Example #1
        protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralDateTimePart(SqlStatement dateExpression, SqlFunctionType operationType)
            switch (operationType)
            case SqlFunctionType.Date:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("DATE({0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Week:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("WEEK({0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Year:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("YEAR({0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Month:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("MONTH({0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Day:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("Day({0})", dateExpression));

            // case SqlFunctionType.Time: // TIME() returns string, so this does not work
            // return SqlStatement.Format("TIME({0})", dateExpression);

                Util.Throw("SQL function {0} not supported.", operationType);
Example #2
        public override SqlStatement GetLiteralConvert(SqlStatement a, Type type)
            if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>))
                type = type.GetGenericArguments().First();

            if (type.IsValueType && a[0].Sql.StartsWith("@"))

            SqlStatement sqlTypeName;

            if (typeMapping.ContainsKey(type))
                sqlTypeName = typeMapping[type];
                sqlTypeName = "sql_variant";

            return(SqlStatement.Format("CONVERT({0},{1})", sqlTypeName, a));
Example #3
        protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralDateTimePart(SqlStatement dateExpression, SqlFunctionType operationType)
            switch (operationType)
            case SqlFunctionType.Date:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("DATE({0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Time:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("DATE_PART('time', {0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Week:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("EXTRACT(WEEK FROM {0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Year:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("EXTRACT(YEAR FROM {0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Month:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("EXTRACT(MONTH FROM {0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Day:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("EXTRACT(DAY FROM {0})", dateExpression));

                Util.Throw("SQL function {0} not supported.", operationType);
Example #4
        protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralStringIndexOf(SqlStatement baseString, SqlStatement searchString, SqlStatement startIndex)
            // SUBSTR(baseString,StartIndex)
            var substring = GetLiteralSubString(baseString, startIndex);

            // INSTR(SUBSTR(baseString, StartIndex), searchString) ---> range 1:n , 0 => doesn't exist
            return(SqlStatement.Format("INSTR({0},{1})", substring, searchString));
Example #5
 protected override SqlStatement GetEqualNullables(SqlStatement a, SqlStatement b)
     // Default impl:
     //    return SqlStatement.Format("({0} = {1} OR ({0} IS NULL) AND ({1} IS NULL))", a, b);
     // SQL CE has some strange restrictions on use of Parameters/IsNull methods and Memo fields
     //  for ex: (@P1 IS NULL) is not supported. So we fall back to reqular Equal statement
     return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} = {1}", a, b));
Example #6
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralStringEqual(SqlStatement x, SqlStatement y, bool forceIgnoreCase)
     if (forceIgnoreCase) //Use ILIKE
         return(SqlStatement.Format("({0} ILIKE {1} ESCAPE '{2}')", x, y, Driver.DefaultLikeEscapeChar.ToString()));
     return(base.GetLiteralStringEqual(x, y, forceIgnoreCase));
Example #7
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralLike(SqlStatement column, SqlStatement pattern, bool forceIgnoreCase)
     if (forceIgnoreCase) //Use ILIKE
         return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} ILIKE {1} ESCAPE '{2}'", column, pattern, Driver.DefaultLikeEscapeChar.ToString()));
         return(base.GetLiteralLike(column, pattern, forceIgnoreCase));
 public override SqlStatement GetInsertIds(SqlStatement table, IList <SqlStatement> autoPKColumn, IList <SqlStatement> inputPKColumns, IList <SqlStatement> inputPKValues, IList <SqlStatement> outputColumns, IList <SqlStatement> outputParameters, IList <SqlStatement> outputExpressions)
     // no parameters? no need to get them back
     if (outputParameters.Count == 0)
     // otherwise we keep track of the new values
     return(SqlStatement.Format("SELECT {0} INTO {1} FROM DUAL",
                                SqlStatement.Join(", ", (from outputExpression in outputExpressions select outputExpression.Replace(".NextVal", ".CurrVal", true)).ToArray()),
                                SqlStatement.Join(", ", outputParameters.ToArray())));
Example #9
        public override SqlStatement GetLiteralLimit(SqlStatement select, SqlStatement limit, SqlStatement offset, SqlStatement offsetAndLimit)
            if (ServerVersion == MsSqlVersion.V2008)
                return(GetLiteralLimit2008(select, limit, offset, offsetAndLimit));
            // 2012 and up
            var strOffset = offset == null ? "0" : offset.ToString();
            var strLimit  = limit == null ? "1000000" : limit.ToString();

            return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} \r\n OFFSET {1} ROWS FETCH NEXT {2} ROWS ONLY", select, strOffset, strLimit));
Example #10
        public override SqlStatement GetLiteralLimit(SqlStatement select, SqlStatement limit)
            var trimSelect = "SELECT ";

            if (select.Count > 0 && select[0].Sql.StartsWith(trimSelect))
                var selectBuilder = new SqlStatementBuilder(select);
                var remaining     = select[0].Sql.Substring(trimSelect.Length);
                selectBuilder.Parts[0] = new SqlLiteralPart(remaining);
                return(SqlStatement.Format("SELECT TOP ({0}) {1}", limit, selectBuilder.ToSqlStatement()));
            throw new ArgumentException("S0051: Unknown select format");
Example #11
        public override SqlStatement GetLiteralLimit(SqlStatement select, SqlStatement limit)
            // return string.Format("SELECT FIRST {0} FROM ({1})", limit, select);
            var trimSelect = "SELECT ";

            if (select.Count > 0 && select[0].Sql.StartsWith(trimSelect))
                var selectBuilder = new SqlStatementBuilder(select);
                var remaining     = select[0].Sql.Substring(trimSelect.Length);
                selectBuilder.Parts[0] = new SqlLiteralPart(remaining);
                return(SqlStatement.Format("SELECT FIRST {0} {1}", limit, selectBuilder.ToSqlStatement()));
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid SELECT format");
Example #12
        protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralDateDiff(SqlStatement dateA, SqlStatement dateB)
            return(SqlStatement.Format("(CONVERT(BigInt,DATEDIFF(DAY, {0}, {1}))) * 86400000 +" //diffierence in milliseconds regards days
                                       + "DATEDIFF(MILLISECOND, "

                                       // (DateA-DateB) in days +DateB = difference in time
                                       + @"DATEADD(DAY, 
                                      DATEDIFF(DAY, {0}, {1})

                                       + ",{1})", dateB, dateA));

            //this trick is needed in sqlserver since DATEDIFF(MILLISECONDS,{0},{1}) usually crhases in the database engine due an overflow:
            //System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : Difference of two datetime columns caused overflow at runtime.
Example #13
        public SqlStatement GetLiteralLimit2008(SqlStatement select, SqlStatement limit, SqlStatement offset, SqlStatement offsetAndLimit)
            //TODO: fix this, get rid of all this string matching
            var sql        = select.ToString();
            var from       = "\r\nFROM ";
            var orderBy    = "\r\nORDER BY ";
            var selectK    = "SELECT ";
            int fromIdx    = sql.IndexOf(from);
            int orderByIdx = sql.IndexOf(orderBy);

            if (fromIdx < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("S0051: Unknown select format: " + sql);

            string orderByClause = null;
            string sourceClause  = null;

            if (orderByIdx >= 0)
                orderByClause = sql.Substring(orderByIdx);
                sourceClause  = sql.Substring(fromIdx, orderByIdx - fromIdx);
                orderByClause = "ORDER BY " + sql.Substring(selectK.Length, fromIdx - selectK.Length);
                sourceClause  = sql.Substring(fromIdx);
            orderByClause = orderByClause.Replace("\r\n", string.Empty);

            var selectFieldsClause = sql.Substring(0, fromIdx);

            var finalSql = SqlStatement.Format(
                "SELECT *{0}" +
                "FROM ({0}" +
                "    {1},{0}" +
                "    ROW_NUMBER() OVER({2}) AS [__ROW_NUMBER]{0}" +
                "    {3}" +
                "    ) AS [t0]{0}" +
                "WHERE [__ROW_NUMBER] BETWEEN {4}+1 AND {4}+{5}{0}" +
                "ORDER BY [__ROW_NUMBER]",
                NewLine, selectFieldsClause, orderByClause, sourceClause, offset, limit);

Example #14
        protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralNotEqual(SqlStatement a, SqlStatement b)
            // See comment above, in GetLiteralEqual().

            if (b.Count == 1 && b[0].Sql == "NULL")
                return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} IS NOT {1}", a, b));
            else if (a.Count == 1 && a[0].Sql == "NULL")
                return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} IS NOT {1}", b, a));
                return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} <> {1}", a, b));
Example #15
        protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralDateTimePart(SqlStatement dateExpression, SqlFunctionType operationType)
            switch (operationType)
            case SqlFunctionType.Week:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("DATEPART(ISOWK,{0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Date:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("CONVERT(DATE, {0})", dateExpression));

            case SqlFunctionType.Time:
                return(SqlStatement.Format("CONVERT(TIME, {0})", dateExpression));

                return(SqlStatement.Format("DATEPART({0},{1})", operationType.ToString().ToUpper(), dateExpression));
Example #16
        public override SqlStatement GetLiteralLimit(SqlStatement select, SqlStatement limit, SqlStatement offset, SqlStatement offsetAndLimit)
            var from       = "FROM ";
            var orderBy    = "ORDER BY ";
            var selectK    = "SELECT ";
            int fromIdx    = select[0].Sql.IndexOf(from);
            int orderByIdx = select[0].Sql.IndexOf(orderBy);

            if (fromIdx < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("S0051: Unknown select format: " + select[0].Sql);

            string orderByClause = null;
            string sourceClause  = null;

            if (orderByIdx >= 0)
                orderByClause = select[0].Sql.Substring(orderByIdx);
                sourceClause  = select[0].Sql.Substring(fromIdx, orderByIdx - fromIdx);
                orderByClause = "ORDER BY " + select[0].Sql.Substring(selectK.Length, fromIdx - selectK.Length);
                sourceClause  = select[0].Sql.Substring(fromIdx);

            var selectFieldsClause = select[0].Sql.Substring(0, fromIdx);

                       "SELECT *{0}" +
                       "FROM ({0}" +
                       "    {1},{0}" +
                       "    ROW_NUMBER() OVER({2}) AS [__ROW_NUMBER]{0}" +
                       "    {3}" +
                       "    ) AS [t0]{0}" +
                       "WHERE [__ROW_NUMBER] BETWEEN {4}+1 AND {4}+{5}{0}" +
                       "ORDER BY [__ROW_NUMBER]",
                       NewLine, selectFieldsClause, orderByClause, sourceClause, offset, limit));
Example #17
        protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralEqual(SqlStatement a, SqlStatement b)
            // PostgreSQL return NULL (and not a boolean) for every comparaison involving
            // a NULL value, unless the operator used is "IS" (or "IS NOT"). Also,
            // using those two operators when the right-hand value is not a literal
            // NULL is an error. The only possibility is to explicitly check for NULL
            // literals and even swap the operands to make sure NULL gets to the
            // right place.

            if (b.Count == 1 && b[0].Sql == "NULL")
                return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} IS {1}", a, b));
            else if (a.Count == 1 && a[0].Sql == "NULL")
                return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} IS {1}", b, a));
                return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} = {1}", a, b));
Example #18
        public override SqlStatement GetInsertIds(SqlStatement table, IList <SqlStatement> autoPKColumn, IList <SqlStatement> inputPKColumns, IList <SqlStatement> inputPKValues, IList <SqlStatement> outputColumns, IList <SqlStatement> outputParameters, IList <SqlStatement> outputExpressions)
            // No parameters? no need to get them back.

            if (outputParameters.Count == 0)

            // Otherwise we keep track of the new values. Note that we avoid null expressions
            // that can be present in the passed list (is this a bug above us?)

            IList <SqlStatement> ids = new List <SqlStatement>();

            foreach (SqlStatement outputExpression in outputExpressions)
                if (outputExpression != null)
                    ids.Add(outputExpression.Replace("nextval(", "currval(", true));
            return(SqlStatement.Format("SELECT {0}", SqlStatement.Join(", ", ids.ToArray())));
Example #19
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralStringToUpper(SqlStatement a)
     return(SqlStatement.Format("UPPER({0})", a));
Example #20
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralStringLength(SqlStatement a)
     return(SqlStatement.Format("LENGTH({0})", a));
Example #21
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralStringIndexOf(SqlStatement baseString, SqlStatement searchString, SqlStatement startIndex, SqlStatement count)
     return(GetLiteralSubtract(SqlStatement.Format("CHARINDEX({0},{1},{2})", searchString, GetLiteralSubString(baseString, "1", GetLiteralStringConcat(count, startIndex)), startIndex), "1"));
Example #22
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralStringIndexOf(SqlStatement baseString, SqlStatement searchString, SqlStatement startIndex)
     return(GetLiteralSubtract(SqlStatement.Format("CHARINDEX({0},{1},{2})", searchString, baseString, startIndex), "1"));
Example #23
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralStringToLower(SqlStatement a)
     return(SqlStatement.Format("LOWER({0})", a));
Example #24
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralStringConcat(SqlStatement a, SqlStatement b)
     return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} + {1}", a.Replace("sql_variant", "varchar", false), b.Replace("sql_variant", "varchar", false)));
Example #25
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralTrim(SqlStatement a)
     return(SqlStatement.Format("RTRIM(LTRIM({0}))", a));
Example #26
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralSubString(SqlStatement baseString, SqlStatement startIndex, SqlStatement count)
     //in standard sql base string index is 1 instead 0
     return(SqlStatement.Format("SUBSTRING({0}, {1}, {2})", baseString, startIndex, count));
Example #27
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralMathLog(SqlStatement p, SqlStatement p_2)
     return(SqlStatement.Format("(LOG({0})/LOG({1}))", p, p_2));
Example #28
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralMathPow(SqlStatement p, SqlStatement p_2)
     return(SqlStatement.Format("POWER({0},{1})", p, p_2));
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralStringConcat(SqlStatement a, SqlStatement b)
     return(SqlStatement.Format("{0} || {1}", a, b));
Example #30
 protected override SqlStatement GetLiteralDateTimePart(SqlStatement dateExpression, SpecialExpressionType operationType)
     return(SqlStatement.Format("DATEPART({0},{1})", operationType.ToString().ToUpper(), dateExpression));