_Read_An_Encrypted_TextFile_ExtensionMethod()
            string fileName = "EncryptedContent.txt";

            var    textFileReader = new TextFileReader(filePath, fileName);
            string contentFile    = textFileReader.ReadAndDecrypt();

            Assert.Equal("This is the file content", contentFile);
        public void WriteReadFileStream()
            new TextFileWriter(path).Write(content);

            using (Stream stream = new TextFileReader(path).GetStream())
                new TextFileWriter(path2).Write(stream, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(content, new TextFileReader(path2).GetString());
Example #33
 public void TestRead()
   var reader = new TextFileReader<TextItem>(TestTextFileDefinition.DefinitionFile);
   var items = reader.ReadFromFile(@"../../../data/TextFile.txt");
   Assert.AreEqual(2, items.Count);
   Assert.AreEqual(2.1, items[0].PropName1);
   Assert.AreEqual(1, items[0].PropName2);
   Assert.AreEqual("hahaha", items[0].PropName3);
   Assert.AreEqual(3.1, items[1].PropName1);
   Assert.AreEqual(2, items[1].PropName2);
   Assert.AreEqual("lalala", items[1].PropName3);
 public void Test2()
   var formatFile = FileUtils.GetAssemblyPath() + "\\template\\ataqs.srmformat";
   var reader = new TextFileReader<SrmTransition>(formatFile);
   var mrms = reader.ReadFromFile(data);
   Assert.AreEqual(2000, mrms.Count);
   Assert.AreEqual("YBL100C", mrms[0].ObjectName);
   Assert.AreEqual("AAAAGLAALVELIR", mrms[0].PrecursorFormula);
   Assert.AreEqual(669.91, mrms[0].PrecursorMZ, 0.01);
   Assert.AreEqual(884.56, mrms[0].ProductIon, 0.01);
   Assert.AreEqual(43.16, mrms[0].ExpectCenterRetentionTime);
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the sha1 hash value for the file path given
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param>
 /// <returns>The sha1 hash value for the file path given</returns>
 public string CalculateSha1HashValue(string filePath)
     ITextReader reader = new TextFileReader(filePath);
     return this.hashService.GetHashFromReader(reader);
Example #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads the sha1 hash value from the file named <paramref name="filePath"/>.sha1
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filePath">The file path of the origin file, not the hash file.</param>
 /// <returns>The sha1 hash value from the file given</returns>
 public string ReadSha1HashFile(string filePath)
     ITextReader reader = new TextFileReader(GetSha1FilePath(filePath));
     return reader.GetString();
Example #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a file containing the sha1 hash code of the file given. The file is named <paramref name="filePath"/>.sha1
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param>
 public void WriteSha1HashFile(string filePath)
     ITextReader reader = new TextFileReader(filePath);
     ITextWriter writer = new TextFileWriter(GetSha1FilePath(filePath));
     this.hashService.WriteHash(reader, writer);