// Transition to State.Looking // Valid source states are Disabled, Capturing, Looking. // If already in Looking, state will be reset (ie, search will restart from scratch) void TransitionToLooking(float delaySeconds = 0) { // Clean up whatever state we were in before // (except the Looking bits, which will be re-initialized) StopCapture(); StopFuture(); // Initalize Looking m_SelectNextCaptureTimer = delaySeconds; m_HotValues.Clear(); VisualizerManager.m_Instance.AudioCaptureStatusChange(false); m_State = State.Looking; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Public API // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Launch the encoder targeting the given file path. // Return true on success, false if capture could not start. public bool StartCapture(string filePath, int audioSampleRate, bool captureAudio, bool blocking, float fps) { if (m_isCapturing) { return(true); } if (m_isPlayingBack) { m_isPlayingBack = false; m_ffmpegVideoReader.Stop(); } m_FPS = (decimal)fps; m_audioBuffer.SetSampleRates(m_FPS, audioSampleRate); m_nextAudioFrame = 1; m_lastVideoFrame = -1; m_audioFrameCount = 0; m_audioFramesRequired = 0; m_audioBuffer.Clear(); m_isCapturingAudio = captureAudio; Camera cam = GetComponent <Camera>(); m_filePath = filePath; m_frameBuffered = false; m_texBuffered = false; m_videoFrameCount = 0; m_bufferedVideoFrames.Clear(); int width = cam.pixelWidth; int height = cam.pixelHeight; if (cam.pixelHeight == 0) { width = Screen.width; height = Screen.height; } const string kPipeStdIn = @"pipe:0"; // We need to "touch" the destination file immediately, to avoid overlapping encoder instances // from stomping each other. FileStream myFileStream = File.Open(m_filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); myFileStream.Close(); myFileStream.Dispose(); File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(m_filePath, System.DateTime.UtcNow); string videoFileName = audioSampleRate > 0 ? m_filePath + ".tmp." + App.UserConfig.Video.ContainerType : m_filePath; if (!m_ffmpegVideo.Start(kPipeStdIn, videoFileName, width, height, (float)m_FPS, blocking)) { return(false); } m_ffmpegAudio.OutputFile = ""; if (m_isCapturingAudio && !m_ffmpegAudio.Start(kPipeStdIn, m_filePath + ".tmp.m4a", width, height, audioSampleRate, blocking)) { m_ffmpegVideo.Stop(); return(false); } // Give the encoder a means to return used frames m_ffmpegVideo.ReleaseFrame += ReturnFrameToPool; // // Init capture and playback buffers. // m_playbackTexture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); long kPixelSizeBytes = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Color32)); m_captureBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(width * height, (int)kPixelSizeBytes); var tempInitBuffer = new Color32[width * height]; m_captureBuffer.SetData(tempInitBuffer); m_currentFrameBuffer = null; // Save the temp buffer for reuse later. m_videoFramePool.Enqueue(tempInitBuffer); m_blitToCompute.SetBuffer("_CaptureBuffer", m_captureBuffer); // Note, UAV register must match shader register (e.g. register(u1)). const int uavRegister = 1; Graphics.SetRandomWriteTarget(uavRegister, m_captureBuffer, true); // // Finalize local state setup. // m_width = width; m_height = height; m_frameTimer = new Stopwatch(); m_frameTimer.Start(); // Since audio capture is asynchronous, these *must* be set as the last step. m_isCapturing = true; return(true); }