Example #1
        public void Awake()
            SpectrumData                 = new float[SpectrumSize];
            PostScaledSpectrumData       = new float[SpectrumSize];
            PostScaledMinMaxSpectrumData = new float[SpectrumSize];

            // Used for post scaling
            float postScaleStep = 1.0f / SpectrumSize;

            // Setup loopback audio and start listening
            _realtimeAudio = new RealtimeAudio(SpectrumSize, ScalingStrategy, (spectrumData) =>
                // Raw
                SpectrumData = spectrumData;

                float postScaledMax        = 0.0f;
                float postScaleAverage     = 0.0f;
                float totalPostScaledValue = 0.0f;

                bool isIdle = true;

                // Pass 1: Scaled. Scales progressively as moving up the spectrum
                for (int i = 0; i < SpectrumSize; i++)
                    float postScaleValue      = PostScaleCurve.Evaluate(postScaleStep * i) * SpectrumData[i] * PostScaleMultiplier;
                    PostScaledSpectrumData[i] = Mathf.Clamp(postScaleValue, 0, RealtimeAudio.MaxAudioValue);

                    if (PostScaledSpectrumData[i] > postScaledMax)
                        postScaledMax = PostScaledSpectrumData[i];

                    totalPostScaledValue += PostScaledSpectrumData[i];

                    if (spectrumData[i] > 0)
                        isIdle = false;

                PostScaledMax = postScaledMax;

                // Calculate "energy" using the post scale average
                postScaleAverage = totalPostScaledValue / SpectrumSize;

                // We only want to track EnergyAverageCount averages.
                // With a value of 1000, this will happen every couple seconds
                if (_postScaleAverages.Count == EnergyAverageCount)

                // Average the averages to get the energy.
                PostScaledEnergy = _postScaleAverages.Average();

                // Pass 2: MinMax spectrum. Here we use the average.
                // If a given band falls below the average, reduce it 50%
                // otherwise boost it 50%
                for (int i = 0; i < SpectrumSize; i++)
                    float minMaxed = PostScaledSpectrumData[i];

                    if (minMaxed <= postScaleAverage * ThresholdToMin)
                        minMaxed *= MinAmount;
                    else if (minMaxed >= postScaleAverage * ThresholdToMax)
                        minMaxed *= MaxAmount;

                    PostScaledMinMaxSpectrumData[i] = minMaxed;

                IsIdle = isIdle;