Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            //basicEffect = Content.Load<Effect>("specular");
            basicEffect = Content.Load <Effect>("diffuse");

            var graph    = SampleGenerator.CreateVoronoiGraph(1000, 30000, 2, 23);
            var vertices = graph.Paint3D(new VertexPositionColorNormalFactory());

            var normal = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);

            meshTriangles = vertices.Count / 3;

            vertices.Add(new VertexPositionColorNormal(Vector3.Zero, Color.Red, normal));
            vertices.Add(new VertexPositionColorNormal(new Vector3(1.15f, 0, 0), Color.Red, normal));
            vertices.Add(new VertexPositionColorNormal(Vector3.Zero, Color.Green, normal));
            vertices.Add(new VertexPositionColorNormal(new Vector3(0, 1.15f, 0), Color.Green, normal));
            vertices.Add(new VertexPositionColorNormal(Vector3.Zero, Color.Blue, normal));
            vertices.Add(new VertexPositionColorNormal(new Vector3(0, 0, 1.15f), Color.Blue, normal));

            var rawVertices = vertices.ToArray();

            terrain = new VertexBuffer(GraphicsDevice, typeof(VertexPositionColorNormal), rawVertices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
Example #2
        public void TestWeight()
            var classification =
                    nSamples: 200,
                    nFeatures: 100,
                    weights: new[] { 0.833, 0.167 }.ToList(),
                    randomState: new Random(0));

            var classWeight = ClassWeightEstimator <int> .Explicit(new Dictionary <int, double> {
                { 0, 5 }

            Matrix x = SparseMatrix.OfMatrix(classification.X);

            foreach (var clf in new IClassifier <int>[]
                new LogisticRegression <int>(classWeightEstimator: classWeight),
                //new LinearSvc(classWeight:classWeight, random_state=0),
                //new Svc<int>(classWeight: classWeight)
                clf.Fit(x.SubMatrix(0, 180, 0, x.ColumnCount), classification.Y.Take(180).ToArray());
                var yPred = clf.Predict(x.SubMatrix(180, x.RowCount - 180, 0, x.ColumnCount));

                var matchingN =
                    yPred.Zip(classification.Y.Skip(180), Tuple.Create).Where(t => t.Item1 == t.Item2).Count();
                Assert.IsTrue(matchingN >= 11);
Example #3
        public void TestImportances()
            var classification = SampleGenerator.MakeClassification(nSamples: 200,
                                                                    nFeatures: 10,
                                                                    nInformative: 3,
                                                                    nRedundant: 0,
                                                                    nRepeated: 0,
                                                                    shuffle: false,
                                                                    randomState: new Random(13));

            //var xstr = "[" + string.Join(",", classification.X.RowEnumerator().Select(r => "[" + string.Join(",", r.Item2) + "]")) + "]";
            //var ystr = "[" + string.Join(",", classification.Y) + "]";
            foreach (var name in CLF_TREES)
                var clf = CreateClassifier <int>(name, random: new Random(0));
                clf.Fit(classification.X, classification.Y);
                var importances = clf.FeatureImportances();
                int n_important = importances.Where(v => v > 0.1).Count();

                Assert.AreEqual(10, importances.Count, "Failed with {0}".Frmt(name));
                Assert.AreEqual(3, n_important, "Failed with {0}".Frmt(name));

                var X_new = clf.Transform(classification.X, threshold: ThresholdChoice.Mean());
                Assert.IsTrue(0 < X_new.ColumnCount, "Failed with {0}".Frmt(name));
                Assert.IsTrue(X_new.ColumnCount < classification.X.ColumnCount, "Failed with {0}".Frmt(name));
        public Mitchell2D(SampleGenerator g, int k = 5)
            Generator = g;
            K         = Math.Max(1, k);

            samples = new List <PointF>();
Example #5
        public void SomeCloneTests()
            var event1 = SampleGenerator.GameEventTest1();
            var event2 = event1.CloneJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(event1.Properties.Count, event2.Properties.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(event1.Properties["stat_kill_creepy"], event2.Properties["stat_kill_creepy"]);
Example #6
        public string GetJson()
            var sampleList = SampleGenerator.GenerateCustomSampleList(3050000, 0, 20);

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sampleList);
            var size = Encoding.Unicode.GetByteCount(json); // just to check size

Example #7
        public void Test3_IfSampleListCorrect()
            var sampleList = SampleGenerator.GenerateCustomSampleList(400000, 1, 20);
            int qtyTotal   = (from s in sampleList
                              select s.Qty).Sum();

            var result = ParallelExercise(sampleList);

            Assert.Equal(qtyTotal, result);
Example #8
        public void Test3_Cancellation()
            var  sampleList = SampleGenerator.GenerateCustomSampleList(1000, 1, 10);
            long qtyTotal   = (from s in sampleList
                               select s.Qty).Sum();

            var result = ParallelExercise(sampleList, true);

            // Assert: should fail and throw OperationCanceledException (check test explorer message)
Example #9
 public void TwoVarsTreeOps()
     var service = new SampleGenerator(2, 3, 0.001);
     var formula = service.GetFormula();
     var noiseFormula = formula.Clone<INode>();
     var alg = new RegressionAlgorithm(noiseFormula, service.InSamples, service.ExactResult);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(alg.GetResult(), null);
Example #10
        public void Test3_OutOfRangeException()
            var  sampleList = SampleGenerator.GenerateCustomSampleList(1000, 20, 30);
            long qtyTotal   = (from s in sampleList
                               select s.Qty).Sum();

            var result = ParallelExercise(sampleList);

            // Assert: should fail and throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException (check test explorer message)
        public void TestLiblinearRandomState()
            var classification = SampleGenerator.MakeClassification(nSamples: 20);
            var lr1            = new LogisticRegression <int>(random: new Random(0));

            lr1.Fit(classification.X, classification.Y);
            var lr2 = new LogisticRegression <int>(random: new Random(0));

            lr2.Fit(classification.X, classification.Y);
Example #12
        public void DatacontractSerializerHelperTest()
            var gameEvent = SampleGenerator.GameEventTestLarge();
            var content   = DatacontractSerializerHelper.Serialize(gameEvent);

            Assert.IsTrue(content.Length > 0);
            var gameEvent2 = DatacontractSerializerHelper.Deserialize <GameEvent>(content);

            Assert.AreEqual(gameEvent.Properties.Count, gameEvent2.Properties.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(gameEvent.Properties["stat_22"], gameEvent2.Properties["stat_22"]);
Example #13
        private void AudioCallback(IntPtr userData, IntPtr samples, int bufferSize)
                var span = new Span <byte>(

                SampleGenerator.Invoke(span, Format);
        public void Reset(SampleGenerator g = null, int k = 0)
            if (g != null)
                Generator = g;
            if (k > 0)
                K = k;

Example #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            Console.WriteLine("This is ...");
            Console.WriteLine("The Voice Of The Station!");
            Console.WriteLine("input datetime: 3pm 12 Dec 2018");

            // ProcessADailyFile_SampleTEST();
            // ProcessADailyFile_Sample1();
            // ProcessFlowFile_SampleTEST();
            // ProcessFlowFile_Sample1();
            // ProcessFlowFile_Sample2();
            // ProcessFlowFile_Sample3();

            SampleGenerator sg      = new SampleGenerator();
            var             dataset = sg.GenerateAPISample("03", null);


            foreach (var data in dataset)
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine("Year: " + data.Year);
                Console.WriteLine("Month: " + data.Month);
                Console.WriteLine("Day: " + data.Day);
                Console.WriteLine("Hour: " + data.Hour);
                Console.WriteLine("Minute: " + data.Minute);
                Console.WriteLine("Second: " + data.Second);
                Console.WriteLine("MilliSecond: " + data.MilliSecond);
                Console.WriteLine("UserId: " + data.UserId);
                Console.WriteLine("Latitude: " + data.Latitude);
                Console.WriteLine("Longitude: " + data.Longitude);
                Console.WriteLine("NeigbourhoodSize: " + data.NeigbourhoodSize);
                Console.WriteLine("AcceptableNeighbourhoodSize: " + data.AcceptableNeighbourhoodSize);
                Console.WriteLine("IsAcceptable: " + data.IsAcceptable);
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine("IsHappyFace: " + data.IsHappyFace);
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine(" ");

            // Console.ReadKey();
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World! AGAIN!");
Example #16
        public void Sinus100Hz_Spectrum()
            //var audioContainer = AudioLoader.Load(Samples.Wave100hz);
            var container    = SampleGenerator.GenerateSineSignalContainer(100, 2048, 2048);
            var fft          = new FastFourierTransformCPU(container.Samples).CreateTransform();
            var slice        = FastFourierTransformCPU.ConvertToSpectrumSlice(fft);
            var amplitude50  = slice.GetAmplitudeForFrequency(50);
            var amplitude100 = slice.GetAmplitudeForFrequency(100);
            var amplitude150 = slice.GetAmplitudeForFrequency(150);

            Assert.True(amplitude50 < 0.1f);
            Assert.True(amplitude100 > 0.9f);
            Assert.True(amplitude150 < 0.1f);
Example #17
        public void GameEventEncryptionTest()
            CommonConfiguration.Instance.EncryptionConfiguration.IsEncryptionEnabled = true;
            CommonConfiguration.Instance.EncryptionConfiguration.Salt = "o6806642kbM7c5";

            var event1 = SampleGenerator.GameEventTest1();
            var packet = SampleGenerator.GamePacketTest1();

            packet.GameEvent = event1;

            // is the content encrypted
            Assert.IsTrue(packet.Content.Contains("76561198024856042") == false);

            Assert.AreEqual(event1.Properties["stat_avg_level_1"], packet.GameEvent.Properties["stat_avg_level_1"]);
Example #18
        static void Main()
            var sampleGenerator = new SampleGenerator(2, 6, 0.001);
            var randomFormula = sampleGenerator.GetFormula();
            Console.WriteLine("Formula before making constants noisy: {0}", randomFormula);

            Console.WriteLine("Formula after making constants noisy: {0}", randomFormula);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to start regression...");

            var alg = new RegressionAlgorithm(randomFormula, sampleGenerator.InSamples, sampleGenerator.ExactResult);
            ConsoleGui.Run(alg, 5, "");

            Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", alg.GetResult());
Example #19
        public void Test1()
            var sampleList1 = SampleGenerator.GenerateCustomSampleList(500000, 0, 20);
            var sampleList2 = SampleGenerator.GenerateSampleList2();

            var newSampleList = (from s1 in sampleList1
                                 join s2 in sampleList2
                                 on s1.Id equals s2.Id
                                 select new Sample
                Id = s1.Id,
                Content = s1.Content,
                Qty = s1.Qty

        public void TestMakeLowRankMatrix()
            Matrix <double> x = SampleGenerator.MakeLowRankMatrix(
                numSamples: 50,
                numFeatures: 25,
                effectiveRank: 5,
                tailStrength: 0.01,
                randomState: new Random(0));

            Assert.AreEqual(50, x.RowCount, "X shape mismatch");
            Assert.AreEqual(25, x.ColumnCount, "X shape mismatch");

            Svd    svd = x.Svd(true);
            double sum = svd.S().Sum();

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(sum - 5) < 0.1, "X rank is not approximately 5");
Example #21
        public void EncryptionTests()
            CommonConfiguration.Instance.EncryptionConfiguration.IsEncryptionEnabled = true;
            CommonConfiguration.Instance.EncryptionConfiguration.Salt = "o6806642kbM7c5";

            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            var value      = SampleGenerator.GameEventTestLarge();
            var p1         = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            var serialised = JsonSerializerHelper.Serialize(value);
            var p2         = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            var encrypted  = GamePacket.EncryptStringAES(serialised);
            var p3         = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            var dSerialisation = p2 - p1;
            var dEncryption    = p3 - p2;
Example #22
        static void Main()
            var sampleGenerator = new SampleGenerator(2, 6, 0.001);
            var randomFormula   = sampleGenerator.GetFormula();

            Console.WriteLine("Formula before making constants noisy: {0}", randomFormula);

            Console.WriteLine("Formula after making constants noisy: {0}", randomFormula);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to start regression...");

            var alg = new RegressionAlgorithm(randomFormula, sampleGenerator.InSamples, sampleGenerator.ExactResult);

            ConsoleGui.Run(alg, 5, "");

            Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", alg.GetResult());
Example #23
        private void LoadGen(Sf2Region region, AssetManager assets)
            SampleDataAsset sda = assets.SampleAssetList[region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.SampleID]];
            SampleGenerator gen = new SampleGenerator();

            gen.EndPhase     = sda.End + region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.EndAddressOffset] + 32768 * region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.EndAddressCoarseOffset];
            gen.Frequency    = sda.SampleRate;
            gen.KeyTrack     = region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.ScaleTuning];
            gen.LoopEndPhase = sda.LoopEnd + region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.EndLoopAddressOffset] + 32768 * region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.EndLoopAddressCoarseOffset];
            switch (region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.SampleModes] & 0x3)
            case 0x0:
            case 0x2:
                gen.LoopMode = LoopModeEnum.NoLoop;

            case 0x1:
                gen.LoopMode = LoopModeEnum.Continuous;

            case 0x3:
                gen.LoopMode = LoopModeEnum.LoopUntilNoteOff;
            gen.LoopStartPhase = sda.LoopStart + region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.StartLoopAddressOffset] + 32768 * region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.StartLoopAddressCoarseOffset];
            gen.Offset         = 0;
            gen.Period         = 1.0;
            if (region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.OverridingRootKey] > -1)
                gen.RootKey = region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.OverridingRootKey];
                gen.RootKey = sda.RootKey;
            gen.StartPhase    = sda.Start + region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.StartAddressOffset] + 32768 * region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.StartAddressCoarseOffset];
            gen.Tune          = (short)(sda.Tune + region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.FineTune] + 100 * region.Generators[(int)GeneratorEnum.CoarseTune]);
            gen.VelocityTrack = 0;
            gen.Samples       = sda.SampleData;
            this.genList[0]   = gen;
Example #24
        public void TestLinearRegressionSparseMultipleOutcome()
            var             random    = new Random(0);
            var             r         = SampleGenerator.MakeSparseUncorrelated(random: random);
            Matrix          x         = SparseMatrix.OfMatrix(r.X);
            Vector <double> y         = r.Y.Column(0);
            Matrix          y1        = DenseMatrix.OfColumns(y.Count, 2, new[] { y, y });
            int             nFeatures = x.ColumnCount;

            var ols = new LinearRegression();

            ols.Fit(x, y1);
            Assert.AreEqual(Tuple.Create(2, nFeatures), ols.Coef.Shape());
            Assert.AreEqual(Tuple.Create(2, nFeatures), ols.Coef.Shape());
            Matrix <double> yPred = ols.Predict(x);

            ols.Fit(x, y);
            Matrix <double> yPred1 = ols.Predict(x);

        public void TestMakeRegression()
            var r = SampleGenerator.MakeRegression(
                numSamples: 100,
                numFeatures: 10,
                numInformative: 3,
                shuffle: false,
                effectiveRank: 5,
                coef: true,
                bias: 0.0,
                noise: 1.0,
                random: new Random(0));

            Assert.AreEqual(Tuple.Create(100, 10), r.X.Shape(), "X shape mismatch");
            Assert.AreEqual(Tuple.Create(100, 1), r.Y.Shape(), "y shape mismatch");
            Assert.AreEqual(Tuple.Create(10, 1), r.Coef.Shape(), "coef shape mismatch");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, r.Coef.Column(0).Count(v => v != 0), "Unexpected number of informative features");

            // Test that y ~= np.dot(X, c) + bias + N(0, 1.0)
            Matrix <double> matrix = r.Y - (r.X * r.Coef);

            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(matrix.Column(0).StandardDeviation() - 1.0) < 0.2);
Example #26
        public void TestLinearRegressionMultipleOutcome()
            var result = SampleGenerator.MakeRegression(shuffle: false, random: new Random(0));

            Matrix y = DenseMatrix.OfColumns(
                new[] { result.Y.Column(0), result.Y.Column(0) });
            var numFeatures = result.X.RowCount;

            var clf = new LinearRegression(fitIntercept: true);

            clf.Fit(result.X, y);
            Assert.AreEqual(Tuple.Create(2, numFeatures), clf.Coef.Shape());

            Matrix <double> yPred = clf.Predict(result.X);

            clf.Fit(result.X, result.Y);
            Matrix <double> yPred1 = clf.Predict(result.X);

 private void InitializiseSampleGenerator()
     generator = new SampleGenerator(time, layer, filepath, volume);
     // we need to save this object in order to generate the storyboard when all parsing processes finished
Example #28
 static void Main(string[] args)
 public SamplesService(IUserService userService, IProfileService profileService, IPhotosService photosService, IConversationService conversationService, IVisitService visitService, IResourceService resourceService)
     _generator = new SampleGenerator(profileService, userService, photosService, conversationService, visitService, resourceService);