//Add Method
        public int Program_Add(Program item)
            //input is an instance of all data for an entity
            //one could send in individual values in separate
            //    parameters BUT eventaully, they would need
            //    to be place in an instance of the entity
            //changes to the database should be done in a transaction
            using (var context = new Star_TEDContext())
                //stage new record to DbSet<T> for commitment to
                //    the database
                //the new record is not YET physically on the
                //    database


                //commit the staged record to the database table
                //if this statement is NOT executed then the
                //    insert is not completed on the database table (Rollback)
                //the new identity value is created on the successful
                //    execution of the statement
                //the identity value is NOT available until the execution
                //    of the statement is complete
                //during execution of this statemtent ANY entity validation
                //    annotation is executed

                //optionally one could return the new identity value
                //    after the SaveChanges has been done
        public int Program_Delete(int schoolcode)
            //if you wish to return the number of rows affected
            //   your rdt should be an int; otherwise use a void

            using (var context = new Star_TEDContext())
                var existing = context.Programs.Find(schoolcode);

        public int Program_Update(Program item)
            //if you wish to return the number of rows affected
            //   your rdt should be an int; otherwise use a void

            //action is done as a transaction
            using (var context = new Star_TEDContext())
                //stage the ENTIRE record for saving
                //all fields are altered
                context.Entry(item).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                //capture the number of rows affected for the update
                //   commit and return