Example #1
        /// <summary>Occurs when an item is added or removed from the StockEntriesBound collection</summary>
        private void StockEntriesBound_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
                LoggingService.Log("Collection changed", "Log.txt");

                StockEntry         stockChanged   = new StockEntry();
                SQLStockRepository stockRepo      = new SQLStockRepository();
                string             serverResponse = "";

                if (e.OldItems != null)
                    stockChanged   = e.OldItems[0] as StockEntry;
                    serverResponse = stockRepo.DeleteStock(stockChanged.ID);

                if (e.NewItems != null)
                    stockChanged = e.NewItems[0] as StockEntry;

                    serverResponse = stockRepo.AddStockEntry(stockChanged);
                    uint stockID;

                    if (uint.TryParse(serverResponse, out stockID))
                        stockChanged.ID = stockID;
                        serverResponse  = "Stock entry inserted with ID of " + stockID;

                if (serverResponse != "")
                    Messages.Items.Insert(0, serverResponse);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Messages.Items.Insert(0, ex.Message);
                LoggingService.Log(ex, "Log.txt");
Example #2
        /// <summary>Occurs when a value in the StockEntriesBound collection is changed</summary>
        private void StockEntriesBound_ItemPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
                LoggingService.Log("Collection property changed", "Log.txt");

                StockEntry         stockChanged = new StockEntry();
                SQLStockRepository stockRepo    = new SQLStockRepository();
                string             serverResponse;
                uint stockID;

                stockChanged = sender as StockEntry;

                if (stockChanged.ID == 0)
                    //Insert stock
                    serverResponse = stockRepo.AddStockEntry(stockChanged);

                    if (uint.TryParse(serverResponse, out stockID))
                        stockChanged.ID = stockID;
                        serverResponse  = "Stock entry inserted with ID of " + stockID;
                    //Update stock
                    serverResponse = stockRepo.UpdateStockEntry(stockChanged);

                Messages.Items.Insert(0, serverResponse);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Messages.Items.Insert(0, ex.Message);
                LoggingService.Log(ex, "Log.txt");
Example #3
        public void AddNewStockEntryTest()
            SQLStockRepository stockRepo = new SQLStockRepository();
            string             expected  = "102674";

            StockEntry insertStock = new StockEntry()
                ID       = uint.Parse(0.ToString()),
                Exchange = "NYSE",
                Symbol   = "AEA",
                Date     = DateTime.Parse("12/10/2017"),
                Volume   = uint.Parse(892800.ToString())

            insertStock.PriceOpen.Amount          = 8.00m;
            insertStock.PriceClose.Amount         = 7.75m;
            insertStock.PriceHigh.Amount          = 8.06m;
            insertStock.PriceLow.Amount           = 7.51m;
            insertStock.PriceCloseAdjusted.Amount = 6.33m;

            string actual = stockRepo.AddStockEntry(insertStock);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);