Example #1
 public void DeleteSelectedItems()
     foreach (var presetItemViewModel in SelectedItems.ToList())
        private void Load(bool resetPresetLists = true)
            if (resetPresetLists)

        public void PreviousFrequency()
            eventAggregator.Publish(new Events.HearingTest.StopPlaying());
            IsPlaying = false;

            CurrentItem = PresetItems.Previous();

            pitchGenerator.Frequency = CurrentItem.Frequency;
            CurrentFrequency         = CurrentItem.Frequency.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            eventAggregator.Publish(new Events.HearingTest.StartPlaying(CurrentItem));
            IsPlaying = true;
Example #4
        public void AddNewItem()
            var confirmationAction = new Action(() =>
                var errorString = dialogBuilder.UnderlyingViewModel.Error;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorString))
                    MessageBox.Show(errorString, "Validation error",
                    var newItem      = dialogBuilder.UnderlyingViewModel.ToPresetItem();
                    var existingItem =
                            x => x.Frequency == newItem.Frequency);
                    if (existingItem != null)

                    var items = PresetItems.OrderBy(x => x.Frequency).ToList();

            dialogBuilder.Title("Add item...")
Example #5
        private void ResetSettings()
            MULTIbalancer rhs = new MULTIbalancer();

            /* ===== SECTION 0 - Presets ===== */

            Preset = rhs.Preset;
            // EnableUnstacking = rhs.EnableUnstacking; // don't reset EnableUnstacking

            /* ===== SECTION 1 - Settings ===== */

            DebugLevel = rhs.DebugLevel;
            MaximumServerSize = rhs.MaximumServerSize;
            EnableBattlelogRequests = rhs.EnableBattlelogRequests;
            MaximumRequestRate =  rhs.MaximumRequestRate;
            WaitTimeout = rhs.WaitTimeout;
            WhichBattlelogStats = rhs.WhichBattlelogStats;
            MaxTeamSwitchesByStrongPlayers = rhs.MaxTeamSwitchesByStrongPlayers;
            MaxTeamSwitchesByWeakPlayers = rhs.MaxTeamSwitchesByWeakPlayers;
            UnlimitedTeamSwitchingDuringFirstMinutesOfRound = rhs.UnlimitedTeamSwitchingDuringFirstMinutesOfRound;
            Enable2SlotReserve = rhs.Enable2SlotReserve;
            EnablerecruitCommand = rhs.EnablerecruitCommand;
            EnableWhitelistingOfReservedSlotsList = rhs.EnableWhitelistingOfReservedSlotsList;
            SecondsUntilAdaptiveSpeedBecomesFast = rhs.SecondsUntilAdaptiveSpeedBecomesFast;
            EnableInGameCommands = rhs.EnableInGameCommands;
            // Whitelist = rhs.Whitelist; // don't reset the whitelist
            // DisperseEvenlyList = rhs.DisperseEvenlyList; // don't reset the dispersal list

            /* ===== SECTION 2 - Exclusions ===== */

            OnWhitelist = rhs.OnWhitelist;
            OnFriendsList = rhs.OnFriendsList;
            ApplyFriendsListToTeam = rhs.ApplyFriendsListToTeam;
            TopScorers = rhs.TopScorers;
            SameClanTagsInSquad = rhs.SameClanTagsInSquad;
            SameClanTagsInTeam = rhs.SameClanTagsInTeam;
            SameClanTagsForRankDispersal = rhs.SameClanTagsForRankDispersal;
            LenientRankDispersal = rhs.LenientRankDispersal;
            MinutesAfterJoining = rhs.MinutesAfterJoining;
            MinutesAfterBeingMoved = rhs.MinutesAfterBeingMoved;
            JoinedEarlyPhase = rhs.JoinedEarlyPhase;
            JoinedMidPhase = rhs.JoinedMidPhase;
            JoinedLatePhase = rhs.JoinedLatePhase;

            /* ===== SECTION 3 - Round Phase & Population Settings ===== */

            EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = rhs.EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack;
            MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = rhs.MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack;
            LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = rhs.LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack;

            EnableTicketLossRateLogging = rhs.EnableTicketLossRateLogging;

            SpellingOfSpeedNamesReminder = rhs.SpellingOfSpeedNamesReminder;

            EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed = rhs.EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed;
            MidPhaseBalanceSpeed = rhs.MidPhaseBalanceSpeed;
            LatePhaseBalanceSpeed = rhs.LatePhaseBalanceSpeed;

            /* ===== SECTION 4 - Scrambler ===== */

            OnlyOnNewMaps = rhs.OnlyOnNewMaps;
            OnlyOnFinalTicketPercentage = rhs.OnlyOnFinalTicketPercentage;
            ScrambleBy = rhs.ScrambleBy;
            KeepClanTagsInSameTeam = rhs.KeepClanTagsInSameTeam;
            KeepFriendsInSameTeam = rhs.KeepFriendsInSameTeam;
            DivideBy = rhs.DivideBy;
            ClanTagToDivideBy = rhs.ClanTagToDivideBy;
            DelaySeconds = rhs.DelaySeconds;

            /* ===== SECTION 5 - Messages ===== */

            QuietMode =  rhs.QuietMode;
            YellDurationSeconds = rhs.YellDurationSeconds;
            BadBecauseMovedByBalancer = rhs.BadBecauseMovedByBalancer;
            BadBecauseWinningTeam = rhs.BadBecauseWinningTeam;
            BadBecauseBiggestTeam = rhs.BadBecauseBiggestTeam;
            BadBecauseRank = rhs.BadBecauseRank;
            BadBecauseDispersalList = rhs.BadBecauseDispersalList;
            ChatMovedForBalance = rhs.ChatMovedForBalance;
            YellMovedForBalance = rhs.YellMovedForBalance;
            ChatMovedToUnstack = rhs.ChatMovedToUnstack;
            YellMovedToUnstack = rhs.YellMovedToUnstack;
            ChatDetectedBadTeamSwitch = rhs.ChatDetectedBadTeamSwitch;
            YellDetectedBadTeamSwitch = rhs.YellDetectedBadTeamSwitch;
            ChatDetectedGoodTeamSwitch = rhs.ChatDetectedGoodTeamSwitch;
            YellDetectedGoodTeamSwitch = rhs.YellDetectedGoodTeamSwitch;
            ChatAfterUnswitching = rhs.ChatAfterUnswitching;
            YellAfterUnswitching = rhs.YellAfterUnswitching;

            /* ===== SECTION 6 - Unswitcher ===== */

            ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance = rhs.ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance;
            ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam = rhs.ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam;
            ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam = rhs.ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam;
            ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal = rhs.ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal;
            EnableImmediateUnswitch = rhs.EnableImmediateUnswitch;

            /* ===== SECTION 7 - TBD ===== */

            /* ===== SECTION 8 - Per-Mode Settings ===== */

            List<String> simpleModes = GetSimplifiedModes();


            foreach (String sm in simpleModes) {
            PerModeSettings oneSet = null;
            if (!fPerMode.ContainsKey(sm)) {
            oneSet = new PerModeSettings(sm, fGameVersion == GameVersion.BF4);
            fPerMode[sm] = oneSet;

            /* ===== SECTION 9 - Debug Settings ===== */

            ShowCommandInLog = rhs.ShowCommandInLog;
            LogChat = rhs.LogChat;
            EnableLoggingOnlyMode = rhs.EnableLoggingOnlyMode;
Example #6
        public MULTIbalancer(PresetItems preset)
            : this()
            switch (preset) {
            case PresetItems.Standard:
             // EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]     {  0,120,120};
             // MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]       {  0,120,120};
             // LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]      {  0,  0,  0};
             // EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]   {     Speed.Fast, Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive};
             // MidPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]     {     Speed.Fast, Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive};
             // LatePhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]    {     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop};
             // ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance = UnswitchChoice.Always;
             // ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
             // ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
             // ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal = UnswitchChoice.Always;
             // EnableImmediateUnswitch = true;
             // foreach (String mode in fPerMode.Keys) {
             //      fPerMode[mode].PercentOfTopOfTeamIsStrong = 50;
             // }

            case PresetItems.Aggressive:

            OnWhitelist = true;
            OnFriendsList = false;
            ApplyFriendsListToTeam = false;
            TopScorers = false;
            SameClanTagsInSquad = false;
            SameClanTagsInTeam = false;
            SameClanTagsForRankDispersal = false;
            LenientRankDispersal = false;
            MinutesAfterJoining = 0;
            MinutesAfterBeingMoved = 0;
            JoinedEarlyPhase = false;
            JoinedMidPhase = false;
            JoinedLatePhase = false;

            EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]     {110,110,110};
            MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]       {110,110,110};
            LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]      {110,110,110};

            EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]   {     Speed.Fast,     Speed.Fast,     Speed.Fast};
            MidPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]     {     Speed.Fast,     Speed.Fast,     Speed.Fast};
            LatePhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]    {     Speed.Fast,     Speed.Fast,     Speed.Fast};

            ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            EnableImmediateUnswitch = true;

            // Does not count for automatic detection of preset
            foreach (String mode in fPerMode.Keys) {
                fPerMode[mode].PercentOfTopOfTeamIsStrong = 50;


            case PresetItems.Passive:

            OnWhitelist = true;
            OnFriendsList = true;
            ApplyFriendsListToTeam = true;
            TopScorers = true;
            SameClanTagsInSquad = true;
            SameClanTagsInTeam = true;
            SameClanTagsForRankDispersal = true;
            LenientRankDispersal = true;
            MinutesAfterJoining = 15;
            MinutesAfterBeingMoved = 12*60; // 12 hours
            JoinedEarlyPhase = true;
            JoinedMidPhase = true;
            JoinedLatePhase = true;

            EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]     {  0,  0,200};
            MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]       {  0,200,200};
            LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]      {  0,  0,  0};

            EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]   {     Speed.Slow,     Speed.Slow,     Speed.Slow};
            MidPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]     {     Speed.Slow,     Speed.Slow,     Speed.Slow};
            LatePhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]    {     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop};

            ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            EnableImmediateUnswitch = false;

            // Does not count for automatic detection of preset
            foreach (String mode in fPerMode.Keys) {
                fPerMode[mode].PercentOfTopOfTeamIsStrong = 50;


            case PresetItems.Intensify:

            OnWhitelist = true;
            OnFriendsList = false;
            ApplyFriendsListToTeam = false;
            TopScorers = true;
            SameClanTagsInSquad = false;
            SameClanTagsInTeam = false;
            SameClanTagsForRankDispersal = false;
            LenientRankDispersal = false;
            MinutesAfterJoining = 0;
            MinutesAfterBeingMoved = 0;
            JoinedEarlyPhase = false;
            JoinedMidPhase = false;
            JoinedLatePhase = true;

            EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]     {110,120,120};
            MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]       {120,120,120};
            LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]      {  0,  0,  0};

            // TBD: Needs Speed.OverBalance (similar to Fast, but puts more players on losing team)
            EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]   { Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive};
            MidPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]     { Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive};
            LatePhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]    {     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop};

            ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            EnableImmediateUnswitch = true;

            foreach (String mode in fPerMode.Keys) {
                fPerMode[mode].PercentOfTopOfTeamIsStrong = 25;


            case PresetItems.Retain:

            OnWhitelist = true;
            OnFriendsList = true;
            ApplyFriendsListToTeam = true;
            TopScorers = true;
            SameClanTagsInSquad = true;
            SameClanTagsInTeam = false;
            SameClanTagsForRankDispersal = true;
            LenientRankDispersal = true;
            MinutesAfterJoining = 15;
            MinutesAfterBeingMoved = 2*60; // 2 hours
            JoinedEarlyPhase = true;
            JoinedMidPhase = true;
            JoinedLatePhase = true;

            EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]     {  0,  0,150};
            MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]       {  0,150,200};
            LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]      {  0,  0,  0};

            EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]   {     Speed.Slow, Speed.Adaptive,     Speed.Slow};
            MidPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]     {     Speed.Slow, Speed.Adaptive,     Speed.Slow};
            LatePhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]    {     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop};

            ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            EnableImmediateUnswitch = true;

            foreach (String mode in fPerMode.Keys) {
                fPerMode[mode].PercentOfTopOfTeamIsStrong = 5;


            case PresetItems.BalanceOnly:

            OnWhitelist = true;
            OnFriendsList = false;
            ApplyFriendsListToTeam = false;
            TopScorers = true;
            SameClanTagsInSquad = true;
            SameClanTagsInTeam = false;
            SameClanTagsForRankDispersal = true;
            LenientRankDispersal = false;
            MinutesAfterJoining = 5;
            MinutesAfterBeingMoved = 90;
            JoinedEarlyPhase = true;
            JoinedMidPhase = true;
            JoinedLatePhase = false;

            EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]     {  0,  0,  0};
            MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]       {  0,  0,  0};
            LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]      {  0,  0,  0};

            EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]   { Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive};
            MidPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]     { Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive};
            LatePhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]    {     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop};

            ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            EnableImmediateUnswitch = true;

            foreach (String mode in fPerMode.Keys) {
                fPerMode[mode].PercentOfTopOfTeamIsStrong = 0;


            case PresetItems.UnstackOnly:

            OnWhitelist = true;
            OnFriendsList = false;
            ApplyFriendsListToTeam = false;
            TopScorers = true;
            SameClanTagsInSquad = true;
            SameClanTagsInTeam = false;
            SameClanTagsForRankDispersal = true;
            LenientRankDispersal = false;
            MinutesAfterJoining = 5;
            MinutesAfterBeingMoved = 90;
            JoinedEarlyPhase = true;
            JoinedMidPhase = true;
            JoinedLatePhase = false;

            EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]     {  0,120,120};
            MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]       {120,120,120};
            LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]      {  0,  0,  0};

            EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]   {     Speed.Unstack,     Speed.Unstack,     Speed.Unstack};
            MidPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]     {     Speed.Unstack,     Speed.Unstack,     Speed.Unstack};
            LatePhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]    {     Speed.Unstack,     Speed.Unstack,     Speed.Unstack};

            ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam = UnswitchChoice.Never;
            ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            EnableImmediateUnswitch = true;

            // Does not count for automatic detection of preset
            foreach (String mode in fPerMode.Keys) {
                fPerMode[mode].PercentOfTopOfTeamIsStrong = 50;


            case PresetItems.None:
Example #7
        /* Constructor */
        public MULTIbalancer()
            /* Private members */
            fIsEnabled = false;
            fFinalizerActive = false;
            fPluginState = PluginState.Disabled;
            fGameState = GameState.Unknown;
            fServerInfo = null;
            fRefreshCommand = false;
            fServerUptime = 0;
            fServerCrashed = false;
            fDebugScramblerBefore = new List<PlayerModel>[2]{new List<PlayerModel>(), new List<PlayerModel>()};
            fDebugScramblerAfter = new List<PlayerModel>[2]{new List<PlayerModel>(), new List<PlayerModel>()};
            fDebugScramblerStartRound = new List<PlayerModel>[2]{new List<PlayerModel>(), new List<PlayerModel>()};

            fBalancedRound = 0;
            fUnstackedRound = 0;
            fUnswitchedRound = 0;
            fExcludedRound = 0;
            fExemptRound = 0;
            fFailedRound = 0;
            fTotalRound = 0;
            fBalanceIsActive = false;
            fRoundsEnabled = 0;
            fGrandTotalQuits = 0;
            fGrandRageQuits = 0;
            fTotalQuits = 0;
            fRageQuits = 0;

            fMoveThread = null;
            fFetchThread = null;
            fListPlayersThread = null;
            fScramblerThread = null;
            fTimerThread = null;

            fModeToSimple = new Dictionary<String,String>();

            fEasyTypeDict = new Dictionary<int, Type>();
            fEasyTypeDict.Add(0, typeof(int));
            fEasyTypeDict.Add(1, typeof(Int16));
            fEasyTypeDict.Add(2, typeof(Int32));
            fEasyTypeDict.Add(3, typeof(Int64));
            fEasyTypeDict.Add(4, typeof(float));
            fEasyTypeDict.Add(5, typeof(long));
            fEasyTypeDict.Add(6, typeof(String));
            fEasyTypeDict.Add(7, typeof(string));
            fEasyTypeDict.Add(8, typeof(double));

            fBoolDict = new Dictionary<int, Type>();
            fBoolDict.Add(0, typeof(Boolean));
            fBoolDict.Add(1, typeof(bool));

            fListStrDict = new Dictionary<int, Type>();
            fListStrDict.Add(0, typeof(String[]));

            fPerMode = new Dictionary<String,PerModeSettings>();

            fAllPlayers = new List<String>();
            fKnownPlayers = new Dictionary<String, PlayerModel>();
            fTeam1 = new List<PlayerModel>();
            fTeam2 = new List<PlayerModel>();
            fTeam3 = new List<PlayerModel>();
            fTeam4 = new List<PlayerModel>();
            fUnassigned = new List<String>();
            fRoundStartTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
            fRoundOverTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
            fListPlayersTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
            fFullUnstackSwapTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
            fLastValidationTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
            fListPlayersQ = new Queue<DelayedRequest>();

            fPendingTeamChange = new Dictionary<String,int>();
            fMoving = new Dictionary<String, MoveInfo>();
            fMoveQ = new Queue<MoveInfo>();
            fReassigned = new List<String>();
            fReservedSlots = new List<String>();
            fTickets = new int[5]{0,0,0,0,0};
            fFriendlyMaps = new Dictionary<String,String>();
            fFriendlyModes = new Dictionary<String,String>();
            fMaxTickets = -1;
            fRushMaxTickets = -1;
            fLastBalancedTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
            fEnabledTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
            fFinalStatus = null;
            fIsFullRound = false;
            fUnstackState = UnstackState.Off;
            fLastMsg = null;
            fRushStage = 0;
            fRushPrevAttackerTickets = 0;
            fRushAttackerStageLoss = 0;
            fRushAttackerStageSamples = 0;
            fMoveStash = new List<MoveInfo>();
            fLastVersionCheckTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
            fTimeOutOfJoint = 0;
            fUnstackGroupCount = 0;
            fPriorityFetchQ = new PriorityQueue(this);
            fIsCacheEnabled = false;
            fScramblerLock = new DelayedRequest();
            fWinner = 0;
            fUpdateThreadLock = new DelayedRequest();
            fLastServerInfoTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
            fStageInProgress = false;
            fHost = String.Empty;
            fPort = String.Empty;
            fRushMap3Stages = new List<String>(new String[6]{"MP_007", "XP4_Quake", "XP5_002", "MP_012", "XP4_Rubble", "MP_Damage"});
            fRushMap5Stages = new List<String>(new String[6]{"MP_013", "XP3_Valley", "MP_017", "XP5_001", "MP_Prison", "MP_Siege"});
            fGroupAssignments = new int[5]{0,0,0,0,0};
            fDispersalGroups = new List<String>[5]{null, new List<String>(), new List<String>(), new List<String>(), new List<String>()};
            fNeedPlayerListUpdate = false;
            fFriends = new Dictionary<int, List<String>>();
            fAllFriends = new List<String>();
            fWhileScrambling = false;
            fExtrasLock = new DelayedRequest();
            fExtraNames = new List<String>();
            fGotLogin = false;
            fDebugScramblerSuspects = new Dictionary<String,String>();
            fTimerRequestList = new List<DelayedRequest>();
            fAverageTicketLoss = new Queue<double>[3]{null, new Queue<double>(), new Queue<double>()};
            fTicketLossHistogram = new Histogram();

            /* Settings */

            /* ===== SECTION 0 - Presets ===== */

            SettingsVersion = 1;
            Preset = PresetItems.Standard;
            EnableUnstacking = false;
            EnableSettingsWizard = false;
            WhichMode = "Conquest Large";
            MetroIsInMapRotation = false;
            MaximumPlayersForMode = 64;
            LowestMaximumTicketsForMode = 300;
            HighestMaximumTicketsForMode = 400;
            PreferredStyleOfBalancing = PresetItems.Standard;
            ApplySettingsChanges = false;

            /* ===== SECTION 1 - Settings ===== */

            DebugLevel = 2;
            MaximumServerSize = 64;
            EnableBattlelogRequests = true;
            MaximumRequestRate = 10; // in 20 seconds
            WaitTimeout = 30; // seconds
            WhichBattlelogStats = BattlelogStats.ClanTagOnly;
            MaxTeamSwitchesByStrongPlayers = 1;
            MaxTeamSwitchesByWeakPlayers = 2;
            UnlimitedTeamSwitchingDuringFirstMinutesOfRound = 5.0;
            Enable2SlotReserve = false;
            EnablerecruitCommand = false;
            EnableWhitelistingOfReservedSlotsList = true;
            Whitelist = new String[] {DEFAULT_LIST_ITEM};
            fSettingWhitelist = new List<String>(Whitelist);
            DisperseEvenlyList = new String[] {DEFAULT_LIST_ITEM};
            fSettingDisperseEvenlyList = new List<String>(DisperseEvenlyList);
            FriendsList = new String[] {DEFAULT_LIST_ITEM};
            fSettingFriendsList = new List<String>();
            SecondsUntilAdaptiveSpeedBecomesFast = 3*60; // 3 minutes default
            EnableInGameCommands = true;

            /* ===== SECTION 2 - Exclusions ===== */

            OnWhitelist = true;
            OnFriendsList = false;
            ApplyFriendsListToTeam = false;
            TopScorers = true;
            SameClanTagsInSquad = true;
            SameClanTagsInTeam = false;
            SameClanTagsForRankDispersal = false;
            LenientRankDispersal = false;
            MinutesAfterJoining = 5;
            MinutesAfterBeingMoved = 90; // 1.5 hours
            JoinedEarlyPhase = true;
            JoinedMidPhase = true;
            JoinedLatePhase = false;

            /* ===== SECTION 3 - Round Phase & Population Settings ===== */

            EarlyPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]         {  0,120,120};
            MidPhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]           {  0,120,120};
            LatePhaseTicketPercentageToUnstack = new double[3]          {  0,  0,  0};

            EnableTicketLossRateLogging = false;

            SpellingOfSpeedNamesReminder = Speed.Click_Here_For_Speed_Names;

            EarlyPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]           {     Speed.Fast, Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive};
            MidPhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]             {     Speed.Fast, Speed.Adaptive, Speed.Adaptive};
            LatePhaseBalanceSpeed = new Speed[3]            {     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop,     Speed.Stop};

            /* ===== SECTION 4 - Scrambler ===== */

            OnlyOnNewMaps = true; // false means scramble every round
            OnlyOnFinalTicketPercentage = 120; // 0 means scramble regardless of final score
            ScrambleBy = DefineStrong.RoundScore;
            KeepSquadsTogether = true;
            KeepClanTagsInSameTeam = true;
            KeepFriendsInSameTeam = false;
            DivideBy = DivideByChoices.None;
            ClanTagToDivideBy = String.Empty;
            DelaySeconds = 50;

            /* ===== SECTION 5 - Messages ===== */

            QuietMode = false; // false: chat is global, true: chat is private. Yells are always private
            YellDurationSeconds = 10;
            BadBecauseMovedByBalancer = "autobalance moved you to the %toTeam% team";
            BadBecauseWinningTeam = "switching to the winning team is not allowed";
            BadBecauseBiggestTeam = "switching to the biggest team is not allowed";
            BadBecauseRank = "this server splits Colonel 100's between teams";
            BadBecauseDispersalList = "you're on the list of players to split between teams";
            ChatMovedForBalance = "*** MOVED %name% for balance ...";
            YellMovedForBalance = "Moved %name% for balance ...";
            ChatMovedToUnstack = "*** MOVED %name% to unstack teams ...";
            YellMovedToUnstack = "Moved %name% to unstack teams ...";
            ChatDetectedBadTeamSwitch = "%name%, you can't switch to team %fromTeam%: %reason%, sending you back ...";
            YellDetectedBadTeamSwitch = "You can't switch to the %fromTeam% team: %reason%, sending you back!";
            ChatDetectedGoodTeamSwitch = "%name%, thanks for helping out the %toTeam% team!";
            YellDetectedGoodTeamSwitch = "Thanks for helping out the %toTeam% team!";
            ChatAfterUnswitching = "%name%, please stay on the %toTeam% team for the rest of this round";
            YellAfterUnswitching = "Please stay on the %toTeam% team for the rest of this round";

            /* ===== SECTION 6 - Unswitcher ===== */

            EnableImmediateUnswitch = true;
            ForbidSwitchingAfterAutobalance = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToWinningTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingToBiggestTeam = UnswitchChoice.Always;
            ForbidSwitchingAfterDispersal = UnswitchChoice.Always;

            /* ===== SECTION 7 - TBD ===== */

            /* ===== SECTION 8 - Per-Mode Settings ===== */

            /* ===== SECTION 9 - Debug Settings ===== */

            ShowInLog = INVALID_NAME_TAG_GUID;
            ShowCommandInLog = String.Empty;
            LogChat = true;
            EnableLoggingOnlyMode = false;
            EnableExternalLogging = false;
            ExternalLogSuffix = "_mb.log";
Example #8
        public void SetPluginVariable(String strVariable, String strValue)
            bool isPresetVar = false;
            bool isReminderVar = false;

            if (fIsEnabled) DebugWrite(strVariable + " <- " + strValue, 6);

            try {
            if (strVariable.Contains("Show In Log") && String.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue)) {
            DebugWrite("^8Detected pre-v1 settings, upgrading ...", 3);
            strValue = INVALID_NAME_TAG_GUID; // mark as upgraded
            } else if (strVariable.Contains("Settings Version")) {
            DebugWrite("^1Settings Version = " + strValue, 3);
            String tmp = strVariable;
            int pipeIndex = strVariable.IndexOf('|');
            if (pipeIndex >= 0) {
            tmp = strVariable.Substring(pipeIndex, strVariable.Length - pipeIndex);
            if (tmp.Contains("(Low, Med, High population)")) {
            tmp = tmp.Replace("(Low, Med, High population)", String.Empty);

            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;

            String propertyName = Regex.Replace(tmp, @"[^a-zA-Z_0-9]", String.Empty);

            if (strVariable.Contains("preset")) propertyName = "Preset";

            FieldInfo field = this.GetType().GetField(propertyName, flags);

            Type fieldType = null;

            if (!strVariable.Contains("Settings for") && field != null) {
            fieldType = field.GetValue(this).GetType();
            if (strVariable.Contains("preset")) {
                fieldType = typeof(PresetItems);
                try {
                    Preset = (PresetItems)Enum.Parse(fieldType, strValue);
                    isPresetVar = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (tmp.Contains("Spelling Of Speed Names Reminder")) {
                fieldType = typeof(Speed);
                try {
                    field.SetValue(this, (Speed)Enum.Parse(fieldType, strValue));
                    isReminderVar = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (tmp.Contains("Balance Speed")) {
                fieldType = typeof(Speed[]);
                try {
                    // Parse the list into an array of enum vals
                    Speed[] items = MULTIbalancerUtils.ParseSpeedArray(this, strValue); // also validates
                    field.SetValue(this, items);
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (tmp.Contains("Ticket Percentage To Unstack")) {
                fieldType = typeof(double[]);
                try {
                    // Parse the list into an array of numbers
                    double[] nums = MULTIbalancerUtils.ParseNumArray(strValue); // also validates
                    field.SetValue(this, nums);
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (tmp.Contains("Scramble By")) {
                fieldType = typeof(DefineStrong);
                try {
                    field.SetValue(this, (DefineStrong)Enum.Parse(fieldType, strValue));
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (tmp == "Divide By") {
                fieldType = typeof(DivideByChoices);
                try {
                    field.SetValue(this, (DivideByChoices)Enum.Parse(fieldType, strValue));
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (tmp.Contains("Preferred Style Of Balancing")) {
                fieldType = typeof(PresetItems);
                try {
                    field.SetValue(this, (PresetItems)Enum.Parse(fieldType, strValue));
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (tmp.Contains("Forbid Switching")) {
                fieldType = typeof(UnswitchChoice);
                try {
                    field.SetValue(this, (UnswitchChoice)Enum.Parse(fieldType, strValue));
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (tmp.Contains("Which Battlelog Stats")) {
                fieldType = typeof(BattlelogStats);
                try {
                    field.SetValue(this, (BattlelogStats)Enum.Parse(fieldType, strValue));
                } catch (Exception e) {
            } else if (fEasyTypeDict.ContainsValue(fieldType)) {
                field.SetValue(this, TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(fieldType).ConvertFromString(strValue));
            } else if (fListStrDict.ContainsValue(fieldType)) {
                if (DebugLevel >= 8) ConsoleDebug("String array " + propertyName + " <- " + strValue);
                field.SetValue(this, CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
                if (propertyName == "Whitelist") {
                    MergeWithFile(Whitelist, fSettingWhitelist);
                    if (EnableWhitelistingOfReservedSlotsList) MergeWhitelistWithReservedSlots();
                    if (DebugLevel >= 8) {
                        String l = "Whitelist: ";
                        l = l + String.Join(", ", fSettingWhitelist.ToArray());
                } else if (propertyName == "DisperseEvenlyList") {
                    MergeWithFile(DisperseEvenlyList, fSettingDisperseEvenlyList); // clears fSettingDispersEvenlyList
                } else if (propertyName == "FriendsList") {
                    MergeWithFile(FriendsList, fSettingFriendsList); // clears fSettingFriendsList
            } else if (fBoolDict.ContainsValue(fieldType)) {
                if (fIsEnabled) DebugWrite(propertyName + " strValue = " + strValue, 6);
                if (Regex.Match(strValue, "true", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) {
                    field.SetValue(this, true);
                } else {
                    field.SetValue(this, false);
            } else {
                if (DebugLevel >= 8) ConsoleDebug("Unknown var " + propertyName + " with type " + fieldType);
            } else {
            Match m = Regex.Match(tmp, @"([^:]+):\s([^:]+)$");

            if (m.Success) {
                String mode = m.Groups[1].Value;
                String fieldPart = m.Groups[2].Value.Replace(" ","");
                String perModeSetting = Regex.Replace(fieldPart, @"[^a-zA-Z_0-9]", String.Empty);

                perModeSetting = Regex.Replace(perModeSetting, @"(?:AsTickets|AsMinutes)", String.Empty);

                if (!fPerMode.ContainsKey(mode)) {
                    fPerMode[mode] = new PerModeSettings(mode, fGameVersion == GameVersion.BF4);
                PerModeSettings pms = fPerMode[mode];

                field = pms.GetType().GetField(perModeSetting, flags);

                if (fIsEnabled) DebugWrite("Mode: " + mode + ", Field: " + perModeSetting + ", Value: " + strValue, 6);

                if (field != null) {
                    fieldType = field.GetValue(pms).GetType();
                    if (fEasyTypeDict.ContainsValue(fieldType)) {
                        field.SetValue(pms, TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(fieldType).ConvertFromString(strValue));
                    } else if (fListStrDict.ContainsValue(fieldType)) {
                        field.SetValue(pms, new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue)));
                    } else if (fBoolDict.ContainsValue(fieldType)) {
                        if (Regex.Match(strValue, "true", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success) {
                            field.SetValue(pms, true);
                        } else {
                            field.SetValue(pms, false);
                    } else if (strVariable.Contains("Determine Strong")) {
                        fieldType = typeof(DefineStrong);
                        try {
                            field.SetValue(pms, (DefineStrong)Enum.Parse(fieldType, strValue));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                } else {
                    if (fIsEnabled) DebugWrite("field is null", 6);
            } catch (System.Exception e) {
            } finally {

            if (!isReminderVar) {
            // Reset to show hint
            SpellingOfSpeedNamesReminder = Speed.Click_Here_For_Speed_Names;

            if (isPresetVar) {
            // Update other settings based on new preset value
            MULTIbalancerUtils.UpdateSettingsForPreset(this, Preset);
            } else {
            // Update Preset value based on current settings

            if (strVariable.Contains("Apply Settings Changes") && ApplySettingsChanges) {
            ApplySettingsChanges = false;
            EnableSettingsWizard = false;

            // Validate all values and correct if needed
            ValidateSettings(strVariable,  strValue);

            // Handle show in log commands
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ShowCommandInLog)) {
            ShowCommandInLog = String.Empty;
Example #9
        private void UpdatePresetValue()
            Preset = PresetItems.None;  // backstop value

            try {

            // Check for Standard
            if (MULTIbalancerUtils.IsEqual(this, PresetItems.Standard)) {
            Preset = PresetItems.Standard;

            // Check for Aggressive
            if (MULTIbalancerUtils.IsEqual(this, PresetItems.Aggressive)) {
            Preset = PresetItems.Aggressive;

            // Check for Passive
            if (MULTIbalancerUtils.IsEqual(this, PresetItems.Passive)) {
            Preset = PresetItems.Passive;

            // Check for Intensify
            if (MULTIbalancerUtils.IsEqual(this, PresetItems.Intensify)) {
            Preset = PresetItems.Intensify;

            // Check for Retain
            if (MULTIbalancerUtils.IsEqual(this, PresetItems.Retain)) {
            Preset = PresetItems.Retain;

            // Check for BalanceOnly
            if (MULTIbalancerUtils.IsEqual(this, PresetItems.BalanceOnly)) {
            Preset = PresetItems.BalanceOnly;

            // Check for UnstackOnly
            if (MULTIbalancerUtils.IsEqual(this, PresetItems.UnstackOnly)) {
            Preset = PresetItems.UnstackOnly;
            } catch (Exception e) {
 public TPresetItem FindPresetItemById(int id)
     return(PresetItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == id));
 private int GetNewPresetId()
     return((PresetItems.Any() ? PresetItems.Max(p => p.Id) : 0) + 1);