private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll) { // check to see if it's a pickupable prop if (coll.gameObject.tag == "CanHideIn") { PropsToHideIn theThingYouCanHideIn = coll.gameObject.GetComponent<PropsToHideIn>() as PropsToHideIn; if (theThingYouCanHideIn != null) { if (!coll.gameObject.GetComponent<PropsToHideIn>().SomeoneIsHidingInHere) { currentProp = coll.gameObject; CurrentPropToHideIn = currentProp.GetComponent<PropsToHideIn>(); readyToHide = true; Vector3 pos = currentProp.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -3f); ActionButton.transform.position = pos; ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = true; } else { currentProp = null; CurrentPropToHideIn = null; readyToHide = false; return; } } } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll) { if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Thief") { if (!coll.gameObject.GetComponent<HideNSteal>().GetBeingTazed()) { currentProp = coll.gameObject; currentPropType = propTypes.thief; readyToTaze = true; //Vector3 pos = currentProp.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -3f); //ActionButton.transform.position = pos; //ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = true; thiefScript = currentProp.GetComponent<HideNSteal>(); } else { currentProp = null; //CurrentPropToPickUp = null; //readyToPickup = false; return; } } else if (coll.gameObject.tag == "CanHideIn") { if (!coll.gameObject.GetComponent<PropsToHideIn>() != null) { print("YES!!!"); currentProp = coll.gameObject; currentPropType = propTypes.hiding; CurrentPropToHideIn = coll.gameObject.GetComponent<PropsToHideIn>(); readyToSearch = true; Vector3 pos = currentProp.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -3f); ActionButton.transform.position = pos; ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = true; //thiefScript = currentProp.GetComponent<HideNSteal>(); } else { currentProp = null; //CurrentPropToPickUp = null; //readyToPickup = false; return; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (OuyaInput.GetButtonUp(OuyaButton.RB, Movement.observedPlayer)) { myRBButtonIsReady = true; } if(totalDeath > 1) { if(!showingDeathScreen) { showingDeathScreen = true; //ShowDeathScreen(); } } if(readyToTaze && currentPropType == propTypes.thief && currentProp != null) { if(Vector2.Distance(transform.position, currentProp.transform.position) < 2) { if(!tazing) { ActionButton.transform.position = currentProp.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -3f); ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = true; } if (OuyaInput.GetButtonDown(OuyaButton.RB, Movement.observedPlayer)) { //Vector3 pos = currentProp.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -3f); ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = false; tazing = true; thiefScript.GettingTazed(true); if(Network.connections.Length > 0) thiefScript.networkView.RPC("NetGettingTazed",RPCMode.AllBuffered,true); Movement.SetHiding(true); //SPILNOGETLYD!!!! //ProgressBar(true, pos); //progress.transform.position = pos; //progress.renderer.enabled = true; //progress = (GameObject)Instantiate(progressBar, pos, Quaternion.identity); } if (OuyaInput.GetButtonUp(OuyaButton.RB, Movement.observedPlayer)) { //if (progress != null) //{ //hidingCounterTime = 0; //ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = true; //ProgressBar(false); Movement.SetHiding(false); if(tazing) { tazing = false; DeathCount(); thiefScript.KillFromTaze(this); if(Network.connections.Length > 0) thiefScript.networkView.RPC("NetKillFromTaze". RPCMode.AllBuffered); currentProp = null; currentPropType = propTypes.nothing; readyToTaze = false; thiefScript = null; } //progress.GetComponent<ProgressBar>().SetProgressTime(hidingCounterTime / CurrentPropToHideIn.HidingTime); //Destroy(progress); //} } if (OuyaInput.GetButton(OuyaButton.RB, Movement.observedPlayer) && myRBButtonIsReady) { //hidingCounterTime += Time.deltaTime; //bool hideNotRide = false; //if (progress != null) //{ // if(currentPropType == propTypes.hiding) // { // SetProgressTime(hidingCounterTime / CurrentPropToHideIn.HidingTime); // hideNotRide = true; // } // else if(currentPropType == // { // SetProgressTime(ridingCounterTime / CurrentCarToRideIn.RidingTime); // hideNotRide = false; // } // // //progress.GetComponent<ProgressBar>().SetProgressTime(hidingCounterTime / CurrentPropToHideIn.HidingTime); //} } } else { ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = false; } } if(readyToSearch && currentPropType == propTypes.hiding && currentProp != null) { if(Vector2.Distance(transform.position, currentProp.transform.position) < (currentProp.transform.localScale.x+currentProp.transform.localScale.y)/2) { //if(!tazing) //{ // ActionButton.transform.position = currentProp.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -3f); // ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = true; //} if (OuyaInput.GetButtonDown(OuyaButton.RB, Movement.observedPlayer)) { Vector3 pos = currentProp.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -3f); ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = false; //tazing = true; //thiefScript.GettingTazed(true); Movement.SetHiding(true); //SPILNOGETLYD!!!! ProgressBar(true, pos); //progress.transform.position = pos; //progress.renderer.enabled = true; //progress = (GameObject)Instantiate(progressBar, pos, Quaternion.identity); } if (OuyaInput.GetButtonUp(OuyaButton.RB, Movement.observedPlayer)) { //if (progress != null) //{ searchingCounterTime = 0; ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = true; ProgressBar(false); Movement.SetHiding(false); //if(tazing) //{ // tazing = false; // thiefScript.KillFromTaze(this); // currentProp = null; // currentPropType = propTypes.nothing; // readyToTaze = false; // thiefScript = null; //} //progress.GetComponent<ProgressBar>().SetProgressTime(hidingCounterTime / CurrentPropToHideIn.HidingTime); //Destroy(progress); //} } if (OuyaInput.GetButton(OuyaButton.RB, Movement.observedPlayer) && myRBButtonIsReady) { searchingCounterTime += Time.deltaTime; //bool hideNotRide = false; if (progress != null) { if(currentPropType == propTypes.hiding) { SetProgressTime(searchingCounterTime / CurrentPropToHideIn.HidingTime); //hideNotRide = true; } //else if(currentPropType == //{ // SetProgressTime(ridingCounterTime / CurrentCarToRideIn.RidingTime); // //hideNotRide = false; //} //progress.GetComponent<ProgressBar>().SetProgressTime(hidingCounterTime / CurrentPropToHideIn.HidingTime); } if (searchingCounterTime >= CurrentPropToHideIn.HidingTime) { // has hidden in prop - her sker magien //if(hidingInCar) //{ // hidingInCar = false; // thievesInCar--; //} //hidden = false; Movement.SetHiding(false); transform.renderer.enabled = true; collider2D.enabled = true; CurrentPropToHideIn.SomeoneIsHidingInHere = false; CurrentPropToHideIn.KickOutThief(); CurrentPropToHideIn = null; currentProp = null; ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = false; searchingCounterTime = 0; myRBButtonIsReady = false; //SetPickupDisplay(true); ProgressBar(false); } } } else { ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = false; } } }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll) { // check to see if it's a pickupable prop if (coll.gameObject.tag == "CanHideIn") { PropsToHideIn theThingYouCanHideIn = coll.gameObject.GetComponent<PropsToHideIn>() as PropsToHideIn; if(theThingYouCanHideIn.isCar) { finalThiefScore += DepositCash(); } if (theThingYouCanHideIn != null) { if (!coll.gameObject.GetComponent<PropsToHideIn>().SomeoneIsHidingInHere) { SetCurrentPropAndType(coll.gameObject, propTypes.hiding); CurrentPropToHideIn = currentProp.GetComponent<PropsToHideIn>(); readyToHide = true; Vector3 pos = currentProp.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -3f); ActionButton.transform.position = pos; ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = true; } else { currentProp = null; CurrentPropToHideIn = null; readyToHide = false; return; } } } else if (coll.gameObject.tag == "CanBePickedUp") { if (coll.gameObject.GetComponent<PropsToPickUp>().CanBePickedUp) { currentProp = coll.gameObject; currentPropType = propTypes.pickup; CurrentPropToPickUp = currentProp.GetComponent<PropsToPickUp>(); readyToPickup = true; Vector3 pos = currentProp.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -3f); ActionButton.transform.position = pos; ActionButton.transform.renderer.enabled = true; } else { currentProp = null; CurrentPropToPickUp = null; readyToPickup = false; return; } } }