Example #1
 bool System.IEquatable <System.Windows.Input.TouchPoint> .Equals(System.Windows.Input.TouchPoint other)
Example #2
        /// <summary>Raises a <see cref="ReceivedTouch"/> event for the given touch data.</summary>
        /// <param name="point">Touch data to be passed into the event. Will be ignored if set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">The date and time when the touch occurred.</param>
        private void RaiseReceivedTouchEventUsing(System.Windows.Input.TouchPoint point, DateTimeOffset timestamp)
            // Validate.
            if (point == null)

            // Fetch the pointer/finger's unique integer ID.
            int pointerId = (point.TouchDevice != null) ? point.TouchDevice.Id : 0;

            // Fetch the touch phase.
            Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPhase phase;
            switch (point.Action)
            case System.Windows.Input.TouchAction.Move:
                phase = Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPhase.Moved;

            case System.Windows.Input.TouchAction.Up:
                phase = Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPhase.Ended;

            case System.Windows.Input.TouchAction.Down:
                phase = Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPhase.Began;

            // If a touch point began outside of the control, then ignore all of its "moved" and "ended" events.
            if ((phase != Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPhase.Began) &&
                (fLastHandledTouchPoints.ContainsKey(pointerId) == false))

            // Determine if the touch point is within the UI control's bounds.
            bool isWithinBounds = true;

            if (point.TouchDevice.DirectlyOver != fUIEventSource)
                // One last special check.
                // If we're providing input event for a page, then allow touch event for a fullscreen background grid control.
                var page           = fUIEventSource as Microsoft.Phone.Controls.PhoneApplicationPage;
                var backgroundGrid = point.TouchDevice.DirectlyOver as System.Windows.Controls.DrawingSurfaceBackgroundGrid;
                if ((page == null) || (backgroundGrid == null))
                    isWithinBounds = false;

            // Handle touch points outside of the UI control's bounds.
            if (isWithinBounds == false)
                if ((phase == Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPhase.Ended) ||
                    (phase == Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPhase.Canceled))
                    // The touch action has ended. Use the last valid point received within the UI control's bounds.
                    fLastHandledTouchPoints.TryGetValue(pointerId, out point);
                    // Ignore touch moves that happened outside of the UI control.

            // Update our collection of last received touch points within the UI control's bounds.
            if ((phase == Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPhase.Ended) ||
                (phase == Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPhase.Canceled))
                fLastHandledTouchPoints[pointerId] = point;

            // Fetch the event table.
            var eventTokenTable = ReceivedTouchEventTokenTable.GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable(
                ref fReceivedTouchEventTokenTable).InvocationList;

            if (eventTokenTable == null)

            // Convert the touch coordinates to pixels.
            double scaleFactor = (double)System.Windows.Application.Current.Host.Content.ScaleFactor / 100.0;
            double pixelPointX = Math.Round(point.Position.X * scaleFactor, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            double pixelPointY = Math.Round(point.Position.Y * scaleFactor, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            // Store the touch coordinate and timestamp to Corona's touch point type.
            Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchPoint coronaTouchPoint;
            coronaTouchPoint.X         = pixelPointX;
            coronaTouchPoint.Y         = pixelPointY;
            coronaTouchPoint.Timestamp = timestamp;

            // Raise a "ReceivedTouch" event.
            var eventArgs = new Corona.WinRT.Interop.Input.TouchEventArgs(pointerId, phase, coronaTouchPoint);

            eventTokenTable(null, eventArgs);