Example #1
    // SoldierMovement: Function for the current soldiers movement.
    // Param:
    //		sCurrentSoldier: A SoldierActor object for which soldier wants to move.
    void SoldierMovement(SoldierActor sCurrentSoldier)
        // Get the horizontal and vertical axis.
        float fMoveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float fMoveVertical   = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

        // Apply Axis to the current soldier.
        sCurrentSoldier.Move(fMoveHorizontal, fMoveVertical);
Example #2
    // Update: Function that calls each frame to update game objects.
    void Update()
        // Check if it is this players turn.
        if (m_nPlayerNumber == TurnManager.m_snCurrentTurn)
            // Get the soldier object and script.
            GameObject   gCurrentSoldier = GetSoldier(m_nSoldierTurn);
            SoldierActor sCurrentSoldier = gCurrentSoldier.GetComponent <SoldierActor>();

            // if in the turns action state.
            if (StateMachine.GetState() == ETurnManagerStates.ETURN_ACTION)
                // If not paused then can move and shoot.
                if (!PauseManager.m_sbPaused)
                    // Update the mouse face function in soldier.

                    // if not over a button or the mouse is held
                    if (!EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() || m_bMouseHeld)
                        // Get the mouse input functions.
                        m_bMouseHeld = MouseHeld(sCurrentSoldier);

                    // if the mouse is not held.
                    if (!m_bMouseHeld)
                        // Switch soldier weapon on key presses.

                        // Move the soldier.

                    // if mouse held.
                    else if (m_bMouseHeld)
                        // stop the current soldier from moving.
                        sCurrentSoldier.Move(0, 0);

            // if in the end turn state.
            else if (StateMachine.GetState() == ETurnManagerStates.ETURN_END)
                // stop the current soldier from moving.
                sCurrentSoldier.Move(0, 0);

        // Set Active soldier count to 0
        m_nActiveSoldiers = 0;

        // Go through each soldier and count how many are alive.
        for (int i = 0; i < m_agSoldierList.Length; ++i)
            // if the soldier is active.
            if (m_agSoldierList[i].activeInHierarchy)
                // Get soldier script.
                SoldierActor s = m_agSoldierList[i].GetComponent <SoldierActor>();

                // soldier is alive.
                if (s.m_fCurrentHealth > 0)
                    // increment the active soldier number by 1.
                    m_nActiveSoldiers += 1;