Example #1
        public decimal sumCost;           //total consume money
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); //clear cache
            Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1));      //set Session Expires

            if (Session["custid"] == null)       //tell whether login or not
                Response.Redirect("logIn.aspx"); //if session[] is killed ,then go to login.aspx

            if (!IsPostBack)//for first time to load this page
                    int custid;
                    custid    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["custid"]);
                    custcosts = ProductDB.AccountByProduct(custid);//load related booking info accroding to custid
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

                if (custcosts.Count != 0)//if returning is not null
                    var details = from cs in custcosts
                                  orderby cs.ProductName //return booking and cost details order by productname
                                  select new
                        ProductName = cs.ProductName,
                        Baseprice   = cs.PackageBasePrice.ToString("c"),
                        Admission   = cs.PackageAgencyCommission.ToString("c"),
                        Traveler    = cs.TravelerCount.ToString(),
                        TotalCost   = (cs.PackageBasePrice * cs.TravelerCount + cs.PackageAgencyCommission).ToString("c")            //
                    grvCostDetails.DataSource = details.ToList();
                    var summarys = from cs in custcosts                                                                 //sumary LINQ according to group by productname
                                   group cs by cs.ProductName into pn
                                   orderby pn.Sum(x => x.PackageBasePrice *x.TravelerCount + x.PackageAgencyCommission) //get cost for each package
                                   select new
                        Productname = pn.Key,
                        Sumcost     = pn.Sum(x => x.PackageBasePrice * x.TravelerCount + x.PackageAgencyCommission).ToString("c")

                    foreach (var ls in summarys.ToList())                            //sum up all costs
                        sumCost += decimal.Parse(ls.Sumcost, NumberStyles.Currency); // Get total cost
                    grvCostSum.DataSource = summarys.ToList();
                    txtTotal.Text = "TotalCost is " + sumCost.ToString("c");
                    // lblTotalCot.Text = "TotalCost is " + sumCost.ToString("c");
                    //set pie chart configuration
                    //  ChartSum.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
                    ChartSum.DataSource                  = summarys.ToList();        //set datasource to piechart
                    ChartSum.Series[0].XValueMember      = "Productname";            //set category name
                    ChartSum.Series[0].YValueMembers     = "Sumcost";                //set display value
                    ChartSum.Series[0].Label             = "#VALX" + "#PERCENT{P0}"; //set dispaly format
                    ChartSum.Series[0].Font              = new Font("Arial", 15, FontStyle.Bold);
                    ChartSum.Series[0]["DoughnutRadius"] = "60";
                    lblInfo.Text     = Session["Custuser"].ToString() + " has no relative booking record !";
                    ChartSum.Visible = false;
                    txtTotal.Visible = false;