Example #1
        private void LatticeLineList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            // here we want to hilight the selected line
            Line2D l    = (Line2D)LatticeLineList.SelectedItem;
            string name = (l == null) ? string.Empty : l.Name;

            if (Bigdisplay.IsOpen)
                PopupDisplay.Hilight(name, true);
                LatticeDisplay.Hilight(name, true);
Example #2
        public PopupForm(RssItem item, config.config config,
                         PopupDisplay pd, int showIndex, AlartInfo ai,
                         bool isTest       = false, string poploc = null, int poptime = 0,
                         bool isClickClose = true,
                         bool isTopMost    = true, bool isColor = true, double opacity = 0.9)
            this.config    = config;
            this.ri        = item;
            this.pd        = pd;
            this.showIndex = showIndex;
            // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.

            //var dt = DateTime.Now;
            var dtStr = "";

            if (item.pubDate != null && item.pubDate != "")
                var dt = DateTime.Parse(item.pubDate);
                dtStr = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd(ddd) HH:mm") + "開始";

            //var t = "【弾幕歓迎】BOOWY関係リク枠!放送のしかた覚えてるかな?覚えてなかったらごめんlt;(_ _)gt;";
            var t = item.title;

            if (isOkStrWidth(t + " - "))
                t += " - ";
            if (isOkStrWidth(t + dtStr))
                t += dtStr;
            titleLabel.Text = util.removeTag(t);
            //titleLabel.Text = (item.isMemberOnly ? "(限定)" : "") + titleLabel.Text;

            hostNameLabel.Text      = util.removeTag(item.hostName);
            communityNameLabel.Text = util.removeTag(item.comName);
            descryptionLabel.Text   = util.removeTag(item.description);
            //var _Text = item.hostName + "/" + item.comName;
            if (ai != null && ai.keyword != null && ai.keyword != "")
                Text = ai.keyword + "-" + Text;
            if (ai != null && bool.Parse(config.get("IsColorPopup")))
                BackColor = ai.backColor;
                ForeColor = ai.textColor;
            //Text = Text;
            if (isTest && isColor)
                BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 224, 255);
                ForeColor = Color.Black;
            else if (ai != null && bool.Parse(config.get("IsColorPopup")))
                BackColor = ai.backColor;
                ForeColor = ai.textColor;

            var url = "https://live2.nicovideo.jp/watch/" + item.lvId;

            titleLabel.Links.Add(0, titleLabel.Text.Length, url);
            if (isTest)
                this.isTopMostPara = isTopMost;
                this.isTopMostPara = bool.Parse(config.get("IsTopMostPopup"));

            Opacity = isTest ? (opacity / 100) : double.Parse(config.get("popupOpacity")) / 100;
            // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.
            this.isTestClosePopup = isClickClose;
            this.testPopTime      = poptime;
            this.isTest           = isTest;

            ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1;

            if (item.isMemberOnly)
                ShowIcon = true;
                var icon = new Icon(util.getJarPath()[0] + "/Icon/lock.ico");
                Icon = icon;
Example #3
        public SmallPopupForm(RssItem item, config.config config,
                              PopupDisplay pd, int showIndex, AlartInfo ai,
                              bool isTest       = false, string poploc = null, int poptime = 0,
                              bool isClickClose = true,
                              bool isTopMost    = true, Color[] isColor = null, double opacity = 0.9)
            this.config    = config;
            this.ri        = item;
            this.pd        = pd;
            this.showIndex = showIndex;

            // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.

            //var dt = DateTime.Now;
            var dtStr = "";

            if (item.pubDate != null && item.pubDate != "")
                var dt = DateTime.Parse(item.pubDate);
                dtStr = dt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd(ddd) HH:mm") + "開始";
//			util.debugWriteLine(dtStr);

            //var t = "haimasa_qm(歌ってみた)fw";
            var t = item.title;

            if (isOkStrWidth(t + " - "))
                t += " - ";
            if (isOkStrWidth(t + dtStr))
                t += dtStr;
            titleLabel.Text = util.removeTag(t);
            //titleLabel.Text = (item.isMemberOnly ? "(限定)" : "") + titleLabel.Text;

            hostNameLabel.Text      = util.removeTag(item.hostName);
            communityNameLabel.Text = util.removeTag(item.comName);
            descryptionLabel.Text   = util.removeTag(item.description);
            var _Text = util.removeTag(item.hostName + "/" + item.comName);

            if (ai != null && ai.keyword != null && ai.keyword != "")
                _Text = ai.keyword + "-" + _Text;
            Text = _Text;

            if (isTest && isColor != null)
                BackColor            = isColor[0];     //Color.FromArgb(255,224,255);
                ForeColor            = isColor[1];     //Color.Black;
                titleLabel.LinkColor = ForeColor;
            else if (ai != null && bool.Parse(config.get("IsColorPopup")))
                BackColor            = ai.backColor;
                ForeColor            = ai.textColor;
                titleLabel.LinkColor = ForeColor;
            var url = "https://live2.nicovideo.jp/watch/" + item.lvId;

            titleLabel.Links.Add(0, titleLabel.Text.Length, url);
            if (isTest)
                this.isTopMostPara = isTopMost;
                this.isTopMostPara = bool.Parse(config.get("IsTopMostPopup"));

            Opacity = isTest ? (opacity / 100) : double.Parse(config.get("popupOpacity")) / 100;

            this.isTestClosePopup = isClickClose;
            this.testPopTime      = poptime;
            this.isTest           = isTest;
            // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.
            ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1;

            if (item.isMemberOnly)
                try {
                    ShowIcon = true;
                    var icon = new Icon(util.getJarPath()[0] + "/Icon/lock.ico");
                    Icon = util.changeIconColor(icon, ColorTranslator.FromHtml(config.get("onlyIconColor")));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    util.debugWriteLine(e.Message + e.Source + e.StackTrace + e.TargetSite);