public void LatestServer_APICompatibility()
            // Arrange the service used to interact with SQ
            var s          = new SonarQubeServiceWrapper(this.serviceProvider);
            var connection = new ConnectionInformation(new Uri(""));

            // Step 1: Connect anonymously
            ProjectInformation[] projects = null;

            RetryAction(() => s.TryGetProjects(connection, CancellationToken.None, out projects),
                        "Get projects from SonarQube server");
            projects.Should().NotBeEmpty("No projects were returned");

            // Step 2: Get quality profile for the first project
            var            project = projects.FirstOrDefault();
            QualityProfile profile = null;

            RetryAction(() => s.TryGetQualityProfile(connection, project, Language.CSharp, CancellationToken.None, out profile),
                        "Get quality profile from SonarQube server");
            profile.Should().NotBeNull("No quality profile was returned");

            // Step 3: Get quality profile export for the quality profile
            RoslynExportProfile export = null;

            RetryAction(() => s.TryGetExportProfile(connection, profile, Language.CSharp, CancellationToken.None, out export),
                        "Get quality profile export from SonarQube server");
            export.Should().NotBeNull("No quality profile export was returned");

            // Errors are logged to output window pane and we don't expect any
        public void LatestServer_APICompatibility()
            // Setup the service used to interact with SQ
            var s = new SonarQubeServiceWrapper(this.serviceProvider);
            var connection = new ConnectionInformation(new Uri(""));

            // Step 1: Connect anonymously
            ProjectInformation[] projects = null;

            RetryAction(() => s.TryGetProjects(connection, CancellationToken.None, out projects),
                                        "Get projects from SonarQube server");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, projects.Length, "No projects were returned");

            // Step 2: Get quality profile for the first project
            var project = projects.FirstOrDefault();
            QualityProfile profile = null;
            RetryAction(() => s.TryGetQualityProfile(connection, project, Language.CSharp, CancellationToken.None, out profile),
                                        "Get quality profile from SonarQube server");
            Assert.IsNotNull(profile, "No quality profile was returned");

            // Step 3: Get quality profile export for the quality profile
            RoslynExportProfile export = null;
            RetryAction(() => s.TryGetExportProfile(connection, profile, Language.CSharp, CancellationToken.None, out export),
                                        "Get quality profile export from SonarQube server");
            Assert.IsNotNull(export, "No quality profile export was returned");

            // Errors are logged to output window pane and we don't expect any
        public void SonarQubeServiceWrapper_TryGetProjects_ArgChecks()
            // Setup
            var testSubject = new SonarQubeServiceWrapper(this.serviceProvider);

            ProjectInformation[] projects;

            // Act + Verify
            Exceptions.Expect <ArgumentNullException>(() => testSubject.TryGetProjects(null, CancellationToken.None, out projects));