Example #1
        public DisplayPeople_GS(
            Lobby lobby,
            string title,
            IReadOnlyList <Person> peopleList,
            Func <Person, Color?> backgroundColor = null,
            Func <Person, string> imageIdentifier = null,
            Func <Person, string> imageTitle      = null,
            Func <Person, string> imageHeader     = null)
            : base(
                lobby: lobby,
                exit: new WaitForPartyLeader_StateExit(
                    lobby: lobby,
                    partyLeaderPromptGenerator: Prompts.PartyLeaderSkipRevealButton(),
                    waitingPromptGenerator: Prompts.DisplayText()
            if (peopleList == null || peopleList.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("PeopleList cannot be empty");


            backgroundColor ??= (person) => null;
            imageIdentifier ??= (person) => null;
            imageTitle ??= (person) => null;
            imageHeader ??= (person) => null;
            var unityImages = new List <Legacy_UnityImage>();

            foreach (Person person in peopleList)
                                    backgroundColor: backgroundColor(person),
                                    imageIdentifier: imageIdentifier(person),
                                    title: imageTitle(person),
                                    header: imageHeader(person)

            this.Legacy_UnityView = new Legacy_UnityView(this.Lobby)
                ScreenId = new StaticAccessor <TVScreenId> {
                    Value = TVScreenId.ShowDrawings
                UnityImages = new StaticAccessor <IReadOnlyList <Legacy_UnityImage> > {
                    Value = unityImages
                Title = new StaticAccessor <string> {
                    Value = title
        public WaitForLobbyCloseGameState(Lobby lobby)
            : base(
                lobby: lobby,
                exit: new WaitForTrigger_StateExit(Prompts.DisplayText(Prompts.Text.WaitingForGameToStart))
            Arg.NotNull(lobby, nameof(lobby));


            // I have created a monstrosity.
            this.Legacy_UnityView = new Legacy_UnityView(this.Lobby)
                ScreenId = new StaticAccessor <TVScreenId> {
                    Value = TVScreenId.WaitForLobbyToStart
                Title = new StaticAccessor <string> {
                    Value = Invariant($"Lobby code: {lobby.LobbyId}")
                Instructions = new StaticAccessor <string> {
                    Value = "Players joined so far:"
                UnityImages = new DynamicAccessor <IReadOnlyList <Legacy_UnityImage> >
                    DynamicBacker = () => this.Lobby.GetAllUsers().OrderBy((User user) => user.LobbyJoinTime).Select(usr =>
                                                                                                                     new Legacy_UnityImage(usr.Id)
                        Title = new StaticAccessor <string> {
                            Value = usr.DisplayName
                        Base64Pngs = new StaticAccessor <IReadOnlyList <string> >
                            Value = new List <string> {
Example #3
        public Setup_GS(Lobby lobby, List <Prompt> promptsToPopulate, TimeSpan?writingTimeDuration, TimeSpan?drawingTimeDuration, int numRounds, int maxPlayersPerPrompt, int numDrawingsPerUser)
            : base(
                lobby: lobby,
                exit: new WaitForUsers_StateExit(lobby))
            this.PromptsToPopulate   = promptsToPopulate;
            this.WritingTimeDuration = writingTimeDuration;
            this.DrawingTimeDuration = drawingTimeDuration.MultipliedBy(numDrawingsPerUser); // TODO, this is incorrect in edge case where we have too many users and maxPlayersPerPrompt is exceeded.
            this.NumRounds           = numRounds;
            this.MaxPlayersPerPrompt = maxPlayersPerPrompt;
            this.NumDrawingsPerUser  = numDrawingsPerUser;
            State getChallenges = GetChallengesUserState();

            getChallenges.AddExitListener(() => this.AssignPrompts());
            getChallenges.Transition(() =>
                StateExit waitForDrawings = new WaitForUsers_StateExit(
                    lobby: this.Lobby,
                    waitingPromptGenerator: (User user) =>
                    return(Prompts.DisplayText("Waiting for others to draw.")(user));
                var getDrawings = new MultiStateChain(GetDrawingsUserStateChain, exit: waitForDrawings, stateDuration: DrawingTimeDuration);

            this.Legacy_UnityView = new Legacy_UnityView(this.Lobby)
                ScreenId = new StaticAccessor <TVScreenId> {
                    Value = TVScreenId.WaitForUserInputs
                Instructions = new StaticAccessor <string> {
                    Value = "Complete all the prompts on your devices."
 public DisplayOriginal_GS(Lobby lobby, TimeSpan?displayTimeDuration, UserDrawing displayDrawing)
     : base(lobby,
            stateTimeoutDuration: displayTimeDuration,
            exit: new WaitForStateTimeoutDuration_StateExit(waitingPromptGenerator: Prompts.DisplayText(Prompts.Text.LookAtTheScreen)))
     this.Legacy_UnityView = new Legacy_UnityView(this.Lobby)
         ScreenId = new StaticAccessor <TVScreenId> {
             Value = TVScreenId.ShowDrawings
         Title = new StaticAccessor <string> {
             Value = "Memorize this drawing"
         UnityImages = new StaticAccessor <IReadOnlyList <Legacy_UnityImage> >
             Value = new List <Legacy_UnityImage>()
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new <see cref="WaitForTrigger_StateExit"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="waitingPromptGenerator">The prompt generator to use while waiting for the trigger. The outlet of this state will be overwritten</param>
 public WaitForTrigger_StateExit(Func <User, UserPrompt> waitingPromptGenerator = null) : base()
     this.WaitingState = new SimplePromptUserState(promptGenerator: waitingPromptGenerator ?? Prompts.DisplayText());
     this.WaitingState.AddPerUserEntranceListener((User user) => this.InvokeEntranceListeners(user));
Example #6
        public CreateMimics_GS(Lobby lobby, RoundTracker roundTracker, TimeSpan?drawingTimeDuration = null) : base(lobby)
            SelectivePromptUserState createMimics = new SelectivePromptUserState(
                usersToPrompt: lobby.GetAllUsers().Where((User user) => user != roundTracker.originalDrawer).ToList(),
                promptGenerator: (User user) => new UserPrompt()
                UserPromptId = UserPromptId.Mimic_RecreateDrawing,
                Title        = Constants.UIStrings.DrawingPromptTitle,
                Description  = "Recreate the drawing you just saw to the best of your abilities",
                SubPrompts   = new SubPrompt[]
                    new SubPrompt
                        Drawing = new DrawingPromptMetadata {
                            ColorList      = CommonConstants.DefaultColorPalette.ToList(),
                            GalleryOptions = null
                SubmitButton = true
                formSubmitHandler: (User user, UserFormSubmission input) =>
                UserDrawing submission = new UserDrawing
                    Drawing = input.SubForms[0].Drawing,
                    Owner   = user
                roundTracker.UsersToUserDrawings.AddOrReplace(user, submission);
                return(true, string.Empty);
                exit: new WaitForUsers_StateExit(
                    lobby: this.Lobby,
                    waitingPromptGenerator: (User user) => (user == roundTracker.originalDrawer)?Prompts.DisplayText("Others are recreating your masterpiece.  Enjoy the turmoil.")(user):Prompts.DisplayText("Waiting for others to finish mimicking.")(user)
                maxPromptDuration: drawingTimeDuration);


            this.Legacy_UnityView = new Legacy_UnityView(this.Lobby)
                ScreenId = new StaticAccessor <TVScreenId> {
                    Value = TVScreenId.WaitForUserInputs
                Instructions = new StaticAccessor <string> {
                    Value = "Recreate that drawing to the best of your abilities"