Example #1
        public async Task <GetPoolStatsResponse> GetPoolPerformanceAsync(string poolId,
                                                                         [FromQuery(Name = "r")] SampleRange range       = SampleRange.Day,
                                                                         [FromQuery(Name = "i")] SampleInterval interval = SampleInterval.Hour)
            var pool = GetPool(poolId);

            // set range
            var      end = clock.Now;
            DateTime start;

            switch (range)
            case SampleRange.Day:
                start = end.AddDays(-1);

            case SampleRange.Month:
                start = end.AddDays(-30);

                throw new ApiException("invalid interval");

            var stats = await cf.Run(con => statsRepo.GetPoolPerformanceBetweenAsync(
                                         con, pool.Id, interval, start, end));

            var response = new GetPoolStatsResponse
                Stats = stats.Select(mapper.Map <AggregatedPoolStats>).ToArray()

Example #2
        void MouseMoveHandler(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (Wave == null)

            var x = e.GetPosition(ClickedElement).X;

            if (ClickedElement == IndicatorMoveArea)
                IndicatorPosition = Math.Min((int)Math.Round(x / IndicatorMoveArea.ActualWidth * SampleRange.Length) + SampleRange.Begin, Wave.SampleCount - 1);
                if (x > IndicatorMoveArea.ActualWidth)
                    SampleRange = SampleRange.MoveTo(IndicatorPosition - SampleRange.Length);
                else if (x < 0.0)
                    SampleRange = SampleRange.MoveTo(IndicatorPosition);
            else if (ClickedElement == HandScrollArea)
                var move = x - ClickPosition.X;
                SampleRange = SampleRange.MoveTo(PrevSampleRange.Begin - (int)(move / HandScrollArea.ActualWidth * SampleRange.Length));
Example #3
 public void ScrollToIndicatorIfOutOfScreen()
     if (!IndicatorIsVisible)
         SampleRange = SampleRange.MoveTo(IndicatorPosition);
Example #4
        void TimeScrollBar_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double> e)
            if (Wave == null)

            SampleRange = SampleRange.MoveTo((int)e.NewValue);
Example #5
        private async Task <Responses.WorkerPerformanceStatsContainer[]> GetMinerPerformanceInternal(
            SampleRange mode, PoolConfig pool, string address)
            Persistence.Model.Projections.WorkerPerformanceStatsContainer[] stats = null;
            var      end = clock.UtcNow;
            DateTime start;

            switch (mode)
            case SampleRange.Day:

                // NEW from CF-master
                // set range
                if (end.Minute < 30)
                    end = end.AddHours(-1);

                end = end.AddMinutes(-end.Minute);
                end = end.AddSeconds(-end.Second);
                // <<<<<<<<-------

                start = end.AddDays(-1);

                stats = await cf.Run(con => statsRepo.GetMinerPerformanceBetweenHourlyAsync(
                                         con, pool.Id, address, start, end));


            case SampleRange.Month:

                // NEW from CF-master
                if (end.Hour < 12)
                    end = end.AddDays(-1);

                end = end.Date;
                // <<<<<<<<-------

                // set range
                start = end.AddMonths(-1);

                stats = await cf.Run(con => statsRepo.GetMinerPerformanceBetweenDailyAsync(
                                         con, pool.Id, address, start, end));


                throw new ApiException("invalid interval");

            // map
            var result = mapper.Map <Responses.WorkerPerformanceStatsContainer[]>(stats);

        public static int Bake(Curve curve, float frameRate, Curve outCurve, SampleRange sampleRange)
            NativeArray <Keyframe> keys    = curve.Keys;
            NativeArray <Keyframe> outKeys = outCurve.Keys;
            int bakedFrames = Bake(keys, frameRate, outKeys, sampleRange);

            //  KeyframeUtilities.AlignTangentsSmooth(outKeys, sampleRange);
        public static BakeJob ConfigureBake(Curve[] curves, float frameRate, Curve[] outCurves, Allocator alloc)
            SampleRange sampleRange = new SampleRange()
                startFrameIndex = 0,
                numFrames       = curves[0].Length

            return(ConfigureBake(curves, frameRate, outCurves, alloc, sampleRange));
Example #8
        public async Task <Responses.WorkerPerformanceStatsContainer[]> GetMinerPerformanceAsync(
            string poolId, string address, [FromQuery] SampleRange mode = SampleRange.Day)
            var pool = GetPool(poolId);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
                throw new ApiException($"Invalid or missing miner address", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            return(await GetMinerPerformanceInternal(mode, pool, address));
Example #9
        public async Task <Responses.WorkerPerformanceStatsContainer[]> GetMinerPerformanceAsync(
            string poolId, string address, [FromQuery] SampleRange mode = SampleRange.Day)
            var pool = GetPool(poolId);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
                throw new ApiException($"Invalid or missing miner address", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            var result = await GetMinerPerformanceInternal(mode, pool, address);

            Response.Headers.Add("x-total-count", result.Length.ToString());

Example #10
        public async Task <Responses.MinerStats> GetMinerInfoAsync(
            string poolId, string address, [FromQuery] SampleRange perfMode = SampleRange.Day)
            var pool = GetPool(poolId);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
                throw new ApiException($"Invalid or missing miner address", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            var statsResult = await cf.RunTx((con, tx) =>
                                             statsRepo.GetMinerStatsAsync(con, tx, pool.Id, address), true, IsolationLevel.Serializable);

            Responses.MinerStats stats = null;

            if (statsResult != null)
                stats = mapper.Map <Responses.MinerStats>(statsResult);

                // optional fields
                if (statsResult.LastPayment != null)
                    // Set timestamp of last payment
                    stats.LastPayment = statsResult.LastPayment.Created;

                    // Compute info link
                    var baseUrl = pool.Template.ExplorerTxLink;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUrl))
                        stats.LastPaymentLink = string.Format(baseUrl, statsResult.LastPayment.TransactionConfirmationData);

                stats.PerformanceSamples = await GetMinerPerformanceInternal(perfMode, pool, address);

                var shareEnd   = clock.Now;
                var shareStart = shareEnd.AddDays(-1);

                stats.Shares = await cf.Run(con => shareRepo.CountSharesBetweenCreatedAsync(con, pool.Id, address, shareStart, shareEnd));

                stats.InvalidShares = await cf.Run(con => invalidShareRepo.CountInvalidSharesBetweenCreated(con, pool.Id, address, shareStart, shareEnd));

Example #11
        public async Task <Responses.MinerStats> GetMinerInfoAsync(
            string poolId, string address, [FromQuery] SampleRange perfMode = SampleRange.Day)
            var pool = GetPool(poolId);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
                throw new ApiException("Invalid or missing miner address", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            if (pool.Template.Family == CoinFamily.Ethereum)
                address = address.ToLower();

            var statsResult = await cf.RunTx((con, tx) =>
                                             statsRepo.GetMinerStatsAsync(con, tx, pool.Id, address), true, IsolationLevel.Serializable);

            Responses.MinerStats stats = null;

            if (statsResult != null)
                stats = mapper.Map <Responses.MinerStats>(statsResult);

                // optional fields
                if (statsResult.LastPayment != null)
                    // Set timestamp of last payment
                    stats.LastPayment = statsResult.LastPayment.Created;

                    // Compute info link
                    var baseUrl = pool.Template.ExplorerTxLink;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUrl))
                        stats.LastPaymentLink = string.Format(baseUrl, statsResult.LastPayment.TransactionConfirmationData);

                stats.PerformanceSamples = await GetMinerPerformanceInternal(perfMode, pool, address);

Example #12
        public async Task <Responses.WorkerPerformanceStatsContainer[]> GetMinerPerformanceAsync(
            string poolId, string address, [FromQuery] SampleRange mode = SampleRange.Day)
            var pool = GetPool(poolId);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))
                throw new ApiException("Invalid or missing miner address", HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

            if (pool.Template.Family == CoinFamily.Ethereum)
                address = address.ToLower();

            var result = await GetMinerPerformanceInternal(mode, pool, address);

Example #13
        private void exportResults(string outFilename)
            StringBuilder result           = new StringBuilder();
            var           sampleCollection = session.CurrentSampleFile.TestSamples;

            if (sampleCollection != null)
                foreach (TestSample sample in sampleCollection)
                    result.Append(sample.SampleID + "\t");
                    SampleRange range       = sample.SampleRanges;
                    var         startRange  = range.Starts;
                    var         endRange    = range.Ends;
                    string      resultRange = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < startRange.Count; i++)
                        if (startRange[i] == endRange[i])
                            resultRange = resultRange + startRange[i] + ";";
                            resultRange = resultRange + startRange[i] + "-" + endRange[i] + ";";
                    result.Append(resultRange + "\t");
                    result.Append(sample.RecognizedHaplogroup + "\t");
                    result.Append(sample.ResultQuality + "\t");
                    getPolysUsed(result, session.getClassificationResults(sample.SampleID));
                    getPolysNotUsed(result, session.getClassificationResults(sample.SampleID));
                    getPolysUnused(result, session.getClassificationResults(sample.SampleID));
            StreamWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter(outFilename);

        public IEnumerator BuildTransforms()
            // Now re-sample all animations according to the target
            // sample rate and adjust the segment information to
            // reference the transforms array.

            // Calculate total number of poses to be generated
            // (based on previously generated segments)

            int numJoints = rig.NumJoints;

            if (numJoints < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Rig does not have enough joints. Only {numJoints} present.");

            if (numFrames == 0)
                throw new Exception("No animation frame to process, please make sure there is at least one single non-empty tag in your Kinematica asset.");

            int numTransforms = numFrames * numJoints;

            using (NativeArray <AffineTransform> transforms = new NativeArray <AffineTransform>(numTransforms, Allocator.Persistent))
                int globalSegmentIndex    = 0;
                int destinationFrameIndex = 0;
                for (int clipIndex = 0; clipIndex < clipSegments.Count; ++clipIndex)
                    ClipSegments  segments = clipSegments[clipIndex];
                    AnimationClip clip     = segments.Clip.GetOrLoadClipSync();

                    using (AnimationSampler animSampler = new AnimationSampler(rig, clip))
                        float sourceSampleRate = clip.frameRate;
                        float targetSampleRate = asset.SampleRate;
                        float sampleRateRatio  = sourceSampleRate / targetSampleRate;

                        int numFrameResampledClip = (int)math.ceil(targetSampleRate * segments.Clip.DurationInSeconds);

                        for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < segments.NumSegments; ++segmentIndex, ++globalSegmentIndex)
                            Segment segment = segments[segmentIndex];

                            int firstFrame = Missing.roundToInt(segment.source.FirstFrame / sampleRateRatio);
                            firstFrame = math.min(firstFrame, numFrameResampledClip - 1);

                            SampleRange sampleRange = new SampleRange()
                                startFrameIndex = firstFrame,
                                numFrames       = segment.destination.NumFrames

                            using (AnimationSampler.RangeSampler rangeSampler = animSampler.PrepareRangeSampler(asset.SampleRate, sampleRange, destinationFrameIndex, transforms))

                                progressFeedback?.Invoke(new ProgressInfo()
                                    title    = $"Sample clip {clip.name}",
                                    progress = (float)globalSegmentIndex / numSegments

                                while (!rangeSampler.IsComplete)
                                    yield return(null);

                                    if (bCancel)
                                        yield break;


                            destinationFrameIndex += segment.destination.NumFrames;

        public static int Bake(NativeArray <Keyframe> keyframes, float frameRate, NativeArray <Keyframe> bakedFrames, SampleRange sampleRange)
            int   numKeys   = keyframes.Length;
            float start     = keyframes[0].time;
            float end       = keyframes[numKeys - 1].time;
            float duration  = end - start;
            float frame     = 1 / frameRate;
            int   numFrames = bakedFrames.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleRange.numFrames; i++)
                int   frameIndex = sampleRange.startFrameIndex + i;
                float time       = math.clamp(start + frameIndex * frame, start, end);

                float value = CurveSampling.ThreadSafe.EvaluateWithinRange(keyframes, time, 0, numKeys - 1);
                bakedFrames[frameIndex] = new Keyframe(time, value);

Example #16
        void MoveSampleRange(double mouseX)
            var targetSample = (int)Math.Round(mouseX / ActualWidth * SampleCount);

            SampleRange = SampleRange.MoveTo(targetSample - SampleRange.Length / 2);
        public static BakeJob ConfigureBake(Curve[] curves, float frameRate, Curve[] outCurves, Allocator alloc, SampleRange sampleRange)
            var job = new BakeJob();

            job.curves      = new NativeArray <CurveData>(curves.Length, alloc);
            job.frameRate   = frameRate;
            job.outCurves   = new NativeArray <CurveData>(curves.Length, alloc);
            job.sampleRange = sampleRange;

            for (int i = 0; i < curves.Length; i++)
                job.curves[i] = new CurveData(curves[i], alloc);
                int frameCount = (int)math.ceil(frameRate * curves[i].Duration);
                //var outCurve = new Curve(frameCount, alloc);
                //outCurves[i] = outCurve;
                job.outCurves[i] = new CurveData(outCurves[i], alloc);
