Example #1
        void StartSortie(ApiInfo rpInfo)
            r_ReturnReason = null;

            var rSortie = SortieInfo.Current;
            var rMap    = rSortie.Map;

            using (var rCommand = Connection.CreateCommand())
                rCommand.CommandText =
                    "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sortie_map(id, is_event_map) VALUES(@map_id, @is_event_map);" +
                    "INSERT INTO sortie(id, map, difficulty, map_hp) VALUES(@sortie_id, @map_id, @difficulty, @map_hp);";
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map_id", rMap.ID);
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sortie_id", rSortie.ID);
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@is_event_map", rMap.IsEventMap);
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@difficulty", rMap.Difficulty);
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map_hp", rMap.HasGauge ? rMap.HP.Current : (int?)null);

                if (rMap.HasGauge)
                    rCommand.CommandText += "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sortie_map_hp(id, difficulty, hp) VALUES(@map_id, coalesce(@difficulty, 0), @map_max_hp);";

                    rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map_max_hp", rMap.HP.Maximum);


Example #2
        void InsertExplorationRecord(SortieInfo rpSortie)
            var rNode = rpSortie.Node;

            if (rNode.IsDeadEnd)
                r_ReturnReason = ReturnReason.DeadEnd;

            var rCommand = Connection.CreateCommand();

            rCommand.CommandText =
                "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sortie_node(map, id, type, subtype) VALUES(@map, @node_id, @type, @subtype);" +
                "INSERT INTO sortie_detail(id, step, node, extra_info) VALUES(@id, (SELECT ifnull(max(step), 0) + 1 FROM sortie_detail WHERE id = @id), @node_id, @extra_info);";
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map", rpSortie.Map.ID);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@node_id", rNode.ID);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@type", (int)rNode.EventType);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subtype", rNode.EventSubType);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", rpSortie.ID);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@extra_info", (rNode.Event as IExtraInfo)?.GetExtraInfo());

            if (!rpSortie.Map.IsCleared && rNode.EventType == SortieEventType.EscortSuccess)
                var rHP = rpSortie.Map.HP.Current;

                rCommand.CommandText += "UPDATE sortie SET map_hp = @map_hp WHERE id = @id;";
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map_hp", rHP > 0 ? (int?)rHP : null);

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MerchantReturnRequest" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="merchantOrderNo">The unique order reference used by the Merchant (sku). (required).</param>
 /// <param name="merchantReturnNo">The unique return reference used by the Merchant (sku). (required).</param>
 /// <param name="lines">lines (required).</param>
 /// <param name="id">The unique return reference used by ChannelEngine..</param>
 /// <param name="reason">reason.</param>
 /// <param name="customerComment">Optional. Comment of customer on the (reason of) the return..</param>
 /// <param name="merchantComment">Optional. Comment of merchant on the return..</param>
 /// <param name="refundInclVat">Refund amount incl. VAT..</param>
 /// <param name="refundExclVat">Refund amount excl. VAT..</param>
 /// <param name="returnDate">The date at which the return was originally created in the source system (if available)..</param>
 public MerchantReturnRequest(string merchantOrderNo = default(string), string merchantReturnNo = default(string), List <MerchantReturnLineRequest> lines = default(List <MerchantReturnLineRequest>), int id = default(int), ReturnReason?reason = default(ReturnReason?), string customerComment = default(string), string merchantComment = default(string), decimal refundInclVat = default(decimal), decimal refundExclVat = default(decimal), DateTime?returnDate = default(DateTime?))
     // to ensure "merchantOrderNo" is required (not null)
     if (merchantOrderNo == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("merchantOrderNo is a required property for MerchantReturnRequest and cannot be null");
     this.MerchantOrderNo = merchantOrderNo;
     // to ensure "merchantReturnNo" is required (not null)
     if (merchantReturnNo == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("merchantReturnNo is a required property for MerchantReturnRequest and cannot be null");
     this.MerchantReturnNo = merchantReturnNo;
     // to ensure "lines" is required (not null)
     if (lines == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("lines is a required property for MerchantReturnRequest and cannot be null");
     this.Lines           = lines;
     this.Id              = id;
     this.Reason          = reason;
     this.CustomerComment = customerComment;
     this.MerchantComment = merchantComment;
     this.RefundInclVat   = refundInclVat;
     this.RefundExclVat   = refundExclVat;
     this.ReturnDate      = returnDate;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MerchantSingleOrderReturnResponse" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="merchantOrderNo">The unique order reference used by the Merchant..</param>
 /// <param name="lines">lines.</param>
 /// <param name="createdAt">The date at which the return was created in ChannelEngine..</param>
 /// <param name="updatedAt">The date at which the return was last modified in ChannelEngine..</param>
 /// <param name="merchantReturnNo">The unique return reference used by the Merchant, will be empty in case of a channel or unacknowledged return..</param>
 /// <param name="channelReturnNo">The unique return reference used by the Channel, will be empty in case of a merchant return..</param>
 /// <param name="channelId">The id of the channel..</param>
 /// <param name="globalChannelId">The id of the Global Channel..</param>
 /// <param name="globalChannelName">The name of the Global Channel..</param>
 /// <param name="status">status.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The unique return reference used by ChannelEngine..</param>
 /// <param name="reason">reason.</param>
 /// <param name="customerComment">Optional. Comment of customer on the (reason of) the return..</param>
 /// <param name="merchantComment">Optional. Comment of merchant on the return..</param>
 /// <param name="refundInclVat">Refund amount incl. VAT..</param>
 /// <param name="refundExclVat">Refund amount excl. VAT..</param>
 /// <param name="returnDate">The date at which the return was originally created in the source system (if available)..</param>
 public MerchantSingleOrderReturnResponse(string merchantOrderNo = default(string), List <MerchantSingleOrderReturnLineResponse> lines = default(List <MerchantSingleOrderReturnLineResponse>), DateTime createdAt = default(DateTime), DateTime updatedAt = default(DateTime), string merchantReturnNo = default(string), string channelReturnNo = default(string), int?channelId = default(int?), int?globalChannelId = default(int?), string globalChannelName = default(string), ReturnStatus?status = default(ReturnStatus?), int id = default(int), ReturnReason?reason = default(ReturnReason?), string customerComment = default(string), string merchantComment = default(string), decimal refundInclVat = default(decimal), decimal refundExclVat = default(decimal), DateTime?returnDate = default(DateTime?))
     this.MerchantOrderNo   = merchantOrderNo;
     this.Lines             = lines;
     this.CreatedAt         = createdAt;
     this.UpdatedAt         = updatedAt;
     this.MerchantReturnNo  = merchantReturnNo;
     this.ChannelReturnNo   = channelReturnNo;
     this.ChannelId         = channelId;
     this.GlobalChannelId   = globalChannelId;
     this.GlobalChannelName = globalChannelName;
     this.Status            = status;
     this.Id              = id;
     this.Reason          = reason;
     this.CustomerComment = customerComment;
     this.MerchantComment = merchantComment;
     this.RefundInclVat   = refundInclVat;
     this.RefundExclVat   = refundExclVat;
     this.ReturnDate      = returnDate;
Example #5
        void OnReturnedFromSortie(SortieInfo rpSortie)
            if (!r_ReturnReason.HasValue)
                IEnumerable <Ship> rShips = rpSortie.Fleet.Ships;
                if (rpSortie.EscortFleet != null)
                    rShips = rShips.Concat(rpSortie.EscortFleet.Ships);

                r_ReturnReason = rShips.Any(rpShip => (rpShip.State & ShipState.HeavilyDamaged) != 0) ? ReturnReason.RetreatWithHeavilyDamagedShip : ReturnReason.Retreat;

            using (var rTransaction = Connection.BeginTransaction())

        void OnReturnedFromSortie(SortieInfo rpSortie)
            if (!r_ReturnReason.HasValue)
                IEnumerable<Ship> rShips = rpSortie.Fleet.Ships;
                if (rpSortie.EscortFleet != null)
                    rShips = rShips.Concat(rpSortie.EscortFleet.Ships);

                r_ReturnReason = rShips.Any(rpShip => (rpShip.State & ShipState.HeavilyDamaged) != 0) ? ReturnReason.RetreatWithHeavilyDamagedShip : ReturnReason.Retreat;

            using (var rTransaction = Connection.BeginTransaction())

        void InsertExplorationRecord(SortieInfo rpSortie)
            var rNode = rpSortie.Node;
            if (rNode.IsDeadEnd)
                r_ReturnReason = ReturnReason.DeadEnd;

            var rCommand = Connection.CreateCommand();

            rCommand.CommandText =
                "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sortie_node(map, id, type, subtype) VALUES(@map, @node_id, @type, @subtype);" +
                "INSERT INTO sortie_detail(id, step, node, extra_info) VALUES(@id, (SELECT ifnull(max(step), 0) + 1 FROM sortie_detail WHERE id = @id), @node_id, @extra_info);";
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map", rpSortie.Map.ID);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@node_id", rNode.ID);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@type", (int)rNode.EventType);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subtype", rNode.EventSubType);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", rpSortie.ID);
            rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@extra_info", (rNode.Event as IExtraInfo)?.GetExtraInfo());

            if (!rpSortie.Map.IsCleared && rNode.EventType == SortieEventType.EscortSuccess)
                var rHP = rpSortie.Map.HP.Current;

                rCommand.CommandText += "UPDATE sortie SET map_hp = @map_hp WHERE id = @id;";
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map_hp", rHP > 0 ? (int?)rHP : null);

        void StartSortie(ApiInfo rpInfo)
            r_ReturnReason = null;

            var rSortie = SortieInfo.Current;
            var rMap = rSortie.Map;

            using (var rCommand = Connection.CreateCommand())
                rCommand.CommandText =
                    "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sortie_map(id, is_event_map) VALUES(@map_id, @is_event_map);" +
                    "INSERT INTO sortie(id, map, difficulty, map_hp) VALUES(@sortie_id, @map_id, @difficulty, @map_hp);";
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map_id", rMap.ID);
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sortie_id", rSortie.ID);
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@is_event_map", rMap.IsEventMap);
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@difficulty", rMap.Difficulty);
                rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map_hp", rMap.HasGauge ? rMap.HP.Current : (int?)null);

                if (rMap.HasGauge)
                    rCommand.CommandText += "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sortie_map_hp(id, difficulty, hp) VALUES(@map_id, coalesce(@difficulty, 0), @map_max_hp);";

                    rCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@map_max_hp", rMap.HP.Maximum);

