Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively synchronizes all files and folders moved in user file system with the remote storage.
        /// Synchronizes only folders already loaded into the user file system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userFileSystemFolderPath">Folder path in user file system.</param>
        internal async Task SyncronizeMovedAsync(string userFileSystemFolderPath)
            // In case of on-demand loading the user file system contains only a subset of the server files and folders.
            // Here we sync folder only if its content already loaded into user file system (folder is not offline).
            // The folder content is loaded inside IFolder.GetChildrenAsync() method.
            if (new DirectoryInfo(userFileSystemFolderPath).Attributes.HasFlag(System.IO.FileAttributes.Offline))
                //LogMessage("Folder offline, skipping:", userFileSystemFolderPath);

            IEnumerable <string> userFileSystemChildren = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(userFileSystemFolderPath, "*");

            //LogMessage("Synchronizing:", userFileSystemFolderPath);

            foreach (string userFileSystemPath in userFileSystemChildren)
                string userFileSystemOldPath = null;
                    if (!PlaceholderItem.IsPlaceholder(userFileSystemPath))
                        // Convert regular file/folder to placeholder.
                        // The file/folder was created or overwritten.
                        PlaceholderItem.ConvertToPlaceholder(userFileSystemPath, false);
                        LogMessage("Converted to placeholder", userFileSystemPath);

                    if (!FsPath.AvoidSync(userFileSystemPath))
                        PlaceholderItem userFileSystemItem = PlaceholderItem.GetItem(userFileSystemPath);
                        if (userFileSystemItem.IsMoved())
                            // Process items moved in user file system.
                            userFileSystemOldPath = userFileSystemItem.GetOriginalPath();
                            await new RemoteStorageRawItem(userFileSystemOldPath, this).MoveToAsync(userFileSystemPath);
                            // Restore Original Path and 'locked' icon that are lost during MS Office transactional save.
                            // We keep Original Path to process moved files when app was not running.
                            userFileSystemOldPath = userFileSystemItem.GetOriginalPath();
                            if (!userFileSystemItem.IsNew() && string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFileSystemOldPath))
                                // Restore Original Path.
                                LogMessage("Saving Original Path", userFileSystemItem.Path);

                                // Restore the 'locked' icon.
                                bool isLocked = await Lock.IsLockedAsync(userFileSystemPath);

                                await new UserFileSystemRawItem(userFileSystemPath).SetLockIconAsync(isLocked);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogError("Move in remote storage failed", userFileSystemOldPath, userFileSystemPath, ex);

                // Synchronize subfolders.
                    if (FsPath.IsFolder(userFileSystemPath))
                        await SyncronizeMovedAsync(userFileSystemPath);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogError("Folder move sync failed", userFileSystemPath, null, ex);