Example #1
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            if (Version == 1)
                _CreationTime     = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                _ModificationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                TimeScale         = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration          = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            else // if(Version == 0)
                _CreationTime     = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                _ModificationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                TimeScale         = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration          = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            _Rate    = stream.ReadBEInt32();
            _Volume  = stream.ReadBEInt16();
            Reserved = stream.ReadBytes(2 + (2 * 4));
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                Matrix[i] = stream.ReadBEInt32();
            PreDefined  = stream.ReadBytes(6 * 4);
            NextTrackID = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
Example #2
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            if (Version == 1)
                CreationTime     = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt64());
                ModificationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt64());
                TrackID          = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Reserved1        = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration         = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            else // if (Version == 0)
                CreationTime     = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt32());
                ModificationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt32());
                TrackID          = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Reserved1        = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration         = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            Reserved2      = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            Layer          = stream.ReadBEInt16();
            AlternateGroup = stream.ReadBEInt16();
            Volume         = stream.ReadBEInt16();
            Reserved3      = stream.ReadBEUInt16();

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                Matrix[i] = stream.ReadBEInt32();

            Width  = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            Height = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
Example #3
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            ReferenceId = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            Timescale   = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            if (Version == 1)
                EarliestPresentationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                FirstOffset = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            else // v0
                EarliestPresentationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                FirstOffset = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            Reserved1      = stream.ReadBEUInt16();
            ReferenceCount = stream.ReadBEUInt16();

            Entries = new SegmentIndexEntry[ReferenceCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < ReferenceCount; i++)
                uint referenceValue = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                uint duration       = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                uint sapValue       = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

                Entries[i] = new SegmentIndexEntry(referenceValue, duration, sapValue);
Example #4
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            if (Version == 1)
                _CreationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                _ModificationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                TimeScale = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            else // if(Version == 0)
                _CreationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                _ModificationTime = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                TimeScale = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            _Rate = stream.ReadBEInt32();
            _Volume = stream.ReadBEInt16();
            Reserved = stream.ReadBytes(2 + (2 * 4));
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) Matrix[i] = stream.ReadBEInt32();
            PreDefined = stream.ReadBytes(6 * 4);
            NextTrackID = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
Example #5
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            if (Version == 1)
                CreationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt64());
                ModificationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt64());
                TrackID = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                _Reserved1 = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            else // if (Version == 0)
                CreationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt32());
                ModificationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt32());
                TrackID = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                _Reserved1 = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) _Reserved2[0] = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            Layer = stream.ReadBEInt16();
            AlternateGroup = stream.ReadBEInt16();
            Volume = stream.ReadBEInt16();
            _Reserved3 = stream.ReadBEUInt16();
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) _Matrix[i] = stream.ReadBEInt32();
            Width = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            Height = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
Example #6
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            if (Version == 1) FragmentDuration = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            else FragmentDuration = (ulong)stream.ReadBEInt32();
Example #7
        public static Box FromStream(Stream stream, BaseMediaOptions options = BaseMediaOptions.LoadChildren)
            Box box = null;

                ulong offset = (ulong)stream.Position;

                uint  size      = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                uint  type      = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                ulong?largeSize = null;

                if (size == 1)
                    largeSize = stream.ReadBEUInt64();

                BoxType boxType = (type == uuidType)
                    ? new BoxType(new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(16)))
                    : new BoxType(type);

                AvailableBoxTypes.TryGetValue(boxType, out Type t);

                box = t != null ? (Box)Activator.CreateInstance(t) : new Boxes.UnknownBox(boxType);

                box.Size      = size;
                box.LargeSize = largeSize;
                box.Offset    = offset;
                box.Initialize(ConstrainedStream.WrapStream(stream), options);
            catch (EndOfStreamException) { }

Example #8
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            uint entryCount = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            this.Entries = new EditListEntry[entryCount];

            for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
                ulong segmentDuration;
                long  mediaTime;
                short mediaRateInteger;
                short mediaRateFraction;

                if (Version == 1)
                    segmentDuration = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                    mediaTime       = stream.ReadBEInt64();
                    segmentDuration = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                    mediaTime       = stream.ReadBEInt32();

                mediaRateInteger  = stream.ReadBEInt16();
                mediaRateFraction = stream.ReadBEInt16();

                Entries[i] = new EditListEntry(segmentDuration, mediaTime, mediaRateInteger, mediaRateFraction);
Example #9
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            TrackID = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.BaseDataOffsetPresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.BaseDataOffsetPresent)
                BaseDataOffset = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.SampleDrescriptionIndexPresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.SampleDrescriptionIndexPresent)
                SampleDescriptionIndex = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleDurationPresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleDurationPresent)
                DefaultSampleDuration = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleSizePresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleSizePresent)
                DefaultSampleSize = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleFlagsPresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleFlagsPresent)
                DefaultSampleFlags = new SampleFlags(stream.ReadBEUInt32());

            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.DurationIsEmpty) == TrackFragmentFlags.DurationIsEmpty)
                DurationIsEmpty = true;
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            uint entryCount = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
                _Entries.Add(new ChunkLargeOffsetEntry(stream.ReadBEUInt64()));
Example #11
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            if (Version == 1)
                CreationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt64());
                ModificationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt64());
                TimeScale = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            else // if (Version == 0)
                CreationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt32());
                ModificationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt32());
                TimeScale = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            Language = ConvertThreeLetterLanguageCode(stream.ReadBEUInt16());
            Predefined = stream.ReadBEUInt16();
Example #12
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            if (Version == 1)
                FragmentDuration = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                FragmentDuration = (ulong)stream.ReadBEInt32();
Example #13
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            if (Version == 1)
                CreationTime     = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt64());
                ModificationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt64());
                TimeScale        = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration         = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            else // if (Version == 0)
                CreationTime     = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt32());
                ModificationTime = MovieHeaderBox.Convert1904Time(stream.ReadBEUInt32());
                TimeScale        = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                Duration         = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            Language   = ConvertThreeLetterLanguageCode(stream.ReadBEUInt16());
            Predefined = stream.ReadBEUInt16();
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Reconstruct (deserializes) frame from the stream. May throw on error
        /// </summary>
        public WireFrame(Stream stream) : this()
            var magic = stream.ReadBEUShort();

            if (magic != MAGIC)
                throw new ProtocolException(
                          StringConsts.GLUE_BAD_PROTOCOL_FRAME_ERROR + "bag magic: expected '{0}' but got '{1}'".Args(MAGIC, magic));

            var ver = stream.ReadByte();

            if (ver != VERSION)
                throw new ProtocolException(
                          StringConsts.GLUE_BAD_PROTOCOL_FRAME_ERROR + "version mismatch: expected '{0}' but got '{1}'".Args(VERSION, ver));
            m_Type = (FrameType)stream.ReadByte();

            m_Format = stream.ReadBEInt32();

            m_OneWay = stream.ReadByte() != 0;

            m_RequestID = new FID(stream.ReadBEUInt64());

            var len = stream.ReadBEInt32();

            if (len > 0)
                if (len > MAX_HEADERS_BYTE_LENGTH)
                    throw new ProtocolException(
                              StringConsts.GLUE_BAD_PROTOCOL_FRAME_ERROR + "arrived headers length of {0} bytes exceeds the limit of {1} bytes".Args(len, MAX_HEADERS_BYTE_LENGTH));

                m_HeadersContentLength = len;

                var hbuf = new byte[len];
                stream.Read(hbuf, 0, len);
                m_HeadersContent = HEADERS_ENCODING.GetString(hbuf);

            m_Length = FRAME_LENGTH + m_HeadersContentLength;
Example #15
 public static PageHeaderReadStatus TryReadPageHeader(Stream stream, ref DateTime current)
         var h = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
         if (h != PAGE_HEADER)
         var nix = (long)stream.ReadBEUInt64();
         var sts = nix.FromMicrosecondsSinceUnixEpochStart();
         if (sts < current)
         current = sts;
Example #16
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            TrackID = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.BaseDataOffsetPresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.BaseDataOffsetPresent)
                BaseDataOffset = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.SampleDrescriptionIndexPresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.SampleDrescriptionIndexPresent)
                SampleDescriptionIndex = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleDurationPresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleDurationPresent)
                DefaultSampleDuration = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleSizePresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleSizePresent)
                DefaultSampleSize = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleFlagsPresent) == TrackFragmentFlags.DefaultSampleFlagsPresent)
                DefaultSampleFlags = new SampleFlags(stream.ReadBEUInt32());

            if ((Flags & TrackFragmentFlags.DurationIsEmpty) == TrackFragmentFlags.DurationIsEmpty)
                DurationIsEmpty = true;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes a specific box type from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.FormatException">Thrown when the next box in the stream is not the expected type.</exception>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream containing the box to be deserialized at the current position.</param>
        protected Box(Stream stream)
            Offset = (ulong)stream.Position;

            Size = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            uint type = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            if (Size == 1)
                LargeSize = stream.ReadBEUInt64();

            if (type == 0x75756964) // 'uuid'
                Type = new BoxType(new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(16)));
                Type = new BoxType(type);

            bool foundMatchingAttribute = false;

            object[] boxAttributes = this.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BoxAttribute), true);
            foreach (BoxAttribute boxAttribute in boxAttributes)
                if (boxAttribute.Type == Type)
                    foundMatchingAttribute = true;
            if (!foundMatchingAttribute)
                throw new FormatException("Unexpected BMFF Box Type.");

Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes a specific box type from the stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="FormatException">Thrown when the next box in the stream is not the expected type.</exception>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream containing the box to be deserialized at the current position.</param>
        protected Box(Stream stream)
            Offset = (ulong)stream.Position;

            Size = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            uint type = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            if (Size == 1)
                LargeSize = stream.ReadBEUInt64();

            Type = (type == uuidType)
                ? new BoxType(new Guid(stream.ReadBytes(16)))
                : new BoxType(type);

            bool foundMatchingAttribute = false;

            var boxAttributes = this.GetType().GetCustomAttributes <BoxAttribute>(inherit: true);

            foreach (BoxAttribute boxAttribute in boxAttributes)
                if (boxAttribute.Type == Type)
                    foundMatchingAttribute = true;

            if (!foundMatchingAttribute)
                throw new FormatException("Unexpected BMFF Box Type.");

Example #19
 public static DateTime ReadTimeStamp(Stream stream)
     var nix = (long)stream.ReadBEUInt64();
       return nix.FromMicrosecondsSinceUnixEpochStart();
Example #20
        public static DateTime ReadTimeStamp(Stream stream)
            var nix = (long)stream.ReadBEUInt64();

        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            TrackID   = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            _reserved = stream.ReadBytes(3);
            _sizeOf   = stream.ReadOneByte();

            uint entryCount = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            Entries = new TrackFragmentEntry[entryCount];

            for (uint i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
                ulong time;
                ulong moofOffset;
                uint  trafNumber;
                uint  trunNumber;
                uint  sampleNumber;

                if (Version == 0x01)
                    time       = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                    moofOffset = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                    time       = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                    moofOffset = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

                switch (SizeOfTrafNumber)
                case 1: trafNumber = stream.ReadOneByte(); break;

                case 2: trafNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt16(); break;

                case 3: trafNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt24(); break;

                default: trafNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); break;

                switch (SizeOfTrunNumber)
                case 1: trunNumber = stream.ReadOneByte(); break;

                case 2: trunNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt16(); break;

                case 3: trunNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt24(); break;

                default: trunNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); break;

                switch (SizeOfSampleNumber)
                case 1: sampleNumber = stream.ReadOneByte(); break;

                case 2: sampleNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt16(); break;

                case 3: sampleNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt24(); break;

                default: sampleNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt32(); break;

                Entries[i] = new TrackFragmentEntry(time, moofOffset, trafNumber, trunNumber, sampleNumber);
Example #22
            /// <summary>
            /// Reconstruct (deserializes) frame from the stream. May throw on error
            /// </summary>
            public WireFrame(Stream stream) : this()
                var magic = stream.ReadBEUShort();
                if (magic != MAGIC)
                    throw new ProtocolException(
                                StringConsts.GLUE_BAD_PROTOCOL_FRAME_ERROR + "bag magic: expected '{0}' but got '{1}'".Args(MAGIC, magic));
                var ver = stream.ReadByte();
                if (ver != VERSION) 
                    throw new ProtocolException(
                                StringConsts.GLUE_BAD_PROTOCOL_FRAME_ERROR + "version mismatch: expected '{0}' but got '{1}'".Args(VERSION, ver));
                m_Type  = (FrameType)stream.ReadByte();

                m_Format = stream.ReadBEInt32();
                m_OneWay = stream.ReadByte() != 0;

                m_RequestID = new FID( stream.ReadBEUInt64() );

                var len = stream.ReadBEInt32();
                if (len>0)
                    if (len>MAX_HEADERS_BYTE_LENGTH) 
                       throw new ProtocolException(
                                StringConsts.GLUE_BAD_PROTOCOL_FRAME_ERROR + "arrived headers length of {0} bytes exceeds the limit of {1} bytes".Args(len, MAX_HEADERS_BYTE_LENGTH)); 
                    m_HeadersContentLength = len;
                    var hbuf = new byte[len];
                    stream.Read(hbuf, 0, len);
                    m_HeadersContent = HEADERS_ENCODING.GetString( hbuf );

                m_Length = FRAME_LENGTH + m_HeadersContentLength;
        protected override void LoadFromStream(Stream stream)

            TrackID  = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
            Reserved = stream.ReadBytes(3);
            _SizeOf  = stream.ReadOneByte();

            uint NumberOfEntries = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

            for (uint i = 0; i < NumberOfEntries; i++)
                TrackFragmentEntry entry = new TrackFragmentEntry();
                if (Version == 0x01)
                    entry.Time       = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                    entry.MoofOffset = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
                    entry.Time       = stream.ReadBEUInt32();
                    entry.MoofOffset = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

                if (SizeOfTrafNumber == 1)
                    entry.TrafNumber = stream.ReadOneByte();
                else if (SizeOfTrafNumber == 2)
                    entry.TrafNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt16();
                else if (SizeOfTrafNumber == 3)
                    entry.TrafNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt24();
                    entry.TrafNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

                if (SizeOfTrunNumber == 1)
                    entry.TrunNumber = stream.ReadOneByte();
                else if (SizeOfTrunNumber == 2)
                    entry.TrunNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt16();
                else if (SizeOfTrunNumber == 3)
                    entry.TrunNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt24();
                    entry.TrunNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

                if (SizeOfSampleNumber == 1)
                    entry.SampleNumber = stream.ReadOneByte();
                else if (SizeOfSampleNumber == 2)
                    entry.SampleNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt16();
                else if (SizeOfSampleNumber == 3)
                    entry.SampleNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt24();
                    entry.SampleNumber = stream.ReadBEUInt32();

Example #24
 public static PageHeaderReadStatus TryReadPageHeader(Stream stream, ref DateTime current)
     var h = stream.ReadBEUInt64();
     if (h!=PAGE_HEADER) return PageHeaderReadStatus.Corruption;
     var nix = (long)stream.ReadBEUInt64();
     var sts = nix.FromMicrosecondsSinceUnixEpochStart();
     if (sts<current) return PageHeaderReadStatus.Corruption;
     current = sts;
     return PageHeaderReadStatus.EOF;
       return PageHeaderReadStatus.OK;