Example #1
 public void Reposition(RemoteFortressReader.BlockList input)
     int diff_x = input.map_x - map_coords.x;
     int diff_y = input.map_y - map_coords.y;
     coordinates.x += (diff_x * 3);
     coordinates.y += (diff_y * 3);
     map_coords.x = input.map_x;
     map_coords.y = input.map_y;
Example #2
 public float GetLongitudeFromWorld(RemoteFortressReader.WorldMap world)
     float tude = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, world.world_height, world.center_y);
     switch (world.world_poles)
         case RemoteFortressReader.WorldPoles.NO_POLES:
             return 0;
         case RemoteFortressReader.WorldPoles.NORTH_POLE:
             tude = (1-tude) * 90;
         case RemoteFortressReader.WorldPoles.SOUTH_POLE:
             tude = tude * 90;
         case RemoteFortressReader.WorldPoles.BOTH_POLES:
             tude = ((tude * 2) - 1) * -180;
             return 0;
     return tude;
    public void StoreTiles(RemoteFortressReader.MapBlock block)
        bool setTiles = block.tiles.Count > 0;
        bool setLiquids = block.water.Count > 0 || block.magma.Count > 0;
        if (!setTiles && !setLiquids) return;

        for (int xx = 0; xx < 16; xx++)
            for (int yy = 0; yy < 16; yy++)
                DFCoord worldCoord = new DFCoord(block.map_x + xx, block.map_y + yy, block.map_z);
                DFCoord localCoord = WorldToLocalSpace(worldCoord);
                int netIndex = xx + (yy * 16);
                tilesPresent[PresentIndex(localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z)] = true;
                if (setTiles) {
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].tileType = block.tiles[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].material = block.materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].base_material = block.base_materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].layer_material = block.layer_materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].vein_material = block.vein_materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].construction_item = block.construction_items[netIndex];
                if (setLiquids) {
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].waterLevel = block.water[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].magmaLevel = block.magma[netIndex];
Example #4
    public void StoreTiles(RemoteFortressReader.MapBlock block, out bool setTiles, out bool setLiquids, out bool setSpatters)
        setTiles = block.tiles.Count > 0;
        setLiquids = block.water.Count > 0 || block.magma.Count > 0;
        setSpatters = block.spatterPile.Count > 0;
        if (!setTiles && !setLiquids) return;

        for (int xx = 0; xx < 16; xx++)
            for (int yy = 0; yy < 16; yy++)
                DFCoord worldCoord = new DFCoord(block.map_x + xx, block.map_y + yy, block.map_z);
                if (!InSliceBounds(worldCoord))
                    Debug.LogError(worldCoord + " is out of bounds for " + MapSize);
                int netIndex = xx + (yy * 16);
                if (this[worldCoord] == null)
                    this[worldCoord] = new Tile(this, worldCoord);
                if (block.tiles.Count > 0)
                    this[worldCoord].tileType = block.tiles[netIndex];
                    this[worldCoord].material = block.materials[netIndex];
                    this[worldCoord].base_material = block.base_materials[netIndex];
                    this[worldCoord].layer_material = block.layer_materials[netIndex];
                    this[worldCoord].vein_material = block.vein_materials[netIndex];
                    if (block.construction_items != null && block.construction_items.Count > netIndex)
                        this[worldCoord].construction_item = block.construction_items[netIndex];
                        this[worldCoord].construction_item = new MatPairStruct(-1, -1);
                    if (block.tree_percent != null && block.tree_percent.Count > netIndex)
                        this[worldCoord].trunkPercent = (byte)block.tree_percent[netIndex];
                        this[worldCoord].positionOnTree = new DFCoord(block.tree_x[netIndex], block.tree_y[netIndex], block.tree_z[netIndex]);
                        this[worldCoord].trunkPercent = 0;
                        this[worldCoord].positionOnTree = new DFCoord(0,0,0);
                if (setLiquids)
                    this[worldCoord].waterLevel = block.water[netIndex];
                    this[worldCoord].magmaLevel = block.magma[netIndex];
                    if (this[worldCoord].Hidden != block.hidden[netIndex])
                        this[worldCoord].Hidden  = block.hidden[netIndex];
                        setTiles = true;
                    if (block.tile_dig_designation != null && block.tile_dig_designation.Count > netIndex)
                        if (this[worldCoord].digDesignation != block.tile_dig_designation[netIndex])
                            this[worldCoord].digDesignation = block.tile_dig_designation[netIndex];
                            setTiles = true;
                    this[worldCoord].spatters = block.spatterPile[netIndex].spatters;
        foreach (var building in block.buildings)
            if (building.building_type.building_type == 30)
                continue; // We won't do civzones right now.
            for (int xx = building.pos_x_min; xx <= building.pos_x_max; xx++)
                for (int yy = building.pos_y_min; yy <= building.pos_y_max; yy++)

                    if((building.building_type.building_type == 29)
                        && building.room != null && building.room.extents.Count > 0)
                        int buildingLocalX = xx - building.room.pos_x;
                        int buildingLocalY = yy - building.room.pos_y;

                        if (building.room.extents[buildingLocalY * building.room.width + buildingLocalX] == 0)

                    DFCoord worldCoord = new DFCoord(xx,yy, block.map_z);
                    DFCoord2d buildingLocalCoord = GetRotatedLocalCoord(worldCoord, building);// = new DFCoord2d(xx - building.pos_x_min, yy - building.pos_y_min);
                    if (!InSliceBounds(worldCoord))
                        Debug.LogError(worldCoord + " is out of bounds for " + MapSize);
                    if (this[worldCoord] == null)
                        this[worldCoord] = new Tile(this, worldCoord);
                    this[worldCoord].buildingType = building.building_type;
                    this[worldCoord].buildingMaterial = building.material;
                    this[worldCoord].buildingLocalPos = buildingLocalCoord;
                    this[worldCoord].buildingDirection = building.direction;
Example #5
 public void SetAllTiles(RemoteFortressReader.MapBlock DFBlock, RemoteFortressReader.BlockList blockList, RemoteFortressReader.TiletypeList tiletypeList)
     if (DFBlock.tiles.Count != terrain.Length)
         Debug.LogError("Map Block has " + DFBlock.tiles.Count + " tiles, should be " + terrain.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < DFBlock.tiles.Count; i++)
         terrain[i] = tiletypeList.tiletype_list[DFBlock.tiles[i]].shape;
         colors[i] = Color.white;
     coordinates.x = DFBlock.map_x;
     coordinates.y = DFBlock.map_y;
     coordinates.z = DFBlock.map_z;
     map_coords.x = blockList.map_x;
     map_coords.y = blockList.map_y;
Example #6
    public void StoreTiles(RemoteFortressReader.MapBlock block, out bool setTiles, out bool setLiquids) {
        setTiles = block.tiles.Count > 0;
        setLiquids = block.water.Count > 0 || block.magma.Count > 0;
        if (!setTiles && !setLiquids) return;

        for (int xx = 0; xx < 16; xx++)
            for (int yy = 0; yy < 16; yy++)
                DFCoord worldCoord = new DFCoord(block.map_x + xx, block.map_y + yy, block.map_z);
                DFCoord localCoord = WorldToLocalSpace(worldCoord);
                if (!InSliceBoundsLocal(localCoord))
                    Debug.LogError(worldCoord + " is out of bounds for " + MapSize);
                int netIndex = xx + (yy * 16);
                if (tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z] == null)
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z] = new Tile(this, localCoord);
                if (block.tiles.Count > 0)
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].tileType = block.tiles[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].material = block.materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].base_material = block.base_materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].layer_material = block.layer_materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].vein_material = block.vein_materials[netIndex];
                    if (block.construction_items != null && block.construction_items.Count > netIndex)
                        tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].construction_item = block.construction_items[netIndex];
                        tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].construction_item = new MatPairStruct(-1, -1);
                if (setLiquids)
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].waterLevel = block.water[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].magmaLevel = block.magma[netIndex];
                    if (tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].hidden != block.hidden[netIndex])
                        tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].hidden = false;// = block.hidden[netIndex]; //feature held off untill later.
                        //setTiles = true;
        foreach (var building in block.buildings)
            if (building.building_type.building_type == 30)
                continue; // We won't do civzones right now.
            for (int xx = building.pos_x_min; xx <= building.pos_x_max; xx++)
                for (int yy = building.pos_y_min; yy <= building.pos_y_max; yy++)

                    if((building.building_type.building_type == 29)
                        && building.room != null && building.room.extents.Count > 0)
                        int buildingLocalX = xx - building.room.pos_x;
                        int buildingLocalY = yy - building.room.pos_y;

                        if (building.room.extents[buildingLocalY * building.room.width + buildingLocalX] == 0)

                    DFCoord worldCoord = new DFCoord(xx,yy, block.map_z);
                    DFCoord localCoord = WorldToLocalSpace(worldCoord);
                    DFCoord2d buildingLocalCoord = GetRotatedLocalCoord(worldCoord, building);// = new DFCoord2d(xx - building.pos_x_min, yy - building.pos_y_min);
                    if (!InSliceBoundsLocal(localCoord))
                        Debug.LogError(worldCoord + " is out of bounds for " + MapSize);
                    if (tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z] == null)
                        tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z] = new Tile(this, localCoord);
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].buildingType = building.building_type;
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].buildingMaterial = building.material;
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].buildingLocalPos = buildingLocalCoord;
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].buildingDirection = building.direction;
Example #7
 public RegionTile(RemoteFortressReader.RegionTile tile)
     elevation = tile.elevation;
     water_elevation = tile.water_elevation;
     rainfall = tile.rainfall;
     vegetation = tile.vegetation;
     temperature = tile.temperature;
     evilness = tile.evilness;
     drainage = tile.drainage;
     volcanism = tile.volcanism;
     savagery = tile.savagery;
     salinity = tile.salinity;
     rivers = tile.river_tiles;
     surfaceMaterial = tile.surface_material;
     plantMaterials = new List<MatPairStruct>();
     foreach (var item in tile.plant_materials)
     buildings = tile.buildings;
     stoneMaterials = new List<MatPairStruct>();
     foreach (var item in tile.stone_materials)
     treeMaterials = new List<MatPairStruct>();
     foreach (var item in tile.tree_materials)
     snow = tile.snow;
Example #8
 void addSeasonalUpdates(RemoteFortressReader.MapBlock block, int mapBlockX, int mapBlockY, int mapBlockZ)
     if (DFConnection.Instance.NetPlantRawList == null)
     mapBlockX /= blockSize;
     mapBlockY /= blockSize;
     if (blockUpdateSchedules[mapBlockX, mapBlockY, mapBlockZ] != null)
         blockUpdateSchedules[mapBlockX, mapBlockY, mapBlockZ].Clear();
     foreach (var material in block.materials)
         if (material.mat_type != 419
                 || material.mat_index < 0
                 || DFConnection.Instance.NetPlantRawList.plant_raws.Count <= material.mat_index
                 || DFConnection.Instance.NetPlantRawList.plant_raws[material.mat_index].growths.Count == 0)
         PlantRaw plantRaw = DFConnection.Instance.NetPlantRawList.plant_raws[material.mat_index];
         if (blockUpdateSchedules[mapBlockX, mapBlockY, mapBlockZ] == null)
             blockUpdateSchedules[mapBlockX, mapBlockY, mapBlockZ] = new UpdateSchedule();
         var schedule = blockUpdateSchedules[mapBlockX, mapBlockY, mapBlockZ];
         foreach (TreeGrowth growth in plantRaw.growths)
             foreach (GrowthPrint print in growth.prints)
Example #9
    public void StoreTiles(RemoteFortressReader.MapBlock block)
        bool setTiles = block.tiles.Count > 0;
        bool setLiquids = block.water.Count > 0 || block.magma.Count > 0;
        if (!setTiles && !setLiquids) return;

        for (int xx = 0; xx < 16; xx++)
            for (int yy = 0; yy < 16; yy++)
                DFCoord worldCoord = new DFCoord(block.map_x + xx, block.map_y + yy, block.map_z);
                DFCoord localCoord = WorldToLocalSpace(worldCoord);
                if (!InSliceBoundsLocal(localCoord))
                    Debug.LogError(worldCoord + " is out of bounds for " + MapSize);
                int netIndex = xx + (yy * 16);
                tilesPresent[PresentIndex(localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z)] = true;
                if (setTiles) {
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].tileType = block.tiles[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].material = block.materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].base_material = block.base_materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].layer_material = block.layer_materials[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].vein_material = block.vein_materials[netIndex];
                    if (block.construction_items != null && block.construction_items.Count > netIndex)
                        tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].construction_item = block.construction_items[netIndex];
                        tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].construction_item = new MatPairStruct(-1, -1);
                if (setLiquids) {
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].waterLevel = block.water[netIndex];
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].magmaLevel = block.magma[netIndex];
        foreach (var building in block.buildings)
            for (int xx = building.pos_x_min; xx <= building.pos_x_max; xx++)
                for (int yy = building.pos_y_min; yy <= building.pos_y_max; yy++)

                    if((building.building_type.building_type == 29 || building.building_type.building_type == 29)
                        && building.room != null && building.room.extents.Count > 0)
                        int buildingLocalX = xx - building.room.pos_x;
                        int buildingLocalY = yy - building.room.pos_y;

                        if (building.room.extents[buildingLocalY * building.room.width + buildingLocalX] == 0)

                    DFCoord worldCoord = new DFCoord(xx,yy, block.map_z);
                    DFCoord localCoord = WorldToLocalSpace(worldCoord);
                    DFCoord2d buildingLocalCoord = new DFCoord2d(xx - building.pos_x_min, yy - building.pos_y_min);
                    if (!InSliceBoundsLocal(localCoord))
                        Debug.LogError(worldCoord + " is out of bounds for " + MapSize);
                    tilesPresent[PresentIndex(localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z)] = true;
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].buildingType = building.building_type;
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].buildingMaterial = building.material;
                    tiles[localCoord.x, localCoord.y, localCoord.z].buildingLocalPos = buildingLocalCoord;