Example #1
 // Given a sequence of strings, return all non-trivial anagram
 // classes.  Should use a *sequenced* equalityComparer on a TreeBag<char>,
 // obviously: after all, characters can be sorted by ASCII code.  On
 // 347 000 distinct Danish words this takes 70 cpu seconds, 180 MB
 // memory, and 263 wall-clock seconds (due to swapping).
 // Using a TreeBag<char> and a sequenced equalityComparer takes 82 cpu seconds
 // and 180 MB RAM to find the 26,058 anagram classes among 347,000
 // distinct words.
 // Using an unsequenced equalityComparer on TreeBag<char> or HashBag<char>
 // makes it criminally slow: at least 1200 cpu seconds.  This must
 // be because many bags get the same hash code, so that there are
 // many collisions.  But exactly how the unsequenced equalityComparer works is
 // not clear ... or is it because unsequenced equality is slow?
 public static SCG.IEnumerable<SCG.IEnumerable<String>> AnagramClasses(SCG.IEnumerable<String> ss)
     bool unseq = true;
     IDictionary<TreeBag<char>, TreeSet<String>> classes;
     if (unseq)
         SCG.IEqualityComparer<TreeBag<char>> unsequencedTreeBagEqualityComparer
     = UnsequencedCollectionEqualityComparer<TreeBag<char>, char>.Default;
         classes = new HashDictionary<TreeBag<char>, TreeSet<String>>(unsequencedTreeBagEqualityComparer);
         SCG.IEqualityComparer<TreeBag<char>> sequencedTreeBagEqualityComparer
     = SequencedCollectionEqualityComparer<TreeBag<char>, char>.Default;
         classes = new HashDictionary<TreeBag<char>, TreeSet<String>>(sequencedTreeBagEqualityComparer);
     foreach (String s in ss)
         TreeBag<char> anagram = AnagramClass(s);
         TreeSet<String> anagramClass;
         if (!classes.Find(anagram, out anagramClass))
             classes[anagram] = anagramClass = new TreeSet<String>();
     foreach (TreeSet<String> anagramClass in classes.Values)
         if (anagramClass.Count > 1)
             yield return anagramClass;
Example #2
 public static void Equalities(String msg, SCG.IEqualityComparer<IList<int>> equalityComparer)
     Console.WriteLine("\n{0}:", msg);
     Console.Write("Equals(col1,col2)={0,-5}; ", equalityComparer.Equals(col1, col2));
     Console.Write("Equals(col1,col3)={0,-5}; ", equalityComparer.Equals(col1, col3));
     Console.WriteLine("Equals(col2,col3)={0,-5}", equalityComparer.Equals(col2, col3));
 internal BootstrapConfigurationImpl(
    ISet<string> flags, 
    SCG.IDictionary<string, string> properties
 ) {
    this.flags = flags;
    this.properties = properties;
 private void RandomBoardLayout(SCG.IEnumerable<Tile> tiles, SCG.IEnumerable<HexTile> hexes, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int maxd1, int maxd2)
     IList<HexTile> hexRandom = new ArrayList<HexTile>();
     hexRandom.AddAll(from hex in hexes orderby RNG.Next() select hex);
     foreach (var t in tiles)
         var d1 = this.tiles[x1][y1].DistanceTo(t);
         var d2 = this.tiles[x2][y2].DistanceTo(t);
         if (d1 == maxd1 && d2 >= maxd2 + 1 || d1 >= maxd1 + 1 && d2 == maxd2 || d1 == maxd1 + 1 && d2 == maxd2 + 1)
             t.HexTile = new OceanHexTile();
         else if (d1 <= maxd1 && d2 <= maxd2)
             if (hexRandom.Count == 0)
                 t.HexTile = new DesertHexTile("");
                 t.HexTile = hexRandom.RemoveLast();
             t.HexTile = null;
 public ReadableBootstrapConfiguration Build(SCG.IReadOnlyCollection<TrinketComponent> components)
     var bootstrapConfiguration = new BootstrapConfigurationImpl();
      foreach (var component in components) {
      return bootstrapConfiguration;
Example #6
 public static void FindCollisions(SCG.IEnumerable<String> ss) {
   HashBag<int> occurrences = new HashBag<int>();
   foreach (String s in ss) {
     TreeBag<char> tb = TreeBag(s);
     // HashBag<char> hb = HashBag(s);
     // unsequencedTreeBagHasher.GetHashCode(tb);
     // unsequencedHashBagHasher.GetHashCode(hb);
Example #7
        public OptionGroup(string id, string name, string description, OptionGroupRequirement require, bool requireExplicitAssignment, SCG.IComparer<string> keyComparer)
            Debug.Assert(keyComparer != null);

            mId = id;
            mName = name;
            mDescription = description;
            mRequire = require;
            mOptions = new TreeDictionary<string, Option>(keyComparer);
            mRequireExplicitAssignment = requireExplicitAssignment;
        public void Subscribe(Action<CreatedProcessDescriptor> handler, SCG.IEnumerable<string> names, bool retroactive)
            var lowerCaseNames = new ItzWarty.Collections.HashSet<string>(names.Select(FormatProcessName));
             foreach (var lowerCaseName in lowerCaseNames) {
            processSpawnedHandlersByProcessName.Add(lowerCaseName, handler);

             if (retroactive) {
            var processes = processWatcher.FindProcess((p) => lowerCaseNames.Contains(FormatProcessName(p.ProcessName)));
            foreach (var process in processes) {
               handler(new CreatedProcessDescriptor(process.ProcessName, process.Id, processProxy.GetParentProcess(process).Id));
Example #9
 // Given a sequence of strings, return all non-trivial anagram
 // classes.
 // Using HashBag<char> and an unsequenced equalityComparer, this performs as
 // follows on 1600 MHz Mobile P4 and .Net 2.0 beta 1 (wall-clock
 // time):
 //  50 000 words  2 822 classes   2.0 sec
 // 100 000 words  5 593 classes   4.3 sec
 // 200 000 words 11 705 classes   8.8 sec
 // 300 000 words 20 396 classes  52.0 sec includes swapping
 // 347 165 words 24 428 classes 146.0 sec includes swapping
 // The maximal memory consumption is less than 180 MB.
 public static SCG.IEnumerable<SCG.IEnumerable<String>> AnagramClasses(SCG.IEnumerable<String> ss)
     IDictionary<HashBag<char>, TreeSet<String>> classes
       = new HashDictionary<HashBag<char>, TreeSet<String>>();
     foreach (String s in ss)
         HashBag<char> anagram = AnagramClass(s);
         TreeSet<String> anagramClass;
         if (!classes.Find(ref anagram, out anagramClass))
             classes[anagram] = anagramClass = new TreeSet<String>();
     foreach (TreeSet<String> anagramClass in classes.Values)
         if (anagramClass.Count > 1)
             yield return anagramClass;
Example #10
 public void TrySCGColl(SCG.ICollection<double> coll) {
     // All members of SCG.ICollection<T>
     Assert.AreEqual(0, coll.Count);
     double[] arr = { };
     coll.CopyTo(arr, 0);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, coll.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, coll.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, coll.Count);
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UsageInfo"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">The options.</param>
 /// <param name="optionStyles">The option styles.</param>
 /// <param name="parser">The parser.</param>
 internal UsageInfo(SCG.IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IOption>> options, OptionStyles optionStyles, CommandLineParser parser)
     mParser = parser;
     foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IOption> entry in options)
         Option option = entry.Value as Option;
         if (option != null)
             if (option.Group != null)
                 if (!mGroups.Contains(option.Group.Id))
                     mGroups.Add(option.Group.Id, new OptionGroupInfo(this, option.Group, optionStyles));
                 mOptions.Add(option.Name, new OptionInfo(this, option, optionStyles));
Example #12
 public GameState(ManagableMap map, SCG.IReadOnlyList<MobileInstance> mobiles, EventManager eventManager)
     Map = map;
      Mobiles = mobiles;
      EventManager = eventManager;
Example #13
 internal void MakeTargetLabel(SCG.List<CILLabel> labs)
     uint targetOffset = (uint)(offset + size + target);
       dest = CILInstructions.GetLabel(labs, targetOffset);
Example #14
        // Given a sequence of strings, return only the first member of each
        // anagram class.

        public static SCG.IEnumerable<String> FirstAnagramOnly(SCG.IEnumerable<String> ss)
            SCG.IEqualityComparer<TreeBag<char>> tbh
              = UnsequencedCollectionEqualityComparer<TreeBag<char>, char>.Default;
            HashSet<TreeBag<char>> anagrams = new HashSet<TreeBag<char>>(tbh);
            foreach (String s in ss)
                TreeBag<char> anagram = AnagramClass(s);
                if (!anagrams.Contains(anagram))
                    yield return s;
Example #15
 internal static CILLabel GetLabel(SCG.List<CILLabel> labs, uint targetOffset)
     CILLabel lab;
       int i = 0;
       while ((i < labs.Count) && (((CILLabel)labs[i]).offset < targetOffset)) i++;
       if (i < labs.Count) {
     if (((CILLabel)labs[i]).offset == targetOffset) // existing label
       lab = (CILLabel)labs[i];
     else {
       lab = new CILLabel(targetOffset);
       labs.Insert(i, lab);
       else {
     lab = new CILLabel(targetOffset);
       return lab;
Example #16
 internal void MakeTargetLabels(SCG.List<CILLabel> labs)
     cases = new CILLabel[numCases];
       for (int i = 0; i < numCases; i++) {
     cases[i] = CILInstructions.GetLabel(labs, (uint)(offset + size + targets[i]));
Example #17
    private static bool IsInsideToken(SCG.Dictionary<ParseRecord, bool> memoization, CompositeGrammar compositeGrammar, ParseRecord record)
      bool res;
      if (memoization.TryGetValue(record, out res))
        return res;

      if (record.Sequence.ParsingSequence.SequenceInfo is SequenceInfo.Ast)
        var parser = record.Sequence.ParsingSequence.SequenceInfo.Parser;
        res = compositeGrammar.Tokens.ContainsKey(parser) || compositeGrammar.VoidTokens.ContainsKey(parser);
        memoization[record] = res;
          return res;

      foreach (var caller in record.Sequence.Callers)
        res = IsInsideToken(memoization, compositeGrammar, caller);
        if (res)
          memoization[record] = true;
          return true;

      memoization[record] = false;
      return false;
Example #18
        private void RandomChitLayout(SCG.IEnumerable<Tile> tiles, SCG.IEnumerable<ProductionChit> chits)
            foreach (var t in AllTiles) t.Chits.Clear();

            IList<ProductionChit> chitRandom = new ArrayList<ProductionChit>();
            chitRandom.AddAll(from chit in chits orderby RNG.Next() select chit);
            foreach (Tile h in (from t in tiles where t.HexTile != null && t.HexTile.IsLand && t.HexTile.TileType != Core.TileType.Desert select t))
Example #19
 private void RandomBoardLayout(SCG.IEnumerable<Tile> tiles, SCG.IEnumerable<HexTile> hexes, int x, int y, int maxd)
     RandomBoardLayout(tiles, hexes, x, y, x, y, maxd, maxd);
 public UserCode(SCG.IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ISubsystem> subsystems, SCG.IReadOnlyList<ICommand> commands)
     this.subsystems = subsystems;
     this.commands = commands;
        public static void ClearAllScripts(SCG.IEnumerable<TransactionInput> tis)
            ContractsCommon.NotNull(tis, "tis");
            Contract.Requires(Contract.ForAll(tis, ti => ti != null));
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.ForAll(tis, ti => ti.Script.Atoms.IsEmpty));

            foreach (var ti in tis)
Example #22
    // Given a sequence of strings, return only the first member of each
    // anagram class.

    public static SCG.IEnumerable<String> FirstAnagramOnly(SCG.IEnumerable<String> ss)
      HashSet<HashBag<char>> anagrams = new HashSet<HashBag<char>>();
      foreach (String s in ss) {
        HashBag<char> anagram = AnagramClass(s);
        if (!anagrams.Contains(anagram)) {
          yield return s;
   public static IRobot Create(
    IterativeRobotConfiguration configuration,
    SCG.IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ISubsystem> subsystems,
    SCG.IReadOnlyList<ICommand> commands,
    IDebugRenderContext debugRenderContext
       var userCode = new UserCode(subsystems, commands);
        return new SubsystemCommandBasedIterativeRobot(configuration, userCode, debugRenderContext);