Example #1
 private void simulateRecord()
     for (int i = 0; i < ClickPriotity.Count - 2;)  //取消(clrl+F2)會再算2次keydown,故減2
         if (Object.ReferenceEquals(ClickPriotity[i + 1].GetType(), pt.GetType()))
             Cursor.Position = (Point)ClickPriotity[i + 1];
             //textBox1.Text += "Mouse!" + "\r\n";
             if (WindwosHook.Buttons.Left.ToString() == ClickPriotity[i].ToString())
             else if (WindwosHook.Buttons.Right.ToString() == ClickPriotity[i].ToString())
             i += 2;
             textBox1.Text += "keyboard!" + "\r\n";
Example #2
        public void TestGetType()
            var p = new Point();

            Assert.AreEqual(p.GetType(), typeof(Point));

            // class 'Type' has override "=="
            Assert.True(p.GetType() == typeof(Point));
            Assert.True(p is Point);
Example #3
        private static void getTypeAndTypeOfExamples()
            Point p = new Point();

            Console.WriteLine(p.GetType().Name);             // Point
            Console.WriteLine(typeof(Point).Name);           // Point
            Console.WriteLine(p.GetType() == typeof(Point)); // True
            Console.WriteLine(p.X.GetType().Name);           // Int32
            Console.WriteLine(p.Y.GetType().FullName);       // System.Int32
    static void testBoxUnbox()
        Point   p1  = new Point(6, 7);
        Student std = new Student();

        Console.WriteLine(p1.GetType());  // => Point
        Console.WriteLine(std.GetType()); // => Student
        Object o = p1;                    // ldloc.0 + box Point + stloc.1

        Point p2 = (Point)o;              // ldloc.1 + unbox + stloc.2

        o.GetType();                      // ldloc.1 + callvirt Object::GetType
        p1.GetType();                     // ldloc.0 + box Point + callvirt Object::GetType
        p1.Print();                       // NÂO existe BOX
Example #5
    private void Start()
        int nVertices = nVerticesPerCube * CubeNum;

        material     = new Material(shader);
        CSMainkernel = CSshader.FindKernel("CSMain");

        Point[] allVertices = new Point[nVertices];
        allVerticesInit(ref allVertices);

        //writing verticesBuffer to material/shader
        verticesBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(allVertices.Length, Marshal.SizeOf(allVertices.GetType().GetElementType()));

        posBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(CubeNum * 3, 4);//x,y,z
        CSshader.SetBuffer(CSMainkernel, "posbuf", posBuffer);

        material.SetBuffer("posbuf", posBuffer);
        material.SetBuffer("points", verticesBuffer);

        //tell renderenging when to draw geometry
        camera_command_buffer = new CommandBuffer();
        camera_command_buffer.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, material, 0, MeshTopology.Triangles, nVertices);
        camera_source.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeGBuffer, camera_command_buffer);

        //tell renderengine when to draw geometry for shadow pass
        light_command_buffer = new CommandBuffer();
        light_command_buffer.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, material, 1, MeshTopology.Triangles, nVertices);
        light_source.AddCommandBuffer(LightEvent.BeforeShadowMapPass, light_command_buffer);

        cnt = 0;
Example #6
 public static void Main3()
     // Create two Point instances on the stack. 
     Point p1 = new Point(10, 10);
     Point p2 = new Point(20, 20);
     // p1 does NOT get boxed to call ToString (a virtual method). 
     Console.WriteLine(p1.ToString());// "(10, 10)" 
     // p DOES get boxed to call GetType (a non-virtual method). 
     Console.WriteLine(p1.GetType());// "Point" 
     // p1 does NOT get boxed to call CompareTo. 
     // p2 does NOT get boxed because CompareTo(Point) is called. 
     Console.WriteLine(p1.CompareTo(p2));// "-1" 
     // p1 DOES get boxed, and the reference is placed in c. 
     IComparable c = p1;
     Console.WriteLine(c.GetType());// "Point" 
     // p1 does NOT get boxed to call CompareTo. 
     // Since CompareTo is not being passed a Point variable, 
     // CompareTo(Object) is called which requires a reference to 
     // a boxed Point. 
     // c does NOT get boxed because it already refers to a boxed Point. 
     Console.WriteLine(p1.CompareTo(c));// "0" 
     // c does NOT get boxed because it already refers to a boxed Point. 
     // p2 does get boxed because CompareTo(Object) is called. 
     Console.WriteLine(c.CompareTo(p2));// "-1" 
     // c is unboxed, and fields are copied into p2. 
     p2 = (Point)c;
     // Proves that the fields got copied into p2. 
     Console.WriteLine(p2.ToString());// "(10, 10)" 
Example #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Point p1 = new Point(10, 10);
            Point p2 = new Point(20, 20);

            // p1 не пакуется тк этот метод перекрыт(вызывает невиртуально)

            // p1 пакуется тк getType метод базового класса (нужна ссылка this)
            Console.WriteLine(p1.GetType()); // "Point"

            // p1 не пакуется тк в структуре есть метод compareTo требующий аргумент Point(те не метод реализованный от интерфейса)
            // p2 не пакуется тк требуется аргумент как раз типа Point

            // p1 пакуется, тк Интерфейсы - это ссылочный тип
            IComparable c = p1;

            Console.WriteLine(c.GetType()); // "Point"

            //p1 не пакуется тк вызвана версия реализованная от интерфейса
            //c не пкауется тк это и есть ссылочный тип

            // c - ссылочный тип
            // p2 пакуется тк c интерфейс и вызывает версию реализованную от интерфейса (compareTo(object o))

            // Распаковка C из кучи и копирование полей в p2
            p2 = (Point)c;
    static void Main()
        A a = new A();
        Point p = new Point(7, 11);

        Type typeOfA = a.GetType();
        Type typeOfPoint = p.GetType();
Example #9
        public void ReadFieldValue()
            Point point = new Point(1, 2);

            double x = (double)point.GetType().GetField("X").GetValue(point);               // TODO: Read the X value from the point

            Assert.AreEqual(1, x);
Example #10
        public static void ModifyPropertyByRef()
            object point  = new Point();
            var    setter = point.GetType().GetProperty(nameof(Point.X)).SetMethod.Unreflect();

            setter(point, 42);
            Equal(42, Unbox <Point>(point).X);
Example #11
 public static void Main()
     Point p = new Point(7, 3);
     Console.WriteLine(p.ToString()); // Redefinido em Point
     Console.WriteLine(p.GetType()); // box + call
     Console.WriteLine(p.GetHashCode()); // Herdado de Object
Example #12
    public static void Main()
        Point p = new Point(7, 3);

        Console.WriteLine(p.ToString());    // Redefinido em Point
        Console.WriteLine(p.GetType());     // box + call
        Console.WriteLine(p.GetHashCode()); // Herdado de Object
        public void PointShouldBeValidWithCorrectValues()
            var newPoint = new Point(10, 10, 102100);

            newPoint.GetType().Should().Be <Point>();
Example #14
        public static void ValueTypes()
            var p1       = new Point(0, 10.5);
            var sizeOfP1 = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(p1);

            Console.WriteLine($"Point {p1.GetX()} , {p1.GetY()} : {p1.GetType()} : Size {sizeOfP1} bytes");
            var sundaySize = Value.DAYS.SUNDAY;

            Console.WriteLine($"enum {Value.DAYS.SUNDAY} : type: {Value.DAYS.SUNDAY.GetType()} : size {sundaySize}");
		public void PointShouldBeValidWithCorrectValues()
			var newPoint = new Point(10, 10, 102100);

Example #16
    private static void DemoValueTypes()
        Console.WriteLine("Demo start: Demo of value types.");

        Point p1 = new Point(5, 10);
        Point p2 = new Point(5, 10);
        Point p3 = new Point(3, 4);

        // What type is this valuetype & what is it derived from
        Console.WriteLine("   The " + p1.GetType() + " type is derived from " + p1.GetType().BaseType);

        // Value types compare for equality by comparing the fields
        Console.WriteLine("   Does p1 equal p1: " + p1.Equals(p1));   // True
        Console.WriteLine("   Does p1 equal p2: " + p1.Equals(p2));   // True
        Console.WriteLine("   Does p1 equal p3: " + p1.Equals(p3));   // False
        Console.WriteLine("   p1={0}, p3={1}", p1.ToString(), p3.ToString());

        Console.WriteLine("Demo stop: Demo of value types.");
Example #17
    static void Main()
        Student p = new Student();


        Point pt = new Point();

        pt.GetType(); // TPC:Ver p IL gerado e dizer porquê?
Example #18
    static void testBoxUnbox()
        S     s  = new S();         // => inicializado => IL initobj => Iniciar espaço a Zeros
        C     c  = new C();         // => instanciado  => IL newobj => malloc() + call .ctor
        Point p1 = new Point();     // => initobj
        Point p2 = new Point(6, 7); // => ___ + ldc.i4 6 +  ldc.i4 7  + call Point::.ctor
        // Student std = new Student();

        Object o  = p1;       // box
        Point  p3 = (Point)o; // unbox

        p1.GetType();         // => box
Example #19
        //private Point startPoint;
        //private Point endPoint;
        protected DrawLine(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("info");

            _shapeoutline = new ShapeOutline(this);
            startPoint    = (Point)info.GetValue("startPoint", startPoint.GetType());
            endPoint      = (Point)info.GetValue("endPoint", endPoint.GetType());
            _shapeoutline = (ShapeOutline)info.GetValue("shapeoutline", _shapeoutline.GetType());
Example #20
        public Edge(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            FlagVisible   = 0;
            region        = new Region();
            ForInvalidate = new GraphicsPath();
            variable      = null;
            calculate     = null;
            pen           = new Pen(Color.Black, 7);
            PathLine      = new GraphicsPath();
            BeginEllips   = new GraphicsPath();
            EndEllips     = new GraphicsPath();

            BeginPoint   = (Point)info.GetValue("BeginPoint", BeginPoint.GetType());
            EndPoint     = (Point)info.GetValue("EndPoint", EndPoint.GetType());
            LastLocation = (Point)info.GetValue("LastLocation", LastLocation.GetType());
                calculate = (ICalculate)info.GetValue("calculate", ((BaseControl)calculate).GetType());
                calculate = null;
                variable = (IVariable)info.GetValue("variable", variable.GetType());
            catch {
                variable = null;
            BeginEllips.AddEllipse(BeginPoint.X - 10, BeginPoint.Y - 10, 20, 20);
            PathLine.AddLine(BeginPoint, EndPoint);
            EndEllips.AddEllipse(EndPoint.X - 10, EndPoint.Y - 10, 20, 20);

            if (Move != null)
                Move(this, BeginPoint, EndPoint);
Example #21
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Point p = new Point(100, 200);
        JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        string json = jss.Serialize(p);
        JsonOutput.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (json);

        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(p.GetType());
        xs.Serialize(ms, p);
        string xml = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(ms.ToArray());
        XmlOutput.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (xml);
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes Mqueue instance to exchange messages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="label">Label associated to the queue</param>
        /// <returns>an instance of a Mqueue</returns>
        private MessageQueue InitMqueue(string queue, string label)
                if (MessageQueue.Exists(queue) == false)
                    _log.Info(string.Format("{0} ==> ERROR: No existe la Cola [{1}], se procede a crearla", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, queue));

                    // Si no existe crea la cola de comunicacion

                // Abre la cola de comunicacion
                _adquisitionQueue = new MessageQueue(queue);

                // Create a new trustee to represent the "Everyone" user group.
                SecurityIdentifier everyone = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null);

                var     account = (NTAccount)everyone.Translate(typeof(NTAccount));
                Trustee tr      = new Trustee(account.Value);

                // Create a MessageQueueAccessControlEntry, granting the trustee the right to receive messages from the queue.
                MessageQueueAccessControlEntry entry = new MessageQueueAccessControlEntry(tr, MessageQueueAccessRights.FullControl, AccessControlEntryType.Allow);

                // Apply the MessageQueueAccessControlEntry to the queue.

                _adquisitionQueue.Label = string.Format("POINTS - {0}", label);
                _adquisitionQueue.DefaultPropertiesToSend.TimeToReachQueue = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1); // Timeout 1 segundo

                if (_adquisitionQueue != null)
                    Point         point    = new Point();
                    Object        o        = new Object();
                    System.Type[] arrTypes = new System.Type[2];

                    arrTypes[0] = point.GetType();
                    arrTypes[1] = o.GetType();

                    _adquisitionQueue.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(arrTypes);

    private void Start()
        int nVerticesPerCube = 36; //its just like that.
        int nVertices        = nVerticesPerCube * resX * resY;

        Point[] allVertices = new Point[nVertices];
        int     cubeCounter = 0;

        Vector3 cubeScale = new Vector3(range / (float)resX, range / (float)resY, range / (float)resY); //calculating size of each cublet according to range and resX & resY

        //iterating through each cubeposition with resX & resY aka columns/rows
        for (int j = 0; j < resY; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < resX; k++)
                cubeCounter = (j * resY + k) * nVerticesPerCube;
                Vector3 posOffset = new Vector3(j * (range / resX) - range / 2f, 0, k * (range / resY) - range / 2f); //defining posiition for each cublet

                //getting cube data
                GetCube(out Vector3[] verts, out Vector3[] norms, out Vector4[] tangs, out Vector2[] uvvs, out Color[] colz);

                //iterating through the data we got from the function above and write it into allVertices array.
                for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
                    Vector3 vp = new Vector3(verts[i].x * cubeScale.x, verts[i].y * cubeScale.y, verts[i].z * cubeScale.z);
                    allVertices[cubeCounter + i].vertex   = vp + posOffset;
                    allVertices[cubeCounter + i].uv       = uvvs[i];
                    allVertices[cubeCounter + i].normal   = norms[i];
                    allVertices[cubeCounter + i].tangent  = tangs[i];
                    allVertices[cubeCounter + i].color    = colz[i];
                    allVertices[cubeCounter + i].uvHeight = new Vector2((float)k / (float)resX, (float)j / (float)resY);
        //writing verticesBuffer to material/shader
        verticesBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(allVertices.Length, Marshal.SizeOf(allVertices.GetType().GetElementType()));
        material.SetBuffer("points", verticesBuffer);

        //tell renderenging when to draw geometry
        camera_command_buffer = new CommandBuffer();
        camera_command_buffer.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, material, 0, MeshTopology.Triangles, nVertices);
        camera_source.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeGBuffer, camera_command_buffer);

        //tell renderengine when to draw geometry for shadow pass
        light_command_buffer = new CommandBuffer();
        light_command_buffer.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, material, 1, MeshTopology.Triangles, nVertices);
        light_source.AddCommandBuffer(LightEvent.BeforeShadowMapPass, light_command_buffer);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("\n11. Differences between an abstract class and an interface         \n------------------------------------");

            // Instantiate using an Abstract class
            DerivedClass o = new DerivedClass();

            Console.WriteLine("- using an abstract class: w = {0}", o.W);

            // Instantiate using an Interface class
            Point pt = new Point(2, 3);

            Console.Write("- using an interface class: Point is " + pt.GetType() + "\n");
    public static void Main(String [] args)
        Student s = new Student(65142, "Ze Manel", 11);

        // Chamada a um metodo virtual
        string r = s.ToString(); // ldloc.0 + callvirt

        Console.WriteLine(r);    // > Student I am a Student

        // Chamada a um metodo NAO virtual
        // s.Print(); // ldloc.0 + callvirt

        Point p = new Point(5, 7);

        p.Module();  // ldloca + call
        p.GetType(); // ldloc.1 + box + call
Example #26
        private void simulateRecord()
            int sleepTime = Int16.Parse(textBox1.Text);
            int times     = Int16.Parse(textBox2.Text);

            while (times != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ClickPriotity.Count - 2;)  //錄製結束時(Alt+F1)會多2次keydown,故減2

                    if (cts_run.IsCancellationRequested)

                    if (Object.ReferenceEquals(ClickPriotity[i + 1].GetType(), CursorPos.GetType()))
                        Cursor.Position = (Point)ClickPriotity[i + 1];
                        if (WindwosHook.MouseButtons.Left.ToString() == ClickPriotity[i].ToString())
                        else if (WindwosHook.MouseButtons.Right.ToString() == ClickPriotity[i].ToString())
                        i += 2;
            hotkey_Run_isWorking = false;
            MessageBox.Show("完成!!!", "提醒", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            nicon_Click(this.nicon, new EventArgs());
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the user action in the current point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Methods"></param>
        public void ProcessAction(string Method)
            if (Point != null)
                MethodInfo MI = Point.GetType().GetRuntimeMethod(Method, new Type[0]);

                if (MI != null)
                    //If method is found, invoke it
                    MI.Invoke(Point, null);

                    //Rebuild possible actions

Example #28
            public static void Go()
                // Create two Point instances on the stack.
                Point p1 = new Point(10, 10);
                Point p2 = new Point(20, 20);

                // p1 does NOT get boxed to call ToString (a virtual method).
                Console.WriteLine(p1.ToString());       // "(10, 10)"

                // p DOES get boxed to call GetType (a non-virtual method).
                Console.WriteLine(p1.GetType());        // "Point"

                // p1 does NOT get boxed to call CompareTo.
                // p2 does NOT get boxed because CompareTo(Point) is called.
                Console.WriteLine(p1.CompareTo(p2));    // "-1"

                // p1 DOES get boxed, and the reference is placed in c.
                IComparable c = p1;

                Console.WriteLine(c.GetType()); // "Point"

                // p1 does NOT get boxed to call CompareTo.
                // Since CompareTo is not being passed a Point variable,
                // CompareTo(Object) is called which requires a reference to
                // a boxed Point.
                // c does NOT get boxed because it already refers to a boxed Point.
                Console.WriteLine(p1.CompareTo(c));     // "0"

                // c does NOT get boxed because it already refers to a boxed Point.
                // p2 does get boxed because CompareTo(Object) is called.
                Console.WriteLine(c.CompareTo(p2));     // "-1"
                var myObj = (int?)null;

                myObj = 78;

                // c is unboxed, and fields are copied into p2.
                p2 = (Point)c;

                // Proves that the fields got copied into p2.
                Console.WriteLine(p2.ToString());       // "(10, 10)"
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares for reference AND value equality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// 	<c>true</c> if both operands are equal; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        public bool Equals(Point obj)
            bool ivarsEqual = true;

            if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType())
                return false;

            if (this._x != obj._x)
                ivarsEqual = false;

            if (this._y != obj._y)
                ivarsEqual = false;

            return ivarsEqual;
Example #30
          * The equals method doesn't always work--mostly on on classes that consist only of primitives. Be careful.
        public bool equals(Point rhs)
            bool ivarsEqual = true;

            if(rhs.GetType() != this.GetType())
            return false;

             if( ! (_x == rhs._x)) ivarsEqual = false;
             if( ! (_y == rhs._y)) ivarsEqual = false;

            return ivarsEqual;
Example #31
        private static Point XMLDeserializer()
            FileStream stream = new FileStream("data.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            Point p = new Point();

            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(p.GetType());
            p = (Point)serializer.Deserialize(stream);


            return p;
Example #32
		public virtual void ClickablePointPropertyTest ()
			IRawElementProviderSimple provider = GetProvider ();

			bool offscreen 
				= (bool) provider.GetPropertyValue (AutomationElementIdentifiers.IsOffscreenProperty.Id);
			object clickablePointObj 
				= provider.GetPropertyValue (AutomationElementIdentifiers.ClickablePointProperty.Id);

			Point clickablePoint = new Point (0, 0);

			// Clickable point should be either null or Rect.Empty
			if (offscreen) {
				if (clickablePointObj != null) {
					try {
						clickablePoint = (Point) clickablePointObj;
						Assert.IsTrue (clickablePoint.X >= 0,
						               string.Format ("X is negative, your provider should be OffScreen: {0}", clickablePoint.X));
						Assert.IsTrue (clickablePoint.Y >= 0,
						               string.Format ("Y is negative, your provider should be OffScreen: {0}", clickablePoint.Y));

					} catch (InvalidCastException) {
						Assert.Fail (string.Format ("You are not returning System.Windows.Point in ClickablePointProperty: {0}",
						                            clickablePoint,GetType ()));
			// Clickable point should intersect bounding rectangle...
			} else {
				if (clickablePointObj == null) // ...unless you are not clickable at all

				Assert.IsNotNull (clickablePoint, 
				                  "Your ClickablePointProperty should not be null.");

				try {
					clickablePoint = (Point) clickablePointObj;
					Assert.IsTrue (clickablePoint.X >= 0,
					               string.Format ("X is negative, your provider should be OffScreen: {0}", clickablePoint.X));
					Assert.IsTrue (clickablePoint.Y >= 0,
					               string.Format ("Y is negative, your provider should be OffScreen: {0}", clickablePoint.Y));

				} catch (InvalidCastException) {
					Assert.Fail (string.Format ("You are not returning System.Windows.Point in ClickablePointProperty: {0}",
					                            clickablePoint.GetType ()));

				object boundingRectangle
					= provider.GetPropertyValue (AutomationElementIdentifiers.BoundingRectangleProperty.Id);
				Assert.IsNotNull (boundingRectangle, 
				                  "You need to return BoundingRectangle if you return ClickablePointProperty.");

				try {
					Rect boundingRectangleRect = (Rect) boundingRectangle;
					Assert.AreNotEqual (Rect.Empty, 
					                    "BoundingRectangle SHOULD NOT be Rect.Empty");

					Rect clickablePointRect = new Rect (clickablePoint.X, clickablePoint.Y, 1, 1);

					Assert.IsTrue (boundingRectangleRect.Contains (clickablePointRect),
					               string.Format ("ClickablePoint ({0}) SHOULD Intersect with BoundingRectangle: {1}",
					                              clickablePointRect.ToString (), 
					                              boundingRectangleRect.ToString ()));
				} catch (InvalidCastException) {
					Assert.Fail (string.Format ("You are not returning System.Windows.Rect in BoundingRectangle: {0}",
					                            boundingRectangle.GetType ()));