Example #1
        public void StateSpaceToolsGetPlayerActionsCountUpdatePlanTest()
            Plan  newPlan  = testPlan.Clone() as Plan;
            State newState = testPlan.Initial.Clone() as State;

            newPlan.Initial = newState.NewState(testPlan.Steps[0] as Operator, testProblem.Objects);
            List <Operator> actions = StateSpaceTools.GetPlayerActions(testDomain, testProblem, newPlan.Initial as State);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, actions.Count);
Example #2
        public void StateSpaceToolsGetPossibleActionsTest()
            Assert.AreEqual(1, StateSpaceTools.GetPossibleActions(testDomain, testProblem, testPlan, testState).Count);
            Plan  newPlan  = testPlan.Clone() as Plan;
            State newState = testPlan.Initial.Clone() as State;

            newPlan.Initial = newState.NewState(testPlan.Steps[0] as Operator, testProblem.Objects);
            List <StateSpaceEdge> actions = StateSpaceTools.GetPossibleActions(testDomain, testProblem, newPlan, newPlan.Initial as State);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, actions.Count);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of outgoing edges for a given node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node object.</param>
        /// <param name="actor">The name of the current actor.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of outgoing edges.</returns>
        public List <GameTreeEdge> GetOutgoingEdges(GameTreeNode node, string actor)
            // Initialize the list of outgoing edges.
            List <GameTreeEdge> outgoing = new List <GameTreeEdge>();

            // Iterate through the actions enabled for the input actor in the current node's state.
            foreach (Operator action in StateSpaceTools.GetActions(actor, node.Domain, node.Problem, node.State))
                // Add an outgoing edge for each of these actions to the list.
                outgoing.Add(new GameTreeEdge(action, node.ID));

            // Return the list of outgoing edges.
Example #4
        public void StateSpaceToolsGetAllPossibleActionsTest()
            Assert.AreEqual(1, StateSpaceTools.GetAllPossibleActions(testDomain, testProblem, testPlan, testState).Count);
            Plan  newPlan  = testPlan.Clone() as Plan;
            State newState = testPlan.Initial.Clone() as State;

            newPlan.Initial = newState.NewState(testPlan.Steps[0] as Operator, testProblem.Objects);
            newPlan.Initial.Table.Add(new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                new Term("hand", true), new Term("lake", true)
            }, true), true);
            List <StateSpaceEdge> actions = StateSpaceTools.GetAllPossibleActions(testDomain, testProblem, newPlan, newPlan.Initial as State);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, actions.Count);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of outgoing edges for a given node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node object.</param>
        /// <param name="actor">The name of the current actor.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of outgoing edges.</returns>
        public List <MediationTreeEdge> GetOutgoingEdges(MediationTreeNode node, string actor)
            List <MediationTreeEdge> outgoing = StateSpaceTools.GetAllPossibleActions(actor, node);

            if (!data.superpositionManipulation)

            List <MediationTreeEdge> unobservedActions = new List <MediationTreeEdge>();
            List <MediationTreeEdge> observedActions   = new List <MediationTreeEdge>();

            foreach (MediationTreeEdge edge in outgoing)
                Superposition super = node.State as Superposition;
                bool          obs   = false;
                foreach (State state in super.States)
                    if (state.Satisfies(edge.Action.Preconditions))
                        if (KnowledgeAnnotator.Observes(Player, edge.Action, state.Predicates))
                            obs = true;

                if (!obs)

            if (unobservedActions.Count > 0)
                VirtualMediationTreeEdge super = new VirtualMediationTreeEdge();
                foreach (MediationTreeEdge unobserved in unobservedActions)
                    super.Actions.Add(unobserved.Action as Operator);
                super.Parent = node.ID;

Example #6
        public void StateSpaceToolsGetPlayerActionsTest()
            List <Operator> testPlayerActions = new List <Operator>
                new Operator
                    new Predicate("move", new List <ITerm> {
                    new Term("arthur", true), new Term("woods", true), new Term("lake", true)
                }, true),
                    new List <IPredicate>
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("woods", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("lake", true)
                    }, false),
                    new Predicate("character", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("alive", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("location", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("woods", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("location", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("lake", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("connected", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("lake", true), new Term("woods", true)
                    }, true),
                    new List <IPredicate>
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("woods", true)
                    }, false),
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("lake", true)
                    }, true),
            List <Operator> computedPlayerActions = StateSpaceTools.GetPlayerActions(testDomain, testProblem, testState);

            Assert.AreEqual(testPlayerActions[0], computedPlayerActions[0]);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a list of outgoing edges for a given node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The node object.</param>
 /// <param name="actor">The name of the current actor.</param>
 /// <returns>A list of outgoing edges.</returns>
 public List <MediationTreeEdge> GetOutgoingEdges(MediationTreeNode node, string actor)
     // If it's the player's turn, return their list of actions.
     return(StateSpaceTools.GetAllPossibleActions(actor, node));
Example #8
 public void StateSpaceToolsGetAllPossibleSamActionsTest()
     Assert.AreEqual(1, StateSpaceTools.GetActions("sam", testDomain, testProblem, testState).Count);
Example #9
        public void StateSpaceToolsGetLaterConstituentActionTest()
            Plan newPlan = testPlan.Clone() as Plan;

            newPlan.Steps = new List <IOperator>
                new Operator
                    new Predicate("move", new List <ITerm> {
                    new Term("sam", true), new Term("woods", true), new Term("lake", true)
                }, true),
                    new List <IPredicate>
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("sam", true), new Term("woods", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("sam", true), new Term("lake", true)
                    }, false),
                    new Predicate("character", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("sam", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("alive", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("sam", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("location", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("woods", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("location", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("lake", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("connected", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("lake", true), new Term("woods", true)
                    }, true),
                    new List <IPredicate>
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("sam", true), new Term("woods", true)
                    }, false),
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("sam", true), new Term("lake", true)
                    }, true),
                new Operator
                    new Predicate("move", new List <ITerm> {
                    new Term("arthur", true), new Term("woods", true), new Term("lake", true)
                }, true),
                    new List <IPredicate>
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("woods", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("lake", true)
                    }, false),
                    new Predicate("character", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("alive", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("location", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("woods", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("location", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("lake", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("connected", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("lake", true), new Term("woods", true)
                    }, true),
                    new List <IPredicate>
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("woods", true)
                    }, false),
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("lake", true)
                    }, true),
                new Operator
                    new Predicate("take", new List <ITerm> {
                    new Term("arthur", true), new Term("excalibur", true), new Term("lake", true)
                }, true),
                    new List <IPredicate>
                    new Predicate("character", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("character", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("excalibur", true)
                    }, false),
                    new Predicate("alive", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("lake", true)
                    }, true),
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("excalibur", true), new Term("lake", true)
                    }, true),
                    new List <IPredicate>
                    new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("excalibur", true), new Term("lake", true)
                    }, false),
                    new Predicate("has", new List <ITerm> {
                        new Term("arthur", true), new Term("excalibur", true)
                    }, true),

            Assert.AreEqual("move", StateSpaceTools.GetConstituentAction(testDomain, testProblem, newPlan, testState).Action.Name);
Example #10
        public void StateSpaceToolsGetConstituentActionTest()
            string constituentActionName = StateSpaceTools.GetConstituentAction(testDomain, testProblem, testPlan, testState).Action.Name;

            Assert.AreEqual("move", constituentActionName);
Example #11
 public void StateSpaceToolsGetSpanningLinksCountTest()
     Assert.AreEqual(11, StateSpaceTools.GetSpanningLinks(testPlan).Count);
Example #12
 public void StateSpaceToolsGetAllPlayerActionsCountTest()
     Assert.AreEqual(72, StateSpaceTools.GetAllActions(testProblem.Player.ToLower(), testDomain, testProblem).Count);