Example #1
 static void Instance_RemoveTargetsFilter(System.Collections.Generic.List<WoWObject> units)
     for (int i = units.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         WoWUnit unit = units[i].ToUnit();
         if (unit == null || !unit.IsValid || unit.IsFriendly )
Example #2
 private void FilterUnknownFrames(System.Collections.Generic.List<ThreadContext> stackFrames)
     bool lastWasQuestion = false;
     for (int i = 0; i < stackFrames.Count;)
         // replace sequences of "??" with one UnknownCode frame
         if (stackFrames[i].Function == null || stackFrames[i].Function.Equals("??", StringComparison.Ordinal))
             if (lastWasQuestion)
             lastWasQuestion = true;
             stackFrames[i] = new ThreadContext(stackFrames[i].pc, stackFrames[i].TextPosition, ResourceStrings.UnknownCode, stackFrames[i].Level, null);
             lastWasQuestion = false;
        public void UpdateCurrentSettings(System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource bs, bool updatenow)
            UpdateCurrentSettings(bs, false, MainV2.comPort);
        public void UpdateCurrentSettings(System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource bs, bool updatenow, MAVLinkInterface mavinterface)
            lock (this)

                if (DateTime.Now > lastupdate.AddMilliseconds(50) || updatenow) // 20 hz
                    lastupdate = DateTime.Now;

                    //check if valid mavinterface
                    if (mavinterface != null && mavinterface.packetsnotlost != 0)
                        linkqualitygcs = (ushort)((mavinterface.packetsnotlost / (mavinterface.packetsnotlost + mavinterface.packetslost)) * 100.0);

                    if (DateTime.Now.Second != lastsecondcounter.Second)
                        lastsecondcounter = DateTime.Now;

                        if (lastpos.Lat != 0 && lastpos.Lng != 0 && armed)
                            if (!MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.IsOpen && !MainV2.comPort.logreadmode)
                                distTraveled = 0;

                            distTraveled += (float)lastpos.GetDistance(new PointLatLngAlt(lat, lng, 0, "")) * multiplierdist;
                            lastpos = new PointLatLngAlt(lat, lng, 0, "");
                            lastpos = new PointLatLngAlt(lat, lng, 0, "");

                        // throttle is up, or groundspeed is > 3 m/s
                        if (ch3percent > 12 || _groundspeed > 3.0)

                        if (!gotwind)

                    if (mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.STATUSTEXT] != null) // status text

                        var msg = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.STATUSTEXT].ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_statustext_t>(6);

            enum gcs_severity {

                       byte sev = msg.severity;

                        string logdata = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.STATUSTEXT], 6, mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.STATUSTEXT].Length - 6);

                        int ind = logdata.IndexOf('\0');
                        if (ind != -1)
                            logdata = logdata.Substring(0, ind);

                        if (sev >= 3)
                            messageHigh = logdata;
                            messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;

                            while (messages.Count > 50)
                            messages.Add(logdata + "\n");

                        catch { }

                        mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.STATUSTEXT] = null;

                    byte[] bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RC_CHANNELS_SCALED];

                    if (bytearray != null) // hil mavlink 0.9
                        var hil = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_rc_channels_scaled_t>(6);

                        hilch1 = hil.chan1_scaled;
                        hilch2 = hil.chan2_scaled;
                        hilch3 = hil.chan3_scaled;
                        hilch4 = hil.chan4_scaled;
                        hilch5 = hil.chan5_scaled;
                        hilch6 = hil.chan6_scaled;
                        hilch7 = hil.chan7_scaled;
                        hilch8 = hil.chan8_scaled;

                       // Console.WriteLine("RC_CHANNELS_SCALED Packet");

                        mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RC_CHANNELS_SCALED] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.FENCE_STATUS];

                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var fence = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_fence_status_t>(6);

                        if (fence.breach_status != (byte)MAVLink.FENCE_BREACH.NONE)
                            // fence breached
                            messageHigh = "Fence Breach";
                            messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;

                        mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.FENCE_STATUS] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.HIL_CONTROLS];

                    if (bytearray != null) // hil mavlink 0.9 and 1.0
                        var hil = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_hil_controls_t>(6);

                        hilch1 = (int)(hil.roll_ailerons * 10000);
                        hilch2 = (int)(hil.pitch_elevator * 10000);
                        hilch3 = (int)(hil.throttle * 10000);
                        hilch4 = (int)(hil.yaw_rudder * 10000);

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.HIL_CONTROLS] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SYSTEM_TIME];

                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var systime = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_system_time_t>(6);

                        DateTime newtime = DateTime.Now;

                          //UInt64 ms_per_week = 7000ULL*86400ULL;
             //UInt64 unix_offset = 17000ULL*86400ULL + 52*10*7000ULL*86400ULL - 15000ULL;
            //UInt64 fix_time_ms = unix_offset + time_week*ms_per_week + time_week_ms;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.HWSTATUS];

                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var hwstatus = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_hwstatus_t>(6);

                        hwvoltage = hwstatus.Vcc / 1000.0f;
                        i2cerrors = hwstatus.I2Cerr;

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.HWSTATUS] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RANGEFINDER];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var sonar = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_rangefinder_t>(6);

                        sonarrange = sonar.distance;
                        sonarvoltage = sonar.voltage;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.WIND];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var wind = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_wind_t>(6);

                        gotwind = true;

                        wind_dir = (wind.direction + 360) % 360;
                        wind_vel = wind.speed * multiplierspeed;


                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.HEARTBEAT];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var hb = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_heartbeat_t>(6);

                        if (hb.type == (byte)MAVLink.MAV_TYPE.GCS)
                            // skip gcs hb's
                            // only happens on log playback - and shouldnt get them here
                            armed = (hb.base_mode & (byte)MAVLink.MAV_MODE_FLAG.SAFETY_ARMED) == (byte)MAVLink.MAV_MODE_FLAG.SAFETY_ARMED;

                            // for future use
                            bool landed = hb.system_status == (byte)MAVLink.MAV_STATE.STANDBY;

                            failsafe = hb.system_status == (byte)MAVLink.MAV_STATE.CRITICAL;

                            string oldmode = mode;

                            if ((hb.base_mode & (byte)MAVLink.MAV_MODE_FLAG.CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED) != 0)
                                // prevent running thsi unless we have to
                                if (_mode != hb.custom_mode)
                                    List<KeyValuePair<int, string>> modelist = Common.getModesList(this);

                                    bool found = false;

                                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> pair in modelist)
                                        if (pair.Key == hb.custom_mode)
                                            mode = pair.Value.ToString();
                                            _mode = hb.custom_mode;
                                            found = true;

                                    if (!found)
                                        log.Warn("Mode not found bm:" + hb.base_mode + " cm:" + hb.custom_mode);
                                        _mode = hb.custom_mode;

                            if (oldmode != mode && MainV2.speechEnable && MainV2.getConfig("speechmodeenabled") == "True")

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SYS_STATUS];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var sysstatus = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_sys_status_t>(6);

                        load = (float)sysstatus.load / 10.0f;

                        battery_voltage = (float)sysstatus.voltage_battery / 1000.0f;
                        battery_remaining = (float)sysstatus.battery_remaining;
                        current = (float)sysstatus.current_battery / 100.0f;

                        packetdropremote = sysstatus.drop_rate_comm;

                        Mavlink_Sensors sensors_enabled = new Mavlink_Sensors(sysstatus.onboard_control_sensors_enabled);
                        Mavlink_Sensors sensors_health = new Mavlink_Sensors(sysstatus.onboard_control_sensors_health);
                        Mavlink_Sensors sensors_present = new Mavlink_Sensors(sysstatus.onboard_control_sensors_present);

                        if (sensors_health.gps != sensors_enabled.gps)
                            messageHigh = "Bad GPS Health";
                            messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;
                        else if (sensors_health.gyro != sensors_enabled.gyro)
                            messageHigh = "Bad Gyro Health";
                            messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;
                        else if (sensors_health.accelerometer != sensors_enabled.accelerometer)
                            messageHigh = "Bad Accel Health";
                            messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;
                        else if (sensors_health.compass != sensors_enabled.compass)
                            messageHigh = "Bad Compass Health";
                            messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;
                        else if (sensors_health.barometer != sensors_enabled.barometer)
                            messageHigh = "Bad Baro Health";
                            messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;
                        else if (sensors_health.optical_flow != sensors_enabled.optical_flow)
                            messageHigh = "Bad OptFlow Health";
                            messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;
                        else if (sensors_present.rc_receiver != sensors_enabled.rc_receiver)
                            messageHigh = "NO RC Receiver";
                            messageHighTime = DateTime.Now;

                        mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SYS_STATUS] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SCALED_PRESSURE];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var pres = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_scaled_pressure_t>(6);
                        press_abs = pres.press_abs;
                        press_temp = pres.temperature;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SENSOR_OFFSETS];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var sensofs = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_sensor_offsets_t>(6);

                        mag_ofs_x = sensofs.mag_ofs_x;
                        mag_ofs_y = sensofs.mag_ofs_y;
                        mag_ofs_z = sensofs.mag_ofs_z;
                        mag_declination = sensofs.mag_declination;

                        raw_press = sensofs.raw_press;
                        raw_temp = sensofs.raw_temp;

                        gyro_cal_x = sensofs.gyro_cal_x;
                        gyro_cal_y = sensofs.gyro_cal_y;
                        gyro_cal_z = sensofs.gyro_cal_z;

                        accel_cal_x = sensofs.accel_cal_x;
                        accel_cal_y = sensofs.accel_cal_y;
                        accel_cal_z = sensofs.accel_cal_z;


                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.ATTITUDE];

                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var att = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_attitude_t>(6);

                        roll = att.roll * rad2deg;
                        pitch = att.pitch * rad2deg;
                        yaw = att.yaw * rad2deg;

                        //                    Console.WriteLine(roll + " " + pitch + " " + yaw);

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.ATTITUDE] = null;
                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.GPS_RAW_INT];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var gps = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_gps_raw_int_t>(6);

                        if (!useLocation)
                            lat = gps.lat * 1.0e-7f;
                            lng = gps.lon * 1.0e-7f;

                           // alt = gps.alt; // using vfr as includes baro calc

                        altasl = gps.alt / 1000.0f;

                        gpsstatus = gps.fix_type;
                        //                    Console.WriteLine("gpsfix {0}",gpsstatus);

                        gpshdop = (float)Math.Round((double)gps.eph / 100.0,2);

                        satcount = gps.satellites_visible;

                        groundspeed = gps.vel * 1.0e-2f;
                        groundcourse = gps.cog * 1.0e-2f;

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.GPS_RAW] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.GPS_STATUS];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var gps = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_gps_status_t>(6);
                        satcount = gps.satellites_visible;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RADIO];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var radio = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_radio_t>(6);
                        rssi = radio.rssi;
                        remrssi = radio.remrssi;
                        txbuffer = radio.txbuf;
                        rxerrors = radio.rxerrors;
                        noise = radio.noise;
                        remnoise = radio.remnoise;
                        fixedp = radio.@fixed;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RADIO_STATUS];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var radio = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_radio_status_t>(6);
                        rssi = radio.rssi;
                        remrssi = radio.remrssi;
                        txbuffer = radio.txbuf;
                        rxerrors = radio.rxerrors;
                        noise = radio.noise;
                        remnoise = radio.remnoise;
                        fixedp = radio.@fixed;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.GLOBAL_POSITION_INT];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var loc = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_global_position_int_t>(6);

                        // the new arhs deadreckoning may send 0 alt and 0 long. check for and undo

                        alt = loc.relative_alt / 1000.0f;

                        useLocation = true;
                        if (loc.lat == 0 && loc.lon == 0)
                            useLocation = false;
                            lat = loc.lat / 10000000.0f;
                            lng = loc.lon / 10000000.0f;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MISSION_CURRENT];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var wpcur = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_mission_current_t>(6);

                        int oldwp = (int)wpno;

                        wpno = wpcur.seq;

                        if (oldwp != wpno && MainV2.speechEnable && MainV2.getConfig("speechwaypointenabled") == "True")

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.WAYPOINT_CURRENT] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT];

                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var nav = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_nav_controller_output_t>(6);

                        nav_roll = nav.nav_roll;
                        nav_pitch = nav.nav_pitch;
                        nav_bearing = nav.nav_bearing;
                        target_bearing = nav.target_bearing;
                        wp_dist = nav.wp_dist;
                        alt_error = nav.alt_error;
                        aspd_error = nav.aspd_error / 100.0f;
                        xtrack_error = nav.xtrack_error;

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RC_CHANNELS_RAW];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var rcin = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_rc_channels_raw_t>(6);

                        ch1in = rcin.chan1_raw;
                        ch2in = rcin.chan2_raw;
                        ch3in = rcin.chan3_raw;
                        ch4in = rcin.chan4_raw;
                        ch5in = rcin.chan5_raw;
                        ch6in = rcin.chan6_raw;
                        ch7in = rcin.chan7_raw;
                        ch8in = rcin.chan8_raw;

                        rxrssi = (float)((rcin.rssi / 255.0) * 100.0);

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.RC_CHANNELS_RAW] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var servoout = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_servo_output_raw_t>(6);

                        ch1out = servoout.servo1_raw;
                        ch2out = servoout.servo2_raw;
                        ch3out = servoout.servo3_raw;
                        ch4out = servoout.servo4_raw;
                        ch5out = servoout.servo5_raw;
                        ch6out = servoout.servo6_raw;
                        ch7out = servoout.servo7_raw;
                        ch8out = servoout.servo8_raw;

                        mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RAW_IMU];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var imu = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t>(6);

                        gx = imu.xgyro;
                        gy = imu.ygyro;
                        gz = imu.zgyro;

                        ax = imu.xacc;
                        ay = imu.yacc;
                        az = imu.zacc;

                        mx = imu.xmag;
                        my = imu.ymag;
                        mz = imu.zmag;

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.RAW_IMU] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SCALED_IMU];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var imu = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_scaled_imu_t>(6);

                        gx = imu.xgyro;
                        gy = imu.ygyro;
                        gz = imu.zgyro;

                        ax = imu.xacc;
                        ay = imu.yacc;
                        az = imu.zacc;

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.RAW_IMU] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.VFR_HUD];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var vfr = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_vfr_hud_t>(6);

                        //groundspeed = vfr.groundspeed;
                        airspeed = vfr.airspeed;

                        //alt = vfr.alt; // this might include baro

                        ch3percent = vfr.throttle;


                        //climbrate = vfr.climb;

                        //MAVLink.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MSG_NAMES.VFR_HUD] = null;

                    bytearray = mavinterface.MAV.packets[(byte)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.MEMINFO];
                    if (bytearray != null)
                        var mem = bytearray.ByteArrayToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_meminfo_t>(6);
                        freemem = mem.freemem;
                        brklevel = mem.brkval;

                //Console.Write(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " start ");
                // update form
                    if (bs != null)
                        if (bs.Count > 200)
                            while (bs.Count > 3)


                        bs.DataSource = this;


                        hires.Stopwatch sw = new hires.Stopwatch();

                        bs.DataSource = this;
                        var elaps = sw.Elapsed;
                        Console.WriteLine("1 " + elaps.ToString("0.#####") + " done ");

                        elaps = sw.Elapsed;
                        Console.WriteLine("2 " + elaps.ToString("0.#####") + " done ");

                        if (bs.Count > 100)
                        elaps = sw.Elapsed;
                        Console.WriteLine("3 " + elaps.ToString("0.#####") + " done ");

                catch { log.InfoFormat("CurrentState Binding error"); }
Example #4
        private int MathParserLogic(System.Collections.Generic.List<string> _tokens)

            while (_tokens.IndexOf("(") != -1)
                // getting data between "(", ")"
                int open = _tokens.LastIndexOf("(");
                int close = _tokens.IndexOf(")", open); // in case open is -1, i.e. no "(" // , open == 0 ? 0 : open - 1
                if (open >= close)
                    // if there is no closing bracket, throw a new exception
                    throw new ArithmeticException("No closing bracket/parenthesis! tkn: " + open);
                var roughExpr = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
                for (int i = open + 1; i < close; i++)

                int result; // the temporary result is stored here

                string functioName = _tokens[open == 0 ? 0 : open - 1];
                var _args = new int[0];
                if (this.LocalFunctions.Keys.Contains(functioName))
                    if (roughExpr.Contains(","))
                        // converting all arguments into a int array
                        for (int i = 0; i < roughExpr.Count; i++)
                            int firstCommaOrEndOfExpression = roughExpr.IndexOf(",", i) != -1
                                ? roughExpr.IndexOf(",", i)
                                : roughExpr.Count;

                            var defaultExpr = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
                            while (i < firstCommaOrEndOfExpression)

                            // changing the size of the array of arguments
                            Array.Resize(ref _args, _args.Length + 1);
                            if (defaultExpr.Count == 0)
                                _args[_args.Length - 1] = 0;
                                _args[_args.Length - 1] = this.BasicArithmeticalExpression(defaultExpr);

                        // finnaly, passing the arguments to the given function
                        result = int.Parse(

                        // but if we only have one argument, then we pass it directly to the function
                        result =
                                this.LocalFunctions[functioName](new[] { this.BasicArithmeticalExpression(roughExpr) })
                    // if no function is need to execute following expression, pass it
                    // to the "BasicArithmeticalExpression" method.
                    result = this.BasicArithmeticalExpression(roughExpr);

                // when all the calculations have been done
                // we replace the "opening bracket with the result"
                // and removing the rest.
                _tokens[open] = result.ToString(this.CULTURE_INFO);
                _tokens.RemoveRange(open + 1, close - open);
                if (this.LocalFunctions.Keys.Contains(functioName))
                    // if we also executed a function, removing
                    // the function name as well.
                    _tokens.RemoveAt(open - 1);

            // at this point, we should have replaced all brackets
            // with the appropriate values, so we can simply
            // calculate the expression. it's not so complex
            // any more!
            return this.BasicArithmeticalExpression(_tokens);
Example #5
		* Release connections acquired by following referrals
		* @param list the list of the connections
		/* package */
		internal virtual void  releaseReferralConnections(System.Collections.ArrayList list)
			if (list == null)
				return ;
			// Release referral connections
			for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				LdapConnection rconn = null;
//					rconn = (LdapConnection) list.RemoveAt(i);
				catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
				catch (LdapException lex)
			return ;
    private void EliminarRegistrosConDuracionMenorAUmbral(System.Collections.Generic.List<ReportElement> lista)
      System.Collections.Generic.List<int> IDsARemover = new List<int>();

      for (int i = 0; i < lista.Count; i++)
        ReportElement rpt = lista[i];

        int Umbral = int.MaxValue;
        switch (rpt.EstadoInterno)
          case ReportElement.EstadosPosibles.Carga:
            Umbral = UmbralCarga;
          case ReportElement.EstadosPosibles.Detenido:
            Umbral = UmbralDetenido;
          case ReportElement.EstadosPosibles.Transito:
            Umbral = UmbralTransito;
        if (rpt.Duracion.Value < Umbral)
          if (i > 0)
            lista[i - 1].Finalizar(rpt.DIA_HORA_Final);

      for (int i = IDsARemover.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Example #7
    public void LoadFromIntList(System.Collections.Generic.List<int> list, bool[] arrayOfTypes)
        if (list[0] != -1) //if solid node
            type = list[0];
            exists = arrayOfTypes[type];

            nodes = new VoxelOctNode[8];
            for (int n=0;n<8;n++)
                nodes[n] = new VoxelOctNode();
                nodes[n].LoadFromIntList(list, arrayOfTypes);
Example #8
 private static void deepToString(System.Object[] a, System.Text.StringBuilder buf, System.Collections.IList seen)
     for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
         if (i > 0)
             buf.Append(", ");
         System.Object e = a[i];
         if (e == null)
         else if (!e.GetType().IsArray)
             //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Object.toString' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
         else if (e is System.Object[])
             if (seen.Contains(e))
                 deepToString((System.Object[])e, buf, seen);
             // primitive arr
             buf.Append((e is sbyte[]) ? toString((sbyte[])e) : ((e is short[]) ? toString((short[])e) : ((e is int[]) ? toString((int[])e) : ((e is long[]) ? toString((long[])e) : ((e is char[]) ? toString((char[])e) : ((e is bool[]) ? toString((bool[])e) : ((e is float[]) ? toString((float[])e) : ((e is double[]) ? toString((double[])e) : ""))))))));
     seen.RemoveAt(seen.Count - 1);
        /// <summary>  Parse a branch
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v">                       Description of Parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="buffer">                  Description of Parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="container">               Description of Parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parent">                  Description of Parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="chiral">                  Description of Parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="doubleBondConfiguration"> Description of Parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="atomsInOrderOfSmiles">    Description of Parameter
        /// </param>
        private void parseChain(System.Collections.ArrayList v, System.Text.StringBuilder buffer, IAtomContainer container, IAtom parent, bool chiral, bool[] doubleBondConfiguration, System.Collections.ArrayList atomsInOrderOfSmiles)
            int positionInVector = 0;
            IAtom atom;
            //System.out.println("in parse chain. Size of tree: " + v.size());
            for (int h = 0; h < v.Count; h++)
                System.Object o = v[h];
                if (o is IAtom)
                    atom = (IAtom)o;
                    if (parent != null)
                        parseBond(buffer, atom, parent, container);
                        if (chiral && BondTools.isStereo(container, atom))
                            parent = (IAtom)((System.Collections.ArrayList)v[1])[0];
                    parseAtom(atom, buffer, container, chiral, doubleBondConfiguration, parent, atomsInOrderOfSmiles, v);
                    //System.out.println("in parseChain after parseAtom()");
                    *  The principle of making chiral smiles is quite simple, although the code is
                    *  pretty uggly. The Atoms connected to the chiral center are put in sorted[] in the
                    *  order they have to appear in the smiles. Then the Vector v is rearranged according
                    *  to sorted[]
                    if (chiral && BondTools.isStereo(container, atom) && container.getBond(parent, atom) != null)
                        //System.out.println("in parseChain in isChiral");
                        IAtom[] sorted = null;
                        System.Collections.IList chiralNeighbours = container.getConnectedAtomsVector(atom);
                        if (BondTools.isTetrahedral(container, atom, false) > 0)
                            sorted = new IAtom[3];
                        if (BondTools.isTetrahedral(container, atom, false) == 1)
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0 && BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0 && !BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0 && BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0 && !BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UNDEFINED || container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_NONE)
                                bool normalBindingIsLeft = false;
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0)
                                            if (BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom))
                                                normalBindingIsLeft = true;
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (normalBindingIsLeft)
                                            if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0)
                                                sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                            if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                                sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                            if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                                sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                            if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                                sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                            if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0)
                                                sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                            if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                                sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                        if (BondTools.isTetrahedral(container, atom, false) == 2)
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN && BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN && !BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                double angle1 = 0;
                                double angle2 = 0;
                                IAtom atom1 = null;
                                IAtom atom2 = null;
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            if (angle1 == 0)
                                                angle1 = BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]);
                                                atom1 = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                                angle2 = BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]);
                                                atom2 = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                if (angle1 < angle2)
                                    sorted[0] = atom2;
                                    sorted[2] = atom1;
                                    sorted[0] = atom1;
                                    sorted[2] = atom2;
                        if (BondTools.isTetrahedral(container, atom, false) == 3)
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Class hierarchy differences between 'java.util.TreeMap' and 'System.Collections.SortedList' may cause compilation errors. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1186'"
                                //UPGRADE_TODO: Constructor 'java.util.TreeMap.TreeMap' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapTreeMap'"
                                System.Collections.SortedList hm = new System.Collections.SortedList();
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                        hm[(double)BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]))] = (System.Int32)i;
                                //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.TreeMap.values' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList.Values' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapvalues'"
                                System.Object[] ohere = SupportClass.ICollectionSupport.ToArray(hm.Values);
                                for (int i = ohere.Length - 1; i > -1; i--)
                                    sorted[i] = ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[i])]);
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == 0)
                                double angle1 = 0;
                                double angle2 = 0;
                                IAtom atom1 = null;
                                IAtom atom2 = null;
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0 && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            if (angle1 == 0)
                                                angle1 = BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]);
                                                atom1 = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                                angle2 = BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]);
                                                atom2 = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                if (angle1 < angle2)
                                    sorted[1] = atom2;
                                    sorted[2] = atom1;
                                    sorted[1] = atom1;
                                    sorted[2] = atom2;
                        if (BondTools.isTetrahedral(container, atom, false) == 4)
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Class hierarchy differences between 'java.util.TreeMap' and 'System.Collections.SortedList' may cause compilation errors. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1186'"
                                //UPGRADE_TODO: Constructor 'java.util.TreeMap.TreeMap' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapTreeMap'"
                                System.Collections.SortedList hm = new System.Collections.SortedList();
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                        hm[(double)BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]))] = (System.Int32)i;
                                //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.TreeMap.values' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList.Values' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapvalues'"
                                System.Object[] ohere = SupportClass.ICollectionSupport.ToArray(hm.Values);
                                for (int i = ohere.Length - 1; i > -1; i--)
                                    sorted[i] = ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[i])]);
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == 0)
                                double angle1 = 0;
                                double angle2 = 0;
                                IAtom atom1 = null;
                                IAtom atom2 = null;
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0 && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            if (angle1 == 0)
                                                angle1 = BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]);
                                                atom1 = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                                angle2 = BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]);
                                                atom2 = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                if (angle1 < angle2)
                                    sorted[1] = atom2;
                                    sorted[0] = atom1;
                                    sorted[1] = atom1;
                                    sorted[0] = atom2;
                        if (BondTools.isTetrahedral(container, atom, false) == 5)
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0)
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN && BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN && !BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0)
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UNDEFINED || container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_NONE)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN && BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN && !BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                        if (BondTools.isTetrahedral(container, atom, false) == 6)
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0)
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP && BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP && !BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == 0)
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UNDEFINED || container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_NONE)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP && BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP && !BondTools.isLeft(((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]), parent, atom) && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                            sorted[1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                        if (BondTools.isSquarePlanar(container, atom))
                            sorted = new IAtom[3];
                            //This produces a U=SP1 order in every case
                            //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Class hierarchy differences between 'java.util.TreeMap' and 'System.Collections.SortedList' may cause compilation errors. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1186'"
                            //UPGRADE_TODO: Constructor 'java.util.TreeMap.TreeMap' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapTreeMap'"
                            System.Collections.SortedList hm = new System.Collections.SortedList();
                            for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent && !isBondBroken((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i], atom))
                                    hm[(double)BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]))] = (System.Int32)i;
                            //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.TreeMap.values' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList.Values' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapvalues'"
                            System.Object[] ohere = SupportClass.ICollectionSupport.ToArray(hm.Values);
                            for (int i = 0; i < ohere.Length; i++)
                                sorted[i] = ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[i])]);
                        if (BondTools.isTrigonalBipyramidalOrOctahedral(container, atom) != 0)
                            sorted = new IAtom[container.getConnectedAtoms(atom).Length - 1];
                            //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Class hierarchy differences between 'java.util.TreeMap' and 'System.Collections.SortedList' may cause compilation errors. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1186'"
                            //UPGRADE_TODO: Constructor 'java.util.TreeMap.TreeMap' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapTreeMap'"
                            System.Collections.SortedList hm = new System.Collections.SortedList();
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (container.getBond(atom, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]).Stereo == 0)
                                        hm[(double)BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]))] = (System.Int32)i;
                                    if (container.getBond(atom, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                        sorted[sorted.Length - 1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.TreeMap.values' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList.Values' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapvalues'"
                                System.Object[] ohere = SupportClass.ICollectionSupport.ToArray(hm.Values);
                                for (int i = 0; i < ohere.Length; i++)
                                    sorted[i] = ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[i])]);
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (container.getBond(atom, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]).Stereo == 0)
                                        hm[(double)BondTools.giveAngle(atom, parent, ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]))] = (System.Int32)i;
                                    if (container.getBond(atom, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                        sorted[sorted.Length - 1] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.TreeMap.values' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList.Values' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapvalues'"
                                System.Object[] ohere = SupportClass.ICollectionSupport.ToArray(hm.Values);
                                for (int i = 0; i < ohere.Length; i++)
                                    sorted[i] = ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[i])]);
                            if (container.getBond(parent, atom).Stereo == 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < chiralNeighbours.Count; i++)
                                    if (chiralNeighbours[i] != parent)
                                        if (container.getBond(atom, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]).Stereo == 0)
                                            hm[(double)(BondTools.giveAngleFromMiddle(atom, parent, ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i])))] = (System.Int32)i;
                                        if (container.getBond(atom, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_UP)
                                            sorted[0] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                        if (container.getBond(atom, (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i]).Stereo == CDKConstants.STEREO_BOND_DOWN)
                                            sorted[sorted.Length - 2] = (IAtom)chiralNeighbours[i];
                                //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.TreeMap.values' was converted to 'System.Collections.SortedList.Values' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilTreeMapvalues'"
                                System.Object[] ohere = SupportClass.ICollectionSupport.ToArray(hm.Values);
                                sorted[sorted.Length - 1] = ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[ohere.Length - 1])]);
                                if (ohere.Length == 2)
                                    sorted[sorted.Length - 3] = ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[0])]);
                                    if (BondTools.giveAngleFromMiddle(atom, parent, ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[1])])) < 0)
                                        IAtom dummy = sorted[sorted.Length - 2];
                                        sorted[sorted.Length - 2] = sorted[0];
                                        sorted[0] = dummy;
                                if (ohere.Length == 3)
                                    sorted[sorted.Length - 3] = sorted[sorted.Length - 2];
                                    sorted[sorted.Length - 2] = ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[ohere.Length - 2])]);
                                    sorted[sorted.Length - 4] = ((IAtom)chiralNeighbours[((System.Int32)ohere[ohere.Length - 3])]);
                        //This builds an onew[] containing the objects after the center of the chirality in the order given by sorted[]
                        if (sorted != null)
                            int numberOfAtoms = 3;
                            if (BondTools.isTrigonalBipyramidalOrOctahedral(container, atom) != 0)
                                numberOfAtoms = container.getConnectedAtoms(atom).Length - 1;
                            System.Object[] omy = new System.Object[numberOfAtoms];
                            System.Object[] onew = new System.Object[numberOfAtoms];
                            for (int k = getRingOpenings(atom, null).Count; k < numberOfAtoms; k++)
                                if (positionInVector + 1 + k - getRingOpenings(atom, null).Count < v.Count)
                                    omy[k] = v[positionInVector + 1 + k - getRingOpenings(atom, null).Count];
                            for (int k = 0; k < sorted.Length; k++)
                                if (sorted[k] != null)
                                    for (int m = 0; m < omy.Length; m++)
                                        if (omy[m] is IAtom)
                                            if (omy[m] == sorted[k])
                                                onew[k] = omy[m];
                                            if (omy[m] == null)
                                                onew[k] = null;
                                                if (((System.Collections.ArrayList)omy[m])[0] == sorted[k])
                                                    onew[k] = omy[m];
                                    onew[k] = null;
                            //This is a workaround for 3624.MOL.2 I don't have a better solution currently
                            bool doubleentry = false;
                            for (int m = 0; m < onew.Length; m++)
                                for (int k = 0; k < onew.Length; k++)
                                    if (m != k && onew[k] == onew[m])
                                        doubleentry = true;
                            if (!doubleentry)
                                //Make sure that the first atom in onew is the first one in the original smiles order. This is important to have a canonical smiles.
                                if (positionInVector + 1 < v.Count)
                                    System.Object atomAfterCenterInOriginalSmiles = v[positionInVector + 1];
                                    int l = 0;
                                    while (onew[0] != atomAfterCenterInOriginalSmiles)
                                        System.Object placeholder = onew[onew.Length - 1];
                                        for (int k = onew.Length - 2; k > -1; k--)
                                            onew[k + 1] = onew[k];
                                        onew[0] = placeholder;
                                        if (l > onew.Length)
                                //This cares about ring openings. Here the ring closure (represendted by a figure) must be the first atom. In onew the closure is null.
                                if (getRingOpenings(atom, null).Count > 0)
                                    int l = 0;
                                    while (onew[0] != null)
                                        System.Object placeholder = onew[0];
                                        for (int k = 1; k < onew.Length; k++)
                                            onew[k - 1] = onew[k];
                                        onew[onew.Length - 1] = placeholder;
                                        if (l > onew.Length)
                                //The last in onew is a vector: This means we need to exchange the rest of the original smiles with the rest of this vector.
                                if (onew[numberOfAtoms - 1] is System.Collections.ArrayList)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAtoms; i++)
                                        if (onew[i] is IAtom)
                                            System.Collections.ArrayList vtemp = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));
                                            for (int k = positionInVector + 1 + numberOfAtoms; k < v.Count; k++)
                                            onew[i] = vtemp;
                                            for (int k = v.Count - 1; k > positionInVector + 1 + numberOfAtoms - 1; k--)
                                            for (int k = 1; k < ((System.Collections.ArrayList)onew[numberOfAtoms - 1]).Count; k++)
                                                v.Add(((System.Collections.ArrayList)onew[numberOfAtoms - 1])[k]);
                                            onew[numberOfAtoms - 1] = ((System.Collections.ArrayList)onew[numberOfAtoms - 1])[0];
                                //Put the onew objects in the original Vector
                                int k2 = 0;
                                for (int m = 0; m < onew.Length; m++)
                                    if (onew[m] != null)
                                        v[positionInVector + 1 + k2] = onew[m];
                    parent = atom;
                    //Have Vector
                    //System.out.println("in parseChain after else");
                    bool brackets = true;
                    System.Collections.ArrayList result = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));
                    addAtoms((System.Collections.ArrayList)o, result);
                    if (isRingOpening(parent, result) && container.getBondCount(parent) < 4)
                        brackets = false;
                    if (brackets)
                    parseChain((System.Collections.ArrayList)o, buffer, container, parent, chiral, doubleBondConfiguration, atomsInOrderOfSmiles);
                    if (brackets)

                //System.out.println("in parseChain after positionVector++");
Example #10
    // use selection sort to return a sort list of the pull forces
    // sorted from smallest to largest
    System.Collections.Generic.List<PullForce> sortForces(System.Collections.Generic.List<PullForce> a)
        //remove any null entries
        for(int k = 0; k< a.Count; k++)
            if(a[k].force == new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue))

        //sort list
        int i,j;
        int iMin;

        for (j = 0; j < a.Count - 1; j++) {
            iMin = j;
            for ( i = j+1; i < a.Count; i++) {
                if (a[i].dist < a[iMin].dist) {
                    iMin = i;

            if ( iMin != j ) {
                PullForce temp = a[j];
                a[j] = a[iMin];
               	a[iMin] = temp;

        return a;
        private void MapSubclasses(System.Collections.ArrayList subclasses, System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection extendedClassesNames, System.Collections.ArrayList mappedClassesNames, System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer)
            System.Collections.ArrayList mappedSubclassesNames = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            // Map each subclass after the class it extends
            while(subclasses.Count > 0)
                for(int i=subclasses.Count-1; i>=0; i--)
                    System.Type type = subclasses[i] as System.Type;
                    string extendedClassName = extendedClassesNames[i];
                        throw new MappingException("You must specify the Extends attribute of the Subclass: " + type.FullName);

                    if( ! mappedClassesNames.Contains(extendedClassName)
                        && ! mappedSubclassesNames.Contains(extendedClassName) )
                        bool extendedClassFoundButNotMappedYet = false;
                        // Make sure that the extended class is mapped (in this assembly)
                        foreach(System.Type subclass in subclasses)
                            if( HbmWriterHelper.GetNameWithAssembly(subclass)
                                == extendedClassName )
                                    throw new MappingException("The Subclass " + type.FullName + " extends itself.");
                                    extendedClassFoundButNotMappedYet = true;
                        if (extendedClassFoundButNotMappedYet)
                            continue; // Map this one later
                        // Else unknown extended class:
                        //   Assume it is mapped somewhere else and map this subclass

                    if( IsSubclass(type, typeof(SubclassAttribute)) )
                        HbmWriter.WriteSubclass(writer, type);
                    else if( IsSubclass(type, typeof(JoinedSubclassAttribute)) )
                        HbmWriter.WriteJoinedSubclass(writer, type);
                    else if( IsSubclass(type, typeof(UnionSubclassAttribute)) )
                        HbmWriter.WriteUnionSubclass(writer, type);

                    // Note: Do not add to mappedClassesNames because it is for x-subclasses (and a x-subclasses shouldn't extend another x-subclasses)
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="curve"></param>
        /// <param name="barType"></param>
        /// <param name="barStyle"></param>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="startHook"></param>
        /// <param name="endHook"></param>
        /// <param name="startHookOrientation"></param>
        /// <param name="endHookOrientation"></param>
        /// <param name="normal"></param>
        /// <param name="useExistingShape"></param>
        /// <param name="createNewShape"></param>
        private void InitRebarContainer(System.Collections.Generic.List<object> curves, 
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarBarType barType,
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarStyle barStyle,
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element host, 
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarHookType startHook,
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarHookType endHook,
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarHookOrientation startHookOrientation,
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarHookOrientation endHookOrientation,
            System.Collections.Generic.List<Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ> normals,
            bool useExistingShape,
            bool createNewShape)
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document document = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument;


            var rebarElem = ElementBinder.GetElementFromTrace<Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarContainer>(document);

            // Parse Geometry

            List<List<Curve>> curvature = new List<List<Curve>>();
            foreach (object curve in curves)
                List<Curve> geometry = new List<Curve>();

                if (curve.GetType() == typeof(DynamoRebar.RevitPolyCurve))
                    DynamoRebar.RevitPolyCurve polycurve = (DynamoRebar.RevitPolyCurve)curve;
                    geometry = polycurve.Curves;


            if (rebarElem == null)
                ElementId stdC = Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarContainerType.CreateDefaultRebarContainerType(DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument);
                rebarElem = Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarContainer.Create(DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument, host, stdC);
                rebarElem.SetHostId(document, host.Id);

            int counter = rebarElem.ItemsCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarContainerItem item = rebarElem.GetItem(i);

                int index = GeometryMatches(item.ComputeDrivingCurves(), curvature);

                if (index == -1)
                    item.SetHookOrientation(0, startHookOrientation);
                    item.SetHookOrientation(1, endHookOrientation);
                    item.SetHookTypeId(0, startHook.Id);
                    item.SetHookTypeId(1, endHook.Id);
                    if (normals.Count > 1) normals.RemoveAt(index);


            for (int i = 0; i < curvature.Count; i++)
                // If there is only one normal in the list use this one for all curves
                XYZ normal = (normals.Count == 1) ? normals[0] : normals[i];
                List<Curve> geometry = curvature[i];

                rebarElem.AppendItemFromCurves(barStyle, barType, startHook, endHook, normal, geometry, startHookOrientation, endHookOrientation, useExistingShape, createNewShape);

            // Update Quantity Parameter
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Parameter quantityParameter = rebarElem.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.REBAR_ELEM_QUANTITY_OF_BARS);
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.RebarContainerParameterManager containerParameters = rebarElem.GetParametersManager();
            containerParameters.AddOverride(quantityParameter.Id, curves.Count);



            if (rebarElem != null)
                ElementBinder.CleanupAndSetElementForTrace(document, this.InternalElement);

Example #13
        private void DeleteObjects(System.Collections.ArrayList objectNames, bool doingFiles)
            // Indices of successfully deleted objects (so we can remove their names in reverse order)
            System.Collections.ArrayList deletedIndices = new System.Collections.ArrayList(objectNames.Count);
            int index = 0;
            foreach (string objectName in objectNames)
                bool exists = (doingFiles ? File.Exists(objectName) : Directory.Exists(objectName));
                if (!exists)
                    // It's already gone: remove its name
                    deletedIndices.Insert(0, index);
                        if (doingFiles)
                            // Delete the files in the directory
                            DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(objectName);
                            foreach (FileInfo file in dirInfo.GetFiles())
                        deletedIndices.Insert(0, index);
            foreach (int i in deletedIndices)
Example #14
 public void TrySCIList(System.Collections.IList list)
     // Should be called with a C5.IList<B> which is not a WrappedArray
       Assert.AreEqual(0, list.Count);
       list.CopyTo(new A[0], 0);
       list.CopyTo(new B[0], 0);
       list.CopyTo(new C[0], 0);
       Assert.AreNotEqual(null, list.SyncRoot);
       Object b1 = new B(), b2 = new B(), c1 = new C(), c2 = new C();
       Assert.AreEqual(0, list.Add(b1));
       Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Add(c1));
       Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);
       list[0] = b2;
       Assert.AreEqual(b2, list[0]);
       list[1] = c2;
       Assert.AreEqual(c2, list[1]);
       Array arrA = new A[2], arrB = new B[2];
       list.CopyTo(arrA, 0);
       list.CopyTo(arrB, 0);
       Assert.AreEqual(b2, arrA.GetValue(0));
       Assert.AreEqual(b2, arrB.GetValue(0));
       Assert.AreEqual(c2, arrA.GetValue(1));
       Assert.AreEqual(c2, arrB.GetValue(1));
       Assert.AreEqual(0, list.IndexOf(b2));
       Assert.AreEqual(-1, list.IndexOf(b1));
       Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); // Contains c2 only
       list.Insert(0, b2);
       list.Insert(2, b1);
       Assert.AreEqual(b2, list[0]);
       Assert.AreEqual(c2, list[1]);
       Assert.AreEqual(b1, list[2]);
       Assert.AreEqual(b2, list[0]);
       Assert.AreEqual(b1, list[1]);
       Assert.AreEqual(b2, list[0]);
       Assert.AreEqual(0, list.Count);
Example #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Removes the element at the top of the stack and returns it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="stack">The stack where the element at the top will be returned and removed.</param>
		/// <returns>The element at the top of the stack.</returns>
		public static System.Object Pop(System.Collections.ArrayList stack)
			System.Object obj = stack[stack.Count - 1];
			stack.RemoveAt(stack.Count - 1);

			return obj;
Example #16
 public void IListRemoveAtWorks()
     IList<string> l = new[] { "x", "y", "z" };
     Assert.AreEqual(l, new[] { "x", "z" });
Example #17
 private static void findPathBetween(IAtomContainer atomContainer, IAtom start, IAtom end, System.Collections.IList path)
     if (start == end)
         allPaths.Add(new System.Collections.ArrayList(path));
         path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
     if (path.Contains(start))
     System.Collections.IList nbrs = atomContainer.getConnectedAtomsVector(start);
     //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.Iterator.hasNext' was converted to 'System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilIteratorhasNext'"
     for (System.Collections.IEnumerator i = nbrs.GetEnumerator(); i.MoveNext(); )
         //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.util.Iterator.next' was converted to 'System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javautilIteratornext'"
         findPathBetween(atomContainer, (IAtom)i.Current, end, path);
     path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);