public virtual void setErrorListener(StringTemplateErrorListener listener)
     this.listener = listener;
 public StringTemplateGroup(System.IO.TextReader r, StringTemplateErrorListener errors)
     : this(r, typeof(DefaultTemplateLexer), errors)
 /// <summary>Create a group from the input stream, but use a nondefault lexer
 /// to break the templates up into chunks.  This is usefor changing
 /// the delimiter from the default $...$ to <...>, for example.
 /// </summary>
 public StringTemplateGroup(System.IO.TextReader r, System.Type lexer, StringTemplateErrorListener errors)
     this.templatesDefinedInGroupFile = true;
     this.templateLexerClass = lexer;
     this.listener = errors;
 static StringTemplateGroup()
     DEFAULT_ERROR_LISTENER = new AnonymousClassStringTemplateErrorListener();