Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Test liczenia etapów dla jednego etapu i jednej sekwencji (pustej).
        /// </summary>
        public void TestOne()
            ProcessStep uno = new ProcessStep("jeden");

            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, uno.GetStepCount());
            ProcessSequence nil = new ProcessSequence("nic");

            Assertion.AssertEquals(0, nil.GetStepCount());
Example #2
        public void TestOne()
            ProcessStep uno = new ProcessStep("uno");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, uno.GetStepCount());
            ProcessSequence nil = new ProcessSequence("nil");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, nil.GetStepCount());
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Zwraca ma³y przep³yw procesów pokazuj¹cy kompozyt niebêd¹cy
        /// drzewem. W tym przep³ywie A zawiera B, B zawiera C, a C zawiera A.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>ma³y przep³yw procesów pokazuj¹cy kompozyt niebêd¹cy drzewem</returns>
        public static ProcessComponent Cycle()
            ProcessSequence a = new ProcessSequence("a");
            ProcessSequence b = new ProcessSequence("b");
            ProcessSequence c = new ProcessSequence("c");

Example #4
         * a
         * |\
         * | b
         * |/
         * c
        /// <summary>
        /// Zwraca ma³y przep³yw procesów pokazuj¹cy kompozyt niebêd¹cy
        /// drzewem (ani przy okazji cyklem). W tym przep³ywie A zawiera C i B,
        /// a B zawiera C.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ProcessComponent Abc()
            ProcessSequence a = new ProcessSequence("a");
            ProcessSequence b = new ProcessSequence("b");
            ProcessStep     c = new ProcessStep("c");

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Test procesu powtarzanego raz: "umyæ, sp³ukaæ, powtórzyæ".
        /// </summary>
        public void TestShampoo()
            ProcessStep     shampoo = new ProcessStep("umyæ");
            ProcessStep     rinse   = new ProcessStep("sp³ukaæ");
            ProcessSequence once    = new ProcessSequence("powtórzyæ");

            ProcessSequence instructions =
                new ProcessSequence("instrukcje");

            Assertion.AssertEquals(2, instructions.GetStepCount());
Example #6
         *   abc
         *  /   \
         * a     bc
         *      /  \
         *     b    c
        /// <summary>
        /// Test zwyk³ego drzewka.
        /// </summary>
        public void TestTree()
            ProcessStep     a  = new ProcessStep("a");
            ProcessStep     b  = new ProcessStep("b");
            ProcessStep     c  = new ProcessStep("c");
            ProcessSequence bc = new ProcessSequence("bc");

            ProcessSequence abc = new ProcessSequence("abc");

            Assertion.AssertEquals(3, abc.GetStepCount());
Example #7
        public void TestShampoo()
            ProcessStep     shampoo = new ProcessStep("shampoo");
            ProcessStep     rinse   = new ProcessStep("rinse");
            ProcessSequence once    = new ProcessSequence("once");

            ProcessSequence instructions =
                new ProcessSequence("instructions");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, instructions.GetStepCount());
 void HandleSequences(GuiConfigDB conf)
     foreach (CommandSequence cmdseq in conf.CmdSequenceList)
         if (cmdseq.m_seqtype == CommandSequence.COMMAND_TYPE_GCODE)
             GCodeSequence gcseq = new GCodeSequence(cmdseq.m_name, cmdseq.m_seq);
         if (cmdseq.m_seqtype == CommandSequence.COMMAND_TYPE_SPAWN_PROCESS)
             ProcessSequence cast = (ProcessSequence)cmdseq;
             SequenceManager.Instance().Add(cast.Clone()); // insert a cloned copy into the sequencemanager
Example #9
        private List<LaunchCommand> GetInitializeCommands()
            List<LaunchCommand> commands = new List<LaunchCommand>();


            // If the absolute prefix so path has not been specified, then don't set it to null
            // because the debugger might already have a default.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_launchOptions.AbsolutePrefixSOLibSearchPath))
                commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set solib-absolute-prefix " + _launchOptions.AbsolutePrefixSOLibSearchPath));

            // On Windows ';' appears to correctly works as a path seperator and from the documentation, it is ':' on unix
            string pathEntrySeperator = _launchOptions.UseUnixSymbolPaths ? ":" : ";";
            string escappedSearchPath = string.Join(pathEntrySeperator, _launchOptions.GetSOLibSearchPath().Select(path => EscapePath(path, ignoreSpaces: true)));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(escappedSearchPath))
                if (_launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode == MIMode.Gdb)
                    // Do not place quotes around so paths for gdb
                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set solib-search-path " + escappedSearchPath + pathEntrySeperator, ResourceStrings.SettingSymbolSearchPath));
                    // surround so lib path with quotes in other cases
                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set solib-search-path \"" + escappedSearchPath + pathEntrySeperator + "\"", ResourceStrings.SettingSymbolSearchPath));

            if (this.MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                // Do not stop on shared library load/unload events while debugging core dump.
                // Also check _needTerminalReset because we need to work around a GDB bug and clear the terminal error message. 
                // This clear operation can't be done too early (because GDB only generate this message after start debugging) 
                // or too late (otherwise we might clear debuggee's output). 
                // The stop cause by first module load seems to be the perfect timing to clear the terminal, 
                // that's why we still need to initially turn stop-on-solib-events on then turn it off after the first stop.
                if ((_needTerminalReset || _launchOptions.WaitDynamicLibLoad) && !this.IsCoreDump)
                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set stop-on-solib-events 1"));

            if (MICommandFactory.SupportsChildProcessDebugging())
                if (_launchOptions.DebugChildProcesses)
                    _childProcessHandler = new DebugUnixChild(this, this._launchOptions);  // TODO: let the user enable/disable this functionality

            // Custom launch options replace the built in launch steps. This is used on iOS
            // and Linux attach scenarios.
            if (_launchOptions.CustomLaunchSetupCommands != null)

                LocalLaunchOptions localLaunchOptions = _launchOptions as LocalLaunchOptions;
                if (this.IsCoreDump)
                    // Add executable information

                    // Important: this must occur after file-exec-and-symbols but before anything else.

                    // Add core dump information (linux/mac does not support quotes around this path but spaces in the path do work)
                    string coreDump = _launchOptions.UseUnixSymbolPaths ? _launchOptions.CoreDumpPath : EscapePath(_launchOptions.CoreDumpPath);
                    string coreDumpCommand = _launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode == MIMode.Lldb ? String.Concat("target create --core ", coreDump) : String.Concat("-target-select core ", coreDump);
                    string coreDumpDescription = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, ResourceStrings.LoadingCoreDumpMessage, _launchOptions.CoreDumpPath);
                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand(coreDumpCommand, coreDumpDescription, ignoreFailures: false));
                else if (_launchOptions.ProcessId != 0)
                    // This is an attach

                    CheckCygwin(commands, localLaunchOptions);

                    // ClrDbg doesn't need -file-exec-and-symbols set.
                    if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Gdb)
                        if (_launchOptions is UnixShellPortLaunchOptions)
                            // This code path is probably applicable when the ExePath is not specified and can be used to determine the full executable path.
                            // For now it is limited to Linux and debugger running on remote machine.
                            Debug.Assert(_launchOptions.ExePath == null);

                            DetermineAndAddExecutablePathCommand(commands, _launchOptions as UnixShellPortLaunchOptions);

                    // Important: this must occur after file-exec-and-symbols but before anything else.

                    // check for remote
                    string destination = localLaunchOptions?.MIDebuggerServerAddress;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(destination))
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-target-select remote " + destination, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, ResourceStrings.ConnectingMessage, destination)));

                    Action<string> failureHandler = (string miError) =>
                        if (miError.Trim().StartsWith("ptrace:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, ResourceStrings.Error_PTraceFailure, _launchOptions.ProcessId, MICommandFactory.Name, miError);
                            throw new LaunchErrorException(message);
                            string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, ResourceStrings.Error_ExePathInvalid, _launchOptions.ExePath, MICommandFactory.Name, miError);
                            throw new LaunchErrorException(message);

                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-target-attach " + _launchOptions.ProcessId, ignoreFailures: false, failureHandler: failureHandler));

                    if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Lldb)
                        // LLDB finishes attach in break mode. Gdb does finishes in run mode. Issue a continue in lldb to match the gdb behavior
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-exec-continue", ignoreFailures: false));

                    return commands;
                    // The default launch is to start a new process

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_launchOptions.WorkingDirectory))
                        string escappedDir = EscapePath(_launchOptions.WorkingDirectory);
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-environment-cd " + escappedDir));

                    // TODO: The last clause for LLDB may need to be changed when we support LLDB on Linux
                    if (localLaunchOptions != null &&
                        this.MICommandFactory.UseExternalConsoleForLocalLaunch(localLaunchOptions) &&
                        (PlatformUtilities.IsWindows() || (PlatformUtilities.IsOSX() && this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Lldb)))
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set new-console on", ignoreFailures: true));

                    CheckCygwin(commands, localLaunchOptions);

                    // Send client version to clrdbg to set the capabilities appropriately
                    if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg)
                        string version = string.Empty;
                        var attribute = this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyFileVersionAttribute;

                        if (attribute != null)
                            version = attribute.Version;

                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set client-version \"" + version + "\""));
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set client-ui \"" + Host.GetHostUIIdentifier().ToString() + "\""));


                    // Important: this must occur after file-exec-and-symbols but before anything else.

                    // LLDB requires -exec-arguments after -file-exec-and-symbols has been run, or else it errors
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_launchOptions.ExeArguments))
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-exec-arguments " + _launchOptions.ExeArguments));

                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-break-insert main", ignoreFailures: true));

                    if (null != localLaunchOptions)
                        string destination = localLaunchOptions.MIDebuggerServerAddress;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(destination))
                            commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-target-select remote " + destination, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, ResourceStrings.ConnectingMessage, destination)));

                        // Environment variables are set for the debuggee only with the modes that support that
                        if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode != MIMode.Clrdbg)
                            foreach (EnvironmentEntry envEntry in localLaunchOptions.Environment)
                                commands.Add(new LaunchCommand(MICommandFactory.GetSetEnvironmentVariableCommand(envEntry.Name, envEntry.Value)));

            return commands;
Example #10
        private List<LaunchCommand> GetInitializeCommands()
            List<LaunchCommand> commands = new List<LaunchCommand>();


            // If the absolute prefix so path has not been specified, then don't set it to null
            // because the debugger might already have a default.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_launchOptions.AbsolutePrefixSOLibSearchPath))
                commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set solib-absolute-prefix " + _launchOptions.AbsolutePrefixSOLibSearchPath));

            // On Windows ';' appears to correctly works as a path seperator and from the documentation, it is ':' on unix
            string pathEntrySeperator = _launchOptions.UseUnixSymbolPaths ? ":" : ";";
            string escappedSearchPath = string.Join(pathEntrySeperator, _launchOptions.GetSOLibSearchPath().Select(path => EscapePath(path, ignoreSpaces: true)));
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(escappedSearchPath))
                if (_launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode == MIMode.Gdb)
                    // Do not place quotes around so paths for gdb
                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set solib-search-path " + escappedSearchPath + pathEntrySeperator, ResourceStrings.SettingSymbolSearchPath));

                    // surround so lib path with quotes in other cases
                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set solib-search-path \"" + escappedSearchPath + pathEntrySeperator + "\"", ResourceStrings.SettingSymbolSearchPath));

            if (this.MICommandFactory.SupportsStopOnDynamicLibLoad())
                // Do not stop on shared library load/unload events while debugging core dump.
                // Also check _needTerminalReset because we need to work around a GDB bug and clear the terminal error message. 
                // This clear operation can't be done too early (because GDB only generate this message after start debugging) 
                // or too late (otherwise we might clear debuggee's output). 
                // The stop cause by first module load seems to be the perfect timing to clear the terminal, 
                // that's why we still need to initially turn stop-on-solib-events on then turn it off after the first stop.
                if ((_needTerminalReset || _launchOptions.WaitDynamicLibLoad) && !this.IsCoreDump)
                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set stop-on-solib-events 1"));

            if (MICommandFactory.SupportsChildProcessDebugging())
                if (_launchOptions.DebugChildProcesses)
                    _childProcessHandler = new DebugUnixChild(this, this._launchOptions);  // TODO: let the user enable/disable this functionality

            // Custom launch options replace the built in launch steps. This is used on iOS
            // and Linux attach scenarios.
            if (_launchOptions.CustomLaunchSetupCommands != null)
                LocalLaunchOptions localLaunchOptions = _launchOptions as LocalLaunchOptions;
                if (this.IsCoreDump)
                    // Add executable information

                    // Add core dump information (linux/mac does not support quotes around this path but spaces in the path do work)
                    string coreDump = _launchOptions.UseUnixSymbolPaths ? _launchOptions.CoreDumpPath : EscapePath(_launchOptions.CoreDumpPath);
                    string coreDumpCommand = _launchOptions.DebuggerMIMode == MIMode.Lldb ? String.Concat("target create --core ", coreDump) : String.Concat("-target-select core ", coreDump);
                    string coreDumpDescription = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, ResourceStrings.LoadingCoreDumpMessage, _launchOptions.CoreDumpPath);
                   commands.Add(new LaunchCommand(coreDumpCommand, coreDumpDescription, ignoreFailures: false));
                else if (_launchOptions.ProcessId != 0)
                    // This is an attach

                    CheckCygwin(commands, localLaunchOptions);

                    // check for remote
                    string destination = localLaunchOptions?.MIDebuggerServerAddress;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(destination))
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-target-select remote " + destination, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, ResourceStrings.ConnectingMessage, destination)));

                    int pid = localLaunchOptions.ProcessId;
                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "-target-attach {0}", pid), ignoreFailures: false));                    

                    if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Lldb)
                        // LLDB finishes attach in break mode. Gdb does finishes in run mode. Issue a continue in lldb to match the gdb behavior
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-exec-continue", ignoreFailures: false));

                    return commands;
                    // The default launch is to start a new process
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_launchOptions.ExeArguments))
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-exec-arguments " + _launchOptions.ExeArguments));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_launchOptions.WorkingDirectory))
                        string escappedDir = EscapePath(_launchOptions.WorkingDirectory);
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-environment-cd " + escappedDir));

                    if (localLaunchOptions != null &&
                        PlatformUtilities.IsWindows() &&
                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set new-console on", ignoreFailures: true));

                    CheckCygwin(commands, localLaunchOptions);

                    // Send client version to clrdbg to set the capabilities appropriately
                    if (this.MICommandFactory.Mode == MIMode.Clrdbg)
                        string version = string.Empty;
                        var attribute = this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyFileVersionAttribute;

                        if (attribute != null)
                            version = attribute.Version;

                        commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-gdb-set client-version \"" + version + "\""));

                    commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-break-insert main", ignoreFailures: true));

                    if (null != localLaunchOptions)
                        string destination = localLaunchOptions.MIDebuggerServerAddress;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(destination))
                            commands.Add(new LaunchCommand("-target-select remote " + destination, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, ResourceStrings.ConnectingMessage, destination)));

            return commands;
 /// <summary>
 /// Dodaje sekwencjê operacji do bufora wyjœciowego.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s">sekwencja</param>
 public void Visit(ProcessSequence s)
     VisitComposite("", s);