// This method sets the shipping fee based on the amount given through the extension page
        public override int CalculateShippingCharge2(string orderID, string shipmentID, out double shippingCharge, out string isoCurrencyCode)
            // Set the shipping charge to the value that was given on the extension page
            shippingCharge  = double.Parse(Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.ModuleField, "shipping_charge", UniqueName));
            isoCurrencyCode = "USD";

            // Send the new data back to the storefront for the shipping charge
        public override int CouldCollect(string orderID)
            string sxiname = Storefront.GetValue("OrderProperty", "SxiModuleForCollection", orderID);

            if (sxiname == this.UniqueName)
        public override int CouldCollect(string orderID)
            // Asks the module whether it could collect on the order.
            // This controls enabling of  the Collect Payment button in the Orders and Order Details pages on the Administrator site.
            string sxiname = Storefront.GetValue("OrderProperty", "SxiModuleForCollection", orderID);

            if (sxiname == this.UniqueName)
Example #4
        public void AddLinkButtonTwo(ControlCollection cc, string storefrontUrl)
            // Add code to page for the next navbar piece
            Page   page   = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler;
            string format = "<td class='navBarSeparator'></td><td class='navBarCell'><div class='navBarButton' style='float: left;'><div class='navBarButton-t'><div class='navBarButton-b'><div class='navBarButton-l'><div class='navBarButton-r'><div class='navBarButton-tl'><div class='navBarButton-tr'><div class='navBarButton-bl'><div class='navBarButton-br'><div class='navBarButton-inner'><a class='navBarButton' target='_blank' href='{0}'>{1}</a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></td>";

            if (page.Request.Url.ToString().IndexOf("previesreport.aspx") != -1)
                format = format.Replace("navBarButton", "navBarButtonSelected");

            // Add the name for our navbar piece the user specified
            string text = string.Format(format, storefrontUrl, StorefrontAPI.Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _SA_LINK_NAME_TWO, _UNIQUE_NAME));

            // Get user specfied link for link two button
            string linkTwoUrl = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _SA_LINK_TWO_URL, _UNIQUE_NAME);           // This variable holds the link two url the user provided from the extension setup page

            // Log that the text has been set and what it is

             * LMTF.LogMessagesToFile(storeFrontName, LOG_FILENAME1, LOG_FILENAME2, $"|----------------------------------------------------------|");
             * LMTF.LogMessagesToFile(storeFrontName, LOG_FILENAME1, LOG_FILENAME2, "AddLinkButton called text: " + text);
             * if ((string)ModuleData[_SA_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
             * {
             *  LogMessage($"|----------------------------------------------------------|");
             *  LogMessage("AddLinkButton called text: " + text);
             * }

            //  Add navbar to correct place in list
            foreach (Control startingControl in cc)
                if (startingControl.ToString().IndexOf("pageheader_ascx") != -1)
                    Control childControl = ControlFinder.FindChildControl(startingControl, "phLeftSide");
                        childControl.Controls.AddAt(childControl.Controls.Count - 2, new LiteralControl(text));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        string message = ex.Message;
                if (startingControl.HasControls())
                    AddLinkButtonTwo(startingControl.Controls, linkTwoUrl);
        public override int UserLogon_Before(string uid)
            string name;

            name = Storefront.GetValue("UserProperty", "LogonName", uid);
            if (name == "webster")
Example #6
        // Pass the module data we collected into a list
        public override int GetConfigurationStatus()
            // Retrieve storefrontname to use with logging
            string storeFrontName = SF.GetValue(FieldType.SystemProperty, SystemProperty.STOREFRONT_NAME, null);

            // Create the list to hold our configuration values from the storefront
            var configValues = new List <string>(4);

            string storefrontName = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _SA_STOREFRONT_NAME, _UNIQUE_NAME);    // This variable holds the store front name the user provided from the extension setup page
            string domain         = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _SA_DOMAIN, _UNIQUE_NAME);             // This variable holds the domain the user provided from the extension setup page
            string linkName       = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _SA_LINK_NAME, _UNIQUE_NAME);          // This variable holds the link name the user provided from the extension setup page
            string linkNameTwo    = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _SA_LINK_NAME_TWO, _UNIQUE_NAME);      // This variable holds the link name two the user provided from the extension setup page
            string linkTwoUrl     = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _SA_LINK_TWO_URL, _UNIQUE_NAME);       // This variable holds the link two url the user provided from the extension setup page


            // Inform that we have called the on pageload event
            LMTF.LogMessagesToFile(storeFrontName, LOG_FILENAME1, LOG_FILENAME2, $"|----------------------------------------------------------|");
            LMTF.LogMessagesToFile(storeFrontName, LOG_FILENAME1, LOG_FILENAME2, $"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Storefront Name: {storefrontName}");    // Logs the storefront name
            LMTF.LogMessagesToFile(storeFrontName, LOG_FILENAME1, LOG_FILENAME2, $"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Domain: {domain}");                     // Logs the domain
            LMTF.LogMessagesToFile(storeFrontName, LOG_FILENAME1, LOG_FILENAME2, $"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Link Name: {linkName}");                // Logs the link name
            LMTF.LogMessagesToFile(storeFrontName, LOG_FILENAME1, LOG_FILENAME2, $"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Link Name Two: {linkNameTwo}");         // Logs the link name two
            LMTF.LogMessagesToFile(storeFrontName, LOG_FILENAME1, LOG_FILENAME2, $"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Link Name Two: {linkTwoUrl}");          // Logs the link two url

            // Log the values we have currently to the storefront logs
            if ((string)ModuleData[_SA_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                LogMessage($"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Storefront Name: {storefrontName}");     // Logs the storefront name
                LogMessage($"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Domain: {domain}");                      // Logs the domain
                LogMessage($"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Link Name: {linkName}");                 // Logs the link name
                LogMessage($"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Link Name Two: {linkNameTwo}");          // Logs the link name two
                LogMessage($"GetConfigurationStatus Method: Link Two URL: {linkTwoUrl}");            // Logs the link two url

            // Check to ensure we actually have values before returning them
            return(configValues.Any(v => string.IsNullOrEmpty(v)) ? eDoNotCall : eSuccess);
        protected void ComputeDocumentPrices(string[] docids, double[] prices)
                for (int i = 0; i < docids.Length; i++)
                    string id = (string)docids[i];

                    string n = "";

                    string q = Storefront.GetValue("PrintingField", "PrintingQuantity", id);
                    if (q == null || q == "")
                        q = "1";
                    string db = Storefront.GetValue("DocumentProperty", "DatabaseToMerge_AssetID", id);
                    if (db != null && db != "")
                        n = Storefront.GetValue("AssetProperty", "NumberOfRows", db);

                    if (n == null || n == "")
                        n = "1";

                    int ncopies = int.Parse(q) * int.Parse(n);

                    prices[i] = ncopies * 9.00;  // $9.00 each
            catch (Exception ex)
                string s = ex.Message;
Example #8
        // This method is used to get adjust the tax rate for the user's order
        public override int CalculateTax2(string OrderID, double taxableAmount, string currencyCode, string[] priceCategories, string[] priceTaxLocales, double[] priceAmount, string[] taxLocaleId, ref double[] taxAmount)
            #region |--This section of code shows what we have been passed if debug mode is "on"--|

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
                LogMessage($"*                        *");                                            // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessage($"*          START         *");                                            // Show when we start this process
                LogMessage($"*                        *");

                // Shows what values are passed at beginning
                LogMessage($"OrderID is:              {OrderID}");                                    // Tells the id for the order being calculated
                LogMessage($"TaxableAmount is:        {taxableAmount.ToString()}");                   // Tells the amount to be taxed (currently set to 0)
                LogMessage($"CurrencyCode is:         {currencyCode}");                               // Tells the type of currency used
                LogMessage($"PriceCategories is:      {priceCategories.Length.ToString()}");          // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessage($"PriceTaxLocales is:      {priceTaxLocales.Length.ToString()}");          // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessage($"PriceAmount is:          {priceAmount.Length.ToString()}");              // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessage($"TaxLocaleId is:          {taxLocaleId.Length.ToString()}");              // Shows the number of tax locales found for this order
                LogMessage($"TaxLocaleId[0] is:       {taxLocaleId[0].ToString()}");                  // Sends a number value which corresponds to the tax rate row in the tax rates table excel file

                // These Log the messages to a log .txt file
                // The logs an be found in the Logs folder in the storefront's deployment
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");                                      // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessageToFile($"*          START         *");                                      // Show when we start this process
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");

                // Shows what values are passed at beginning in .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"OrderID is:              {OrderID}");                              // Tells the id for the order being calculated
                LogMessageToFile($"TaxableAmount is:        {taxableAmount.ToString()}");             // Tells the amount to be taxed (currently set to 0)
                LogMessageToFile($"CurrencyCode is:         {currencyCode}");                         // Tells the type of currency used
                LogMessageToFile($"PriceCategories is:      {priceCategories.Length.ToString()}");    // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessageToFile($"PriceTaxLocales is:      {priceTaxLocales.Length.ToString()}");    // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessageToFile($"PriceAmount is:          {priceAmount.Length.ToString()}");        // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessageToFile($"TaxLocaleId is:          {taxLocaleId.Length.ToString()}");        // Shows the number of tax locales found for this order
                LogMessageToFile($"TaxLocaleId[0] is:       {taxLocaleId[0].ToString()}");            // Sends a number value which corresponds to the tax rate row in the tax rates table excel file


            #region |--This section is where we get and set the values from the shipping page where the user has entered their address info--|

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Shows the section where we get and display what has been added to the shipping page fields
                LogMessage($"*                        *");                                            // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessage($"*Shipping Fields Section *");                                            // Show when we reach the shipping fields section
                LogMessage($"*                        *");

                // Shows the section where we get and display what has been added to the shipping page fields in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");                                      // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessageToFile($"*Shipping Fields Section *");                                      // Show when we reach the shipping fields section
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");

            // This section saves the user's shipping info to variables to use with calculating the tax rate to return
            // Listed in the same order as in the address book on the site
            var SFirstName  = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingFirstName", OrderID);        // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SLastName   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingLastName", OrderID);         // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress1   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress1", OrderID);         // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress2   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress2", OrderID);         // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCity       = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCity", OrderID);             // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
            var SState      = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingState", OrderID);            // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
            var SPostalCode = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingPostalCode", OrderID);       // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCountry    = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCountry", OrderID);          // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page                                                                                       // Get the handling charge to use with taxes
            var hCharge     = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "HandlingCharge", OrderID);           // This gets the handling charge for the order
            var sCharge     = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCharge", OrderID);           // This gets the shipping charge for the order

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Log to show that we have retrieved the zipcode form the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping FirstName:      {SFirstName}");                                 // This logs the first name that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping LastName:       {SLastName}");                                  // This logs the last name that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping Address1:       {SAddress1}");                                  // This logs the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping Address2:       {SAddress2}");                                  // This logs the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping City:           {SCity}");                                      // This logs the city that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping State:          {SState}");                                     // This logs the state that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping PostalCode:     {SPostalCode}");                                // This logs the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping Country:        {SCountry}");                                   // This logs the country that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Handling Charge:         {hCharge}");                                    // This logs the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping Charge:         {sCharge}");                                    // This logs the country that the user has on the shipping page

                // Log to show that we have retrieved the zipcode form the shipping page in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping FirstName:      {SFirstName}");                           // This logs the first name that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping LastName:       {SLastName}");                            // This logs the last name that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping Address1:       {SAddress1}");                            // This logs the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping Address2:       {SAddress2}");                            // This logs the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping City:           {SCity}");                                // This logs the city that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping State:          {SState}");                               // This logs the state that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping PostalCode:     {SPostalCode}");                          // This logs the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping Country:        {SCountry}");                             // This logs the country that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Handling Charge:         {hCharge}");                              // This logs the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping Charge:         {sCharge}");                              // This logs the country that the user has on the shipping page


            #region |--Database call to retrieve the subtotal--|

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Shows the section where we change the tax rate
                LogMessage($"*                        *");                                            // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessage($"*Tax Rates Section Part 1*");                                            // Show when we reach the tax rates section
                LogMessage($"*                        *");

                // Set the tax amount based on a few zipcodes and send it back to pageflex
                LogMessage($"Tax amount is:           " + taxAmount[0].ToString() + " before we make our DB or Avalara calls");          // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)

                // Shows the section where we change the tax rate in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");                                      // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessageToFile($"*Tax Rates Section Part 1*");                                      // Show when we reach the tax rates section
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");

                // Set the tax amount based on a few zipcodes and send it back to pageflex in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"Tax amount is:           " + taxAmount[0].ToString() + " before we make our DB or Avalara calls");    // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)

            // Get our DB logon info from the storefront
            string dataSource     = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _DATA_SOURCE, _UNIQUE_NAME);     // This variable holds the datasource the user provided from the extension setup page
            string initialCatalog = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _INITIAL_CATALOG, _UNIQUE_NAME); // This variable holds the datasource the user provided from the extension setup page
            string userID         = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _USER_ID, _UNIQUE_NAME);         // This variable holds the datasource the user provided from the extension setup page
            string userPassword   = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _USER_PASSWORD, _UNIQUE_NAME);   // This variable holds the datasource the user provided from the extension setup page

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Log messages to show what was retrieved from the storefront
                LogMessage($"DB logon information:");                                                  // This logs that we are logging the DB Logon information
                LogMessage($"Data Source is:          {dataSource}");                                  // This logs the data source that the user has on the extension configuration page
                LogMessage($"Initial Catalog is:      {initialCatalog}");                              // This logs the initial catalog that the user has on the extension configuration page
                LogMessage($"User ID is:              {userID}");                                      // This logs the user id that the user has on the extension configuration page
                LogMessage($"User Password is:        {userPassword}");                                // This logs the user password that the user has on the extension configuration page
                LogMessageToFile($"DB logon information:");                                            // This logs that we are logging the DB Logon information
                LogMessageToFile($"Data Source is:          {dataSource}");                            // This logs the data source that the user has on the extension configuration page
                LogMessageToFile($"Initial Catalog is:      {initialCatalog}");                        // This logs the initial catalog that the user has on the extension configuration page
                LogMessageToFile($"User ID is:              {userID}");                                // This logs the user id that the user has on the extension configuration page
                LogMessageToFile($"User Password is:        {userPassword}");                          // This logs the user password that the user has on the extension configuration page

            // Our credentials to connect to the DB
            string connectionString = $"Data Source={dataSource};" +
                                      $"Initial Catalog={initialCatalog};" +
                                      $"User ID={userID};" +
                                      $"Password={userPassword};" +
                                      "Persist Security Info=True;" +
                                      "Connection Timeout=15";

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                LogMessage($"Full Connection String:  {connectionString}");                            // This logs the full connection string to see it is all together properly
                LogMessageToFile($"Full Connection String:  {connectionString}");                      // This logs the full connection string to see it is all together properly

            // The query to be ran on the DB

             * Query:   SELECTS the "Order Group ID", the "Price"(Cast as money)  , the "Shipping Charge"(Cast as money)  , and the "Handling Charge"(Cast as money)
             *          FROM three tables: "OrderedDocuments", "OrderGroups", and "Shipments" that have been INNER JOINED together based on the "OrderGroupID"
             *          WHERE the "OrderGroupID" equals the orderID of our current order on the storefront
            string queryString = "SELECT OrderedDocuments.OrderGroupID," +
                                 "CAST(OrderedDocuments.Price / 100.00 as money) as Price," +
                                 "CAST(Shipments.ShippingAmount / 100.00 as money) as Shipping," +
                                 "CAST(OrderGroups.HandlingCharge / 100.00 as money) as Handling " +
                                 "FROM OrderedDocuments " +
                                 "INNER JOIN OrderGroups ON OrderGroups.OrderGroupID = OrderedDocuments.OrderGroupID " +
                                 "INNER JOIN Shipments ON Shipments.OrderGroupID = OrderedDocuments.OrderGroupID " +
                                 "WHERE OrderedDocuments.OrderGroupID = @orderID";

            // This is how to call it using a stored procedure I currently have setup on "Interface DB"
            //string queryString = "USE [Interface] " + "DECLARE @return_value Int EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[GetRates] @OrderID = 1787 SELECT @return_value as 'Return Value'";

            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Log to let the developer know we are trying to connect to DB using connection string
                LogMessage("starting DB connection");                                                  // This logs that we are starting the DB connection process
                LogMessageToFile("starting DB connection");                                            // This logs that we are starting the DB connection process

                // Setup the connection to the db using our credentials
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    // Open the connection using what we have setup

                    if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                        // Log to let the developer know connection to DB was successful
                        LogMessage("DB connection successful");                                        // This logs that the DB connection process was a success
                        LogMessageToFile("DB connection successful");                                  // This logs that the DB connection process was a success

                    // Setup our query to call
                    SqlCommand commandGetRates = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
                    commandGetRates.Parameters.AddWithValue("@orderID", OrderID);

                    if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                        // Log to let the developer know we finished running our query
                        LogMessage("Query finished running");                                          // This logs that the query run has finished
                        LogMessageToFile("Query finished running");                                    // This logs that the query run has finished

                    // Setup a reader to handle what our query returns
                    using (SqlDataReader reader = commandGetRates.ExecuteReader())
                        // Read back what our query retrieves
                        while (reader.Read())
                            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                                // Log and show the results we retrieved from the DB
                                LogMessage(string.Format("From DB Reader: OrderID: {0}, Price: {1}, Shipping: {2}, Handling: {3}", reader["OrderGroupID"], reader["Price"], reader["Shipping"], reader["Handling"]));
                                LogMessageToFile(string.Format("From DB Reader: OrderID: {0}, Price: {1}, Shipping: {2}, Handling: {3}", reader["OrderGroupID"], reader["Price"], reader["Shipping"], reader["Handling"]));

                            // Filling the variables to hold our totals from the DB retrieval step
                            subTotal       = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Price"]);                       // This gets the subtotal that the user has on the extension configuration page
                            shippingCharge = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Shipping"]);                    // This gets the shipping charge that the user has on the extension configuration page
                            handlingCharge = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["Handling"]);                    // This gets the handling charge that the user has on the extension configuration page

                        // Calculate the total amount to be taxed by Avalara
                        totalTaxableAmount = subTotal + shippingCharge + handlingCharge;

                        if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                            // Log messages to show what we retrieved from DB and have stored into variables
                            LogMessage($"Totals read from the DB and stored in variables");            // This logs that the DB read has finished and we are showing what is in the variables saved
                            LogMessage($"subTotal:                {subTotal}");                        // This logs the subtotal variable
                            LogMessage($"shippingCharge:          {shippingCharge}");                  // This logs the shipping charge variable
                            LogMessage($"handlingCharge:          {handlingCharge}");                  // This logs the handling charge variable
                            LogMessageToFile($"Totals read from the DB and stored in variables");      // This logs that the DB read has finished and we are showing what is in the variables saved
                            LogMessageToFile($"subTotal:                {subTotal}");                  // This logs the subtotal variable
                            LogMessageToFile($"shippingCharge:          {shippingCharge}");            // This logs the shipping charge variable
                            LogMessageToFile($"handlingCharge:          {handlingCharge}");            // This logs the handling charge variable

                            // Log message to show what the total taxable amount that will be sent to Avalara is
                            LogMessage($"Total Taxable Amount:    {totalTaxableAmount}");              // This logs the total taxable amount
                            LogMessageToFile($"Total Taxable Amount:    {totalTaxableAmount}");        // This logs the total taxable amount
                        // Always call Close when done reading.
                    // Called by dispose, but good practice to close when done with connection.
                // Log issue with storefront and to file regardless of whether in debug mode or not
                LogMessage("Error in DB connection and data retrieval process");                       // This logs that there was an error in the DB process
                LogMessageToFile("Error in DB connection and data retrieval process");                 // This logs that there was an error in the DB process


            #region |--This is the section that connects and pulls info from avalara--|

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Shows the section where we change the tax rate
                LogMessage($"*                        *");                                             // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessage($"*Tax Rates Section Part 2*");                                             // Show when we reach the tax rates 2 section
                LogMessage($"*                        *");

                // Set the tax amount based on a few zipcodes and send it back to pageflex
                LogMessage($"Tax amount is:           " + taxAmount[0].ToString() + " before we make our Avalara call");          // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)

                // Shows the section where we change the tax rate in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");                                       // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessageToFile($"*Tax Rates Section Part 2*");                                       // Show when we reach the tax rates 2 section
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");

                // Set the tax amount based on a few zipcodes and send it back to pageflex in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"Tax amount is:           " + taxAmount[0].ToString() + " before we make our Avalara call");    // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)

            // Get our Avalara logon info from the storefront
            string AVCompanyName  = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _AV_COMPANY_NAME, _UNIQUE_NAME);  // This gets the company name that the user has on the extension configuration page
            string AVCompanyCode  = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _AV_COMPANY_CODE, _UNIQUE_NAME);  // This gets the company code that the user has on the extension configuration page
            string AVuserID       = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _AV_USER_ID, _UNIQUE_NAME);       // This gets the user id that the user has on the extension configuration page
            string AVuserPassword = Storefront.GetValue("ModuleField", _AV_USER_PASSWORD, _UNIQUE_NAME); // This gets the user password that the user has on the extension configuration page

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Log messages to show what was retrieved from the storefront
                LogMessage($"Avalara logon information:");                                             // This logs that we are displaying the Avalara logon information
                LogMessage($"Company Name:            {AVCompanyName}");                               // This logs the company name variable
                LogMessage($"Company Code:            {AVCompanyCode}");                               // This logs the company code variable
                LogMessage($"AValara User ID:         {AVuserID}");                                    // This logs the user id variable
                LogMessage($"Avalara User Password:   {AVuserPassword}");                              // This logs the user password variable
                LogMessageToFile($"Avalara logon information:");                                       // This logs that we are displaying the Avalara logon information
                LogMessageToFile($"Company Name:            {AVCompanyName}");                         // This logs the company name variable
                LogMessageToFile($"Company Code:            {AVCompanyCode}");                         // This logs the company code variable
                LogMessageToFile($"AValara User ID:         {AVuserID}");                              // This logs the user id variable
                LogMessageToFile($"Avalara User Password:   {AVuserPassword}");                        // This logs the user password variable

            // Create a client and set up authentication
            var client = new AvaTaxClient("AvalaraTaxExtension", "1.0", Environment.MachineName, AvaTaxEnvironment.Production)
                         .WithSecurity($"{AVuserID}", $"{AVuserPassword}");

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Show user creation passed
                LogMessage("Client created");                                                          // This logs that the Avalara client has been created

                // Show user creation passed in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile("Client created");                                                    // This logs that the Avalara client has been created

            // This creates the transaction that reaches out to alavara and gets the amount of tax for the user based on info we send
            // send client we created above in code, the company on alavara I created, type of transaction, and the company code I set up for company
            var transaction = new TransactionBuilder(client, $"{AVCompanyName}", DocumentType.SalesOrder, $"{AVCompanyCode}")

                              // Pass the variables we pulled from pageflex in the address line
                              .WithAddress(TransactionAddressType.SingleLocation, SAddress1, SAddress2, null, SCity, SState, SPostalCode, SCountry)

                              // Pass the amount of money to calculate tax on (This should be a variable once figure out what it is)

                              // Run transaction

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Log that we have created a transaction
                LogMessage("The transaction has been created");                                        // This logs that the Avalara transaction has been created

                // Log that we have created a transaction in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile("The transaction has been created");                                  // This logs that the Avalara transaction has been created

            // Retrieves the tax amount from Avalara and sets it to a variable
            // (It is returned as a decimal?  so we havve to convert it to a decimal)
            // (The ?? 0 sets it to 0 if transaction.totalTax is null)
            decimal tax2 = transaction.totalTax ?? 0;

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                //Log what is returned
                LogMessage($"Your calculated tax was: {tax2}");                                        // This logs that the calculated tax for the order

                //Log what is returned in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"Your calculated tax was: {tax2}");                                  // This logs that the calculated tax for the order

            //Set the tax amount on pageflex to the returned value from Avalara
            taxAmount[0] = decimal.ToDouble(tax2);                                                     // Set our new tax rate to a value we choose (for testing)

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_AT_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                LogMessage($"The zipcode was:         " + SPostalCode);                                // Log message to inform we used this zipcode to get the amount returned
                LogMessage($"The new TaxAmount is:    " + taxAmount[0].ToString());                    // Shows the tax amount after we changed it

                // Send message saying we have completed this process
                LogMessage($"*                        *");                                             // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessage($"*           end          *");                                             // Show when we reach the end of the extension
                LogMessage($"*                        *");

                // Log for .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"The zipcode was:         " + SPostalCode);                          // Log message to inform we used this zipcode to get the amount returned
                LogMessageToFile($"The new TaxAmount is:    " + taxAmount[0].ToString());              // Shows the tax amount after we changed it

                // Send message saying we have completed this process in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");                                       // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessageToFile($"*           end          *");                                       // Show when we reach the end of the extension
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");

            // Kept for reference and future use
            // avalara logging doesn't work from inside extension
            // client.LogToFile("MySixthExtension\\avataxapi.log");


Example #9
        // This method is used to get adjust the tax rate for the user's order
        public override int CalculateTax2(string OrderID, double taxableAmount, string currencyCode, string[] priceCategories, string[] priceTaxLocales, double[] priceAmount, string[] taxLocaleId, ref double[] taxAmount)
            #region This section of code shows what we have been passed

            // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");                // Adds a space for easier viewing
            LogMessage($"*      START       *");                // Show when we start this process
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");

            // Shows what values are passed at beginning
            LogMessage(OrderID);                                // Tells the id for the order being calculated
            LogMessage(taxableAmount.ToString());               // Tells the amount to be taxed (currently set to 0)
            LogMessage(currencyCode);                           // Tells the type of currency used
            LogMessage(priceCategories.Length.ToString());      // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(priceTaxLocales.Length.ToString());      // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(priceAmount.Length.ToString());          // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(taxLocaleId.Length.ToString());          // Shows the number of tax locales found for this order
            LogMessage(taxLocaleId[0].ToString());              // Sends a number value which corresponds to the tax rate row in the tax rates table excel file


            #region This section is where we set the tax rate based on several zipcodes entered by the user

            // Shows the section where we change the tax rate
            LogMessage($"*      space        *");
            LogMessage($"*   Tax Section     *");               // Used to show where we change the tax rate
            LogMessage($"*      space        *");

            // This section saves the user's shipping info to variables to use with calculating the tax rate to return
            // Listed in the same order as in the address book on the site
            var SFirstName  = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingFirstName", OrderID);      // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SLastName   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingLastName", OrderID);       // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress1   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress1", OrderID);       // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress2   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress2", OrderID);       // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCity       = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCity", OrderID);           // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
            var SState      = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingState", OrderID);          // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
            var SPostalCode = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingPostalCode", OrderID);     // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCountry    = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCountry", OrderID);        // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page

            // Log to show that we have retrieved the zipcode form the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping FirstName: {SFirstName}");        // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping LastName: {SLastName}");          // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Address1: {SAddress1}");          // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Address2: {SAddress2}");          // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping City: {SCity}");                  // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping State: {SState }");               // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping PostalCode: {SPostalCode}");      // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Country: {SCountry}");            // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page

            // Set the tax amount based on a few zipcodes and send it back to pageflex
            LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                    // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)

            // Check if we have a few certain zipcodes to set the value to or just to use the default value
            if (SPostalCode == "37876")
                // Set the new tax amount
                taxAmount[0] = 18.19;                               // Set our new tax rate to a value we choose (for testing)
                LogMessage($"The zipcode was 37876");               // Log message to inform we used this zipcode to get the amount returned
                LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                // Shows the tax amount after we changed it
            else if (SPostalCode == "12345")
                // Set the new tax amount
                taxAmount[0] = 23.40;
                LogMessage($"The zipcode was 12345");
            else if (SPostalCode == "01752")
                // Set the new tax amount
                taxAmount[0] = 3.43;
                LogMessage($"The zipcode was 01752");
                // Set the new tax amount
                taxAmount[0] = 13.37;
                LogMessage($"Default tax was used");

            // Send message saying we have completed this process
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");
            LogMessage($"*       end        *");
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");

            // Further reading if needed
            // Look at pg 436 and 467 invlovling address books if need to use them for zipcodes


            #region Using this will tell the storefront to calculate it's own tax using the tax tables
            // Unused, but keeping as a sidenote
            //taxAmount = null;

            #region This section shows how to get the zipcode and other fields from the user's profile.

             * //this gets the zip code from the user profile, but we need the zip from the shipping form...
             * var discountPercentageString = Storefront.GetValue("UserField", "UserProfilePricingDiscount", CurrentUserId);
             * var PostalCodeString = Storefront.GetValue("UserField", "UserProfilePostalCode", CurrentUserId);
             * // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");                // Adds a space for easier viewing
             * LogMessage($"*      START       *");                // Show when we start this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * // Log the information retrieved from the user's profile fields
             * LogMessage($"Current User Id: {CurrentUserId}");    // Return the user's id
             * LogMessage($"User Zipcode: {PostalCodeString}");    // Return the user's zipcode
             * // Send message saying we have completed this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * LogMessage($"*       end        *");                // Return a message saying this process is finished
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");

        // This method is used to get adjust the tax rate for the user's order
        public override int CalculateTax2(string OrderID, double taxableAmount, string currencyCode, string[] priceCategories, string[] priceTaxLocales, double[] priceAmount, string[] taxLocaleId, ref double[] taxAmount)
            #region |--This section of code shows what we have been passed if debug mode is "on"--|

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_SADEBUGGINGMODE] == "true")
                // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
                LogMessage($"*                        *");                                            // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessage($"*          START         *");                                            // Show when we start this process
                LogMessage($"*                        *");

                // Shows what values are passed at beginning
                LogMessage($"OrderID is:              {OrderID}");                                    // Tells the id for the order being calculated
                LogMessage($"TaxableAmount is:        {taxableAmount.ToString()}");                   // Tells the amount to be taxed (currently set to 0)
                LogMessage($"CurrencyCode is:         {currencyCode}");                               // Tells the type of currency used
                LogMessage($"PriceCategories is:      {priceCategories.Length.ToString()}");          // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessage($"PriceTaxLocales is:      {priceTaxLocales.Length.ToString()}");          // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessage($"PriceAmount is:          {priceAmount.Length.ToString()}");              // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessage($"TaxLocaleId is:          {taxLocaleId.Length.ToString()}");              // Shows the number of tax locales found for this order
                LogMessage($"TaxLocaleId[0] is:       {taxLocaleId[0].ToString()}");                  // Sends a number value which corresponds to the tax rate row in the tax rates table excel file

                // These Log the messages to a log .txt file
                // The logs an be found in the Logs folder in the storefront's deployment
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");                                      // Adds a space for easier viewing
                LogMessageToFile($"*          START         *");                                      // Show when we start this process
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");

                // Shows what values are passed at beginning in .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"OrderID is:              {OrderID}");                              // Tells the id for the order being calculated
                LogMessageToFile($"TaxableAmount is:        {taxableAmount.ToString()}");             // Tells the amount to be taxed (currently set to 0)
                LogMessageToFile($"CurrencyCode is:         {currencyCode}");                         // Tells the type of currency used
                LogMessageToFile($"PriceCategories is:      {priceCategories.Length.ToString()}");    // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessageToFile($"PriceTaxLocales is:      {priceTaxLocales.Length.ToString()}");    // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessageToFile($"PriceAmount is:          {priceAmount.Length.ToString()}");        // Not Null, but empty
                LogMessageToFile($"TaxLocaleId is:          {taxLocaleId.Length.ToString()}");        // Shows the number of tax locales found for this order
                LogMessageToFile($"TaxLocaleId[0] is:       {taxLocaleId[0].ToString()}");            // Sends a number value which corresponds to the tax rate row in the tax rates table excel file


            #region |--This section is where we get and set the values from the shipping page where the user has entered their address info--|

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_SADEBUGGINGMODE] == "true")
                // Shows the section where we get and display what has been added to the shipping page fields
                LogMessage($"*                        *");
                LogMessage($"*Shipping Fields Section *");
                LogMessage($"*                        *");

                // Shows the section where we get and display what has been added to the shipping page fields in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");
                LogMessageToFile($"*Shipping Fields Section *");
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");

            // This section saves the user's shipping info to variables to use with calculating the tax rate to return
            // Listed in the same order as in the address book on the site
            var SFirstName  = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingFirstName", OrderID);        // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SLastName   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingLastName", OrderID);         // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress1   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress1", OrderID);         // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress2   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress2", OrderID);         // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCity       = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCity", OrderID);             // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
            var SState      = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingState", OrderID);            // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
            var SPostalCode = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingPostalCode", OrderID);       // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCountry    = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCountry", OrderID);          // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page                                                                                       // Get the handling charge to use with taxes
            var hCharge     = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "HandlingCharge", OrderID);           // This gets the handling charge for the order
            var sCharge     = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCharge", OrderID);           // This gets the shipping charge for the order
            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_SADEBUGGINGMODE] == "true")
                // Log to show that we have retrieved the zipcode form the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping FirstName:      {SFirstName}");                                 // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping LastName:       {SLastName}");                                  // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping Address1:       {SAddress1}");                                  // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping Address2:       {SAddress2}");                                  // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping City:           {SCity}");                                      // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping State:          {SState}");                                     // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping PostalCode:     {SPostalCode}");                                // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping Country:        {SCountry}");                                   // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Handling Charge:         {hCharge}");                                    // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessage($"Shipping Charge:         {sCharge}");                                    // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page

                // Log to show that we have retrieved the zipcode form the shipping page in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping FirstName:      {SFirstName}");                           // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping LastName:       {SLastName}");                            // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping Address1:       {SAddress1}");                            // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping Address2:       {SAddress2}");                            // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping City:           {SCity}");                                // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping State:          {SState}");                               // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping PostalCode:     {SPostalCode}");                          // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping Country:        {SCountry}");                             // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Handling Charge:         {hCharge}");                              // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
                LogMessageToFile($"Shipping Charge:         {sCharge}");                              // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page


            #region |--This is the section that connects and pulls info from avalara--|

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_SADEBUGGINGMODE] == "true")
                // Shows the section where we change the tax rate
                LogMessage($"*                        *");
                LogMessage($"*  Tax Rates Section     *");
                LogMessage($"*                        *");

                // Set the tax amount based on a few zipcodes and send it back to pageflex
                LogMessage($"Tax amount is:           " + taxAmount[0].ToString() + " before we retrieve from Avalara");          // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)

                // Shows the section where we change the tax rate in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");
                LogMessageToFile($"*  Tax Rates Section     *");
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");

                // Set the tax amount based on a few zipcodes and send it back to pageflex in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"Tax amount is:           " + taxAmount[0].ToString() + " before we retrieve from Avalara");    // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)

            #region |--Database call to retrieve the subtotal should go here--|

            // TO DO: Database call to retrieve the subtotal should go here if can't get storefront access to work


            // Create a client and set up authentication
            var client = new AvaTaxClient("MyApp", "1.0", Environment.MachineName, AvaTaxEnvironment.Production)
                         .WithSecurity("AvalaraUsername", "AvalaraPassword");

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_SADEBUGGINGMODE] == "true")
                // Show user creation passed
                LogMessage("Client created");

                // Show user creation passed in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile("Client created");

            // This creates the transaction that reaches out to alavara and gets the amount of tax for the user based on info we send
            // send client we created above in code, the company on alavara I created, typoe of transaction, and the company code I set up for company
            var transaction = new TransactionBuilder(client, "AvalaraCompanyCode", DocumentType.SalesOrder, "AvalaraCustomerCode")

                              // Pass the variables we pulled from pageflex in the address line
                              .WithAddress(TransactionAddressType.SingleLocation, SAddress1, SAddress2, null, SCity, SState, SPostalCode, SCountry)
                              // Pass the amount of money to calculate tax on (This should be a variable once figure out what it is)

                              #region |--Here is where we will send the total retrieved from db call--|

                              // Here is where we will send the total retrieved from db call
                              //.WithLine(REPLACE WITH VARIABLE CONTAING TOTAL FROM DB CALL)


                              // Run transaction

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_SADEBUGGINGMODE] == "true")
                // Log that we have created a transaction
                LogMessage("The transaction has been created");

                // Log that we have created a transaction in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile("The transaction has been created");

            // Retrieves the tax amount from Avalara and sets it to a variable
            // (It is returned as a decimal?  so we havve to convert it to a decimal)
            // (The ?? 0 sets it to 0 if transaction.totalTax is null)
            decimal tax2 = transaction.totalTax ?? 0;

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_SADEBUGGINGMODE] == "true")
                //Log what is returned
                LogMessage($"Your calculated tax was: {tax2}");

                //Log what is returned in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"Your calculated tax was: {tax2}");

            //Set the tax amount on pageflex to the returned value from Avalara
            taxAmount[0] = decimal.ToDouble(tax2);                                              // Set our new tax rate to a value we choose (for testing)

            // Check if debug mode is turned on; If it is then we log these messages
            if ((string)ModuleData[_SADEBUGGINGMODE] == "true")
                LogMessage($"The zipcode was:         " + SPostalCode);                         // Log message to inform we used this zipcode to get the amount returned
                LogMessage($"The new TaxAmount is:    " + taxAmount[0].ToString());             // Shows the tax amount after we changed it

                // Send message saying we have completed this process
                LogMessage($"*                        *");
                LogMessage($"*           end          *");
                LogMessage($"*                        *");

                // Log for .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"The zipcode was:         " + SPostalCode);                   // Log message to inform we used this zipcode to get the amount returned
                LogMessageToFile($"The new TaxAmount is:    " + taxAmount[0].ToString());       // Shows the tax amount after we changed it

                // Send message saying we have completed this process in the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");
                LogMessageToFile($"*           end          *");
                LogMessageToFile($"*                        *");

            // Kept for reference and future use
            // avalara logging doesn't work from inside extension
            // client.LogToFile("MySixthExtension\\avataxapi.log");


        // This method sets the handling charge
        public override int CalculateHandlingCharge(string orderId, out double handlingCharge, out string isoCurrencyCode)
            // Log messages to the store and to the .txt file to show the storefronts original handling charge
            // I had to use these to figure out that my variables for the flags were not being passed between methods because they were not static
            if ((string)ModuleData[_EH_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Log messages to the storefront "Logs" page
                LogMessage($"Step 3: Checking to See if We Need to Change Handling");
                LogMessage($"Storefront Order ID:             {orderId}");
                LogMessage($"Storefront Handling Charge:      {storeHandlingCharge}");
                LogMessage($"Extension Yes Flag:              {extensionYesFlag}");
                LogMessage($"Extension No Flag:               {extensionNoFlag}");

                // Log messages to the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"Step 3: Checking to See if We Need to Change Handling");
                LogMessageToFile($"Storefront Order ID:             {orderId}");
                LogMessageToFile($"Storefront Handling Charge:      {storeHandlingCharge}");
                LogMessageToFile($"Extension Yes Flag:              {extensionYesFlag}");
                LogMessageToFile($"Extension No Flag:               {extensionNoFlag}");

            // Place in try catch to ensure we are alerted if something goes wrong
                // Check to see if the condition in which we will exclude handling is met
                // If the exclude handling Yes flag is set to Yes and the exclude handling No flag is set to No then we are good to exclude the handling
                if (extensionYesFlag.Equals("Yes") && extensionNoFlag.Equals("No"))
                    // Set the excluded handling charge to be zero and return the same currency code we are required to return as well
                    handlingCharge  = 0.00;
                    isoCurrencyCode = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.SystemProperty, "IsoCurrencyCode", orderId);

                    // Log messages to the store and to the .txt file to show we have returned the isocurrentcycode correctly
                    // and to tell that we have excluded the handling charge as well
                    if ((string)ModuleData[_EH_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                        // Log messages to the storefront "Logs" page
                        LogMessage($"Yes, We Need to Change the Handling Charge");
                        LogMessage($"Show returned isoCurrencyCode:   {isoCurrencyCode}");
                        LogMessage($"The Handling Was Excluded from the Order");

                        // Log messages to the .txt file
                        LogMessageToFile($"Yes, We Need to Change the Handling Charge");
                        LogMessageToFile($"Show returned isoCurrencyCode:   {isoCurrencyCode}");
                        LogMessageToFile($"The Handling Was Excluded from the Order");

                    // Send the new data back to the storefront for the handling charge
                    // We set the values back to what was already on the store before we started
                    handlingCharge  = storeHandlingCharge;
                    isoCurrencyCode = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.SystemProperty, "IsoCurrencyCode", orderId);

                    // Log messages to the store and to the .txt file to show we have returned the isocurrentcycode correctly
                    // and to tell that we have NOT excluded the handling charge as well
                    if ((string)ModuleData[_EH_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                        // Log messages to the storefront "Logs" page
                        LogMessage($"Show returned isoCurrencyCode:   {isoCurrencyCode}");
                        LogMessage($"Handling Was Not Excluded");

                        // Log messages to the .txt file
                        LogMessageToFile($"Show returned isoCurrencyCode:   {isoCurrencyCode}");
                        LogMessageToFile($"Handling Was Not Excluded");

                    // Send the new data back to the storefront for the handling charge
                // We set the values back to what was already on the store before we started
                handlingCharge  = storeHandlingCharge;
                isoCurrencyCode = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.SystemProperty, "IsoCurrencyCode", orderId);

                // Log issue with storefront and to file regardless of whether in debug mode or not
                LogMessage("Error in CalculateHandlingCharge Method");                                 // This logs that there was an error in the CalculateHandlingCharge Method
                LogMessageToFile("Error in CalculateHandlingCharge Method");                           // This logs that there was an error in the CalculateHandlingCharge Method

                // Get the storefront's name from storefront and Date and time stamps as desired
                string sfName                   = SF.GetValue(FieldType.SystemProperty, SystemProperty.STOREFRONT_NAME, null);
                string currentLogDate           = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyy");
                string currentLogTimeInsertMain = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt");

                //Setup our date and time for error
                string ErrorDate = string.Format("Date: {0}  Time: {1:G} <br>", currentLogDate, currentLogTimeInsertMain);

                // Setup our email body and message
                string subjectstring = "Storefront: \"" + sfName + "\" had an ERROR occur in the CalculateHandlingCharge Method";
                string bodystring    = "Storefront: \"" + sfName + "\" had an ERROR occur in the CalculateHandlingCharge Method <br>" +
                                       ErrorDate +
                                       "Extension: Exclude Handling Extension <br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with User ID: " + ErrorUserID + "<br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with Order ID: " + ErrorOrderID + "<br>";

                // Call method to send our error as an email to developers maintaining sites
                EmailErrorNotify.CreateMessage(subjectstring, bodystring);

                // Log issue with storefront and to file regardless of whether in debug mode or not
                LogMessage($"Error in CalculateHandlingCharge Method send email method called");       // This logs that Error in CalculateHandlingCharge Method send email method called
                LogMessageToFile($"Error in CalculateHandlingCharge Method send email method called"); // This logs that Error in CalculateHandlingCharge Method send email method called

                LogMessage($"Email sent successfully: {EmailErrorNotify.checkFlag}");                  // This logs Email sent successfully flag response
                LogMessageToFile($"Email sent successfully: {EmailErrorNotify.checkFlag}");            // This logs Email sent successfully flag response

                // Send the response validation is complete
        // This is called when the user hits the "Proceed to Checkout" button on the storefront
        public override int CheckoutSteps_Before(string userID, string orderID, string[] docIds)
            // Log messages to the store and to the .txt file to alert we are about to start this process
            if ((string)ModuleData[_EH_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                // Log messages to the storefront "Logs" page
                LogMessage($"Step 1: Try to get the storefront handling charge");

                // Log messages to the .txt file
                LogMessageToFile($"Step 1: Try to get the storefront handling charge");

            // Place in try catch to ensure we are alerted if something goes wrong
                // Set our error values for catch blocks
                ErrorUserID  = userID;
                ErrorOrderID = orderID;

                // Get the storefront handling charge to use to keep it the same if we don't need to override it
                storeHandlingCharge = Convert.ToDouble(Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.OrderProperty, "HandlingCharge", orderID));

                // Log messages to the store and to the .txt file to show the storefronts original handling charge
                if ((string)ModuleData[_EH_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                    // Log messages to the storefront "Logs" page
                    LogMessage($"Storefront Handling Charge:      {storeHandlingCharge}");
                    LogMessageToFile($"Storefront Handling Charge:      {storeHandlingCharge}");

                    // Log messages to the .txt file
                    LogMessage($"Storefront Handling Charge:      {storeHandlingCharge}");
                    LogMessageToFile($"Storefront Handling Charge:      {storeHandlingCharge}");

                // Set These values to start as "No"
                extensionYesFlag = "No";
                extensionNoFlag  = "No";

                // We need to check each item in the cart
                foreach (var docID in docIds)
                    // Call to check if this item has the flag set to yes or not
                    ValidateDocument(docID, "check");

                // Log messages to the store and to the .txt file to show that the flags are still set here
                // I had to use these to figure out that my variables for the flags were not being passed between methods because they were not static
                if ((string)ModuleData[_EH_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                    // Log messages to the storefront "Logs" page
                    LogMessage($"Foreach Extension Yes Flag Set:  {extensionYesFlag}");
                    LogMessage($"Foreach Extension No Flag Set:   {extensionNoFlag}");

                    // Log messages to the .txt file
                    LogMessageToFile($"Foreach Extension Yes Flag Set:  {extensionYesFlag}");
                    LogMessageToFile($"Foreach Extension No Flag Set:   {extensionNoFlag}");

                // Send the response that the steps before checkout have been completed
                // Log issue with storefront and to file regardless of whether in debug mode or not
                LogMessage("Error in CheckoutSteps_Before Method");                                    // This logs that there was an error in the CheckoutSteps_Before Method
                LogMessageToFile("Error in CheckoutSteps_Before Method");                              // This logs that there was an error in the CheckoutSteps_Before Method

                // Get the storefront's name from storefront and Date and time stamps as desired
                string sfName                   = SF.GetValue(FieldType.SystemProperty, SystemProperty.STOREFRONT_NAME, null);
                string currentLogDate           = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyy");
                string currentLogTimeInsertMain = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt");

                //Setup our date and time for error
                string ErrorDate = string.Format("Date: {0}  Time: {1:G} <br>", currentLogDate, currentLogTimeInsertMain);

                // Setup our email body and message
                string subjectstring = "Storefront: \"" + sfName + "\" had an ERROR occur in the CheckoutSteps_Before Method";
                string bodystring    = "Storefront: \"" + sfName + "\" had an ERROR occur in the CheckoutSteps_Before Method <br>" +
                                       ErrorDate +
                                       "Extension: Exclude Handling Extension <br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with User ID: " + ErrorUserID + "<br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with Order ID: " + ErrorOrderID;

                // Call method to send our error as an email to developers maintaining sites
                EmailErrorNotify.CreateMessage(subjectstring, bodystring);

                // Log issue with storefront and to file regardless of whether in debug mode or not
                LogMessage($"Error in CheckoutSteps_Before Method send email method called");          // This logs that Error in ValidateDocument Method send email method called
                LogMessageToFile($"Error in CheckoutSteps_Before Method send email method called");    // This logs that Error in ValidateDocument Method send email method called

                LogMessage($"Email sent successfully: {EmailErrorNotify.checkFlag}");                  // This logs Email sent successfully flag response
                LogMessageToFile($"Email sent successfully: {EmailErrorNotify.checkFlag}");            // This logs Email sent successfully flag response

                // Send the response validation is complete
        // Step 1 and 2 are reversed because step 2 comes second, but is called in step 1 -- methods should be placed before they are called
        #region |--Step 2: Validate Document Section (Called to check what the items in the cart have their exclude handlig flags set to)--|

        // Checks each document (item in the shipping cart) to see if it has the flag to exclude handling set or not when called
        public int ValidateDocument(string docID, string action)
            // Place in try catch to ensure we are alerted if something goes wrong
                // Set our error values for catch blocks
                ErrorDocID       = docID;
                ErrorProductID   = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.DocumentProperty, DocumentProperty.PRODUCT_ID, ErrorDocID);
                ErrorProductName = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.ProductProperty, ProductProperty.DISPLAY_NAME, ErrorProductID);
                ErrorProductSKU  = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.ProductField, "PRODUCT_SKU", ErrorProductID);
                ErrorStoreExcludeHandlingFlag = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.ProductField, "excludeHandling", ErrorProductID);

                // Get the values from the storefront to use to see if our order needs to have the handling excluded or not
                var productID   = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.DocumentProperty, DocumentProperty.PRODUCT_ID, docID);
                var productName = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.ProductProperty, ProductProperty.DISPLAY_NAME, productID);
                var productSKU  = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.ProductField, "PRODUCT_SKU", productID);
                var storeExcludeHandlingFlag = Storefront.GetValue(FieldType.ProductField, "excludeHandling", productID);

                // Log messages to the store and to the .txt file to show what we have retrieved
                if ((string)ModuleData[_EH_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                    // Log messages to the storefront "Logs" page
                    LogMessage($"Step 2: Validating Document:     {docID}");
                    LogMessage($"Product ID:                      {productID}");
                    LogMessage($"Product Name:                    {productName}");
                    LogMessage($"Product SKU:                     {productSKU}");
                    LogMessage($"Exclude Handling Flag:           {storeExcludeHandlingFlag}");

                    // Log messages to the .txt file
                    LogMessageToFile($"Step 2: Validating Document:     {docID}");
                    LogMessageToFile($"Product ID:                      {productID}");
                    LogMessageToFile($"Product Name:                    {productName}");
                    LogMessageToFile($"Product SKU:                     {productSKU}");
                    LogMessageToFile($"Exclude Handling Flag:           {storeExcludeHandlingFlag}");

                // Check to see if the storefront retrieved exclude handling fee flag is set to yes or no
                if (storeExcludeHandlingFlag.Equals("Yes"))
                    // If it is set to exclude the handling then we set our extension YES flag to be "Yes"
                    extensionYesFlag = "Yes";
                else if (storeExcludeHandlingFlag.Equals("No"))
                    // If it is set to NOT exclude the handling then we set our extension NO flag to be "Yes"
                    extensionNoFlag = "Yes";

                // Log messages to the store and to the .txt file to show what the flags have been set to
                if ((string)ModuleData[_EH_DEBUGGING_MODE] == "true")
                    // Log messages to the storefront "Logs" page
                    LogMessage($"Validate Extension Yes Flag Set: {extensionYesFlag}");
                    LogMessage($"Validate Extension No Flag Set:  {extensionNoFlag}");

                    // Log messages to the .txt file
                    LogMessageToFile($"Validate Extension Yes Flag Set: {extensionYesFlag}");
                    LogMessageToFile($"Validate Extension No Flag Set:  {extensionNoFlag}");

                // Send the response that this section is complete whether works or not so it doesn't crash
                // Log issue with storefront and to file regardless of whether in debug mode or not
                LogMessage("Error in ValidateDocument Method");                                        // This logs that there was an error in the ValidateDocument Method
                LogMessageToFile("Error in ValidateDocument Method");                                  // This logs that there was an error in the ValidateDocument Method

                // Get the storefront's name from storefront and Date and time stamps as desired
                string sfName                   = SF.GetValue(FieldType.SystemProperty, SystemProperty.STOREFRONT_NAME, null);
                string currentLogDate           = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyy");
                string currentLogTimeInsertMain = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt");

                //Setup our date and time for error
                string ErrorDate = string.Format("Date: {0}  Time: {1:G} <br>", currentLogDate, currentLogTimeInsertMain);

                // Setup our email body and message
                string subjectstring = "Storefront: \"" + sfName + "\" had an ERROR occur in the ValidateDocument Method";
                string bodystring    = "Storefront: \"" + sfName + "\" had an ERROR occur in the ValidateDocument Method <br>" +
                                       ErrorDate +
                                       "Extension: Exclude Handling Extension <br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with User ID: " + ErrorUserID + "<br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with Order ID: " + ErrorOrderID + "<br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with Doc ID: " + ErrorDocID + "<br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with Error Product ID: " + ErrorProductID + "<br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with Error Product Name : " + ErrorProductName + "<br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with Error Product SKU: " + ErrorProductSKU + "<br>" +
                                       "ERROR occured with Error Store Exclude Handling Flag: " + ErrorStoreExcludeHandlingFlag;

                // Call method to send our error as an email to developers maintaining sites
                EmailErrorNotify.CreateMessage(subjectstring, bodystring);

                // Log issue with storefront and to file regardless of whether in debug mode or not
                LogMessage($"Error in ValidateDocument Method send email method called");              // This logs that Error in ValidateDocument Method send email method called
                LogMessageToFile($"Error in ValidateDocument Method send email method called");        // This logs that Error in ValidateDocument Method send email method called

                LogMessage($"Email sent successfully: {EmailErrorNotify.checkFlag}");                  // This logs Email sent successfully flag response
                LogMessageToFile($"Email sent successfully: {EmailErrorNotify.checkFlag}");            // This logs Email sent successfully flag response

                // Send the response validation is complete
        // This method is used to get adjust the tax rate for the user's order
        public override int CalculateTax2(string OrderID, double taxableAmount, string currencyCode, string[] priceCategories, string[] priceTaxLocales, double[] priceAmount, string[] taxLocaleId, ref double[] taxAmount)
            #region This section of code shows what we have been passed and changes the tax value to return

            // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");                // Adds a space for easier viewing
            LogMessage($"*      START       *");                // Show when we start this process
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");

            // Shows what values are passed at beginning
            LogMessage(OrderID);                                // Tells the id for the order being calculated
            LogMessage(taxableAmount.ToString());               // Tells the amount to be taxed (currently set to 0)
            LogMessage(currencyCode);                           // Tells the type of currency used
            LogMessage(priceCategories.Length.ToString());      // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(priceTaxLocales.Length.ToString());      // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(priceAmount.Length.ToString());          // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(taxLocaleId.Length.ToString());          // Shows the number of tax locales found for this order
            LogMessage(taxLocaleId[0].ToString());              // Sends a number value which corresponds to the tax rate row in the tax rates table excel file

            // Shows the section where we change the tax rate
            LogMessage($"*      space        *");
            LogMessage($"*   Tax Section     *");               // Used to show where we change the tax rate
            LogMessage($"*      space        *");

            // Set the tax amount to send back to pageflex
            LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)
            taxAmount[0] = 23.40;                               // Set our new tax rate to a value we choose (for testing)
            LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                // Shows the tax amount after we changed it

            // Send message saying we have completed this process
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");
            LogMessage($"*       end        *");
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");


            #region This section of code gets the zipcode the user has entered on the shipping page

            // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
            var PostalCode = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingPostalCode", OrderID);

            // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");
            LogMessage($"*      START       *");
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");

            // Log to show that we have retrieved the zipcode form the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Zipcode: {PostalCode}");

            // Send message saying we have completed this process
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");
            LogMessage($"*       end        *");
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");

            // Further reading if needed
            // Look at pg 436 and 467 invlovling address books if need to use them for zipcodes


            #region Using this will tell the storefront to calculate it's own tax using the tax tables
            // Unused, but keeping as a sidenote
            //taxAmount = null;

            #region This section shows how to get the zipcode and other fields from the user's profile.

             * //this gets the zip code from the user profile, but we need the zip from the shipping form...
             * var discountPercentageString = Storefront.GetValue("UserField", "UserProfilePricingDiscount", CurrentUserId);
             * var PostalCodeString = Storefront.GetValue("UserField", "UserProfilePostalCode", CurrentUserId);
             * // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");                // Adds a space for easier viewing
             * LogMessage($"*      START       *");                // Show when we start this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * // Log the information retrieved from the user's profile fields
             * LogMessage($"Current User Id: {CurrentUserId}");    // Return the user's id
             * LogMessage($"User Zipcode: {PostalCodeString}");    // Return the user's zipcode
             * // Send message saying we have completed this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * LogMessage($"*       end        *");                // Return a message saying this process is finished
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");

        // This method is used to get adjust the tax rate for the user's order
        public override int CalculateTax2(string OrderID, double taxableAmount, string currencyCode, string[] priceCategories, string[] priceTaxLocales, double[] priceAmount, string[] taxLocaleId, ref double[] taxAmount)
            #region This section of code shows what we have been passed

            // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");                // Adds a space for easier viewing
            LogMessage($"*      START       *");                // Show when we start this process
            LogMessage($"*      space       *");

            // Shows what values are passed at beginning
            LogMessage(OrderID);                                // Tells the id for the order being calculated
            LogMessage(taxableAmount.ToString());               // Tells the amount to be taxed (currently set to 0)
            LogMessage(currencyCode);                           // Tells the type of currency used
            LogMessage(priceCategories.Length.ToString());      // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(priceTaxLocales.Length.ToString());      // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(priceAmount.Length.ToString());          // Not Null, but empty
            LogMessage(taxLocaleId.Length.ToString());          // Shows the number of tax locales found for this order
            LogMessage(taxLocaleId[0].ToString());              // Sends a number value which corresponds to the tax rate row in the tax rates table excel file


            #region This section is where we set the tax rate based on several zipcodes entered by the user

            // Shows the section where we change the tax rate
            LogMessage($"*      space        *");
            LogMessage($"*   Tax Section     *");               // Used to show where we change the tax rate
            LogMessage($"*      space        *");

            // This section saves the user's shipping info to variables to use with calculating the tax rate to return
            // Listed in the same order as in the address book on the site
            var SFirstName  = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingFirstName", OrderID);    // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SLastName   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingLastName", OrderID);     // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress1   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress1", OrderID);     // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SAddress2   = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingAddress2", OrderID);     // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCity       = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCity", OrderID);         // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
            var SState      = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingState", OrderID);        // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
            var SPostalCode = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingPostalCode", OrderID);   // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
            var SCountry    = Storefront.GetValue("OrderField", "ShippingCountry", OrderID);      // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page

            // Log to show that we have retrieved the zipcode form the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping FirstName: {SFirstName}");        // This gets the first name that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping LastName: {SLastName}");          // This gets the last name that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Address1: {SAddress1}");          // This gets the address field 1 that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Address2: {SAddress2}");          // This gets the address field 2 that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping City: {SCity}");                  // This gets the city that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping State: {SState}");                // This gets the state that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping PostalCode: {SPostalCode}");      // This gets the zip code that the user has on the shipping page
            LogMessage($"Shipping Country: {SCountry}");            // This gets the country that the user has on the shipping page

            // Set the tax amount based on a few zipcodes and send it back to pageflex
            LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                    // Shows the current tax amount (currently set to 0)

            // Create a client and set up authentication
            var client = new AvaTaxClient("MyApp", "1.0", Environment.MachineName, AvaTaxEnvironment.Production)
                         .WithSecurity("AvalaraUsername", "AvalaraPassword");

            LogMessage("Client created");

            var transaction = new TransactionBuilder(client, "AvalaraCompanyCode", DocumentType.SalesOrder, "AvalaraCustomerCode")
                              .WithAddress(TransactionAddressType.SingleLocation, SAddress1, SAddress2, null, SCity, SState, SPostalCode, SCountry)

            //var tax = transaction.totalTax;
            decimal tax2 = transaction.totalTax ?? 0;
            LogMessage($"Your calculated tax was: {tax2}");
            // Console.WriteLine("Your calculated tax was {0}", transaction.totalTax);

            taxAmount[0] = decimal.ToDouble(tax2);              // Set our new tax rate to a value we choose (for testing)
            LogMessage($"The zipcode was " + SPostalCode);      // Log message to inform we used this zipcode to get the amount returned
            LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                // Shows the tax amount after we changed it

             * // Check if we have a few certain zipcodes to set the value to or just to use the default value
             * if (SPostalCode == "37876")
             * {
             *  // Set the new tax amount
             *  taxAmount[0] = 18.19;                               // Set our new tax rate to a value we choose (for testing)
             *  LogMessage($"The zipcode was 37876");               // Log message to inform we used this zipcode to get the amount returned
             *  LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());                // Shows the tax amount after we changed it
             * }
             * else if (SPostalCode == "12345")
             * {
             *  // Set the new tax amount
             *  taxAmount[0] = 23.40;
             *  LogMessage($"The zipcode was 12345");
             *  LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());
             * }
             * else if (SPostalCode == "01752")
             * {
             *  // Set the new tax amount
             *  taxAmount[0] = 3.43;
             *  LogMessage($"The zipcode was 01752");
             *  LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  // Set the new tax amount
             *  taxAmount[0] = 13.37;
             *  LogMessage($"Default tax was used");
             *  LogMessage(taxAmount[0].ToString());
             * }
             * // Send message saying we have completed this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * LogMessage($"*       end        *");
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");

            // Further reading if needed
            // Look at pg 436 and 467 invlovling address books if need to use them for zipcodes


            #region Using this will tell the storefront to calculate it's own tax using the tax tables
            // Unused, but keeping as a sidenote
            //taxAmount = null;

            #region This section shows how to get the zipcode and other fields from the user's profile.

             * //this gets the zip code from the user profile, but we need the zip from the shipping form...
             * var discountPercentageString = Storefront.GetValue("UserField", "UserProfilePricingDiscount", CurrentUserId);
             * var PostalCodeString = Storefront.GetValue("UserField", "UserProfilePostalCode", CurrentUserId);
             * // Used to help to see where these mesages are in the Storefront logs page
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");                // Adds a space for easier viewing
             * LogMessage($"*      START       *");                // Show when we start this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * // Log the information retrieved from the user's profile fields
             * LogMessage($"Current User Id: {CurrentUserId}");    // Return the user's id
             * LogMessage($"User Zipcode: {PostalCodeString}");    // Return the user's zipcode
             * // Send message saying we have completed this process
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
             * LogMessage($"*       end        *");                // Return a message saying this process is finished
             * LogMessage($"*      space       *");
