public void Update(CStatus status) { Id = status.Id; CreatedAt = status.CreatedAt.LocalDateTime; FavoriteCount = status.FavoriteCount ?? 0; var extended = status.GetExtendedTweetElements(); Text = $"{string.Join(" ",extended.HiddenPrefix.Select(x=>"@"+x.ScreenName))} {extended.TweetText.ToText()} {string.Join(" ",extended.HiddenSuffix.Select(x=>x.ExpandedUrl))}"; InReplyToScreenName = status.InReplyToScreenName; InReplyToStatusId = status.InReplyToStatusId; InReplyToUserId = status.InReplyToUserId; Language = status.Language; if (status.QuotedStatus != null) { QuotedStatusId = status.QuotedStatus.Id; QuotedStatus = new Status(status.QuotedStatus); } RetweetCount = status.RetweetCount ?? 0; if (status.RetweetedStatus != null) { RetweetedStatusId = status.RetweetedStatus.Id; RetweetedStatus = new Status(status.RetweetedStatus); } Source = status.ParseSource().Name; UserId = status.User.Id ?? -1; User = new User(status.User); }
public EnemyBoss(SceneGame sc, BossPattern op, Status s) { SourceStatus = s; SourceUser = s.User; Phases = op(this); PhaseIndex = -1; MoveNextPhase(); }
public StatusViewModel(MainWindowViewModel mw, Status st, bool isinc) { Kbtter = Kbtter.Instance; AdditionalMenus = ViewModelHelper.CreateReadOnlyDispatcherCollection( Kbtter.StatusMenus, p => new StatusAdditionalMenuViewModel(p, st), DispatcherHelper.UIDispatcher); main = mw; SourceStatus = st; OnelineText = st.Text; User = new UserViewModel(st.User, mw); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="iNavigationService"></param> /// <param name="s"></param> /// <param name="twitterClient"></param> public TweetItemViewModel(INavigationService iNavigationService, Status s, TwitterClient twitterClient) { this._iNavigationService = iNavigationService; this._tweetClient = twitterClient; this._tweetModel.Value = new TweetModel(s); this.Brush.Value = this.SetBorderBrushColor(); this.TweetVisibility.Value = this.GetVisibility(); this.ProtectedVisibility.Value = this.GetProtectedVisibility(); this.SetPictureVisibility(); this.SetRetweetForegroundAndText(); this.SetFavoriteForeground(); this.SetReplyToTweetText(); }
public EnemyUser(SceneGame sc, CoroutineFunction<EnemyUser> op, Status s) : this() { Game = sc; SourceStatus = s; SourceUser = s.User; Operation = op(this); TotalHealth = Health = 1000 + (SourceStatus.User.StatusesCount / 10) + (DateTime.Now - SourceStatus.User.CreatedAt.LocalDateTime).Days * 3; Task.Run(() => { Image = UserImageManager.GetUserImage(SourceStatus.User); IsImageLoaded = true; }); }
public void SetTweet(Status tweet, string inReplyTo) { this.status = tweet; this.label_InReplyTo.Text = inReplyTo; this.toolTip.Active = false; if (70 < inReplyTo.Length) { this.label_InReplyTo.Text = inReplyTo.Substring(0, 70) + "..."; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.label_InReplyTo, inReplyTo); this.toolTip.Active = true; } this.textBox_Input.Text = this.textBox_Input.Text.Insert(0, string.Format("@{0} ", this.status.User.ScreenName)); this.button_ResetReply.Visible = true; }
public Kbtter4Draft(string text, DateTime time, bool isReply, Status reply) { Text = text; CreatedDate = time; if (isReply) { IsReply = true; InReplyToStatusId = reply.Id; InReplyToStatusOnelineText = reply.Text .Replace("\n", " ") .Replace("\r", " ") .Replace(">", ">") .Replace("<", "<") .Replace("&", "&"); InReplyToUserScreenName = reply.User.ScreenName; InReplyToUserProfileImageUri = reply.User.ProfileImageUrlHttps; } }
public static void Add(Status status) { try { string connstr = String.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3", cachePath); var conn = new SQLiteConnection(connstr); conn.Open(); var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(conn); string query = String.Empty; query = @"INSERT INTO [Favorites] ([Id], [CreatedAt], [UserId], [Text], [State]) VALUES (@Id, @CreateAt, @UserId, @Text, 0)"; cmd.CommandText = query; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", status.Id); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CreateAt", status.CreatedAt); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserId", status.User.Id); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Text", status.Text); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (status.ExtendedEntities != null && status.ExtendedEntities.Media != null) { foreach (var media in status.ExtendedEntities.Media) { query = "INSERT INTO [MediaUris] ([Id], [Uri]) VALUES (@Id, @Uri)"; cmd.CommandText = query; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", status.Id); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Uri", media.MediaUrl); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private async void conv(long? Id) { status = await tokens.Statuses.ShowAsync(id => Id); data.Addtweet(tweet, status); try { //if (status.ExtendedEntities.UserMentions[0].Id != null) //{ if (status.InReplyToStatusId != null) { var rep_status = status.InReplyToStatusId; //checkBlock.Text = rep_status.ToString(); conv(rep_status); } else { conveView.ItemsSource = tweet; } } catch(Exception ex) { testBlock.Text = ex.Message; return; } /* if (status.ExtendedEntities.UserMentions[0].Id == null) { conveView.ItemsSource = tweet; return; } else { var rep_status = status.Entities.UserMentions[0].ScreenName; //tweet.Add(new TweetClass.TweetInfo //{ testBlock.Text = rep_status; //} // ); } */ }
public void TryAddStatus(Status st) { try { if (HasQuery) { Query.ClearVariables(); Query.SetVariable("Status", st); if (Query.Execute().AsBoolean()) Statuses.Insert(0, st); } else { Statuses.Insert(0, st); } if (Statuses.Count > Setting.Timelines.HomeStatusTimelineMax) Statuses.RemoveAt(Statuses.Count - 1); } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void displayTimeline(ListView lv, Status tweet) { try { if (lv.InvokeRequired) { delegateDispayTL d = new delegateDispayTL(displayTimeline); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { lv, tweet }); } else { string[] msg = { (tweet.RetweetedStatus != null ? tweet.RetweetedStatus : tweet).CreatedAt.LocalDateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd(ddd) HH:mm:ss"), (tweet.RetweetedStatus != null ? tweet.RetweetedStatus : tweet).User.ScreenName, (tweet.RetweetedStatus != null ? tweet.RetweetedStatus : tweet).User.Name, (tweet.RetweetedStatus != null ? tweet.RetweetedStatus : tweet).Text, (tweet.RetweetedStatus != null ? tweet.RetweetedStatus : tweet).ToString() }; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(msg); item.Tag = tweet; changeItemColor(item); lv.Items.Insert(0, item); if (this.markingUser == tweet.User.Id) { markUserInSpecifiedItem((long)tweet.User.Id, lv.Items[0]); } } } catch(Exception ex) { util.ShowExceptionMessageBox(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } }
private void listView_Timeline_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { ListView lv = getFocusedListView(); // 左クリック判定 if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) { return; } // フォーカス判定 ListViewItem item = lv.FocusedItem; if (!lv.FocusedItem.Bounds.Contains(e.Location)) { return; } this.status = ((Status)item.Tag).RetweetedStatus != null ? ((Status)item.Tag).RetweetedStatus : ((Status)item.Tag); string inReplyTo = string.Format( @"{0}: {1}", this.status.User.ScreenName, this.status.Text.Substring(0, this.status.Text.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '\0', '\n' }) + 1 == 0 ? this.status.Text.Length : this.status.Text.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '\0', '\n' }) + 1)); this.label_InReplyTo.Text = inReplyTo; this.toolTip.Active = false; if (70 < inReplyTo.Length) { this.label_InReplyTo.Text = inReplyTo.Substring(0, 70) + "..."; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.label_InReplyTo, inReplyTo); this.toolTip.Active = true; } this.textBox_Input.Text = this.textBox_Input.Text.Insert(0, string.Format("@{0} ", this.status.User.ScreenName)); this.button_ResetReply.Visible = true; this.textBox_Input.Focus(); }
private async void loadTweet(long? Id) { status = await tokens.Statuses.ShowAsync(id => Id); var tweet = new ObservableCollection<TweetClass.TweetInfo>(); data.Addtweet(tweet, status); //tweet = data.replytweetinfo2(status); conveView.ItemsSource = tweet; //show(status); }
public Tweet(Status status, Account account) { _status = status; Account = account; }
private void favorite(Status tweet) { if ((bool)tweet.IsFavorited) { this.tokens.Favorites.DestroyAsync(id => tweet.Id); string message = string.Format("Un-Favorited to @{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text); changeStatus(message, NotificationStatus.DoFavorite); } else { this.tokens.Favorites.CreateAsync(id => tweet.Id); string message = string.Format("Favorited to @{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text); changeStatus(message, NotificationStatus.DoUnFavorite); } ListView lv = getFocusedListView(); int index = lv.SelectedIndices[0]; ((Status)lv.Items[index].Tag).IsFavorited = !((Status)lv.Items[index].Tag).IsFavorited; lv.Items[index].Selected = false; lv.Items[index].Selected = true; showFavTimeline(this.listView_Fav); }
private string ShowTweet(CoreTweet.Status tweet) { return(String.Format("{0} (@{1}) -- {2}\n{3}", tweet.User.Name, tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.CreatedAt.LocalDateTime, tweet.Text)); }
/// <summary> /// ツイートをリツイートのキャッシュから削除します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="st">ツイート。リツイートした元ツイートではなく、リツイート自体を指定しください。</param> public void RemoveRetweetCache(Status st) { if (RemoveRetweetCacheCommand == null) return; RemoveRetweetCacheCommand.Parameters["Id"].Value = st.Id; RemoveRetweetCacheCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
private void retweet(Status tweet) { /* if ((bool)tweet.IsRetweeted) { long retweetId = this.tokens.Statuses.Show(include_my_retweet => true).Id; this.tokens.Statuses.Destroy(id => retweetId); } else { this.tokens.Statuses.Retweet(id => tweet.Id); } */ this.tokens.Statuses.RetweetAsync(id => tweet.Id); ListView lv = getFocusedListView(); int index = lv.SelectedIndices[0]; ((Status)lv.Items[index].Tag).IsRetweeted = true; lv.Items[index].Selected = false; lv.Items[index].Selected = true; string message = string.Format("Retweeted to @{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text); changeStatus(message, NotificationStatus.DoRetweet); }
private async void conv(long? Id) { status2 = await tokens.Statuses.ShowAsync(id => Id); data.Addtweet(convetweet, status2); try { //if (status.ExtendedEntities.UserMentions[0].Id != null) //{ if (status2.InReplyToStatusId != null) { var rep_status = status2.InReplyToStatusId; conv(rep_status); } else { conveView.ItemsSource = convetweet; } } catch (Exception ex) { testBlock.Text = ex.Message; return; } }
private void show(Status status) { reptweetState.Text = ""; tweetImage1.Source = null; tweetImage2.Source = null; tweetImage3.Source = null; tweetImage4.Source = null; // var tweet = new List<TweetClass.TweetInfo>(); //var data = new Tweets(); // ReplyId = item.Id; //replyBox.Text = item.ScreenName + " "; //tweetIdを送ろう // tweet = data.replytweetinfo(item); //replyView.ItemsSource = tweet; try { if (status.Entities.Urls != null) { urlView.ItemsSource = status.Entities.Urls; //testBlock.Text = item.urls.Length.ToString(); } } catch { } try { if (status.ExtendedEntities.Media != null) { testBlock.Text = ""; int media_num = status.ExtendedEntities.Media.Length; //var media =; //int test = media.Length; //testBlock.Text = media_num.ToString(); for (int n = 0; n < media_num; n++) { //var stream = await file.OpenAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.Read); //BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage(); //image.SetSource(stream); var mediaurl = new Uri(status.ExtendedEntities.Media[n].MediaUrl); // testBlock.Text += mediaurl; BitmapImage imageSource = new BitmapImage(mediaurl); switch (n) { case 0: tweetImage1.Source = imageSource; break; case 1: tweetImage2.Source = imageSource; break; case 2: tweetImage3.Source = imageSource; break; case 3: tweetImage4.Source = imageSource; break; } } } } catch { } //this.replyBlock.Text = "Reply to " + item.ScreenName; }
public TweetViewModel(CoreTweet.Status status) { this.status = status; }
/// <summary> /// 指定したリツイートの元ツイートを現在のキャッシュのユーザーがリツイートしているか検証します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="st">ツイート。リツイートした元ツイートではなく、リツイート自体を指定しください。</param> /// <returns>存在した場合はtrue</returns> public bool IsRetweetedInCache(Status st) { if (IsRetweetedCommand == null) return false; IsRetweetedCommand.Parameters["OriginalId"].Value = st.RetweetedStatus.Id; using (var dr = IsRetweetedCommand.ExecuteReader()) { return dr.Read(); } }
public TweetItem(Status status, Control control) { InitializeComponent(); parentFrame = control; this.status = status; this.user = status.User; innerUrl = ""; imageBox[0] = ImageBox1; imageBox[1] = ImageBox2; imageBox[2] = ImageBox3; imageBox[3] = ImageBox4; if (status.Source.IndexOf("<a") >= 0) { Match m = TwitterTools.viaReg(status.Source); status.Source = m.Groups["via"].Value; } // 画像が含まれていたら表示する if (status.Entities.Media != null) { status.Text = status.Text.Replace(status.Entities.Media[0].Url, ""); innerUrl = status.Entities.Media[0].ExpandedUrl; if (status.ExtendedEntities.Media != null) { if (status.ExtendedEntities.Media[0].Type == "animated_gif") { StartButton.BackColor = Color.Transparent; StartButton.Parent = ImageBox1; StartButton.Visible = true; } for (int i = 0; i < status.ExtendedEntities.Media.Length; i++) { mediaEntity[i] = status.ExtendedEntities.Media[i]; imageBox[i].Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(status.ExtendedEntities.Media[i].MediaUrl + ":small")); } } } // 画像のないPictureBoxを消す for (int i = 0; i < imageBox.Length; i++) { if (imageBox[i].Source == null) { grid.Children.Remove(imageBox[i]); } } //URLを置換 foreach (var url in status.Entities.Urls) { Match m = TwitterTools.urlReg(status.Entities.Urls.ToString()); status.Text = status.Text.Replace(url.Url, url.DisplayUrl); innerUrl = url.ExpandedUrl; } //リツイート→赤、リプライ→緑、自分宛→青 if (status.RetweetedStatus != null) { BackColor = Color.FromArgb(50, 16, 16); ProfileImage.ImageLocation = status.RetweetedStatus.User.ProfileImageUrl.Replace("_normal", ""); NameLabel.Content = status.RetweetedStatus.User.Name + " @" + status.RetweetedStatus.User.ScreenName; TextLabel.Content = status.RetweetedStatus.Text; RetweetProfileImage.ImageLocation = status.User.ProfileImageUrl.Replace("_normal", ""); RetweetNameLabel.Content = "Retweeted by " + status.User.Name + " and " + status.RetweetCount.ToString() + " Users"; } else { ProfileImage.ImageLocation = status.User.ProfileImageUrl.Replace("_normal", ""); NameLabel.Content = status.User.Name + " @" + status.User.ScreenName; TextLabel.Content = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(status.Text); grid.Children.Remove(RetweetProfileImage); grid.Children.Remove(RetweetNameLabel); } if (TwitterTools.IsReply(status)) { if (TwitterTools.IsReplyToMe(status)) { BackColor = Color.FromArgb(16, 16, 60); } else { BackColor = Color.FromArgb(12, 55, 16); } } switch (parentFrame.Name) { case "MainFrame": mainFrame = (MainFrame)control.TopLevelControl; TimeLabel.Content = status.CreatedAt.LocalDateTime + " (via " + status.Source + ")"; TimeLabel.Location = new Point(59, TextLabel.Location.Y + TextLabel.Size.Height + 3); // 画像位置調整 for (int i = 0; i < ImageBox.Length; i++) { if (imageBox[i] != null) { switch (i) { case 0: ImageBox1.Location = new Point(60, TimeLabel.Location.Y + TimeLabel.Size.Height + 3); break; case 1: ImageBox2.Location = new Point(216, TimeLabel.Location.Y + TimeLabel.Size.Height + 3); break; case 2: ImageBox3.Location = new Point(60, ImageBox1.Location.Y + ImageBox1.Size.Height + 3); break; case 3: ImageBox4.Location = new Point(216, ImageBox2.Location.Y + ImageBox2.Size.Height + 3); break; default: break; } StartButton.Location = new Point(50, 15); } } if (status.IsFavorited.Value) FavoriteIcon.Image = Properties.Resources.favorite_b; break; case "ProfileFrame": case "MentionFrame": MaximumSize = new Size(240, 5000); ProfileImage.Size = new Size(30, 30); NameLabel.Location = new Point(35, 3); TextLabel.Location = new Point(35, 18); TextLabel.MinimumSize = new Size(205, 15); TextLabel.MaximumSize = new Size(205, 4500); TimeLabel.Text = status.CreatedAt.LocalDateTime + "\n(via " + status.Source + ")"; TimeLabel.Location = new Point(35, TextLabel.Location.Y + TextLabel.Size.Height + 3); ReplyIcon.Location = new Point(170, TextLabel.Location.Y + TextLabel.Size.Height + 3); RetweetIcon.Location = new Point(193, TextLabel.Location.Y + TextLabel.Size.Height + 3); FavoriteIcon.Location = new Point(216, TextLabel.Location.Y + TextLabel.Size.Height + 3); // 画像位置調整 for (int i = 0; i < ImageBox.Length; i++) { if (imageBox[i] != null) { imageBox[i].Size = new Size(120, 64); switch (i) { case 0: ImageBox1.Location = new Point(ProfileImage.Location.X, TimeLabel.Location.Y + TimeLabel.Size.Height + 3); break; case 1: ImageBox2.Location = new Point(ImageBox1.Location.X + ImageBox1.Size.Width + 4, TimeLabel.Location.Y + TimeLabel.Size.Height + 3); break; case 2: ImageBox3.Location = new Point(ImageBox1.Location.X, ImageBox1.Location.Y + ImageBox1.Size.Height + 3); break; case 3: ImageBox4.Location = new Point(ImageBox3.Location.X + ImageBox3.Size.Width + 4, ImageBox1.Location.Y + ImageBox1.Size.Height + 3); break; default: break; } StartButton.Location = new Point(35, 7); } } break; default: break; } // リツイートユーザー情報の位置調整 if (status.Entities.Media != null && status.ExtendedEntities.Media != null) { switch (status.ExtendedEntities.Media.Length) { case 1: case 2: RetweetProfileImage.Location = new Point(3, ImageBox1.Location.Y + ImageBox1.Size.Height + 3); RetweetNameLabel.Location = new Point(40, ImageBox1.Location.Y + ImageBox1.Size.Height + 3); break; case 3: case 4: RetweetProfileImage.Location = new Point(3, ImageBox3.Location.Y + ImageBox3.Size.Height + 3); RetweetNameLabel.Location = new Point(40, ImageBox3.Location.Y + ImageBox3.Size.Height + 3); break; } } else { RetweetProfileImage.Location = new Point(3, TimeLabel.Location.Y + TimeLabel.Size.Height + 3); RetweetNameLabel.Location = new Point(40, TimeLabel.Location.Y + TimeLabel.Size.Height + 3); } }
private void streamTL(Status tweet) { logger.Trace("Streaming is enabled."); displayTimeline(this.listView_Home, tweet); if (tweet.Text.Contains(string.Format("@{0}", this.user.ScreenName))) { displayTimeline(this.listView_Mention, tweet); string message = string.Format("Reply from @{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text); changeStatus(message, NotificationStatus.GetReply); if (this.enabledNotify && tweet.User.Id != this.user.Id) { showNortificationForm(NotificationStatus.GetReply, tweet); } } }
/// <summary> /// 해당 트윗에 포함된 모든 이미지 / 동영상을 찾아냄 /// </summary> public static void GetMediaUris(CoreTweet.Status twt, ref List <DownloadItem> downloadItems) { // Twitter Video if (twt.ExtendedEntities != null) { foreach (var eachMedia in twt.ExtendedEntities.Media) { if (eachMedia.VideoInfo != null) { foreach (var eachVideoVariant in eachMedia.VideoInfo.Variants) { Uri uri = new Uri(eachVideoVariant.Url); downloadItems.Add(new DownloadItem(twt.Id, twt.User.ScreenName, uri, uri.Segments.Last())); } } } } else if (twt.Entities.Media != null) { foreach (var url in twt.Entities.Media) { Uri uri = new Uri(url.MediaUrl); IMediaProvider mediaProvider = null; if (IsImageFile(uri.ToString())) { Uri newUri = new Uri(ModifyImageUri(uri.ToString())); downloadItems.Add(new DownloadItem(twt.Id, twt.User.ScreenName, newUri, uri.Segments.Last())); } else { mediaProvider = GetMediaProvider(uri); if (mediaProvider != null) { try { List <Uri> mediaUris = mediaProvider.GetUri(uri); foreach (var eachUri in mediaUris) { string filename = eachUri.Segments.Last(); downloadItems.Add(new DownloadItem(twt.Id, twt.User.ScreenName, eachUri, filename)); } } catch { throw; } } } } } if (twt.Entities.Urls != null) { foreach (var url in twt.Entities.Urls) { Uri uri = new Uri(url.ExpandedUrl); IMediaProvider mediaProvider = null; if (IsImageFile(uri.ToString())) { downloadItems.Add(new DownloadItem(twt.Id, twt.User.ScreenName, uri, uri.Segments.Last())); } else { mediaProvider = GetMediaProvider(uri); if (mediaProvider != null) { try { List <Uri> mediaUris = mediaProvider.GetUri(uri); foreach (var eachUri in mediaUris) { string filename = eachUri.Segments.Last(); downloadItems.Add(new DownloadItem(twt.Id, twt.User.ScreenName, eachUri, filename)); } } catch { throw; } } } } } if (twt.ExtendedEntities != null && twt.ExtendedEntities.Media != null) { foreach (var media in twt.ExtendedEntities.Media) { Uri uri = new Uri(media.MediaUrl); if (!IsImageFile(uri.ToString())) { continue; } Uri newUri = new Uri(ModifyImageUri(uri.ToString())); downloadItems.Add(new DownloadItem(twt.Id, twt.User.ScreenName, newUri, uri.Segments.Last())); } } }
private void resetReply() { this.label_InReplyTo.Text = string.Empty; this.status = null; this.textBox_Input.Text = string.Empty; this.button_ResetReply.Visible = false; }
/// <summary> /// ツイートをリツイートのキャッシュに追加します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="st">ツイート。リツイートした元ツイートではなく、リツイート自体を指定しください。</param> public void AddRetweetCache(Status st) { if (AddRetweetCacheCommand == null) return; AddRetweetCacheCommand.Parameters["Id"].Value = st.Id; AddRetweetCacheCommand.Parameters["OriginalId"].Value = st.RetweetedStatus.Id; AddRetweetCacheCommand.Parameters["Date"].Value = st.CreatedAt.DateTime; AddRetweetCacheCommand.Parameters["Name"].Value = st.User.ScreenName; AddRetweetCacheCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
private void quoteTweet(Status tweet) { this.textBox_Input.Text += string.Format(@"{0}/status/{1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.ToString()); }
private List<Status> getTalk(Status tweet) { List<Status> talk = new List<Status>(); talk.Add(tweet); while (tweet.InReplyToStatusId != null) { tweet = getTweetFromId(this.tokens, tweet.InReplyToStatusId.ToString()); talk.Add(tweet); } return talk; }
public static StatusViewModel CreateStatusViewModel(this MainWindowViewModel vm, Status st) { var ret = new StatusViewModel(); ret.status = st; if (st.RetweetedStatus != null) { ret.RetweetUserName = st.User.Name; st = st.RetweetedStatus; ret.IsRetweet = true; } else { ret.IsRetweet = false; ret.RetweetUserName = ""; } ret.origin = st; ret.UserName = st.User.Name; ret.ScreenName = st.User.ScreenName; ret.Text = st.Text; ret.UserProfileImageUri = st.User.ProfileImageUrlHttps; ret.RetweetCount = st.RetweetCount ?? 0; ret._IsFavorited = (st.IsFavorited ?? false) || Kbtter.Instance.IsFavoritedInCache(st); ret._IsRetweeted = (st.IsRetweeted ?? false) || (ret.status.RetweetedStatus != null && Kbtter.Instance.IsRetweetedInCache(ret.status)); ret.FavoriteCount = st.FavoriteCount ?? 0; ret.IsMyStatus = (Kbtter.Instance.AuthenticatedUser != null && Kbtter.Instance.AuthenticatedUser.Id == st.User.Id); ret.IsOthersStatus = !ret.IsMyStatus; ret.IsOthersStatus = !ret.IsMyStatus; ret._CreatedTimeText = st.CreatedAt.DateTime.ToLocalTime(); ret.IsReplyToMe = st.Entities != null && st.Entities.UserMentions.Any(p => p.ScreenName == Kbtter.Instance.AuthenticatedUser.ScreenName); ret.AnalyzeText(); ret.TryGetReply(); var m = reg.Match(st.Source); ret.Via = m.Groups["client"].Value; if (m.Groups["url"].Value != "") ret.ViaUri = new Uri(m.Groups["url"].Value); ret.main = vm; ret.listener = new PropertyChangedEventListener(Kbtter.Instance); ret.listener.Add("Status", ret.UpdateTime); ret.CompositeDisposable.Add(ret.listener); return ret; }
private void showNortificationForm(NotificationStatus notificationType, Status tweet) { switch(notificationType) { case NotificationStatus.GetReply: string title = @"You got a reply from @{0}."; this.notifyIcon.BalloonTipTitle = string.Format(title, tweet.User.ScreenName); this.notifyIcon.BalloonTipText = tweet.Text.Length < 40 ? tweet.Text : (tweet.Text.Substring(0, 40) + "..."); this.notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5000); break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// ツイートを投稿する /// </summary> /// <param name="t">ツイート本文</param> /// <param name="selectedPictures">選択された画像ファイルの List</param> public async void PostTweetAsync(string t, IReadOnlyList<StorageFile> selectedPictures) { var mediaIds = await this.UploadPictures(selectedPictures); var replayToStatusId = this._replyToStatus?.Id; await this._tokens.Statuses.UpdateAsync(status => t, in_reply_to_status_id => replayToStatusId, media_ids => mediaIds); this._replyToStatus = null; }
private void favorite(Status tweet) { if ((bool)tweet.IsFavorited) { this.tokens.Favorites.DestroyAsync(id => tweet.Id); } else { this.tokens.Favorites.CreateAsync(id => tweet.Id); } int index = this.listView_Tweet.SelectedIndices[0]; ((Status)this.listView_Tweet.Items[index].Tag).IsFavorited = !((Status)this.listView_Tweet.Items[index].Tag).IsFavorited; this.listView_Tweet.Items[index].Selected = false; this.listView_Tweet.Items[index].Selected = true; }
/// <summary> /// Listに入れる前にtweetStatusを加工するもの /// </summary> /// <param name="tweet"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Status TweetProcessing(Status tweet) { tweet.Source = SourceHTMLParser(tweet.Source); if (tweet.RetweetedStatus != null) { tweet.RetweetedStatus.Text = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(tweet.RetweetedStatus.Text); tweet.RetweetedStatus.Source = SourceHTMLParser(tweet.RetweetedStatus.Source); } tweet.Text = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(tweet.Text); return tweet; }
public Status(CStatus status) { Update(status); }