Example #1
        // Why accept an outputStream instead of returning a Stream? Flexibility.
        // Client apps can write the encrypted output directly to an Network Stream, a File, a Memory Stream, etc
        // It's up to the client implementation where to direct the output
        public void EncryptFile(Stream inputFileStream, Stream outputFileStream, string passphrase, CipherSuite cipherSuite)
            //Check if we support this cipher suite

            ITwoFactorKeyDerivationFunctionProvider twoFactorKeyDerivationProvider = KeyDerivationFunctionProviders.Where(p => p.IDByte == cipherSuite.KeyDerivationFunctionIDByte).SingleOrDefault();
            ISymmetricCipherProvider symmetricCipherProvider = SymmetricCipherProviders.Where(p => p.IDByte == cipherSuite.SymmetricCipherIDByte).SingleOrDefault();
            IMACProvider             macProvider             = MACProviders.Where(p => p.IDByte == cipherSuite.MACIDByte).SingleOrDefault();

            if (twoFactorKeyDerivationProvider == null)
                throw new Exception("Unsupported Key Derivation Function with ID byte " + cipherSuite.KeyDerivationFunctionIDByte);

            if (symmetricCipherProvider == null)
                throw new Exception("Unsupported Symmetric Cipher with ID byte " + cipherSuite.SymmetricCipherIDByte);

            if (macProvider == null)
                throw new Exception("Unsupported Message Authentication Code with ID byte " + cipherSuite.MACIDByte);

            Random randomGen = new Random();

            var salt = new byte[32];

            randomGen.NextBytes(salt); //random salt (RNG doesn't have to be cryptographically strong)
            var passphraseBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(passphrase);

            byte[] encryptionKey = new byte[symmetricCipherProvider.KeySize / 8];
            byte[] hmacKey       = new byte[symmetricCipherProvider.KeySize / 8];
            byte[] iv            = new byte[symmetricCipherProvider.BlockSize / 8];

            twoFactorKeyDerivationProvider.DeriveHMACAndEncryptionKey(passphraseBytes, salt, ref hmacKey, ref encryptionKey);


            var tokenSerialNumberBytes = twoFactorKeyDerivationProvider.GetExternalTokenSerial();
            var inputValidation        = Combine(passphraseBytes, tokenSerialNumberBytes);
            var inputValidationHash    = CalculateInputValidation(inputValidation);

            //Write Header
            var headerStream = new BinaryWriter(outputFileStream);

            //Header: YCF1 (4bytes) + Cipher Suite (4bytes) + Salt Seed (32bytes) + IV (16bytes) + Iterations (4bytes) + Input Validation (32bytes)

            symmetricCipherProvider.Encrypt(inputFileStream, outputFileStream, encryptionKey, iv);

            var streamHMAC = macProvider.CalculateMAC(outputFileStream, hmacKey);

Example #2
        public void DecryptFile(Stream inputFileStream, Stream outputFileStream, string passphrase)
            if (inputFileStream.Position != 0)
                if (inputFileStream.CanSeek)
                    inputFileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to seek inputFileStream to the beggining.");

            using (var headerStream = new BinaryReader(inputFileStream))
                var fileSpecMagicBytes = headerStream.ReadBytes(3);
                if (!fileSpecMagicBytes.SequenceEqual(YC_FILE_SPEC_BYTES))
                    throw new Exception("Wrong file header");

                var fileSpecVersion = headerStream.ReadByte();
                if (fileSpecVersion != YC_FILE_SPEC_VERSION)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid YubiCrypt file version.");

                var cipherSuiteBytes = headerStream.ReadBytes(4);

                var cipherSuite = CipherSuiteFromIdBytes(cipherSuiteBytes);

                var cipherSuiteKDF = KeyDerivationFunctionProviders.Where(p => p.IDByte == cipherSuite.KeyDerivationFunctionIDByte).SingleOrDefault();
                if (cipherSuiteKDF == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unsupported Key Derivation Function with ID byte " + cipherSuite.KeyDerivationFunctionIDByte);

                var cipherSuiteSymmetricCipher = SymmetricCipherProviders.Where(p => p.IDByte == cipherSuite.SymmetricCipherIDByte).SingleOrDefault();
                if (cipherSuiteSymmetricCipher == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unsupported Key Derivation Function with ID byte " + cipherSuite.SymmetricCipherIDByte);

                var cipherSuiteMAC = MACProviders.Where(p => p.IDByte == cipherSuite.MACIDByte).SingleOrDefault();
                if (cipherSuiteMAC == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unsupported Message Authentication Code with ID byte " + cipherSuite.MACIDByte);

                var passphraseBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(passphrase);
                var salt            = headerStream.ReadBytes(32);
                var iv              = headerStream.ReadBytes(16);
                var iterations      = headerStream.ReadInt32();
                var inputValidation = headerStream.ReadBytes(32);

                var tokenSerialNumberBytes = cipherSuiteKDF.GetExternalTokenSerial();
                var inputValidationInput   = Combine(passphraseBytes, tokenSerialNumberBytes);
                var inputValidationHash    = CalculateInputValidation(inputValidationInput);

                if (!inputValidationHash.SequenceEqual(inputValidation))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid credentials. Check if you are entering the correct passphrase and using the correct Yubikey token.");

                byte[] encryptionKey = new byte[cipherSuiteSymmetricCipher.KeySize / 8];
                byte[] hmacKey       = new byte[cipherSuiteSymmetricCipher.KeySize / 8];
                cipherSuiteKDF.NumberOfOterations = iterations;
                cipherSuiteKDF.DeriveHMACAndEncryptionKey(passphraseBytes, salt, ref hmacKey, ref encryptionKey);

                //Check file HMAC
                if (!cipherSuiteMAC.ValidateMAC(inputFileStream, hmacKey))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid HMAC.");

                //Header is 92 bytes long
                inputFileStream.Seek(92, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                cipherSuiteSymmetricCipher.Decrypt(inputFileStream, outputFileStream, encryptionKey, iv);