Example #1
        public IAsyncResult BeginSendStrokeRemove(Stroke stroke, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            if (disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("RTDocumentHelper has been disposed");

            RTStrokeRemove rtStrokeRemove = new RTStrokeRemove(DateTime.UtcNow, rtDocumentIdentifier, CurrentPageIdentifier, stroke, null);

            return(capability.BeginSendObject(rtStrokeRemove, callback, state));
Example #2
        public void SendStrokeRemove(Stroke stroke)
            if (disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("RTDocumentHelper has been disposed");

            RTStrokeRemove rtStrokeRemove = new RTStrokeRemove(DateTime.UtcNow, rtDocumentIdentifier, CurrentPageIdentifier, stroke, null);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the reception of an RTStrokeRemove object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rtStrokeRemove">Stroke to remove</param>
        private void RTStrokeRemoveReceived(RTStrokeRemove rtStrokeRemove)
            // Remove the stroke ID from the arraylist of strokes for that page

            // Get the remove id & call delete on it
            StringBuilder importData = new StringBuilder(2000);
            XmlTextWriter xml        = CreateInitdXml(importData);

            xml.WriteAttributeString("pagePath", crntONFile);
            xml.WriteAttributeString("pageGuid", rtStrokeRemove.PageIdentifier.ToString("B"));

            xml.WriteAttributeString("guid", rtStrokeRemove.StrokeIdentifier.ToString("B"));
            xml.WriteElementString("Delete", String.Empty);


            string finalData = importData.ToString();

        public IAsyncResult BeginSendStrokeRemove( Stroke stroke, AsyncCallback callback, object state )
            if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(Strings.RTDocumentHelperHasBeenDisposed);

            RTStrokeRemove rtStrokeRemove = new RTStrokeRemove ( DateTime.UtcNow, rtDocumentIdentifier, CurrentPageIdentifier, stroke, null );
            return capability.BeginSendObject ( rtStrokeRemove, callback, state );
        public void SendStrokeRemove( Stroke stroke )
            if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(Strings.RTDocumentHelperHasBeenDisposed);

            RTStrokeRemove rtStrokeRemove = new RTStrokeRemove( DateTime.UtcNow, rtDocumentIdentifier, CurrentPageIdentifier, stroke, null );
            capability.SendObject ( rtStrokeRemove );
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle frames from a native RTDocument generator such as the CXP presentation tool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rtobj"></param>
        private void acceptRTDocFrame(object rtobj)
            ///Notes about RTDocuments:
            /// RTDocuments have Resources and Organizations.  Resources contain Pages/Images etc while Organizations
            /// contain the TOC/titles, etc. The TOC Nodes contain references to the resources and resource IDs.
            /// The navigation message RTNodeChanged just tells us the organization node ID, while
            /// Page and ink messages only contain the Resource ID.  RTDocument messages contain the TOC which maps pages and org nodes.
            /// PageAdds will not have an existing TocNode in the RTDocument map, but they carry their own TocNode property.
            /// For this application, we only care about having one unique page identifier.  We take the strategy of storing
            /// SlideImages under the resource Identifier, and maintaining a lookup table of Organization identifier to
            /// resource identifier.  We use this table to resolve Organization identifiers when navigation messages are received.

            if (rtobj is RTDocument)
                RTDocument rtd = (RTDocument)rtobj;
                //Keep the mapping of TocNode.Identifier to TocNode.ResourceIdentifier
                foreach (TOCNode tn in rtd.Organization.TableOfContents)
                    if (!orgToResource.ContainsKey(tn.Identifier))
                        orgToResource.Add(tn.Identifier, tn.ResourceIdentifier);
                        orgToResource[tn.Identifier] = tn.ResourceIdentifier;

                //There is an implicit navigation to the first slide here.
            else if (rtobj is Page)
                //These are slide deck pages
                //p.Identifier is a Resource Identifier.  Store the image under that Identifier.
                Page p = (Page)rtobj;
                if (!slideImages.ContainsKey(p.Identifier.ToString()))
                    slideImages.Add(p.Identifier.ToString(), new SlideImage());
                ((SlideImage)slideImages[p.Identifier.ToString()]).SetImage(p.Image, false);
            else if (rtobj is RTPageAdd)
                //These are dynamically added pages such as WB and screenshots
                RTPageAdd rtpa = (RTPageAdd)rtobj;
                //RTPageAdd comes with a TocNode.  Store the mapping of resource ID to TocNode.Identifier
                if (!orgToResource.ContainsKey(rtpa.TOCNode.Identifier))
                    orgToResource.Add(rtpa.TOCNode.Identifier, rtpa.Page.Identifier);
                    orgToResource[rtpa.TOCNode.Identifier] = rtpa.Page.Identifier;

                //Store the page Image under the resource ID.
                if (!slideImages.ContainsKey(rtpa.Page.Identifier.ToString()))
                    slideImages.Add(rtpa.Page.Identifier.ToString(), new SlideImage());
                ((SlideImage)slideImages[rtpa.Page.Identifier.ToString()]).SetImage(rtpa.Page.Image, false);
            else if (rtobj is RTNodeChanged)
                RTNodeChanged rtnc = (RTNodeChanged)rtobj;
                //Look up the resource ID and update curent page.
                if (orgToResource.ContainsKey(rtnc.OrganizationNodeIdentifier))
                    //Indicate slide missing by setting currentSlide reference to Guid.Empty
            else if (rtobj is RTStroke)
                RTStroke rts = (RTStroke)rtobj;
                //apply the ink to the given Page Identifier.  Create a new SlideImage if necessary.
                if (!slideImages.ContainsKey(rts.PageIdentifier.ToString()))
                    slideImages.Add(rts.PageIdentifier.ToString(), new SlideImage());
                Microsoft.Ink.Ink ink = rts.Stroke.Ink.Clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < ink.Strokes.Count; i++)
                    ink.Strokes[i].Scale(500f / 960f, 500f / 720f);

                ((SlideImage)slideImages[rts.PageIdentifier.ToString()]).AddInk(ink, rts.StrokeIdentifier);

                //There appears to be an implicit navigation here.
            else if (rtobj is RTStrokeRemove)
                RTStrokeRemove rtsr = (RTStrokeRemove)rtobj;
                //Use the PageIdentifer to identify the page from which to remove the stroke.
                if (slideImages.ContainsKey(rtsr.PageIdentifier.ToString()))
            else if (rtobj is RTFrame)
                RTFrame rtf = (RTFrame)rtobj;
                if (rtf.ObjectTypeIdentifier == Constants.RTDocEraseAllGuid)
                    //Erase all ink on the current slide.
                    if ((currentSlide.IsSet) && (slideImages.ContainsKey(currentSlide.GetStringHashCode())))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Unhandled RTFrame type.");
                Debug.WriteLine("Unhandled RT obj:" + rtobj.ToString());